Chapter 142
When they got to the entrance of the real tomb, it was a relatively small palace, which felt like a small temple.

Sure enough, Prince Zhao had already brought the masters of the mansion here. When he saw Boss Luo coming, he glanced at Ye Muchen with a smile on his face, then looked at Boss Luo and said, "Can he really open this place?"

"Try it and you will know. Lord Zhao, you have hidden the key for so many years, so you can take it out now." Boss Luo looked at each other. The two had been fighting for so many years, and they already knew each other's temperament.

Prince Zhao looked at the four masters behind Boss Luo, and then walked into the palace, Boss Luo, Ye Muchen, and Xiao Qi followed immediately.

The space inside is limited, only a few cronies came in, and everyone else was waiting outside.

There is nothing inside, only a stone statue in the uniform of the prince sitting on a dragon chair opposite the main entrance, holding a big seal in his right hand and a bead in his left.

Lord Zhao went to the stone statue, jumped on his knees, grabbed the big seal and the beads with both hands and turned them, and then he heard the sound of gears turning.

Then he jumped to the middle again, stepping on a round Ssangyong embossed floor tile with both feet, and heard a click, the floor tile sank, and the floor tile began to rise again, and stopped when it reached a height of two meters, revealing a concentric nine rings inside.

He took out a piece of dragon-patterned jasper and inserted it into the middle of the nine concentric rings. After pressing down, the nine rings turned, and then there were nine consecutive sounds of organs entering the slot.

Prince Zhao stopped and turned to look at Ye Muchen and said, "The nine copper rings must be rotated in a certain order and in the correct position. If one ring is wrong, the mechanism here will be sealed for 12 years. Think carefully, if Wrong, I will make your life worse than death."

Boss Luo looked at him and said nothing, but he could tell by looking at his expression that if he couldn't open the door, he would lose his value. If he played with the two leaders of the imperial city, he would know the consequences without even thinking about it.

He walked over, pressed the third copper ring and turned it six times clockwise. After releasing his hand, he heard a slight click, followed by the sound of gears turning from the ground.

This made Boss Luo and Prince Zhao watch nervously. When the sound of the gears stopped and there was no locking mechanism, both of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If it is wrong, wait 12 years for Prince Zhao, afraid that he will be too old and incompetent by then.Although Boss Luo is still young, 12 years is enough for many unknown changes to occur, and when he gets the following martial arts by that time, his age may have passed after he has practiced for a lifetime.

The first one was correct, which also proved that Ye Muchen was not talking nonsense, and made both of them believe that he really knew the way to open the door.

Then Ye Muchen turned around quickly, and as the copper rings were opened one by one, everyone here became excited. Too many people have guarded the treasure below for half their lives, and now the door is about to open, and it is difficult to restrain their emotions.

When the last copper ring was turned, the disc on the stone pillar started to rotate, and then the ground shook slightly, and the floor next to it sank, revealing a bronze mechanism ladder leading to the tomb below.

Prince Zhao was overjoyed, and suddenly looked at Ye Muchen with killing intent in his eyes.

Ye Muchen was unmoved, and said: "My lord Zhao, you should know something about the difficulties ahead. You still need my help in some places. Boss Luo won't allow you to do it now, right?"

Boss Luo said: "Lord Zhao, wait until you find what we want, and then each of you can rely on your own ability. You are a smart person, so you don't plan to do it now."

"Hmph, the things of my Zhao family are not allowed to be peeped by outsiders. Luo Jing, you who are sensible, stop here. From now on, you will still be the boss of Tianluo, otherwise, hum." After Zhao Wangye finished speaking, he motioned to the several organ masters around him to lead them. go down.

Luo Lao naturally couldn't be scared off by a word, and let a few professional people lead him down.

After all these people entered, they made sure that it was safe below, and then they went in together.

Below is a spiral staircase, all made of bronze. After hundreds of years, there is no trace of decay except for a layer of dust.

Reaching the bottom, it is an underground cave, surrounded by caves of different sizes, and some snake bones and shed snake skin can be seen everywhere in front of it.

Seeing this, Lord Zhao frowned, but didn't say anything, and waved his hands to let his subordinates continue to explore the way. Boss Luo's people also dispersed to find the real entrance.

Ye Muchen walked up to one of the largest snake bones. Judging from the snake bones, it was twice the size of the snake king he met in the ancient city of Loulan, and the snake in front of him was red, even if it had shed its skin, it would be as big as it was when touched. The snake skin is tough, and the snake scales are as hard as ruby, and as hard as iron.

Boss Luo walked up behind him and asked, "Didn't you say you have seen the snake god in the ancient city of Loulan? You should know a lot about snakes, right?"

