Chapter 169
Ye Muchen flew to an empty house, sat down and felt his body.

With the help of Xiaoqi, she can open up the sixth sense, and she can fully perceive her own body.

This sudden outbreak, Ziji Dao body seemed to open a door, and found that the body absorbed the spiritual energy faster, as if the whole body was breathing, the spiritual energy continuously entered the body, nourishing the body.

He felt it for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he secretly rejoiced: "This is the real Ziji Dao body. The method of purple air coming from the east to luck doesn't seem to be very useful, but with the supreme magic body, it can make a qualitative change. .”

Ziji Dao Body not only strengthens the physical body, but also the foundation of the body. At this moment, Ye Muchen feels that his body has really undergone a qualitative change.

It is also because of the method of cultivating the body from the east that the purple qi came from the east, so that the toxin of the supreme demon body will not only not become a fatal point, but it will make him explode stronger than the supreme demon body.

After a burst of joy, he saw the purple gold Lieyang gloves he had just obtained, the metal part on the top was covered with cracks, the palm was cut open, and the Luoquan boots were completely damaged.

Reluctantly, he took off his gloves and boots and threw them away, and took out ordinary sneakers from the Qiankun Ring to put them on. The seven-star equipment could no longer withstand his own strength, and he needed to get better equipment.

When he returned to Xiangshan Bieyuan, there was no one here, so he flew with his sword and landed in the army's position. The fighting here is the most intense. As soon as he landed in the courtyard, two soldiers of the soul sect level immediately stopped him. He shouted in front of him, "Show your identity."

"Let him in." Major General Lei shouted at the door.

The two soldiers stepped aside, Ye Muchen came over, Major General Lei patted him on the shoulder and said, "I thought you really walked with those vixens, you can withstand the temptation of beauty, not bad, haha."

Ye Muchen rolled his eyes, seeing that the Major General's special battle armor on his body was damaged a lot, and his hair was a little messy. He said in a mocking tone: "Your image is very unique, you won't be messed with by a certain woman, right?"

"Hmph, I'd be happy if that's the case." Major General Lei laughed, and walked in together with his arms around Ye Muchen's neck.

As soon as he entered the command room, Zhou Xian saw Ye Muchen come in, stared and shouted angrily: "What are you doing here? Others can't get out even if they want to go out now, but you are still coming back!"

"Don't keep talking about this useless topic. It's not easy for me to leave. I'm here to ask for news." Ye Muchen walked in unceremoniously, pulled up a bench and sat down.

"Hey, I'm also a lieutenant general anyway, the commander-in-chief on the second floor, aren't you a bit restrained? You see, none of the school-level officers and major generals around are sitting, so sit down as soon as you come." Zhou Xian pretended to be majestic The appearance scolded.

"Anyway, it's not my superior. It doesn't matter what your military position is to me. Time is running out, don't be skinny. I'll see if I can help you solve some of the problems."

Ye Muchen didn't want to waste time, so he went straight to the topic, but in the ears of these officers, it felt so unpleasant.

Major General Lei laughed and said, "Commander Zhou, don't pretend, this kid won't do what you do."

"Forget it, forget it, if you really have the ability, help me drive away those bastards outside." Zhou Xian turned on the holographic video, and saw that the fighting outside the position had stopped, and the traitors even grabbed ordinary people here and threatened them with The soldiers came out and surrendered.

Kill ten people every 1 minute until they surrender.Nearly 1000 people have died there now, and the corpses are all over the floor.

Seeing this scene, Ye Muchen frowned and cursed: "These guys are too shameless."

"They know that they don't want to kill too many people to wipe us out, but going on like this is not an option, so many people have already been killed.

Just now we deliberately put more than 500 people in. At first we thought they were fleeing refugees and took in these people. As a result, more and more people escaped. This is not normal.

We are surrounded by enemy troops, and it is impossible for anyone to come in.They are going to send mouths in and finish our food.

If it weren't for the two storage items you sent, we wouldn't be able to bring so much food.Hey, don't you say there is a solution, go and solve it. "Major General Lei pointed to the screen.

Zhou Xian went on to say: "They use this method because they don't want to die too many of their own people, to prove that they want to preserve their strength, and there must be other battle plans in the future.

