I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 195 Admission Qualifications

Chapter 195 Admission Qualifications
Jiu'er is a demon sage herself, and the monster clan's habit is to respect the strong, so if the demon palace dares to set up such a barrier in front of him, it is a provocation to herself.

Although now because of Ye Muchen's soul power, she can only have the strength of the peak of the Yaozun, but her own soul is still at the level of the Yaoshang.

She stepped forward directly, and the power of the ancestral dragon was released, and the pressure instantly covered the soldiers in front of her. These soldiers who were originally majestic and full of evil spirits suddenly turned white with white eyes and foamed at the mouth.

The birds and beasts around the demon palace all passed out under the influence of the dragon's power, and at the same time stimulated the strong inside.

Soon a bull-headed demon ran out with a few generals of the demon emperor. When he saw Jiu'er, he showed a startled look, and immediately laughed and said, "What a strong Long Wei, the demon palace welcomes the strong demon clan. I am Purple Eyed Mangniu, the Second Great King of the Demon Palace, please forgive the poor reception, please come in."

Jiu'er snorted, the other party walked up to Ye Muchen, and walked up side by side with him, Xuan Ji and Zhao Ya deliberately took a step slower to follow.

In the world outside the city, strength is everything. Although they knew about Ye Muchen's martial spirit, it was the first time that they really felt it. Although they didn't know Jiu'er's specific strength, they were definitely stronger than everyone present, even better than they had ever seen. All of us are strong.

The purple-eyed mangniu saw that Jiu'er was beside Ye Muchen, and seemed very close, which made him angry, and led the way into the hall of the demon palace with a snort.

At this moment, there are already many people sitting inside, most of them are monster races, Tai Yi from the new world is also sitting on it, and other emperor-level members are just standing behind.

Scanning here, those who are qualified to sit are all respectable and powerful.

Everyone here looked at them, looking for the person who released such a terrifying coercion just now, and almost immediately focused their eyes on Jiu'er.

The purple-eyed mangniu looked at Ye Muchen with a bit of flaunting and provocative gaze and said loudly: "You all saw it, the ones sitting here are all demon lords, you can choose your own seats."

The purple-eyed mangniu deliberately provoked Ye Muchen. Everyone could tell that Ye Muchen was a human being, and his soul power was at the middle stage of the soul emperor, so he was not qualified to sit here.

And physical training cannot see strength without showing combat effectiveness.

Ye Muchen already knew the customs here, and it would be a disadvantage to completely hide his strength here. Of course, he didn't need to fully reveal his strength, so he looked at the purple-eyed mangniu provocatively and said: "Is it possible to sit in your seat if you are stronger than you?" .”

The purple-eyed mangniu didn't expect that Ye Muchen, a human being, dared to provoke him. Instead, he laughed. When he saw Jiu'er getting close to Ye Muchen, he seemed to want to teach this person a lesson, and let Jiu'er know that he was stronger than this human man. many.

When the monster race courts a mate, it is based on strength to win and lose. If you defeat all rivals in love, you can get the person you like. This actually retains the instinct of the beast.

In fact, human beings are the same, but the way of expression is different.

The purple-eyed mangniu walked to the middle of the hall with a smile and stretched out his hand and said loudly, "Of course, if you can do three tricks on my hand, you are eligible to sit here."

The other monsters here all laughed. Everyone knows the strength of the purple-eyed bull. In the late stage of the monster, the strength and defense are at the forefront of the monster. A human, even if it is a soul master and the purple-eyed cow, it is very disadvantageous. of.

This is the natural advantage of the species, and what humans are good at among all species is not physical combat power.

Therefore, at the same level, it is very disadvantageous for humans and monsters to fight one-on-one. If they can keep ten moves undefeated, they are regarded as the best among humans.

The leader of the new world, Tai Yi, showed curiosity. He had seen Ye Muchen's strength before. Although he could be said to be invincible in the emperor class, he still had a slight gap with Wu Zun.

Now in a head-to-head duel with the purple-eyed Cangniu in the later stage of the Yaozun, it can be said that the winning rate is infinitely close to zero. Even if he uses the martial soul, the chances of winning are not great. If he is facing the Yaozun's early stage, there is still hope.

At this time, the blue-eyed Dapeng who was sitting on it said, "Second brother, this dragon girl should be the divine spirit of this human being."

"What!" The purple-eyed man was startled, looking at Jiu'er and Ye Muchen, he had taken a fancy to Jiu'er and wanted to take down this woman, but now his goal was the martial soul, so what hope is there.