Ye Muchen stood up and looked at Lord Zhao and said, "He knows better than me, Lord Zhao is not afraid that his subordinates will be eaten by these snakes."

"My palace guards, there are no people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. If you are afraid, you can leave, no one will stop you."

Lord Zhao snorted coldly, and then said loudly to the people around him: "Pass my order, as long as you can help me get the treasure inside, everyone will be rewarded with 10 taels of gold. People make money and birds die for food, if you want to get promoted and get rich, then use your abilities."

Boss Luo went on to say: "The people in Tianluo are the same. Not only are they rewarded with gold, but they are also rewarded with beauties as long as they do meritorious deeds."

Prince Zhao snorted, Tianluo has the most money and beauties in the Hidden Imperial City, it can even be said to be more than the current national treasury. The underground trading market is so lucrative that even Prince Zhao is tempted.

He even felt that if Tianluo accumulated wealth for 50 years, it might not be less than the gold stored in the imperial tomb inside.

Boss Luo actually didn't want gold, but the Nine Dragon Jue, Coiling Dragon Sword, and Nine Dragon Armor inside. It is rumored that if you get these three things, you can become the Nine-Five Supreme.

Suddenly, there was a scream from the entrance of the cave in the distance. Because there are too many cave entrances, I don't know which cave it came from, but I only know the direction.

Everyone took out their swords and looked towards the direction of the screams. Fortunately, someone has built a fire platform here to illuminate the surroundings. This is the benefit of having a large number of people. Both sides have prepared for this day for many years. , Professionals, or equipment and materials are very sufficient.

A few minutes later, suddenly someone ran out and shouted, "Snakes, a lot of snakes."

Immediately afterwards, I saw countless red snakes crawling out of several holes, with different sizes, the smallest was two fingers wide, and the largest were seven or eight meters long.

Seeing so many snakes, even the masters of the rivers and lakes would inevitably break out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, these people are not ordinary people, and they are still calm.

"Use insect repellent powder." Boss Luo yelled, and a group of people ran over immediately, took out sacks, and poured a large amount of insect repellent powder around.

This thing can not only repel insects, but also snakes.While these people were pouring the insect repellent powder, a huge red dragon rushed over and bit one of them on the upper body, spilling a large amount of yellow powder from the insect repellent powder sack in his hand.

The big snake was sprinkled with these powders a lot, even at the corners of its mouth, it seemed that it was not afraid of this thing at all.

"Kill." Boss Luo frowned and said, the four major killers rushed out immediately, and hundreds of people rushed up behind them. Before the snakes could get close, they were cut off by the sword shadow.

And the sword energy of the four major killers can cut off a seven or eight meter long snake with one blow.

Although the red jiaos were killed in large numbers, more and more red jiaos crawled out of the surrounding caves. Boss Luo asked: "Ye Muchen, don't you know snakes? Is there any way?"

"This kind of large group of entrenched snakes must be controlled by the snake king behind them. Kill the snake king, and these snakes will disperse."

Just as Ye Muchen finished speaking, Prince Zhao snorted, "The Scarlet Flood Dragon King is in one of these caves, and there must be a large number of red dragons guarding him. If you have the ability, you can try it."

Boss Luo sarcastically said: "Does Prince Zhao feel sorry for these pets in your family? Don't think that I don't know if you destroyed the inscriptions and murals here. This imperial tomb was built by your ancestors of the Zhao family."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Prince Zhao dared not admit it. Many things here represent the desire to become emperor. If it is spread that this is the tomb of the ancestors of the Zhao family, it will definitely be a matter of extermination.

Ye Muchen said suddenly: "These red dragons didn't attack the prince's subordinates. They must be wearing some kind of medicine to prevent the red dragons from attacking them. If the prince has nothing to do with the owner of the tomb, how could he have known about the existence of the red dragons and deliberately Prepare this drug."

"Hmph, what's so strange about this king preparing snake-repellent medicine long ago? I have waited half my life for this place. Unlike you, using these ordinary snake-repelling things is simply laughable."

Prince Zhao sneered, no matter what they said, he would never admit it until he was absolutely sure.

"Everyone who is close to the palace has this snake-repelling drug, so let's rub it together."

Boss Luo ordered that those who were fighting with the snakes should immediately use lightness kung fu to charge towards the prince's side.

This made the prince secretly angry, but now is not the time to turn his face, if he fights here, it is very likely that he will not even reach the real main tomb in the end.

"I found it." Suddenly someone shouted from one side, and everyone ran towards the entrance of the cave no matter which side they were from.

(End of this chapter)

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