Now the main force of the Alliance of Hundred Clans has stopped attacking our side and has begun to sweep the surrounding area, forcing these traitors to attack us and let us consume each other. "

"I see, leave these traitors to me." Ye Muchen got up and left.

Major General Lei was joking, but when he saw that Ye Muchen was really going to solve it, he asked in surprise, "Can you really handle it?"

"I can't, but someone can. I'll go get foreign aid and wait for the show." Ye Muchen smiled, walked to the yard and flew away with his sword.

Seeing that he was really free, Major General Lei looked envious, and Zhou Xian smiled after being surprised: "It seems that the second floor doesn't need us anymore."

Hearing this, Major General Lei's expression became serious, he understood Zhou Xian's meaning, the military order from above asked them to guard the second floor and delay as long as possible, Zhou Xian already had the heart to fight to the death.

There are more than 1 of them in total. Although all of them are military elites, the difference in numbers is too large, and there is no way out. Death is a matter of time.

In addition, the Hundred Clans Alliance has just spread the news that Huaxia City's troops are not allowed on the second floor. As long as anyone does not help the army, they will no longer attack.

This made Zhou Xian already have a plan to fight to the death. No matter whether the other party is real or not, at least they can't continue to be dragged down, otherwise the second floor will continue to die, and the number of deaths will be hundreds of thousands or even millions every day.

"Xiao Lei, go and notify the various departments and let everyone prepare. If you don't want to, find an opportunity to leave." Zhou Xian said calmly, jumped onto the roof, and watched the second floor fall into silence.

A thick fog suddenly appeared around the traitor troops outside, and the fog was cold, making everyone shudder.

When this iconic thing appeared, the name of Lord of the Underworld appeared in everyone's mind, and everyone's face changed drastically in fright.

In fact, the traitors now know the existence of the Lord of the Underworld, and they dare not make trouble. This time they were forced by the Alliance of Hundred Clans. If they don't do it, they will be killed.

As soon as the ghost fog appeared, the line of sight was obstructed, almost to the extent that he could not see his fingers.

"My lord of the underworld, we were all forced. My monster clan threatened our family members, but there is nothing we can do." Someone immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

Someone took the lead, and soon most of these traitors knelt down and begged for mercy.

"I will deal with the Alliance of Hundred Clans. Just unite and save your family. This is the last chance. If you are the running dogs of the Alliance of Hundred Clans again, the next time you will be greeted by the mist of the underworld."

Xiaoqi's voice stopped, and the dense fog around him also dispersed. The traitors immediately released all the captured people and quickly evacuated.

At this time, a tiger demon shouted from behind: "Whoever dares to leave, yours..."

Before he finished speaking, a cloud of white ghost energy penetrated his body, and his body froze within one breath.

Several monster guards around rushed over to save people, but the white mist spread, and when their bodies touched the white mist, they froze quickly.

Xiao Qi flew down from the sky and stood on the head of the tiger monster ice sculpture. Under the horrified eyes of the surrounding monster clansmen, the mist formed by Xuanyou Bingxin mixed with dark energy spread rapidly, and these monster clansmen hurriedly turned and ran away.

Although these Yaozu people were already quite fast, the mist spread even faster, and they were overtaken and engulfed by the mist after only running a few tens of meters.

It didn't stop until the white mist covered the entire area, and then the mist quickly dissipated, revealing all the frozen Yaozu people.

In just a dozen seconds, all the monsters in this 500-member team turned into ice sculptures, which surprised everyone who watched from a distance.

Naturally, some people were pleasantly surprised and some were worried. Seeing the overwhelming power of the Lord of the Underworld, the traitors did not hesitate any longer, and all went to save their families.

Xiao Qi flew to the Hundred Clans Alliance Legion. There were no human beings in their area, and almost all the buildings were knocked down.

Even though the human army could no longer fight guerrilla warfare, it also left the Hundred Clans Alliance with no place to hide, and everyone in the legion could see it clearly.

This side has not yet received the report from the front, suddenly the whereabouts of the Lord of the Underworld appeared above the legion, and then she held the Yellow Spring Flower in both hands, emitting a dazzling red light.

At the same time, the army of the Hundred Clans Alliance sounded its horn, but it was too late for the army to dispatch, and the red mist spread around Xiaoqi as the center.

(End of this chapter)

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