Chapter 126 Rebirth
When Zulong's head opened its mouth again, Ye Muchen came out, feeling much stronger. His original height of 1.7 meters five became 1.8 meters, and the original brown eyeballs became as black as ink, invisible With a force.

After Ye Muchen came out, he understood that all this was just a test.

Seeing that Ye Muchen was holding a dragon ball in his right hand, and a keel cup in his left hand, which contained half a cup of black liquid.

"The bloodline of the ancestral dragon is our last preparation to prevent all descendants from being killed and cut off the inheritance. Jiu'er, this is our last chance. Remember, no matter what happens, we must keep the lineage of the candle dragon."

After the old voice in the air came out, several different voices appeared, and then the surrounding stone walls shook, and nine dragon heads stretched out, flying out the energy of the dragon soul, and concentrated on Jiu'er's soul.

"Ye Muchen, you will be her guardian from now on. I want you to swear to protect Jiu'er forever and put her life first." An old voice came from behind, and at the same time the huge black dragon head opened its eyes.

"I swear, no one can hurt Jiu'er unless they step over my dead body first." Ye Muchen shouted loudly.

"Very well, let's get started."

After the old voice finished speaking, the nine candle dragons burst out with purple-black light, enveloping Jiu'er's soul, and the dragon ball and the blood of the ancestor dragon in Ye Muchen's hands were sucked into the purple-black energy sphere.

Looking at these energies condensed into a solid sphere, the color has become so thick that it has become black, and there will be bursts of purple light flashing inside, just like a heartbeat.

Ye Muchen stood by, not knowing how long he would have to wait, picked up the sword embryo that Jiu'er gave him, and prepared to temper it with his own spark to make it fully formed.

"Your weapon hasn't taken shape yet. With such a small weapon, can you protect Jiuer?" The old voice came again, and it was obvious that the voice was hoarse, as if it had run out of fuel. Feel.

"Not yet, but in the future he will definitely scare all the enemies." Ye Muchen said.

"The sword has no handle, so it is a flying sword. You actually know the art of flying swords. This has been broken a long time ago, and the sword fairy has long since ceased to exist." The other party was surprised, and at the same time, there was a little surprise in his tone.

"Maybe I'm the only sword fairy in this world." Ye Muchen condensed the real fire of Taiyin with both hands, ready to start refining.

Suddenly Feijian was sucked away by a force and swallowed by the huge dragon head behind him.

"My time has come, I will give you a gift at the end, lucky boy."

After the sound ended, black flames appeared on the dragon's body, engulfing the entire huge dragon head, and then the black flames slowly shrank, and the dragon head disappeared.

When the black fire shrank to only about one meter wide, he saw a black and purple flying sword in the fire mass.

Seeing this Ye Muchen showed joy, watching the black fire shrink, as if entering the flying sword.Then Feijian flew to him and circled around him as if he had a spirituality.

He stretched out his hand to touch it, but the flying sword avoided it, like a mischievous elf, trying to get him, he could sense the special energy released by the sword, but he wouldn't let him touch it.

After circling around him a few times, it stopped in front of him again, only then did I see clearly that the sword was black all over, but the body of the sword was like black crystal with special patterns on it, which seemed to be related to Candle Dragon, because the dragon In the tomb, there is the same pattern.

The tail of the sword is wrapped with a keel-like ornament, and the streamer of black flames can be vaguely seen beating inside.

The sword seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly turned into black light and flew into his upper dantian.

He sat down quickly, sensing the flying sword with his spiritual sense.

When he found out that this guy fell into the hands of Jiu'er Shenwuhun, he didn't even need to collect the sword himself, he directly became his own flying sword, and chose Jiu'er Shenwuhun to conceive and raise this flying sword.

"It's amazing!" Ye Muchen was amazed, recalling Nan Ke's teachings, using the method of raising swords, letting Jiu'er's martial soul control the soul power to strengthen the flying sword, and found that there was no gap between this sword and Jiu'er's martial soul. should be one.

Thinking that this sword has no name yet, it was refined by Zhulong, and it fits so well with Jiu'er Wuhun, so he named this sword Jiuyin.

After that, he practiced here, practicing Xuanxin Jue in the morning to improve his soul power.Cultivate the Twelve Heavenly Star Meridians at night, absorb the power of the stars here, and open up the meridians.

