Chapter 207 The Queen
Walking into the palace, I saw an ice-like crystal stone bed in the middle, on which lay a woman in white clothes.

Even when she was close to the state of disintegration, Tianhou gave people a faint feeling of coercion and tenderness.

Beside the stone bed, Tian was sitting cross-legged, wearing only a nightgown-like black dress, looking down at the two of them, his eyes were like looking at two ants.

To Tian, ​​anyone's life is like an ant, in his eyes, only the Queen of Heaven, if the life of this world can be exchanged for the Queen of Heaven, he will destroy the world without hesitation.

"I don't care how you know about Tianhou's situation. Now that you know, how do you save Tianhou's soul? If you can't save her, die." Tian looked at the two of them coldly, unable to see whether there was any hopeful emotion.

"Okay, I have two ways to bring the queen back to life, the quickest one is to make the queen come alive in the form of a zombie.

The other is to reunite the Queen of Heaven's spirit and cultivate into a ghost fairy. This method will be much slower, and it will take hundreds of years at the fastest, depending on the training resources provided and the Queen's own aptitude. "

Ye Muchen said the way he had thought up in advance, and only if he made Tian feel that it was worth a try, could he discuss the subsequent deal, otherwise, when they stepped here, it would be like stepping into the gate of hell.

"Becoming a zombie is an insult to the Queen of Heaven. Tell me how ghosts and immortals practice?" Tian directly rejected the first one. For him, hundreds of years are just a snap of the fingers, not too long.

"Let my wife draw out the divine soul of the Queen of Heaven, reunite the divine soul, and then practice the underworld exercises.

With Tianhou's talent, it should only take three years to cultivate a ghost body, and then you will be able to communicate with Tianhou. To touch Tianhou, you need to reunite your body and achieve the body of a ghost fairy. "

After Ye Muchen said it, Tian looked down at Tianhou, and then said flatly: "Yes, but you are not allowed to leave here until Tianhou cultivates into a ghost and fairy body. If you step out of here, you will be wiped out in ashes."

Ye Muchen nodded and said: "Yes, I only have one condition, after my wife reunites the Queen of Heaven, give me the Lieyang Heavenly Sword, and I will practice here."

With a flick of the sky, a golden light flew out and landed in front of Ye Muchen, turning into a golden crystal sword. There was a blazing sun core in the sword body, emitting heating energy.

This Lieyang Tianjian is a weapon used by Tianyou when he was young, and it is a flying sword without a hilt, controlled by spiritual thoughts.

Back then, this Lieyang Heavenly Sword killed countless powerful people in the holy realm, and it was a top-grade spiritual weapon with extremely domineering attacks.

The sky is not afraid of Ye Muchen's repentance, entering this palace, without his permission, no one can enter or leave.

Ye Muchen stretched out his hand, and the Lieyang Tianjian was put into the Qiankun ring, and then nodded to Xiaoqi.

Xiaoqi walked to Tianhou's side, and under the watchful eyes of Tianhou, he took out the soul-inducing bell and said, "You can let go of your power."

"Without the protection of my power, the Queen of Heaven's spirit will soon dissipate, are you sure?" Tian asked again, he was absolutely careful about the safety of Queen of Heaven.

"Regathering souls is commonplace for my Meng Po family. The soul-inducing bell in my hand can reunite souls. Our family has the talent to reunite souls."

Hearing Xiao Qi's explanation, coupled with her confident demeanor, Tian finally let go of his power, because he couldn't prevent Tian Hou's soul from being annihilated. After all, the time is too long, even if he protects him with strength, he will slowly Disperse.

At the same time as Tian withdrew his power, Xiao Qi shook the soul-inducing bell and squeezed the seal of the underworld, causing Tianhou's spirit to fly out of the body and enter the soul-inducing bell.

After all the souls were gathered, she began to release the secret method to reunite the souls for the queen.

Seeing all this, Ye Muchen secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time Tian's eyes finally had a look of joy, of course he could see that Tianhou's soul had begun to gather.

Although he has great power, he is not good at the soul, so in the past 10 years, he can only use his own power to protect the soul of the Queen of Heaven, which cannot be cured.

As a result, as time passed, the spirit slowly dissipated.

At this time, Xiao Qi frowned, Tian was very concerned about Tian Hou's situation, Xiao Qi's expression made him feel bad, and immediately asked: "What's the problem?"

"There is a force in her soul that I don't know that is preventing the soul from condensing."

As soon as Xiao Qi finished speaking, Tian immediately recalled what happened that year, and suddenly revealed murderous anger: "The Curse of Absolute Soul! Great Elder, you are courting death."

Tian soon knew the problem, but now Tianhou's life came first, so he immediately asked, "Do you have a solution?"

