I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 163 War Is Not Right or Wrong

Chapter 163 War Is Not Right or Wrong
Arriving at the sky above the herd of alien beasts, the Zixiao Thunder Gun flew over, swooping down like a meteor of thunder and fire, rushing into the back of the herd of alien beasts, and the explosive thunderfire directly turned the alien beasts within a hundred meters around into coke.

Jiu'er fell from the air next to Zixiao Lei's musket, and the air waves brought down scattered the scorched body of the strange beast, turning it into dust and flying away.

When Longwei was released, a mental wave visible to the naked eye spread, and the strange beast suddenly became inexplicably flustered and ran around.

Only then did she realize that near the elevator entrance, there were a few Yaozu people riding on Yishou. Their faces were pale, and they seemed to be frightened by Jiu'er's Longwei.

These people look strange, except for a human face and a humanoid shape, there are flowers and plants growing on their bodies.

"It turns out that you are the ones who control the alien beasts." Jiu'er noticed that she rushed towards these people, but just as she approached, four people rushed down from above. The demonic power fluctuates.

But when they swung their fists less than one meter above Jiu'er's head, Jiu'er pulled out the Zixiao Leihuo gun and swept around, the arms of the four demons were cut off, and the thunder fire burned their broken arms.

The four were terrified, and with just one move, the arms of the four demon emperors were cut off, and all four of them felt the threat of death. They felt Jiu'er's breath at close range, which made them instinctively afraid.

Jiu'er exploded with demonic power, and the spear released the power of thunder and fire. The four demon emperors were pierced by the purple-red lightning halo, and after falling, they stood on the spot with their eyes wide open.

Jiu'er walked past them and walked towards the Yaozu people who controlled the strange beasts, but the four of them ignored them.

A few seconds later, under the horrified eyes of those monster clan members, the four monster emperors were reduced to ashes and blown away by the wind.

These people rushed into the elevator passage. Jiu'er raised his hand, and the palm of his hand condensed the Nine Yin Divine Fire. When it formed the size of a volleyball, a dark blue fireball shot out and flew into the elevator passage.

A second later, blue flames erupted from the entire passageway. There was no scream or anything, only the howling flames, the surrounding metal melted, and the walls were burned down like magma.

Jiu'er glanced at the group of alien beasts in chaos around him, released the power of the ancestral dragon, let out a dragon chant, and the sound waves spread along with the power of the dragon, and the scurrying alien beasts suddenly stopped, and then all of them prostrated themselves on the ground with their heads facing Jiu'er. ground.

She glanced around, shocked by the power of Jiu'er's martial soul, she didn't expect such a powerful destructive power, if she knew that she would have shot at the beginning, she wouldn't have to sacrifice so many soldiers.

The army behind was surprised, and soon became happy. Although they fought bravely, no one wanted to live. They all had the determination to die, but now a super strong man suddenly appeared, turning the tide of the battle by himself. They were all pleasantly surprised.

Even some young ones cried aloud, and were laughed at by the veterans around them.

The martial artists who looked around were also shocked. This power is definitely at the level of a Yaozu. Anyone who has contacts with the Yaozu can perceive that this mysterious woman is from the Yaozu.

Ye Muchen originally wanted to use Jiu'er's identity to help the military, but when she was about to approach, all the people in the military looked at him warily and released their martial souls towards him.

They have fought against the Yaozu until now, so they are naturally very familiar with the power of the Yaozu. Although they helped them this time when Jiu'er appeared, it inevitably made them suspect that it might be a conspiracy of the Hundred Clans Alliance.

Ye Muchen sighed inwardly, and cast Flowing Light Flying Escape, the black light flew away in a flash.

Now that the alien beasts here are no longer under the control of the Yaozu people, they have become a mess, and the backup has been cut off. It is no longer a problem to eliminate them.

The head of the regiment immediately contacted the military department and reported the situation to his superiors.

Returning to his lair, recovering Jiu'er's martial soul, and changing back to his original form, he found out that he had received Zhao Ya's news that after Zhou Xian returned, he actually set up a military base in his community to prepare for a long-term battle with the Alliance of Hundred Clans.

Because the location here is close to the elevator leading to the third floor, it is convenient for them to arrange battles, and the original barracks is too remote to be used to guard the elevator entrance on the third floor.

Originally, there were more than ten elevator entrances here, but because of the war, the largest elevator passage was just blown up.The other elevator passages are blocked, and the passages are relatively small, suitable for humans to enter and exit, not suitable for monsters.

If Yaozu people use ordinary elevators, they will definitely get stuck in the passage first.And the second large elevator entrance here is on the north side, Zhou Xian took this place as the headquarters, and the meaning was very clear, to kill him first if he wanted to go down.

