Chapter 208
Walking out of the gate of the palace, the saint is already waiting at the gate.

In fact, the saint is not a member of the Celestial Clan, but a puppet created by the heavens, specially used to protect the heavens, and other people do not trust them.

"Master asked me to obey your order, please give me the order." The saint looked at him without any emotion, waiting for the order.

"The Great Elder doesn't know that Tian has discovered the secret of his curse on the Queen of Heaven, so that the Great Elder can lead the 36 saints to fight against the invaders. Let's assist the Great Elder to fight against the enemy."

After Ye Muchen finished speaking, the saint sent a message to the elder. This communication method is completely different from the earth, similar to brain waves.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the radio and sent a message to Xiao Fei, and then the two walked out of the heavenly realm.

Seeing that Xiao Fei's four-person team was already waiting there, Ye Muchen then released Jiu'er, a total of 7 people including the saintess.

When the saint saw their hostile eyes, Ye Muchen immediately said: "They are my friends, they are helping us, let's go now."

After glancing at the few people, the saint was the first to fly to Tiangong. Ye Muchen said to Xiao Fei and the others: "Cooperate with Tiangong to eliminate the reincarnated people. With the current combat power of the reincarnated people, Tiangong is definitely no match."

"Well, should we try our best to reduce the number of competitors? It's simple." Chen Hao swung his spear and turned into a streamer and flew out first.

The others followed immediately, and each of them was much faster than Ye Muchen. These people were all at the middle stage of the Holy Realm at the lowest, and Ye Muchen was only at the peak of the Soul Emperor, two levels short, and even his physical body was only at the peak of Martial Venerable.

When he landed on Tiangong with Yujian, he saw that the surrounding area was already fighting, the defensive barrier of Tiangong was lifted, and many buildings had been destroyed.

The four of Xiao Fei and the Holy Maiden are fighting with a five-person reincarnation team. Except for the Holy Maiden and Xiao Fei who have the upper hand, no one else can tell the winner in a short time.

Seeing the strength of these people, Jiu'er became more intent on fighting. Before Ye Muchen could say anything, the Zixiao Lei Musket appeared and rushed towards a target to attack.

Ye Muchen stood at the gate of the palace, watching the battle. He couldn't fight these people with his current strength, and he didn't want to reveal his zero ability for the time being. It was enough for Jiu'er to fight and snatch the good things from these reincarnated people.

The battle only lasted for half a day, and the 36 peak saint realm powerhouses in Tiancheng were beheaded one after another, but many people in the reincarnation squad also died in battle.

After all, the 36 saints symbolize the top combat power of Tiancheng, with top talents and abilities. To deal with a reincarnation, at least two or three people must besieged to have a chance of winning.

The Great Elder is currently being besieged by three people in the late stage of the Holy Realm, but after 10 years of fighting, the Great Elder has never lost combat experience to a reincarnated person, plus he has a top-grade spiritual weapon and supernatural power.

The three reincarnations in the late stage of the Holy Realm were all at a disadvantage.

When the remaining 19 teams of samsara surrounded the place, the Great Elder also stopped fighting. He glanced at these people secretly surprised, but the corners of his mouth still raised slightly. The stronger these people were, the more successful his plan would be.

One of the reincarnators who fought with the Great Elder glanced at Xiao Fei and the others, frowned and snorted coldly: "You are reincarnators, you know about this mission, do you know what you are doing?"

"Those who can live to this day cannot be fools, that is to say, they have information that we don't know."

"If this mission is just to destroy Tiancheng, it is not too difficult for us, and it does not conform to the inertia of the system. That is to say, there must be follow-up missions, and they may know the follow-up missions."

"Knowing that the next mission is impossible, the system will not leave any clues. They discovered the hidden mission."

Xiao Fei is not surprised that these people guessed his purpose, none of the current reincarnators is a person with both wisdom and courage.

At present, Tiancheng's main combat power is almost wiped out, only the Great Elder and the Saintess are left now, and only 13 of the reincarnated people died, and the others were only injured, at most due to excessive power consumption.

Such casualties were also due to the joining of Xiao Fei's team, Saintess, and Jiu'er, otherwise the reincarnated people would probably win completely, at most they would be injured.