Yujian Jue focuses on the connection of minds and minds, and does not require contact, because Feijian has no moves, and Feijian can attack by himself if he thinks about it.

The most important thing in the way of controlling the sword is to raise the sword, so that the sword is the same as the body, and the higher the fit with the flying sword, the stronger the power it will exert.

And using one's own strength to conceive Feijian can also continue to strengthen Feijian and improve along with one's own improvement.

The first time in the Dragon Tomb was 49 days. He found himself soaked in the Dragon's Blood Pool. His body was strong and he had a lot of blood. He was not taken back by the system for 49 days.

Instead, he was asked to open up the fourth foot-sun star vein. The dragon tomb was built on the underground spiritual vein, and the spiritual seat here is the spiritual vein, which is also the place where the power of the stars gathers.

The speed of absorbing the power of the stars was many times faster than before, and only then did the fourth star vein get through.

The entire solar star vein is completely opened up, and the energy of the star vein appears solar star energy.

This kind of power, which is completely opposite to the power of the lunar star, is fiery and domineering.

The two star energies of Taiyin and Sun form a yin and yang cycle in the body, and the energy of the star veins in the body is increased by at least ten times.The power of the Taiyin sword energy he released now has a qualitative leap compared to before.

Using the luck method of Taiyin Sword Qi can also release Sun Sword Qi, but the effect is completely different.

The sun's sword energy is domineering and fierce, and the power of the real fire of the sun is condensed into a ray, so powerful that even stones can be easily melted.

Looking at his own attributes, in the past one and a half months, the improvement is quite significant, the Xuanxin Jue has also reached the second level, and the true essence of the lower dantian has more than doubled.

The soul power reached the mirror world in the early stage of Soul Sect, and the physical body reached the level of the late Martial King.

After the star veins of the Twelve Capitals penetrated through both the sun and the sun, not only the physical body was improved, but more soul power was improved.

The energy of the star veins also began to be absorbed by the spirit of the gods, so that his soul power also had an effect similar to that of the stars, and possessed both yin and yang elements at the same time.

Right now, the energy of his true essence and star veins in his dantian are all combined by the spirit of martial arts, and the effect is not yet known.

The strength of his body, coupled with the fusion of extra star energy, made his soul power at least 5 times higher than that of the same level.

When he was secretly happy about his promotion, suddenly the black egg around him vibrated, and there was a strong energy fluctuation.

He immediately forgot the joy of improving his cultivation and stared expectantly.

After a while, a crack appeared in the black egg, emitting a deep purple light.

As the cracks became more and more numerous, then the top of the black egg shattered with a click, and immediately after the whole black egg shattered, Jiu'er was floating in mid-air naked with his eyes closed, his hands crossed to protect his chest, and his long black hair followed suit. Wind flutters.

At this time, all the broken eggshells flew back, covering Jiu'er's body, forming a set of black clothes.

Seeing Jiuer's rebirth, Ye Muchen's hanging heart was completely let go. For the first time, he felt the extreme joy of regaining what was lost. There was nothing else in his mind, only the figures of Huanxi and Jiu'er.

Jiu'er opened his eyes, and saw Ye Muchen smiled slightly, and flew into his arms, hugging him tightly, as if if he loosened his hands, he would disappear.

The two hugged each other tightly, and after a few minutes, the two looked at each other, and they both saw joy in each other's eyes.

"You said when you went in that you regretted not being able to have fun with me when you were awake, right?" Ye Muchen was a little embarrassed when Jiu'er suddenly mentioned this, not knowing how to answer, he scratched his head and smiled dryly.

Jiu'er suddenly pulled him to a flat stone next to him, the black clothes on his body turned into black light and disappeared, grabbed Ye Muchen and pressed him on the stone and said: "If you like it, come here, now you have absorbed the Dragon Blood Pond, blood veins The talent has been changed, so you can be regarded as a dragon, and you will give birth to the next generation with me."

"No, it's here! Your ancestors are all watching!" Ye Muchen glanced around, although he couldn't see any figures, but the souls of the ancestors were still here, which made him a little excited and embarrassed, and felt very exciting.

"They gave me the dragon soul, which no longer exists. Now I am the only Candle Dragon in this world. Besides, I will reproduce with you. They are too late to be happy. There is nothing to be shy about."

After Jiu'er finished speaking, he tore up his clothes, Ye Muchen's breathing became short, and he didn't care much.

(End of this chapter)

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