I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 168 The Burning Purple Dao Body

Chapter 168 The Burning Purple Dao Body

In fact, Ye Muchen didn't intend to be so eye-catching, he just wanted to wait for his soul power to recover, and slowly clean up the leaders of these monster clans.

But after using the Ziji Dao body to fight, I found that the strength in Yue Zhan's body was astonishing, as if his whole body was burning with endless strength.

And the battle made him excited, as if his body was boiling, and he felt like he couldn't stop.

It's no wonder that the incomplete Ziji Dao Body is called the Supreme Demon Body by the people of the Demon Palace, and after successful cultivation, it can dominate the Demon Palace and become the master of the Demon Palace.

This kind of physical strength is really called the overlord and absolute. Without using the soul power and star energy, only relying on the strength of the physical body, one punch can kill a demon king, and it is the kind that directly penetrates the body with the fist. His armor is like paper.

This high-intensity battle made him discover that the Ziji Taoist body and the Twelve Capital Heavenly Star Meridians actually complement each other. The energy of the star veins is integrated into the body, stimulating the evolution of the Ziji Taoist body.

As he fought longer, his physical strength became more and more obvious. He felt that if this continued, his body would directly break through to the Wuzun level.

Just as homicides were on the rise, I suddenly felt that no one was rushing up. A vanguard army was killed by homicides, leaving only about a hundred people, and the surrounding corpses had spread all over the ground, and no one dared to approach.

At this time, six powerful auras approached, and within one breath time, they leaped to surround him, and at the same time, hundreds of demon kings rushed to surround him.

"Good time." Ye Muchen's fighting spirit soared, and at the same time as he shouted, he had already rushed into these demon kings, and simply punched without using soul power and star energy.

Because the speed of the fist was so fast, the fist gradually rubbed against the air and sparkled, and the demon king was hit before he could see the figure clearly.

No matter what species, what talent, if it is hit by a blow, it will fly far away, and when it hits the person behind, it will hurt everyone.

More than 100 demon kings didn't seem to be enough for him to fight. In just half a minute, they were all lying on the ground. Most of them were punched to death. Only a dozen or so were seriously injured and survived.

However, because his physical strength was too strong, the falling spring boots on his feet were damaged, all caused by his own strength.

Seeing such a violent physical attack, the four patriarchs, Kuang Lan, and Day Tiger were all shocked.

At this time, the patriarch of the bear roared, and all the demon power was released. He didn't allow himself to face a human being with fear, so he used his roar to drive away the fear in his heart, and rushed forward.

But as soon as he took a step, Ye Muchen had already arrived in front of him, his eyes burst into red light, and his fists rushed towards him with flames.

Patriarch Xiong was horrified, the pride of the monster clan made him brave enough to wave a bear paw that was much bigger than Ye Muchen's head.

The fists and palms collided, the monster power oscillated, and then the shock wave spread. The patriarch Xiong really felt the tyranny of this punch, his right shoulder joint was dislocated by the shock, his body slid back a few meters, and his feet slid out about ten centimeters on the concrete floor. Deep tunnel.

He is the peak of the demon emperor, strength and defense are his specialties, he has never been the only one who has repelled his opponent head-on, and he has never been repelled by himself, and the opponent is still human.

However, feeling the power of this punch, Patriarch Xiong did not refuse, and his heart was already filled with shock.

Seeing Ye Muchen's domineering demeanor, he felt three points of fear. If the opponent rushed up and punched him again, he would definitely not be able to stop him, and even if he survived, he would be seriously injured.

Fortunately, the Black Panther Clan Chief, Hornet Clan Chief, and Green Centipede Clan Chief attacked from the left, right, and rear at the same time, forcing Ye Muchen to stop chasing.

The three rushed from three directions, all attacking from dead angles, even emperor-level warriors could hardly defend against the sneak attacks of the three at the same time.

But just after the attack of the three arrived, Ye Muchen suddenly disappeared, and the three of them almost attacked each other, so they hurriedly retreated.

At the moment of this pause, Ye Muchen appeared above the Black Panther patriarch, and hit his back with his fist. Under the terrifying force, the Black Panther patriarch screamed and was directly pressed into the ground.

A shock wave was formed, and the surrounding ground exploded, pushing the Hornet and Green Centipede clan leaders back, even if they wanted to support them.

Under this purely physical attack, a pit more than 50 meters wide appeared on the ground. The leader of the Black Panther lay motionless on the ground, almost completely sinking into the ground.

Ye Muchen stood up, and only then did he see that the back of the Black Panther patriarch's neck was pierced, and part of his spine was gone. If it wasn't for the protection of the armor, this punch could even tear the Black Panther patriarch's body apart.

It was really the impact of this punch that was too terrifying, which horrified the Hornet and Green Centipede patriarchs, completely losing their will to fight.

At this moment, red mist appeared on Ye Muchen's body, like jumping flames. He felt his body was burning, and he couldn't spit out fast. Only fighting can make his body feel refreshed, otherwise he would feel the illusion that his body would explode.

