Chapter 197
The enchantment lasted for only five seconds before it shattered. Nuwa's successor soared into the air, formed seals with his hands, and shot out five-color beams of light, colliding with the falling golden thunder, and slowly pushing the golden thunder upwards.

"The great Holy Spirit descends, whoever kills the three demon city masters will survive." The golden robed venerable shouted excitedly. Pull people around who are still hesitating.

The blue-eyed roc has turned into the roc's real body, holding a blue wolf with steely claws and pressing it to the ground, and shouting at the other monsters: "Surrender now, and you will be enslaved by the gods and demons forever. Life and death will be controlled by them." If they control them, they will even be forced to send them to other worlds to expand their territory for them."

Tai took a look at Xuanji and stood up and said: "The treasures of the god's tomb you just mentioned can be counted as we choose?"

Nuwa's successor said: "Everyone can choose a treasure that suits them."

"Okay." Taiyi released his martial spirit, it was a crow, and flew towards these Dharma Venerables, taking advantage of the fact that the elements are imprisoned here, to kill these Dharma Venerables, otherwise, once the magic is used to control the elements, the power will be absolutely terrifying.

The faces of the four Dharma Venerables were ashen. They didn't expect these people to help the demon lord. They judged at the beginning that Huaxia City and the demon clan had just participated in the battle, and there was a high probability that they would oppose the demon clan.

Taiyi's martial soul fused and turned into a crowman, and the black flame turned into a bigger crow and rushed down.

The four Dharma Venerables quickly activated their magic devices and jointly deployed a defensive barrier. The black fire crow collided with the barrier and burst into black fire, impacting the barrier.

Because there is no elemental energy, the four Dharma Venerables rely on their own magic power to resist, and the consumption is naturally much greater than usual.

Xuan Ji looked at Ye Muchen who was still practicing, and said to the people behind him: "You stay here and don't move around."

Xuanji released the white fox martial soul, and when she came up, the martial soul merged, turned into a fox and rushed towards the four Dharma Venerables.The fox's paw slapped on the barrier, gathered the strength of the two soul masters, and attacked the four dharma masters who had mostly been crippled. After the barrier shook once, cracks began to appear.

"People of Huaxia City, you are looking for death, have you ever thought about what price Huaxia City will pay!" the blue-robed Dharma Venerable beside him roared.

"If you are dead, we will have a way to survive." Tai Yi snorted coldly, his crow's mouth pierced through the barrier, and he was less than three meters away from the Dharma Venerable inside.

The four Dharma Venerables showed anxious expressions. They had already spied on the strength of Huaxia City, and believed that these people would never have the guts to fight against the gods and demons.

At this time, the barrier shattered with a bang, and the black fire crow engulfed the golden-robed Dharma Venerable in front of it. There were only a few screams, and a Dharma Venerable was directly reduced to ashes.

Another purple-robed Dharma Venerable was struck by Xuan Ji's fox claws, and his body was instantly torn into several pieces.

The remaining two were desperate, and looked at the surrounding monsters, none of them moved, which was completely beyond their expectations.

Just when the two of them thought that they were bound to die, suddenly a blood-colored saber fell from the sky and split the five-color beam of light.

Immediately after the golden thunder and the bloody sword fell together, Nuwa's successor raised his hands, and a multicolored orb appeared in his hand, which turned into a multicolored light curtain to block the attack.

With a loud noise, the entire palace was shaken, but fortunately, the five-color light curtain was still holding on.

"Master Shengmo is here too, this is the last chance, two saints, do you think you can win with just a Nuwa God Wuhun successor at the early stage of the holy realm?" The bull demon who was crushed on the ground and beaten violently shouted .

Now the hearts of the few Yaozun were moved. They hated the gods and demons, but compared with the lives of the whole clan, any hatred could be let go.

After a few seconds of hesitation, the five demon masters who were watching the show looked at each other, showing a hint of ferocity, and rushed towards the three demon masters.

The three of them had already been on alert, and at the same time as these people were leaving, the three of them threw away the opponent who had been beaten violently, and rushed towards the five demon lords with a roar.

Mang Niu rushed to the front, and the bull's horns collided with a tiger demon master and an ape demon master, blocking the two demon masters with his own strength.

Above the mangniu, Dapeng swooped down, intending to seriously injure the Tiger Demon Lord and the Monkey Demon Lord first, but just as he rushed down, he was stopped by the Goshawk Demon Lord and the Wudiao Demon Lord,
The three bird and beast monsters swooped into a ball and collided in the sky.

The last one was stopped by the Black Panther alone, and now they can only rely on the Black Panther to kill one before they can support Mang Niu, so that they have a chance of winning.

But just as the black panther forced the green python demon master back and was about to pursue him, he was surrounded by three demon masters from the demon clan.

The black panther reached behind the cat demon with its super speed, and just hit the opponent with one claw, but the cat demon actually hugged the black panther's paw when he was hit, fighting for serious injuries in exchange for controlling the speed of the black panther.

At this time, another sheep demon also rushed over, hugged the panther's waist, and received the panther's claws on his back, completely restraining the panther's movements.

The cow demon took the opportunity to charge forward, and punched the black panther in the face, almost knocking him apart.

