I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 162 The Coming of War

Chapter 162 The Coming of War
After nearly three months, Ye Muchen comprehended the Ninefold Sword Jue, Lieyang Palm, and Ziliuxia Lightness Kungfu in the Qiankun Ring.

With ten times the time of Qiankun Jie, no matter how much he has learned, he can learn the essence, and he can refine the fourth-grade purple extreme magic pill.

This medicinal material has been prepared, and it is not difficult to refine it successfully. Moreover, there are the bones of the snake god and the body of the snake witch, which are more advanced than the ingredients mentioned in the prescription. The effect of this fourth-grade purple magic pill is naturally stronger. it is good.

After eating the fourth-grade Ziji magic pill, use the Ziji Dao body method to absorb the power of the medicine to strengthen the body, and open the fourth ultimate door.

When this door is opened, the physical body is a qualitative leap. According to the cheat book, it is said to be the best in the world. Once the door is opened, the strength will increase by leaps and bounds, and one will suddenly become a top master in the supreme world of martial arts.

The physical body directly reaches the peak level of Emperor Wu. The stronger the physical body, the greater the energy of the star veins absorbed, and the soul power is also raised by a small level.

During the past three months, Xiao Qi boiled the ingredients purchased this time into a secret soul-nourishing soup, which nourished Ye Muchen's soul and made him feel a higher level of senses.

People's five senses come from the body, but the sixth sense has a direct relationship with the soul.

The soul-nourishing soup made by Xiao Qi awakened his sixth sense, and he could clearly perceive everything in his body, also known as mind perception, and he could control the soul power to an astonishing degree.

Of course, it also brings other benefits, such as learning ability, comprehension ability and so on.

Although this can't directly increase the soul power or the strength of the physical body, the auxiliary effect brought by it is far superior to the previous ones, making Ye Muchen happily hug Xiao Qi and turn around until the old man can't stand it.

He absorbed and refined the remaining 400 milliliters of the third-grade spiritual liquid sent by the military last time, and his soul power broke through again, reaching the peak of the soul sect.

The amount of 400 milliliters of spiritual liquid is very large, plus his physical body is strong, and he has two martial souls to help absorb and transform, so he was able to absorb and refine all the 400 milliliters of the third-grade spiritual liquid in less than three months.

Returning to Huaxia City, in his dilapidated hometown, although it is as chaotic as a construction site, it feels inexplicably kind here.

Now that he has practiced the fourth level of Ziji Dao Body and opened the door, he has firmly ranked among the top powerhouses in Huaxia City.

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion from the direction of the elevator passage leading to the ground on the second floor, and the entire second floor felt obvious vibrations.

Immediately after that, there was a fierce gunfire from that direction. Ye Muchen was still happy about the harvest just now, but when he heard the gunfire, he immediately thought that the Hundred Clans Alliance might be defeated.

This also marked the defeat of the ground troops. He jumped out of the window immediately, as fast as a gust of wind. Although his escape skills were not very good in combat, they were absolutely top-notch in terms of rushing and evading.

In this regard, Ziliuxia's lightness kung fu is slightly inferior. You must know that the escape technique is at the town school level, which is one level lower than the peerless level, which is enough to show the brilliance of this movement technique.

And Ziliuxia's light kung fu is more suitable for sneak attack and melee combat, which is far inferior to the escape technique.

When he reached the direction of the elevator at full speed, he saw that the military had blown up the elevator leading to the third floor. No wonder the explosion was so strong just now.

The military is organizing personnel to use the chariots here as shelters, and the alien beasts rushing out like the flood that broke the embankment are fighting.

In the face of this kind of battle, ordinary firearms are no longer lethal, and all machine guns are used, otherwise they cannot penetrate the armor of high-level beasts.

At this moment, apart from Ye Muchen who heard the news and arrived here, there are also many warriors around, hiding outside to observe. This battle is related to the life and death of everyone on the second floor. As long as there are some powerful people, they will not stand by.

