I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 196 Lord of God's Tomb

Chapter 196 Lord of God's Tomb
Canglei Black Panther didn't have time to turn his head to look, and he knew from the feeling from the tail that he was miserable. Sure enough, as soon as this idea came up, he felt the terrible pulling force from the tail, and then he was thrown up.

Then, under the unbelievable eyes of everyone in the hall, the Canglei Black Panther was smashed back and forth by Ye Muchen's tail, and two big holes appeared.

He didn't stop until the Canglei Black Panther stopped struggling. He let go of his hand, which still had some black hairs plucked from its tail.

The black panther was lying on the ground speechless, and he was so dazed from being hit that he began to suspect that the panther was really dealing with human beings!

The purple-eyed mangniu has just recovered now, panting heavily and looking at Ye Muchen with a bit of fear in his eyes. He has a martial soul and is still useless, which is enough to show that he may not even display half of his strength.

After all, everyone in the world knows the power of the Martial Soul. Regarding the beating of the two demon masters, not to mention the guards here, not even the boss, the blue-eyed Dapeng, stood up and said, "Please take a seat."

Ye Muchen walked to the front, only Jiu'er walked by him, Xuan Ji, Zhao Ya and others followed behind with shocked faces.

Zhao Linger and the people who accompanied him this time looked at Ye Muchen's back in disbelief, no one thought that this person would be so powerful.

Zhao Linger's heart was full of surprises at the moment, only she could see that Ye Muchen's punch just now carried star pulse energy, which was the martial skill she cultivated.

Seeing how powerful the Xingmai of the Twelve Capitals is, her gratitude to Ye Muchen increased again. In this world, top martial arts are extremely precious.

With this gratitude, Zhao Linger obediently stood behind Ye Muchen, even Zhao Ya didn't sit down, standing behind Xuan Ji, only Xuan Ji, Ye Muchen and Jiu'er sat down here.

They just sat down, after the maid changed the table and the food and drink, the Dharma Venerables from the Holy Capital came outside, and four Dharma Venerables came at a time, followed by all Dharma Emperors.

These people all know the blue-eyed Dapeng, and they have already prepared seats, watching the four of them sit down.

"Now that everyone is here, as the host, I would like to thank you all for coming from afar, and also brought the key to enter the tomb of the gods, so I specially prepared a small gift, purple nectar brewed from the divine fruit I collected The resulting fruit wine not only tastes great, but also has great benefits for respected practitioners.

There is just one thing, this kind of fruit wine will be fatal to the gods and demons. Fortunately, there are no people from the gods and demons here, so everyone can drink it with confidence. Come, let's do it first. "

The blue-eyed roc raised his glass and drank it down in one gulp, and the purple-eyed mangniu and the blue-eyed black leopard who were sitting next to him also drank it down in one gulp.

Ye Muchen looked at the purple-red fruit wine in the glass and frowned and didn't touch it. None of the guests sitting there drank it.

At this time, Xuan Ji was the first to pick up the wine glass and smiled, "Thank you, Demon Lord, for your hospitality."

Seeing Xuanji drink it in one gulp, Ye Muchen was amazed, and then Jiu'er drank it in one gulp without even thinking about it, and licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes lit up, as if he liked the fruit wine very much.

Looking at the blue-eyed Dapeng, he asked directly, "Give me another tank."

The blue-eyed roc laughed and said, "I don't have that many. The ingredients for Zijiu Qiong Niang are too scarce. These are all my treasures."

Everyone was amazed that Shenwuhun also ate food, but too few people knew about Shenwuhun, so it felt strange.

Ye Muchen also drank it, and immediately felt the bursting energy of the wine rushing through his body, and his face also turned red, as if he was really drunk.

This energy was extremely violent, if it wasn't for his body strengthened by the Ziji Dao Physique, he still couldn't bear this force and would have to be burned to ashes.

He immediately crossed his legs and used Xuan Xin Jue to absorb this energy. Jiu'er was eating the barbecue on the table, when he sensed Ye Muchen's condition, he stopped eating and sat beside him to be vigilant.

Seeing that Ye Muchen is really absorbing energy, it shows that this thing is indeed of great benefit, and the other demon masters invited around did not hesitate any longer, and raised their glasses to drink it.

Feeling the benefits of this thing, those who drank it all showed joy, and quickly practiced their kung fu to absorb the overbearing medicinal power.

Tai Yi also raised his glass and drank it, and suddenly several Dharma Venerables in the Holy Capital slapped the table and said angrily: "Mac, what do you mean?"

All the law emperors they brought condensed their magic power, and there were fluctuations of magic elements around them, condensing various elemental magic energies.

The blue-eyed roc snorted, put down the cup in his hand, glanced at these people in the holy capital, and said: "The two races of gods and demons have always been hostile to us, and this trip to the tomb of the gods will naturally be excluded.

This purple nectar wine is the best as a meeting gift, and at the same time, it can eliminate the two races of gods and demons, so why not kill two birds with one stone?
You are not gods or demons, so what is there to worry about?Could it be..."

The blue-eyed Dapeng didn't say anything later, and glanced at these people from the holy capital, with a smile on his face, his eyes had become sharp and murderous.