Xiao Qi nodded after hesitating for a moment, the soul-inducing bell in his hand floated up, and flicked his finger at the bell.

With a bang, the soul-inducing bell shattered, revealing a milky white bead inside.

She wrapped the beads with dark power and merged into the soul of the Queen of Heaven.

I saw that Tianhou's spirit had been gathering and dispersing repeatedly, but after this bead entered, the spirit and spirit quickly reunited, forming the appearance of Tianhou.

Xiaoqi took out the Yellow Spring Flower again, and it floated under the Queen of Heaven and became bigger, like a lotus seat.

Tianhou sat on it, and Huang Quanhua emitted red light into her soul, helping Tianhou's soul to condense the ghost body.

After a while, Xiao Qi stopped, and he could see that he was a little weak. Ye Muchen immediately jumped over to support Xiao Qi and asked worriedly: "Thank you for your hard work."

Xiao Qi shook her head and smiled, then looked to the sky and said: "I will give her the Yellow Spring Flower and the Soul Orb, and the ghost body will be reunited within three days. After learning the underworld skills, the spell in the soul can be resolved."

For the first time, Tian showed joy. He was already in despair. He watched the soul of his beloved slowly disappear, but he didn't expect hope to come suddenly.

Standing in front of Tianhou, Tian looked at her eyes full of tenderness and joy, where there was no sense of majesty and oppression just now.

Ye Muchen supported Xiao Qi and sat beside him to rest, thinking about how to recover the loss.

Originally thought that Xiaoqi would get Tian's approval after saving Tian, ​​and earn money if he got Lieyang Tianjian.

As a result, two treasures were accidentally lost. Without Huangquanhua and Soul Yinling, the loss to Xiaoqi was not small.

But just now they had negotiated terms with Tian, ​​and suddenly made more demands, which might anger Tian and make Tian think they are greedy people.

In this way, there will be a lot of uncertainties in the subsequent plans. If this one makes a mistake, they may all die.

Just as he was thinking in his mind, analyzing Tian's character, what requests he could make would not affect the plan.

At this time, Tian suddenly flicked his hand, and a jade bottle floated in front of them and said: "This is the divine water of the heavenly way. After you saved the heaven, you lost two treasures, plus the skills of the underworld, this thing should be used as compensation.

This is the formation of the power of the Dao of Heaven, which can allow you to comprehend the Dao of Heaven. Whether you can use this to comprehend the Dao and break through the fairyland depends on your own chance. "

Hearing this, Ye Muchen and Xiao Qi were overjoyed, and they bowed to the sky to express their gratitude after receiving it. The value of this item is immeasurable.

At the same time, Ye Muchen also heard for the first time that there is a fairyland after the holy realm.

At this time, the saint's voice came from outside the door: "Master, Tiancheng is under attack, Tiancheng is almost fallen, and the Great Elder is asking for help outside."

Tian frowned, unexpectedly someone could break into Tiancheng, it is impossible for people in this world to have such power.

But now is the important moment for Tianhou, he must stay here for three days.

Ye Muchen said at this time: "God, just now you said that the Heavenly Empress' Soul Absolute Curse was cast by the Great Elder, so it is not difficult to guess that the Great Elder's real goal is to target you.

If you want to protect the spirit of the Empress Dowager, you will have to spend all your time cultivating to live for the Empress Dowager. It is very likely that all of this came from the hands of the Great Elder.If you trust me, the Great Elder will leave it to me to deal with it. "

Looking at him from the sky, he was a little surprised and asked: "Do you know that the elder has the strength of the peak of the holy realm, and he is only one step away from the fairyland. The gap between you and him, I'm afraid you can't even get close."

"I have four human friends, they are all powerful in the holy realm, and I also have my own hole cards." Ye Muchen said.

"Okay, Xiaoqi stays here, she can't have any accidents, you only need to persist for three days, and I will let the saint help you." Tian has no other choice now, if he is asked to choose between Tiancheng and Tianhou, He chose Tianhou without hesitation.

Ye Muchen nodded, let Xiao Qi stay here, as long as the sky is here, Xiao Qi is absolutely safe now.

Xiao Qi looked at him worriedly, Ye Muchen smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'll be fine, trust me."

Xiao Qi nodded and watched him leave the palace.

Seeing the relationship between Xiao Qi and Ye Muchen, and the way they cared about each other, made Tian think of himself and Tian Hou when they were young, their eyes softened a lot, and they smiled and said, "Sit down, and I will help you understand the divine water of heaven."

"Thank you, senior." Xiao Qi sat down, holding the jade bottle with both hands, a drop of divine water floated out of it, and entered between her eyebrows.

With a single finger of the Heavenly Hand, a halo appeared on it, covering Xiao Qi's body, and countless light spots as small as sand floated out and entered Xiao Qi's body.

(End of this chapter)

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