I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 144 Extremely Fierce

Chapter 144 Extremely Fierce
Those who don't know the art of war in the sand table copper corpse formation cannot pass this level, so if the reincarnation wants to pass this level, they must rely on the ability of Lord Zhao, or join forces to destroy the copper corpses.

But the reincarnated people above have already killed their eyes, and it is even more difficult to unite.

So this level is extremely difficult for reincarnators, after all, hidden tasks are all abnormally difficult.

Seeing the prince's step-by-step formation of troops, everyone's hearts became more and more nervous. When there was the first confrontation, it was the people from the prince's side who took the lead, and printed the soldier talisman on the copper corpse mask, and the copper corpse would Stop, completely still.

But in the next step, another copper corpse jumped in front of a palace guard, its eyes shot fiercely, and its claws attacked extremely fast and surprisingly powerful.

The guard was afraid, and instinctively blocked it, but was forced to open his arm, grabbed the shoulder, pierced the armor with sharp claws, and firmly clasped the shoulder bone.

The guard screamed in pain, showing his viciousness when he chopped the copper corpse's head with a knife, and there was a sound of metal collision, hitting the neck and shoulders, all the same.

At this time, the bronze corpse pulled its hands outward, and the guard was torn in half, and then lifted the two halves of the corpse above his head, blood gushed out, fell on the mask, and was sucked into the hole where the mouth was.

Seeing this scene, not to mention the guards of the palace standing next to him, even the faces of those outside the chessboard turned pale, each of them held their weapons nervously, their fingers stiffened.

After the copper corpse drank the blood, it actually put the corpse into the mouth under the mask, ate it with big mouthfuls, and swallowed the bones together.

Hearing this sound, everyone felt as if they were being bitten on their own body, and looked at the copper corpse with some fear.

The same is true for Prince Zhao. His thoughts were a little confused by such a murderous scene. Fortunately, these palace guards were all trained from childhood, and their willpower is not comparable to that of ordinary people. If it were someone else, they would have already run away.

Ye Muchen also secretly sighed, luckily it wasn't the reincarnated people who came here, otherwise this game of chess would be impossible to play, no one would be able to find 500 people with such a strong inner quality.

When I first wrote this book, I wanted to train reincarnated people into all-round fighters. In addition to combat effectiveness, mental quality is also one of them, and intelligence analysis is essential.

Hidden missions all require the help of potential in the game to be possible to complete.This is also one of the important conditions for the reincarnation system to screen reincarnations.

After everyone calmed down, the copper corpse had eaten up the guards, leaving only bloody and broken armor, weapons and some hair with skin attached.

The killing of the first person dealt a blow to everyone's hearts, and they were deeply afraid of the power of the copper corpse.

Boss Luo showed a dignified look, walked up to Ye Muchen and asked in a low voice, "Can Prince Zhao control these copper corpses?"

"If he could control it, he wouldn't be so passive." Ye Muchen's tone was firm, but it convinced Boss Luo a little bit, he nodded secretly, thinking about something in his heart.

The hidden tasks set in his book are extremely difficult, and each hidden task requires force, resourcefulness and courage to complete.

After waiting for more than an hour, half of the guards on the field died, and each one was torn up and eaten, leaving only broken clothes and weapons.

Now the guards are mixed with the copper corpse, and many people are standing next to the copper corpse, making them feel that they will jump over and tear themselves apart at any time.

The rest of the guards had already soaked their clothes with sweat. Watching the people around them being eaten, they could not run or move. His face was pale and his hands were shaking.

Even the prince was sweating profusely, and the clothes on his back were soaked in sweat. It could be seen that he was racking his brains to think of countermeasures, but judging from the situation on the field, the situation on his side was very bad. Guards surrounded.

Now every time an order is issued, one has to think for a quarter of an hour, because each step only gives Lord Zhao a moment, and once the time is up, it is equivalent to giving up.

This is like a battlefield. The enemy will not give you enough time to think about countermeasures. This is also an important hurdle left by Zhao Wangye's ancestors to test his descendants.