The Xiangshan Bieyuan community is the best place to garrison troops. In addition, the Hundred Clans Alliance besieged Ye Muchen some time ago, and the people here either fled or were killed, so it is rare that this place is vacant, and there is no need to drive the people away.

After hearing the news, Ye Muchen smiled and returned to Xiangshan Bieyuan. Sure enough, this place has become a military area, and alloy fences and various arrow rests are being assembled.

When he walked to the door, a squad leader guarding the door saluted and shouted: "Show your identity information."

Ye Muchen clicked on the smart bracelet and asked the other party to scan his identity information. Soon the other party got all his information. After confirming that it was Ye Muchen, the squad leader saluted again and said, "Mr. Ye, our officer is already waiting for you in your room."

"This guy won't expropriate my house." Ye Muchen asked jokingly.

The squad leader just smiled and said nothing, Ye Muchen waved his hand and walked in.

As he approached his home, he saw that it was surrounded by troops from a long distance away. It seemed that he guessed right, this guy really wanted to expropriate his house.

He walked in, and the guards saluted him, which made him curious, how did it feel like the soldiers here recognized him.

He walked into the living room and found Zhou Xian and Zhao Ya talking about something.

Seeing him coming in, Zhao Ya smiled and nodded, Ye Muchen looked at the two of them and asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

Zhou Xian came over and patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "I'm going to hug your thigh."

Seeing Ye Muchen's puzzled gaze, Zhou Xian clicked on the smart bracelet, and projected a flat military map of the second floor, saying: "We must guard this passage leading to the third floor. This is the most suitable location. I am going to use this As the command post, start guerrilla warfare on the second floor with the Alliance of Hundred Clans.

At that time, there will definitely be special circumstances, and your alchemy skills will be needed.Another point is that the higher-ups gave me a death order and tried their best to make you withdraw. "

Seeing that Ye Muchen wanted to refuse, he rushed to say: "I know you will definitely not go down, so I thought of a compromise. You stay here as our logistics and participate in this war. I know that the second floor is Where you grew up, so did I, so we all guard this layer in our own way.

There is no need to discuss this point. This is my biggest concession. You should understand how much the higher-ups attach to you. If I hadn't guaranteed your safety, the higher-ups would have dispatched generals to take you back. "

Ye Muchen sighed and said, "Okay, are you going to fight on the second floor for a long time now?"

Zhou Xian shook his head and sighed, "Now the first floor is the main battlefield. Ge Ming, Yang Yi and the main force are all on the first floor, trying to reduce the number of the Hundred Clans Alliance as much as possible. However, the enemy's monster army is too many, and our ammunition has run out." Exhausted, hand-to-hand combat, we suffered too many casualties, while the Hundred Clans Alliance suffered very little loss.

Moreover, their number of demon emperors exceeds ours too much, and the situation is not optimistic. We can only buy time as much as possible for this battle. "

Ye Muchen said a little indignantly: "Mr. Zhou, why don't the troops at the lower level support us? If we gather all our forces, we can't be so passive."

"I know what you want to say. I can't say much. I can only tell you that Huaxia City is under attack from both sides." Zhou Xian also had no choice but to walk to the table and take a sip of water.

Zhao Ya said: "Sir, there is no right or wrong in this war, it is all for your own survival. You may not know, sir, that there is an entrance to another world about 30 kilometers away from here, which is the world of death. Only after all the major races on the earth joined forces to fight back the dead world and seal the passageway.

Now the seal of the channel entrance has been loosened. I don’t know why the Protoss no longer care about this matter. The seal is not maintained. Seeing that the world of death is about to rush out, the monsters here are afraid that they will bear the brunt. If they flee to other places, they will be expelled by the people there, so He set his sights on Huaxia City. "

Zhao Ya glanced at Zhou Xian, and seeing him bowed his head in silence, she continued, "Originally, the Alliance of Hundred Clans wanted Huaxia City to accept them, but the upper echelons of Huaxia City disagreed, and because of this matter, the friction between the two sides became more and more serious. today's war."

Zhou Xian said suddenly: "There are two factions within Huaxia City, and most people do not agree to accept the monster race. Black City is already the limit of tolerance. Because of this matter, there are also quarrels inside."

Everyone knows that there is nothing right or wrong about this, and everyone has their own considerations. When they were silent, an officer ran in and shouted: "Report."

"Little devil! Very good, haha, very good." Zhou Xian was delighted to see him, and this man was the regiment leader behind the broken passage.

(End of this chapter)

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