People who don't know here are surprised. Everyone knows the power of the martial soul. As long as it grows up, the strength is definitely the top of the same level.

The purple-eyed mangniu snorted coldly: "So what about the martial soul, it is still the soul emperor. Today I will let you know what a demon king is. Don't think that with a martial soul, you can really run rampant in the world."

"You are very afraid of the divine martial soul, and I will not bully you. I don't use the divine martial soul. Come on, I will try my best to control my strength, and I promise not to kill you." Ye Muchen hooked his hands and smiled at him.

"You don't need a martial soul!"

This surprised everyone, even Zhao Ya and Xuan Ji, there is no comparison without the martial soul.

Zhao Linger wanted to persuade, but Zhao Ya stopped her and shook her head slightly.

From these time contacts, Ye Muchen is not a reckless person, since he dared to do this, he must have his reasons.

On the contrary, Xuan Ji showed a curious look, full of anticipation for this battle.

"Arrogance." The purple-eyed mad cow let out a bull cry, without any moves, just punched with the greatest strength and the fastest speed, which is the reason for one force to drop ten times.

Everyone sees how Ye Muchen will receive the punch. If he is strong, the speed of punching out will be very fast. It doesn't mean that people with strong strength will be slow.

This punch has already broken the air. Under a purely physical attack, flames appear from the friction between the fist and the air. The speed of the fist is faster than the shock wave, breaking through the air wave and rushing to the front.

This speed has already surpassed the reaction speed of the nerves, and many demon masters around feel that they can't take this punch, and before they even have time to think about how this human being will answer this sentence, the fist has already arrived.

But when this sentence first appeared in everyone's minds, the purple-eyed bull's fist stopped, and Ye Muchen's right palm took it head-on.

Immediately after the shock wave exploded, everyone except the Zun class was forced back by the shock wave, and the wine table was directly shattered and taken away by the air wave.

No one cared about these, they all looked at the two of them, and only then did the people around show shocked expressions.

The black cloud battle suit on Ye Muchen's body was blown and crackled by the air waves. If he was wearing ordinary clothes at this time, he would definitely be shattered instantly like the wine table next to him.

After the shock wave stopped, Ye Muchen said, "It's my turn."

The purple-eyed mangniu no longer has any contempt, he has no time to speak, Ye Muchen casts a sky-shattering blow, and the energy of the star veins and the strength of the body are combined to blast out.

This punch was so fast that it was impossible to see clearly with the eyes. With a loud explosion, the fist had already landed in front of the purple-eyed bull, blocked by his crossed arms.

The shock wave erupted, and the purple-eyed bull suffered the impact. He thought he could bear it, but after the shock wave appeared, there was another force that pushed him back. His feet crushed the ground and he retreated five steps in a row.

When he stopped, the arm guards of both hands exploded, this force exploded, the purple-eyed bull roared in pain, the energy of the star pulse exploded and spread from his body, and spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

It was only at this time that everyone realized that they were shocked by Ye Muchen's punch. The purple-eyed bull's defense was not just for bragging. Even if he received a punch of the same level head-on, it would only hurt him a bit, and it was absolutely impossible to get injured.

But Ye Muchen's punch not only exploded his armguard, but also seemed to hurt him badly.

The purple-eyed bull stared at the big bull's eyes, his face was full of surprise, and he couldn't speak for a while, the power poured into his body just now made his breath messy.

"If you dare to plot against my second brother, you will die."

Suddenly there was a roar, and then a black shadow flashed, Canglei Black Panther was already behind Ye Muchen at some point, and his right paw had already patted the back of Ye Muchen's neck.

Canglei Black Panther is also a late-stage Demon Lord. In the words of Chinese people, he is a sensitive fighter. Not only does he attack fast, but he also moves extremely fast. Few people at the same level can compare with him. At least the entire demon city has not yet appeared faster than him. Fast.

Everyone around saw Canglei Black Panther's attack, and everyone didn't have time to react mentally, let alone remind him that this blow was close to Ye Muchen's stamina. If he was hit, his entire neck would be torn apart.

But after this blow, Ye Muchen was nowhere to be seen. It was the first time that Canglei Black Panther encountered a situation where the attack failed, and his eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

"Little black cat, how can you sneak attack at such a slow speed!" Ye Muchen was standing behind him at some point, and his tail was pinched by Ye Muchen, with a smirk on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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