Just when they were preparing to attack again, tens of thousands of people flew from outside Tiancheng, all of them were the top experts of human race and orc race.

Seeing this, Ye Muchen suddenly smiled and said, "Our people are here."

The reincarnated people were surprised. It is impossible for the reincarnated people to know that these people appeared, and so many people suddenly appeared, disrupting their plans.

In addition to attacking Tiancheng, they used too much consumable combat supplies. If they want to fight again, it really depends on their physical strength.

"Aren't they reincarnated?" Someone wondered.

Even the Great Elder was puzzled, Ye Muchen said: "Great Elder, we have created an opportunity for you."

The Great Elder was surprised, knowing his secret, including himself, there were four of them, and they were all his trustworthy disciples, so now he had some doubts about Ye Muchen's identity.

But no matter what, he couldn't admit it, otherwise he would be known by God, and he would definitely die.

"Saint, the strength of the intruder has exceeded our expectations. Let's evacuate from the Heaven Realm. We need Heaven's help." The Great Elder didn't dare to stop, and if he continued to fight, he would be beheaded by these people who suddenly appeared.

"Heaven's order is to defend Tiancheng for three days." The saint said calmly, with six diamond-shaped crystals floating beside her, emitting white light.

"Three days! Why three days?" The Great Elder suddenly had a bad premonition. Looking at Ye Muchen, he suddenly wondered whether Tianhou would be able to recover in three days. The 10-year plan fell through.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to stop any longer, and flew directly to Tiancheng.

At this moment, five figures stood in front of him, and five kinds of weapons came alternately. The Great Elder had no choice but to stop, blocking the attacks of the five with the scepter in his hand.

Although none of these five members belonged to the same team, the cooperation was still very smooth, and the attacks came one after another, with almost no gaps.

The Great Elder was in a hurry and didn't dare to delay any longer. He felt that something unfavorable to him must have happened in the Heavenly Territory.

There is no longer any reservation, the third eye appears on the forehead, the ** appears behind him, the scepter is raised, and the halo of runes appears around it, and a dazzling golden light bursts out instantly.

Like ten thousand sword lights, the three people blocking the way did not expect that the great elder had hidden his strength just now, and they were all seriously injured by this blow, and their bodies were pierced by more than a dozen sword lights.

Five people fell seriously injured, and their teammates immediately rushed over to catch them and took out first aid medicine for treatment.

"Rush to the sky, the sky is there." The elder didn't care now, he didn't dare to wait any longer.

When people like Ye Muchen came out from the Heaven Realm, he felt something was wrong in his heart, and he felt inexplicably flustered.

The human race and the orc race were surprised to see that Tiancheng was attacked in advance, but now they heard the words of the great elder, and they all looked confused, feeling that the development of the situation was different from what they thought.

Isn't the Great Elder Tiancheng the one they want to kill?
At this time, the leaders of the human race and the orc race raised their weapons and shouted: "The genius is the leader of Tiancheng, and the elder is our teacher. He is the one who taught us the divine skills of the Tiancheng."

Both the human race and the orc legion were surprised, but they absolutely trusted their leader, so they all rushed forward.

At this time, all reincarnations received the second task of the system and participated in the melee, and the team that finally became the master of Tiancheng won.

"Big melee!"

The reincarnators were all surprised, and they all looked at Xiao Fei and the others with astonishment. They almost destroyed Tiancheng, and they were already scarred. How do you do your best.

This is not to say that the reincarnators are stupid, but that they were deceived by the system tasks. It was Ye Muchen who used the pitfalls in the system tasks to calculate these reincarnators.

If there is no system task, it will be extremely difficult for them to deceive the current reincarnation.

Just as the reincarnators reacted, suddenly the saint flew up to the sky above Tiancheng, forming seals with both hands, surrounded by six diamond-shaped crystals around her.

"Absolute Light Field"

I saw the dazzling light burst out from the spiritual crystal, covering the entire Tianzheng, and everyone entered the white world.

Not to mention the darkness here, even my own shadow is gone.

"Those who blaspheme the sky will be destroyed."

Suddenly, the person shrouded in white light screamed, and his body burned and evaporated within three seconds, leaving no ashes behind.

At the holy level, all defensive skills and treasures are released to resist the burning of white light.

(End of this chapter)

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