"Avatar of Martial Soul"

The day tiger roared loudly, his body exploded with soul power, condensed into a rock tiger, and flew towards him.

Kuang Lan also covered his whole body with soul power, wrapped his body with soul power, and turned into a huge saber to chop down from the air.

Ye Muchen flew out, and his right fist blasted out again, like a red meteor, colliding with Yanhu head-on, Wuhun Yanhu's right paw was blasted, and his fist went straight to Yanhu's chest, the day tiger inside gritted his teeth and crossed his hands to block the attack. fist.

With a bang, the Wuhun Yanhu was completely shaken away, and the day tiger flew upside down, 20 meters away, smashed a piece of concrete after landing, and rolled for more than [-] meters before stopping.

Before Ye Muchen could stop, Kuanglan's knife fell and was about to hit the top of his head.

Ye Muchen blocked the Wuhun sword with both hands, pressed him down, crushed the ground with his feet, and the soul power hit his body.

The Hornet clan leader and the Green Centipede clan leader took the opportunity to rush to Ye Muchen's sides, hitting Ye Muchen's ribs with a poisonous needle and a poisonous claw at the same time.

Kuanglan licked the corner of his mouth and laughed: "You are really strong, let me feel the taste of death, respect for the strong, I will give you a death method that fits the identity of the strong."

"It's too early for you to say that."

Ye Muchen raised his head, Kuang Lan immediately felt the danger, suddenly two streamers of light flew out, the Hornet clan leader and Qing Centipede clan leader were beheaded by Feijian without seeing what it was.

Ye Muchen pressed Kuanglan's soul knife with both hands, and rushed in front of him, sparks appeared from the friction between the gloves and the blade.

Kuanglan quickly used the soul knife across his chest, just as Ye Muchen's fist arrived and hit the knife, the burst of energy shattered the soul knife.

At this time, two flying swords flew back and danced around him. After a series of battles, the violent energy in his body subsided, and he gradually regained his sanity, jumped on the flying swords and flew away.

At this moment, the Yaozu Legion that secretly surrounded him could only watch him fly away with Yujian, and none of them could do anything about it, even the speed of bow and arrow was far inferior to Feijian.

The Yaoshuai, seeing that Ye Muchen still had this ability, shattered the railing on the roof with an angry palm.

"Why are there so many strong people on the second floor? You didn't include these people in the information you provided." Yaoshuai roared, he was now worried that these strong people would appear at the same time, and this person would cause a devastating blow to their army.

Tai Yi frowned and said: "This man is called Ye Muchen, and he thought he was just an alchemist, but he didn't expect his body to reach the peak of Martial Emperor, and he can also have a flying sword, which is really surprising."

"Surprise, if the Lord of the Underworld, the owner of the Dragon Goddess Wuhun, and this Ye Muchen appear at the same time, even we can't stop them." Yaoshuai was a little frustrated, and the problem on the second floor was much bigger than he expected.

Tai Yi looked at this floor and said: "The current total population of the Hundred Clans Alliance is only ten million, and the second floor can accommodate 8000 million people. In fact, there is no need to occupy all of them, as long as one-third of the territory is enough. Maybe we need to change our strategy. "

"No, it's not a matter of the size of the territory. In this way, once the dead world attacks here, we will become the umbrella of Huaxia City. The people who will die will be us. They can hide behind and continue to develop the underground world without any worries. .” Yao Shuai vetoed without hesitation.

Tai Yi smiled and said: "Huaxia City needs resources, you control the door, they will always beg you. If we really continue to fight, our bargaining chips will become less and less. We must look far. Our real enemy is Unknown creatures from the dead and underworld."

"What do you mean?" Yao Shuai frowned.

"Occupying the second floor and the first floor is enough. The material reserves in Huaxia City will allow them to use them for two months at most. They will figure it out." Tai Yi said.

"Then what about the dead world?" Yaoshuai frowned.

"It is impossible to find this place immediately when the dead world appears. Dressing up the ground as ruins is enough to hide it from their eyes. Besides, it is impossible for other races to sit idly by when the dead world restarts. We can afford to wait two months." Tai Yi said flatly.

"Okay, but soldiers are not allowed on the second basement floor. I have to kill these people. Pass my order, and the whole city will send out a notice. We will only kill soldiers and people from the official department. Anyone else who dares to hide will die." Yao Shuai Yell at those around you.

At this time Xiao and Rukawa came back, and Rukawa said: "Their injuries are not serious, and they can recover in about a day, but the martial spirit is broken, and it takes a few days of cultivation to recover their combat power."

"Well, you don't need to participate in the subsequent battles, and do your best to investigate the Lord of the Underworld and the Dragon Goddess Wuhun." Tai Yi said.

"Where is this Ye Muchen?" Phantom Eye asked.

"He has someone to provide." Tai Yi smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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