When the hourglass here was about to run out, Prince Zhao issued another order and shouted in a low voice: "No. 352, seal the copper corpse on the left."

The guard walked over, and the soldier's talisman was printed on the mask at the same time. The bronze corpse immediately closed its eyes and stood still.

But in the next step, a copper corpse jumped over, threw a guard behind him down, pressed it to the ground and bit his neck, the guard struggled violently, pulled out his dagger and stabbed the copper corpse's head and neck, but there was only metal rubbing sound, nothing at all. use.

After being sucked a few mouthfuls of blood, the guard's eyes were slackened, his attacking hand slowly dropped, he lay on the ground and let the copper corpse suck his own blood, and the only thing left after being eaten was the torn armor.

Prince Zhao's face was pale, and he took a step back, leaning against the railing of the podium, covering his head in despair and muttering: "It's over, it's over, the descendants are not filial, they can't pass the test of the ancestors, the descendants are incompetent."

Many of the people present were experts from the inner family, so they naturally heard the muttering of the prince, and someone immediately shouted: "Anyway, we can't break it, let's go straight in."

The guards on the sand table could hardly hold on any longer, and just about to move, Ye Muchen yelled: "Stop, if one of you escapes, all five hundred copper corpses here will wake up, unless you run away now, don't even think about it again!" Get the treasure behind.

This sand table copper corpse array is also the only way to open the door of the main tomb, don't you believe in your master. "

The prince took a deep breath and said: "Don't act rashly, even if you want to run out now, it's impossible, the outside has been surrounded by red dragons, and everyone who goes out will be eaten.

The only way to get out is the secret passage in the main tomb. If you want to survive, just stand still. "

"A mere Chijiao, how can I be stopped if I want to go." A person with extremely high lightness kung fu on Tianluo's side immediately jumped into the air, touched the light tower under the city wall with his toes, and turned over the city wall in the air.

But as soon as he jumped over the city wall, a red shadow flashed suddenly, and he saw a huge red dragon swallowing the killer in one gulp, without even a chance to react.

Seeing this red dragon, everyone secretly gasped.The raised head is higher than the height of the city wall. You must know that the city wall is about 15 meters high, so the snake must be at least [-] meters long.

Those cold eyes, and huge head with a single horn, made everyone's scalp tingle when they looked at it.Fortunately, Chijiao didn't come in, just looked at the people inside, spit out the snake letter and made a weird rattling sound, then retracted his head again.

"You have all seen that this is the Scarlet Flood Dragon King, and there are more than [-] red dragonflies outside. Whoever thinks that he is good at lightness kung fu can try it." Prince Zhao calmed down and did not mock these people. He could not care about these at the moment .

Now everyone had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​leaving, which did not give them a way out at all.

"Prince Zhao, are you okay?" Boss Luo couldn't help asking loudly, and she couldn't hold back when encountering such a thing.

"No, you go." Prince Zhao handed her the bronze talisman.

"Hmph." Luo Lao naturally couldn't go up, she didn't know the art of war at all.

Seeing that the time on the hourglass was approaching again, Lord Zhao had no choice but to give orders again, Ye Muchen said suddenly: "Master Zhao, there is not much space on your sand table for you to line up your troops. If you have the guts, you can kill yourself and create an area. Only by giving yourself room to maneuver can you turn defeat into victory."

After hearing this, the people in the palace immediately pointed at him and yelled at him. They wanted their own people to kill each other, and the people on the sand table were the same. If they couldn't move around, they would all want to rush to kill this bastard.

The people on this sand table are all the prince's true confidantes, otherwise, who would be willing to be a pawn and be slaughtered by others.

But Ye Muchen's words reminded Zhao Wangye a little bit, which made him feel enlightened, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly said 58 numbers to make them commit suicide.

This time, not only the people in the palace were shocked, but also the people in Tianluo. No one thought that Prince Zhao would listen to a little-known kid.

(End of this chapter)

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