I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 209 The Ten Thousand Years' Conspiracy

Chapter 209 The 10-year Conspiracy
Under the absolute light domain, if there is no resistance of the same level of power, it will be purified by light.

This is the greatest power of the saint, and it is also the last barrier given to the saint by God.

The Great Elder did not expect that the Holy Maiden still had such power, and the golden light appeared on the robe on her body, forming a ball of light to resist the white light.

The other reincarnated people just resisted for a while, because the power consumption was too much, they couldn't hold on for too long, and they all disappeared in the white light.

The Great Elder didn't dare to continue, his third eye looked at the saint in the air, and shot out a dark red light, which instantly penetrated the saint's chest.

Now the surrounding white light disappears. The saint is a creature created by heaven. After the core is destroyed, she loses power and falls down. Ye Muchen catches it and puts it into the Qiankun ring, including the six diamond-shaped crystals floating around her. It is the spiritual weapon of Tianhou, and it is of the same level as Lieyang Tianjian.

After one move of Absolute Light Domain, except for Ye Muchen, there are only nine people left, the Great Elder, the two leaders of the human race, and the three war gods of the orc race.

There are only three people left on the side of the reincarnation, which shows how powerful the Absolute Light Domain is.

Of course, the most important thing is that the reincarnated person has already consumed most of his strength, and with some injuries, he can't resist this move.

The Great Elder had no time to pay attention to people like Ye Muchen, and flew to the heaven with the people he trained.

Ye Muchen looked at the four of Xiao Fei, nodded and chased after them with Jiu'er.

And Xiao Fei and the others stood in front of the remaining three reincarnations. The three of them were close to exhaustion. In order to resist the absolute light field, it was good not to die.

"Hehe, how do you know the arrangement of the system?" A reincarnated person knew that he had no pressure to return to heaven, and knew that he would have this day sooner or later, so he let go of all his guard and lay on the ground looking at the sky.

"That person is not a reincarnation, he is a plot character." After Xiao Fei said this, he raised the knife in his hand.

"Hmph, there are so many secrets in this world of reincarnation." When this person finished speaking, Xiao Fei chopped off his head.

The other two resisted symbolically, and were killed by Lin Dong and Chen Hao, becoming the final victors.

Ye Muchen and Jiu'er arrived at the Heavenly Realm, saw the Great Elder and others killing the Heavenly Realm guards, before arriving at the gate of the Heavenly Realm Palace.

The Great Elder actually possessed the secret method to open this door, opened the door and brought his own people in.

After Ye Muchen saw it, he performed the fusion of martial arts and soul. Jiu'er turned into black light and wrapped his body, turning into a black spirit pattern battle suit. At the same time, Ye Muchen also entered the state of dragon man, and his hair became longer.

As soon as he approached, an orc god of war in the late stage of the Holy Realm stopped, raised a big guillotine and slashed at him.

Ye Muchen's right hand appeared Zixiao Leihuo, and the power was poured into the barrel of the gun, turning into a dark blue flame.

When the spear stabbed out, it turned into a giant dragon and rushed out.

The orc god of war's sword carried a wild and bloody breath, and the sword turned into a blood-colored light blade of [-] meters.

When two holy-level forces collided, the burst of energy was extremely huge. In just a split second, the shock wave caused the cave to vibrate, and a large number of stones fell.

After reaching the Holy Realm, the control of power is more important in direct combat, and any moves are meaningless.

I saw the black dragon and the blood blade were in a stalemate with each other, and the aftermath of energy kept vibrating, and I felt that the mountain might collapse at any time.

Seeing the Great Elder and the others enter the Heaven Realm Palace, Ye Muchen smiled instead, and with a thought, Zero God Martial Soul appeared.

The orc God of War showed a shocked expression when he saw a woman suddenly appearing beside him. When he was fighting the opponent, he knew that this person was only strong but not weak, and it was hard to say whether he could stop it.

Now another person appeared, which made him feel very dangerous, which made him a little anxious, and his control over power weakened.

Ye Muchen attacked with all his strength, outputting energy continuously. Fortunately, the notes that Fusang gave him at the beginning allowed him to control his power more finely and reduce the waste of power.

Otherwise, if he lets two martial souls appear at the same time, the consumption of soul power will drain him dry.

In the panic of the orc God of War, Zero's long, pitch-black hair grew longer and stretched out, turning into tens of thousands of tentacles wrapping around his head.

The orc god of war was in a panic, and his power control was also messed up. He was pierced by the black dragon's blood knife light and shadow, and his spear pierced through his armor, and then penetrated his heart, killing him with one blow.

