I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 143 The Bronze Corpse Formation on the Battlefield

Chapter 143 The Bronze Corpse Formation on the Battlefield

A large group of people rushed towards a hole at the same time, surrounded by snakes. This scene is really exciting. Fortunately, these people have strong psychological quality, and they all enter in an orderly manner. The master is responsible for breaking the back, and the snakes cannot escape unless they are exhausted. The sword energy of these killers.

After everyone passed through the entrance of the cave, the two super-class killers retreated into the entrance of the cave with a group of masters. The group of snakes followed closely behind, and none of them could jump over the line of defense of these people.

Fortunately, these people are united, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, and if there are top masters who are behind, if they are reincarnated, many people will die in this level.

After passing through the snake cave, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, even Prince Zhao. After all, he knew the situation here from the books left by his family.

After everyone made some adjustments, Lord Zhao ordered people to continue to explore the road ahead.

Soon there was a huge underground palace in front of him, and there was even a city wall. The city gate was also made of bronze. Fortunately, this gate had no mechanism, it was just an ordinary city gate.

But the inside is locked, and there is no way to push the door open.More than thirty people with high lightness skills jumped directly onto the city wall, and after entering the inside, they removed the bronze bolt of the city gate. It took two masters to lift it up at the same time.

It can be seen that the door bolt is heavy, and the bronze door is probably even heavier. I don't know what material is added to the bronze to make it so heavy.

The ten strongest people outside pushed at the same time, but they couldn't move the bronze gate. In the end, they could only find a dozen iron gun rods to push against the door, and let the people behind grab the gun rods together and push hard.

In this way, more than fifty people pushed the bronze door open.

And a row of fast-attacking Tianluo killers in the back blocked the approaching snakes. They didn't have the medicine to drive away the red dragons, so they could only temporarily block them like this, and the people in the palace stood by to watch the fun, wishing that these people would be bitten. If you die from poisoning, you will lose one opponent later in the fight.

After the bronze gate was fully opened, everyone quickly passed through, and then closed the city gate in the same way, so that the snakes could not enter.

Boss Luo glanced at his people and asked, "Have they all come in?"

"The 14 brothers didn't come out, so they should have died in Shekou." Guanshi Lu said.

Boss Luo nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, except for the maids around her, she didn't believe anyone in Tianluo.

Inside the city wall was a battlefield, and five hundred soldiers stood in front of them, all wearing bronze scale armor and blue ghost masks.But these soldiers didn't use swords or guns. They all wore claw gloves and stood in front of them in line.

As soon as the people from Tianluo were about to go over to investigate, Lord Zhao immediately shouted: "Stop, this is a sand table copper corpse array, you must fight against the copper corpses according to the art of war, only if you win in the art of war can you pass safely, otherwise if you use other methods , or if it fails, it will fully activate the copper corpse, and a living person cannot kill a copper corpse."

"Bronze Corpse! Is this also a mechanism?" Boss Luo asked in surprise.

Ye Muchen said at this time: "This is a special product of the palace. It is made from living people. One of the ancestors of the prince had a diner who was a corpse exorcist from Xiangxi. Make more money, instead of just throwing corpses to others.

Using the forbidden technique of the clan to refine zombies, he was driven away by the clan.Later, he was favored by the prince's seniors and recruited as a retainer to refine copper corpses for the prince.

Bronze corpses are invulnerable to water and fire, unless they are wounded by magic weapons.If I'm not wrong, there are two copper corpses in the palace, which were left by the ancestors of the prince, responsible for protecting the blood of Prince Zhao.

However, this technique was not handed down, but was hidden in the imperial tomb. In fact, the prince valued the method of refining copper corpses more.

If an army of copper corpses is formed, the imperial army will be insignificant. This is the real treasure that makes one a ninety-five supreme being, not the Nine Dragon Art, Coiling Dragon Sword, or Nine Dragon Armor. I am right, Lord Zhao. "

Prince Zhao looked at Ye Muchen with squinted eyes, gritted his teeth and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"A wanderer who likes to take risks." Ye Muchen looked at him with a smile.

Boss Luo and the others were all surprised, and were even more curious about Ye Muchen's identity. Why would he, an irrelevant person, know the biggest secret of the Zhao family.

Seeing Zhao Wangye's murderous eyes, Ye Muchen smiled and said: "Zhao Wangye, don't worry, Boss Luo is not interested in the world, and I am the same. We don't know how to make copper corpses, so why don't we discuss it? The method of making and gold are given to Zhao Wangye to compete in the world.