Of course, they won't rush up at this time. This will disrupt the military's layout. Not only will it not be able to help, but it will drag down their own people, so everyone is waiting around for the opportunity.

The battle lasted only ten minutes, and the military's firepower was significantly weakened, the sound of artillery became sparse, and the sound of machine guns was also much less.

At this time, soldiers in heavy armor lined up and stepped forward, holding a unified giant alloy shield in their hands, which was inserted into the ground to form a shield wall.

Then the soldiers at the rear took out the alloy spears and combined them with the shield wall to form the shield wall of the gun forest. If the strange beast rushed up, it would definitely be penetrated by the gun forest first.

This kind of gun forest shield wall has a total of five layers, surrounding the elevator passageway.

Behind this, there are all kinds of long-range attacking soul warrior soldiers. After giving an order, they release their martial souls. They are almost all crossbows and bows, but their appearance and attributes are different.

The power of the Horcrux is directly related to its own soul power. Most of these soldiers are soul masters. Facing the alien beast army with an average level of 3, their attacks are very weak.

After giving an order, a volley of arrows with various attributes and special effects was fired, covering the rushing herd of alien beasts. As far as the outer skin is concerned, there is no way to stop the strange beast's footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, the shield wall suffered the impact of the group of alien beasts, and the shield wall on the first floor was crushed without the slightest pause.

Immediately after the second, third, and fifth floors, the impact of the alien beasts was blocked, and all the soldiers in front were trampled into meat paste by the rioting alien beasts.

Seeing that the soldiers were completely one-sided, the people around were shocked. They didn't expect the difference in strength to be so big.

After blocking the rushing footsteps of the herd of alien beasts, the soldiers behind took the cylindrical metal object, rushed up and threw it out, crossed the shield wall, and landed in the middle of the herd of beasts.

There was an explosion soon, and the blue flame spread, and all the beasts within ten meters around were engulfed by the blue flame, and their bodies were scorched.

It's just that the alien beasts charged as forwards are relatively large in size, and there are only four or five alien beasts within ten meters.

After a round of explosions, the melee soldiers behind released their martial souls, rushed up, stepped on the shoulders of the soldiers behind the shield wall, jumped out of the shield wall, landed on the back of the beast, and swung to assassinate.

Some people successfully assassinated the alien beast, but as soon as more than half of them fell, they were thrown down by the alien beast and torn to pieces.

Those who can rush out are all fighters at the level of great soul masters. On the second floor, the great soul masters are already masters, but facing the army of alien beasts, the great soul masters become extremely fragile.

The warriors looking around were all pale. They didn't expect that the average level of the alien beast army brought by the Hundred Clans Alliance was so high, and the alien beast hordes at the entrance of the elevator kept rushing out.

However, in such a disadvantageous situation, the soldiers rushed forward desperately, completely fighting with their lives for their lives.

At this moment, the sound of the cannon has completely stopped. In the face of this situation, the cessation of firing can only show that the military's ammunition has been exhausted.

According to visual estimation, the army guarding the entrance of the passage only has the strength of a regiment, which is about [-] men.

It stands to reason that even if it was a rout, there should be more than this number of soldiers retreating. A regiment faced with a herd of alien beasts. From the analysis of the current situation, if they insisted on not retreating, they would be wiped out for half an hour at most.

He felt that this regiment must have been left to stall for time. He scanned the surroundings carefully, and saw some signs at a distance of about 500 meters behind.

All the residents over there have disappeared, and people can be vaguely seen building fortifications, which should be preparing a trap.

After understanding this, he took a deep breath, seeing that almost one-third of the group's people had been lost, he didn't hesitate anymore, and released Jiu'er's martial spirit, a black light flashed on his body, and transformed into Jiu'er.

The right hand stretched out, the purple-red lightning flashed, and the Zixiao Lei musket appeared.

Now the strength of my physical body is comparable to the peak of Emperor Wu, and I can already bear a lot of Jiu'er's strength. I feel the surging dragon energy in my body, and I don't know what level my combat power has reached now.

She rose into the sky, and with the release of her demon power, she was able to fly in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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