"Hmph, the little demon city really dares to be an enemy of our god race. I just said how the things from the god's tomb appeared in the holy capital. It seems that your demon city is the watchdog of the god's tomb."

In the middle, the white-haired old man in a golden robe stood up, holding a golden gemstone scepter in his hand, which really gave people a kind and noble feeling.

There are also three demon masters in the monster clan who have never touched the wine in front of them. The blue-eyed Dapeng remembered these people and said loudly: "The two races of gods and demons can't see the unity of our monster clan. Don't think I don't know. What is the purpose of the people in the dead world.

This tomb of the gods is indeed the news we released, in order to unite all the monster races and face the invasion of the gods and demons together.

As long as the demon clan unites, the gods and demons will have nothing to fear.Moreover, there are indeed some treasures in the tomb of the gods. If you are willing to join, the treasures should be offered with both hands. "

At this time, a black bull-headed monster stood up and said: "Dapeng, this is not a decision you can make. Since you have attracted us, let the real master come out and speak."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of women in plain Hanfu came from the back of the hall, and they were all human.In the middle of this group of people came a woman with a white veil. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, her graceful figure and temperament made people think about it, and the feeling of a fairy descending from the world would appear in her mind.

Moreover, there is an invisible sense of oppression, and they dare not look directly, and even the Yaozun feels a sense of surrender in his heart.

When this woman appeared, the three demon masters immediately stood up and saluted and shouted in unison: "See master."

The four Dharma Venerables in the Holy Capital and the three Yao Zuns who hadn't drunk the wine all frowned when they saw this woman, and lost their arrogance in an instant.

The woman sat at the main seat, and Dapeng, Mangniu, and Heibao stood beside them respectfully.

"Haven't you been spying on my existence? You've all seen it now. Although there are many saint-level powerhouses in the two races of gods and demons, you have colonized too many worlds over the years, and now you can send out holy-level powers. several?

Give up the monopoly of the earth, and the monster race will not interfere in your colonization of other worlds. This is our only condition. If you can't do it, then let's fight. "

The woman glanced at these people, and suddenly a holy pressure appeared, making these people of the gods and demons nervous, with sweat streaming down their foreheads.

The protoss controlled some of the humans in the holy capital, and some of the monsters were also controlled by the demons, so Dapeng made this discovery.

These people and demons controlled by gods and demons were already wary, and they would never dare to drink the opponent's food.

As a result of this test, all the people hidden in it were exposed.

"Nuwa's successors, you don't need a great God Race to deal with you. The Death Realm is enough to destroy you. Even the Holy Realm, facing the inexhaustible Death Realm creatures, will also be exhausted.

As long as you surrender to the gods, you can be protected by the gods, and the monsters can survive. After being surprised at first, the Dharma Venerable in the golden robe quickly regained his composure, and when he talked about the Protoss, his face regained his confidence.

"The demon clan will also accept the demon clan who surrendered, Nuwa's successor, don't implicate the entire demon clan because of yourself. Although you have reached the holy realm, among the top races, there are as many powerful saint realm powers as there are stars in the sky .”

The tauren also shouted loudly, obviously they also have a strong fanaticism towards the demons.

"Kill." Nuwa's successor said coldly, and the three demon masters rushed out at the same time.

Although Black Panther and Mang Niu were injured, they were all flesh wounds. A glass of wine just now had already recovered them, and their demon power had improved.

The golden-cloaked Dharma Venerable struck the ground with his staff, and the Dharma Emperor behind him released magic at the same time, but the four Dharma Venerables all evacuated. They knew that the other party had a strong man in the holy realm, and they couldn't beat them.

The same goes for the three demon masters, but they brought very few demon emperors, so they ran away immediately without letting their men go down as cannon fodder.

But these people just turned their heads and saw an enchantment around them trapping everyone inside.

The three demon masters turned into real bodies and bumped into the barrier, but only made weak ripples appear in the barrier.

At this time, the three demon masters rushed forward, and Mang Niu attacked with all his strength this time. His fist hit the head of the real body of the bull demon, bursting out of energy, and the bull demon let out a scream. bloody.

"That's normal." Mang Niu laughed, the fight with Ye Muchen just now was really aggrieved.

Dapeng and Heibao also stopped the other two demon venerables. These three were already much stronger than each other, and after only a few moves, the three demon venerables were already defeated.

The four venerables had just raised their staffs to condense the magic elements, but just as the energy appeared, a five-color light wheel appeared behind Nuwa's successor, and his body changed into a snake body, and all the elemental power dissipated.

The four venerables were surprised and wanted to forcibly condense the magic elements, but the elemental power seemed to be frozen and could not be controlled at all, but their own magic power was not affected.

It's just that without the elements, no matter how strong the magic power is, it will be difficult to exert the power that the Dharma Lord should have, which makes the four of them terrified.

"I don't know how to lift."

Suddenly a man's majestic voice appeared in the sky, and then the golden thunder fell from the sky, the roof of the main hall was smashed, and fell on the barrier, bursting out countless golden electric snakes, burning all the monster soldiers around the barrier into coke.

(End of this chapter)

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