When it landed, the green python demon venerable who had just been thrown away sneaked up, and without the panther noticing, it suddenly bit the panther's hind leg.

After a successful blow, he immediately retreated. The black panther was frightened and his demon power exploded. He had to kill one, otherwise his brother would die here too.

The black panther ignored his injuries, and grabbed the cat demon's neck with its claws, piercing into the body with its sharp claws and tearing.

He bit his mouth on the neck of the Sheep Demon Venerable, and swung his neck so that the fangs could tear the wound.

The bull demon rushed over again, and the bull's horn hit the panther's side, piercing the panther's waist.

But with such an injury, the panther still steadfastly refused to let go, with only wildness in his eyes, without the slightest fear.

Both the cat demon and the sheep demon were frightened by the viciousness of the black panther and struggled desperately.

The cow demon was horrified by the desperate momentum of the black panther, and his heart was beating drums, hitting desperately.

Suddenly there was a dragon chant, only a flash of black light was seen, Ye Muchen appeared above the bull monster, and cast a sky-shattering blow, the fist gathered the energy of the star veins, and hit the back of the bull monster's neck.

This time Ye Muchen hit with all his strength, the terrible impact caused the bull demon's chin to smash into the ground, shattering the floor, and then the gathered energy exploded at his neck, the neck spine burst, and the bull demon's real body was scattered .

The real body of the cow demon is different from the real body of the martial soul, once it is fatally injured, it will die.

Hearing a mournful cry from the bull demon, he stopped struggling and lay motionless in the pothole. Ye Muchen dug out the demon-level alchemy.

The Green Python Demon Lord still wanted to sneak attack, but just as he rushed up, Ye Muchen had already disappeared in front of him, and this bite instead bit the Yang Demon Lord's ass.

In the next second, a dragon claw pierced the green python's throat, grabbed the cervical spine and twisted it, directly breaking it, and also took away the Yaozun's inner alchemy.

Killed the two demon masters as soon as he made a move, scaring the cat demon and the sheep demon to beg for mercy.

The black panther heaved a sigh of relief, fell to the ground and had no strength to move, just now it was all supported by will.

As soon as the cat demon got out of trouble, he ran immediately, and his speed was also extremely fast, but slightly slower than the black panther.

But Ye Muchen was faster, and just as the cat demon rushed out of the door, he was hit in the face by Ye Muchen's dragon claws, smashing the bones of his head with one blow, and was instantly killed again.

When Yang Yaozun saw Ye Muchen who had turned into a dragon human, he was too frightened to move, and lay down on the ground begging for mercy, regardless of the snake venom on his buttocks.

Ye Muchen also took away the inner alchemy of the cat demon, ignoring the sheep demon who begged for mercy, when he lowered his head, the dragon claw pierced into the back of the opponent's head, the whole sheep's head was twisted off, and the demon core was taken away.

At this time, Xuan Ji and Tai Yi just killed the last two Dharma Venerables. As for those Dharma Emperors, after the elements were imprisoned, they were not even qualified to participate in the war, and could only watch their own teachers be killed.

The three of them rushed to the remaining Yaozun together. This time, those Yaozun quickly surrendered, but since they had already made their choice, they would naturally no longer have compassion. The outside world is like this, and if you make a wrong choice, you will have to pay. cost.

After the battle was won, Mangniu was furious when he saw the wound of the panther, and rushed to slaughter the people in the holy capital like a madman. Dapeng took out the medicine and fed it to the panther to help him treat the wound.

Ye Muchen looked at the battle in the Holy Land above his head, then looked at Xuan Ji and asked, "You already knew that these things would happen here."

Xuan Ji bowed slightly to Ye Muchen and said: "Yes, Your Majesty is my teacher. After I discovered your potential, I seemed to want to draw you into our camp, and the method of controlling the martial soul you need most, The teacher has it, and it is very comprehensive."

Ye Muchen looked up at the sky, and after thinking for a while, he asked again: "The real purpose of the death world is here. Can the gods and demons control them?"

"No, creatures from the dead world will attack indiscriminately, so the dead world is now the enemy of all our races. This time our purpose is to kill the traitors in the holy capital and the surrounding monster races, so that we can truly unite against the dead world."

Xuanji said, saw Ye Muchen's expression, and continued: "The gods and demons have occupied multiple alien worlds, and aliens can't be easily solved, so their holy realm powerhouses are all held back. Our only chance, once the gods and demons completely control the colony, they will have the strength to deal with us."

Ye Muchen thought for a while and said: "I will help you fight against the dead world, and I want all the information about Shenwuhun."

"Yes." Suddenly, Niang Niang flew down beside him, and found that the battle was over. Seeing that all of them were dead, the Holy Demon and the Holy God couldn't do anything about Nuwa's successor, so they simply left. Anyway, for these lackeys, death It doesn't matter how much.

This time their purpose is not to destroy the demon city, but to draw out the demon saints hidden here, understand the opponent's strength, and deal with the demon clan, using creatures from the dead world, they can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

So this mission, the gods and demons have been completed, and only the humans and demons in the holy capital died, and they didn't have any losses.

(End of this chapter)

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