Nine Dragon Jue, Coiling Dragon Sword, Nine Dragon Armor for Boss Luo to consolidate Tianluo's position, transfer Soul Orb for me to continue the next adventure, everyone gets what they need, everyone is happy, why fight to the death, in case the emperor's dream ends here It’s a big loss, are you right? "

"Hmph, you're a peacemaker. It's so logical to divide my Zhao family's things. Don't take it for your life. It's useless."

The prince snorted, he didn't want to say more on this issue, if this kid revealed more secrets, it would be even more troublesome.

No matter what, because Ye Muchen told these secrets, it means that this place is the Zhao family's ancestors, and he no longer denies it. He has decided in his heart that if he gets the things, everyone here will die.

What Ye Muchen wants is for both sides to live forever, otherwise there is no need to say these things and increase his own risk.

In fact, when he opened the gate of the imperial mausoleum, the prince was already going to kill this man. No matter who he was, he didn't even know how to open the entrance gate. test.

Now that it is known by outsiders, this person's identity makes him suspicious. No matter what, for Prince Zhao, the dead are the safest.

He turned around and shouted to the guards of the palace behind him: "I need five hundred warriors, and I must obey my king's orders unconditionally. If I tell you to die, don't hesitate, stand up if you can.

This king will try his best to save your lives. As long as you break through this level, everyone involved will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold and be promoted to a higher level.For the victims, this king will hand over ten thousand taels of gold to your family. "

As soon as Lord Zhao finished speaking, the people on his side immediately walked out of a group of people and lined up in front of him.However, there were only 474 people in total, and the rest all bowed their heads and dared not look at the prince.

The prince didn't even look at the others, he looked at Boss Luo and said, "There is a shortage of 26 people, Boss Luo, someone dares to entrust his life to me. If you can't pass this test, don't think about it later."

Boss Luo frowned and said, "I lent people to you, what if you send them all to die? I don't understand how to arrange troops."

Prince Zhao snorted, pointed to a group of soldiers on his side and shouted: "All of you come here, and you will be rich and honored for a lifetime. If anything goes wrong, you will be wiped out."

These people who were named were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat, but if they dared to say no at this time, they waited to be wiped out, and walked over tremblingly and stood in line.

After the 500 people were full, there were still seven people who didn't have to go, and all of them were happy. It was a wonderful feeling to have the rest of their lives.

Zhao Wangye ignored these people, walked to the middle of the battlefield, picked up a bronze talisman from a stone cage, and said: "The bronze soldier talisman on the stone platform next to you, you take it according to your position, it represents you number, only when all 500 soldiers get the soldier amulets and stand in their positions can the sand table bronze corpse array be activated."

The guards immediately walked over in a line, reached out to pick up the soldier symbols that matched their position numbers, and then walked back to their original positions and stood still.

After everyone stood in line, Lord Zhao went on to say: "Under my order, only those who have obtained the bronze talisman can act. No matter what other people see, they can only stand in the box and cannot take half a step." , and cannot touch or attack the copper corpse.

Within the scope of the rules, your soldier talisman is an action that can seal the copper corpse. Once you make a mistake, the copper corpse will fully wake up, and everyone will be eaten by the copper corpse, understand. "

"Understood." The 500 people shouted loudly in unison.

"Very good." Lord Zhao explained the rules in detail. If it was normal, he would not be so careful even in training soldiers. This time it was related to his fate, so he was naturally very cautious.

"Whose number I report to, whoever takes the bronze talisman will do as I say." The prince walked up to the podium, looked at Xiang Xiang, took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "No. 7, step forward."

Guard No. 7 grasped the soldier amulet and took a big step forward. Seeing the copper corpse less than ten meters away from him, he was somewhat nervous.

At the same time that No. 7 stopped, a copper corpse on the opposite side raised its head. The eyes under the mask glowed with green light. It jumped forward and landed in the grid one meter ahead.

This jump, with a cold corpse aura, rushed towards his face, making the guards here feel shuddering.

After walking this step, the green light in the copper corpse's eyes dimmed, and he lowered his head slightly, turning back into a corpse. If it hadn't been beating just now, it would have been impossible to see that this thing was moving.

This made the scalps of the people behind look numb, and many people secretly gasped. Although these people are all masters in the world, they still feel fear from the bottom of their hearts when facing this legendary creature.

Even the four top killers in Tianluo have become more cautious. Under such circumstances, mistakes are very likely to happen, and they are all ready to fight to the death at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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