When he pulled out the spear, Zero's long hair wrapped around the whole body of the orc god of war, secreting mucus that melted and absorbed his body, leaving only the armor and the sword in the end.

These equipments were secretly gifted by the Great Elder, and all of them were extremely precious metals. Ye Muchen collected them into the Qiankun Ring, which could be smelted and used as refining materials in the future.

Ye Muchen withdrew Ling and Jiu'er's martial souls and returned to their original appearance, his face was slightly pale because of excessive consumption of soul power.

When he walked into the gate of the palace, he suddenly heard a monstrous coercion and energy shock waves.

After this wave of energy passed, he ran into the main hall and saw the Great Elder and others fighting against the sky.

Tian is indeed very strong and has reached the fairyland, but after 10 years of constant consumption of power to protect Tianhou, his strength has actually seriously regressed, almost in the range of the quasi-fairyland.

Seeing Ye Muchen coming in, the Great Elder was surprised, Tian just glanced at him and ignored him.

Xiao Qi stood in front of Tianhou, seeing Ye Muchen coming in with a happy expression, she quickly called out, "Husband, are you alright?"

Ye Muchen shook his head, and then said to Tian: "The Tiancheng invaders have been eliminated by the saint, and the remaining few people have also been beheaded by my friends, and now Tiancheng has no enemies.

It's just that the saint was killed by the elder, and I didn't have time to save her, so I only brought back the body. "

Ye Muchen took out the saint's body, but Tian didn't care about it, but stared at the elder and said coldly: "Tianyan, you dare to plot against me, how brave you are."

"10 years ago, the Tiandao plate should have belonged to our family. You destroyed my family and took away the treasure of our family. I just took back my things."

"Obtaining the Dao of Heaven, you are extremely arrogant and claim to be the sky, but you can't imagine it. Back then, you were besieged by the world. It was all planned by me. It is only possible that your power is too strong, and the people of the world will be defeated by you."

"But now you are no longer the invincible Tian 10 years ago, but a loser who has exhausted his strength."

The Great Elder laughed loudly, and when Tianhe and the four of them brought about a force shock and stalemate, the third eye opened again.

"Xiao Qi." Ye Muchen shouted, Xiao Qi could understand any of his thoughts, and this was the spiritual connection between the deity and the martial soul.

Xiaoqi rushed forward, stood in front of the sky, and released all the energy of Yin-Yang Huangquan Mingyi, forming a Yin-Yang energy shield around his body.

Ye Muchen stopped at the front, activating the defensive barrier of the black cloud suit, and a black mist mask appeared around his body.

The Great Elder's third eye shot out a beam of red light, and Ye Muchen's barrier of the black cloud suit was instantly broken, and then his right shoulder was pierced by the red light, causing necrosis around the wound.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Qi's Yin-Yang shield was exposed to the red light. Xiao Qi's strength was much stronger than Ye Muchen's, and the Yin-Yang Huangquan Mingyi was of a higher grade than his Black Cloud Battlesuit.

After blocking the red light for five seconds, the yin and yang shield cracked, and Xiaoqi was also passed through the shoulder by the red light, and the magic circle on this suit was also destroyed.

The last power of the red light was running low, and when it reached the sky, it was directly bounced away by the energy of the body protector.

In fact, the elder's blow couldn't hurt Tian at all. Ye Muchen did this to gain Tian's trust and gain more benefits.

Although the black cloud battle suit on his body is a low-grade spiritual weapon, which belongs to the top equipment on the earth, but it is a low-grade product here.

Xiaoqi's suit is pretty good, but it still can't compare with the equipment collected by Tian.

Seeing this scene, Tian's calm expression became more volatile, and then released a domineering energy diffusion, which instantly penetrated the bodies of the four people brought by the great elder.

Tian looked at the Great Elder, and didn't even look at the four people, but the Great Elder was also shocked. The people who had been carefully cultivated in front of him turned into dust in an instant.

This is the power of the fairyland, even if the power of the sky has been weakened to the minimum, it is still unable to compete for the practitioners of the holy realm.

After being surprised, the Great Elder raised the scepter in his hand, formed a seal with his left hand, and shot a golden light into the scepter.

Immediately with the Great Elder as the center, a golden array appeared around it.

Seeing Tian Tian's expression moved for the first time, he frowned and said, "The map of Zhu Shen is in your hands, very good."

"Even the God-Punishing Map may not be able to kill you, but the Queen of Heaven can't bear it." The Great Elder laughed, activated the formation map, and a light symbol appeared, which turned into a lightsaber and shot out.

(End of this chapter)

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