Chapter 206

Ye Muchen and Xiaoqi hid in the high tower, watching the reincarnation sneak into Tiancheng and plant bombs from various civilizations.

After waiting for almost half a day, the ambush and investigation of the reincarnation ended.

Suddenly Tiancheng exploded at the same time. Although the energy forms of the explosions were different, they were all extremely powerful. In just an instant, all the important buildings of Tiancheng collapsed.

Especially the places where the strong lived were all destroyed and caused great damage.

The bombs used by the reincarnators in the Holy Land must be extremely high-level. If they can't hurt the Holy Land, they naturally don't need to prepare them.

Even the destructive effects of these bombs can be calculated extremely accurately by reincarnators.

As a result, in the first wave, Tiancheng lost all its buildings, and most of the saints were seriously injured.

Immediately afterwards, strange creatures appeared all over the city, including huge monsters, and man-eating insects as numerous as waves.

There were even combat robots and nano-robots, and all of the people in the city died all of a sudden, either being eaten by bugs or destroyed by nano-robots without a single drop of blood left.

After these chaos-causing things were released, the reincarnations used teams as units to assassinate those seriously injured saint-land celestial beings. Almost all these celestial beings were silently killed before they could react.

The reincarnated people can come to this day because they have experienced countless life and death, and after going through various tribulations, the system has improved their fighting skills, strategies, intelligence, strength, and equipment in all aspects.

As for the Celestial Clan's Saint Realm powerhouse, except for their natural strength and the skills inherited by the Celestial Clan, there is no other way to compare with the reincarnated ones.

Even after 10 years of ease, apart from cultivation, the heavenly beings don't have much combat experience, because they really have no enemies.

Even if there are a few resistances, they are basically crushed by strength or numbers, and they cannot exercise their fighting awareness and skills at all.

So even if they were assassinated by reincarnations of the same level, they would have no resistance.

Although the abilities of these reincarnations were all written by him, Ye Muchen was surprised to see them in real.

These reincarnations are probably more terrifying than the creatures of the dead world, and even the two races of gods and demons may be wiped out by them.

Tiancheng's strength should be similar to that of the Protoss, but facing 20 teams of reincarnators, it took only ten seconds for the city's important buildings to be blown up.

The most important Tiangong, if it is not protected by a powerful formation, it will definitely be blown up here.

Unknown monsters appeared in almost all densely populated streets, causing chaos.

At the same time, those celestial beings who reached the holy land were assassinated on a fixed-point basis.

For reincarnators, battles are measured in seconds. If an assassination cannot be completed within a few seconds, then it will be a failure.

Seeing such a swift and straightforward battle, not to mention Xiao Qi, Ye Muchen was shocked. Now that these reincarnations are really too strong, I am afraid that if he fights with them himself, he will also be wiped out.

Seeing all this from the ice crystal mirror, Xiao Qi became nervous for the first time, and asked in a low voice: "Husband, we can't beat these."

"I know, we won't fight these perverts. Xiao Qi, there is an enchantment passed down from ancient times in Tiangong, do you have a way to sneak in?" Ye Muchen asked.

Xiao Qi shook his head and said: "No, this enchantment is very powerful, as long as I get close, I will be discovered, let alone enter."

"Well, the plan has changed. Let's go directly to the Heavenly Realm." Ye Muchen immediately gave up the idea of ​​entering the Heavenly Palace when he saw the combat power of the reincarnation.

Xiao Qi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this group of reincarnators put too much pressure on her.

She performed the ghost escape technique, leading Ye Muchen to disappear in the blink of an eye.

Tianjing is a forbidden place of the Celestial Clan. It is a cave at the bottom of the lake. No one knows what is inside except the Great Elder. Anyone who gets close will be executed.

Xiao Qi took Ye Muchen to sneak into the heavenly realm. Although the guards here are all powerful in the holy realm, their perception is not enough to discover Xiao Qi's underworld spells.

Let her sneak into the cave of Tianjing and stop in front of a huge stone gate on the mountain wall. This man's stone gate is made of white jade, 99 meters high and 49 meters wide, with golden reliefs all over it.

There are no guards here, because even the guards are not allowed to enter.

After the two appeared, Ye Muchen stood in front of the stone gate and shouted loudly: "Saint, tell the sky that I can save the queen."

When he shouted, his voice spread far away, but no one responded.

Xiao Qi looked at the door warily, her intuition made her feel fear, and her palms were sweating unconsciously.

"Don't worry, I'm absolutely sure." Ye Muchen held her hand, reassuring Xiao Qi a little.

After a while, white light appeared on the relief on the stone gate, and then the stone gate slowly opened, and there was a dazzling white light inside, and it was impossible to see clearly inside.

Under the white light, a figure came out, and after arriving in front of Ye Muchen, he saw that it was an extremely beautiful woman with snow-white skin like jade, blue eyes, and long golden hair.

Wearing a golden robe and a curvy figure, she can be called a peerless stunner.

However, such a woman gives people a sense of nobility, holiness, and inviolability, and at the same time has a mechanical feeling without emotion, as if standing in front of her is a female artificial intelligence robot.

"Who is here? Do you know that this is the forbidden area of ​​the Celestial Clan?" The saint said calmly without any emotion.

"Of course I know. I came here to treat Tianhou's injuries in exchange for Lieyang Tianjian. If Tian agrees, I will help him heal."

Ye Muchen directly stated his purpose, otherwise, with Tianhe Shengnv's temper, he might be killed if he didn't have a chance to speak.

The saint has the strength of the peak of the holy realm, and the sky is beyond the existence of the holy realm, which cannot be defeated by strategy.

"How did you get in?" the saint asked again.

"If I can't even get in here, how can I have the qualifications to treat the Empress?" Ye Muchen asked back.

"Let him in." A man's voice came from behind the door.

The saint turned around and pointed her finger at the stone gate, a white light fell on the stone gate, and soon the white light in the stone gate disappeared, and there was a palace inside.

If there is no saintess to lift the restriction, anyone who breaks in will be lost in the dimensional space until their sanity dies.

Follow the saint through the stone gate, and the gate will automatically close immediately.

Suddenly there was a monstrous coercion in the palace, Ye Muchen and Xiao Qi both felt it was difficult to move, as if their bodies were about to be crushed.

If Ye Muchen hadn't been for the Ziji Taoist body, with his current cultivation base, he would definitely not be able to withstand this coercion.

Xiao Qi could barely hold on, but he definitely couldn't hold on for too long.

Ye Muchen stopped in front of Xiao Qi, braced his body and shouted loudly: "God, compared with the fate of the Queen of Heaven, our appearance is nothing."

With his words, the coercion disappeared, and the voice of heaven came from the palace: "Do you know the situation of the Queen of Heaven?"

"Her physical injuries have been healed by you a long time ago, but her spirit is on the verge of collapsing. It is all relying on your super strong cultivation to protect her spirit. However, after such a long time, her spirit has begun to annihilate itself. This is no longer a force that can stop it forcibly. .” Ye Muchen said loudly.

"Come in." Heaven said this, and the saint stood at the gate of the palace, making a gesture of invitation.

Ye Muchen took a deep breath and walked inside with Xiaoqi. The sky cannot be defeated by strength, the only breakthrough is the queen.

The two walked into the palace, but the saint stood outside and did not come in. Even the saint here is not eligible to enter.

(End of this chapter)

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