
Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Li Laiheng's heart sank.

Li Zicheng was so contemptuous of the Manchu Qing, no wonder, when Shanhaiguan fought against the Qing soldiers, he would be defeated.Whatever the cause, there is the effect.

This history cannot repeat itself.If this period of history repeats itself, Dashun will be impossible to establish, and his time travel will become meaningless.

Li Laiheng learned that recently, Li Zicheng had indeed recruited a large number of recruits, all of whom were hungry people in Henan.Hungry people are powerless to fight. Farmers and urban citizens are used to laxity. What fears most in war is the lack of strict discipline. If this group of people does not undergo strict and long-term training, they can only be regarded as mobs.

Li Laiheng has 3 people. 1 people will be the mountain combat division, based on the hair gourd soldiers, led by Gu Kecheng; 1 people will be the fortified infantry division, based on the mine soldiers, led by Gu Ying; the other 1 people will be the cavalry, divided into two combat divisions , Wang Si and Luo Hu each led five thousand; Li Laiheng's personal battalion was his eight hundred elite.

Therefore, Li Laiheng's personal battalion is the most elite unit.

This is the Li Laiheng Corps!Now, what remains is a training problem.

The mountain fighters are Li Zicheng's unique arm setting, and they are good at fighting in mountains.Therefore, hilly areas and high mountains are their training bases.Funiu Mountain has no shortage of mountains, let alone high mountains. It takes an hour to climb Motianling, and there is no way to complete it without strict training.Gu Kecheng selected teachers from the original wool gourd soldiers as trainers, and they quickly mastered the basics of mountain warfare.

This is the first infantry group dedicated to mountain warfare, so in mountain warfare, they will have an absolute advantage.

The infantry division in the fortified battle is led by Gu Ying. The core of this group of people is the original miners, also known as miners, whose specialties can be imagined.Building bridges, digging holes, and destroying city walls are their forte.They have a tool that others do not have, a special shovel, or shovel, similar to the engineer shovel in the modern army.This kind of tool can be used not only as a digging tool, but also as a shield, and can also be used as a weapon. Therefore, some soldiers simply combine three in one. The tool, shield, and weapon are a shovel.

This army must have a special purpose for siege. Since they are based on miners, and some of them understand the basic method of gunpowder manufacturing, this siege division will soon have artillery.The artillery of the Ming Dynasty already had a certain foundation. Li Laiheng was a person who traveled through the past in the 21st century. Therefore, it is possible to manufacture more advanced artillery based on the industrial foundation of the Ming Dynasty.

However, Li Zicheng had the idea of ​​letting Zhang Nai form artillery.That's okay, it might be better for the artillery to be an independent institution.

Li Laiheng's [-] cavalry were carefully selected.Horses, he only wants good horses, and he especially emphasizes fast short-distance sprint speed.In close contact with the enemy, speed is combat power.Li Zicheng gave him the freedom to choose, and he chose [-] good horses for himself.

Some good horses of some generals were selected by Li Laiheng, they can only be envious and jealous, what can they do?Li Zicheng insisted on forming an elite Li Laiheng army, and it is understandable to be biased.

Now, Wang Si and Luo Hu are going to lead the army independently, they don't have much time to follow Li Laiheng's side, they need more time to be with their soldiers.

Li Laiheng wants Wang Si and Luo Hu to do it, the soldiers know the generals, and the generals know the soldiers.Only in this way can we have combat effectiveness.

The day of opening is getting closer.

Originally, any war needs to be conducted in secret, and in a big city like Kaifeng, it is even more necessary to surprise and attack unprepared.But as it is now, it is obviously a violation of basic military common sense to organize a large army to march openly and open the seal on a large scale in an open, public, and mighty way.

However, the opening of the seal was indeed carried out in this atmosphere.

Perhaps it was because Luoyang played so smoothly, so everyone thought it would be easy to open the seal.Before the war, there was no basic secrecy. Not only was there no secrecy, but there was a kind of massive propaganda and mobilization, for fear that the enemy would not know that Li Zicheng would attack Kaifeng.

The preparatory work was done for a month.

Just when the army was officially marching into Kaifeng, Li Laiheng suddenly received an order to go south to meet Luo Rucai and others.

Luo Rucai is nicknamed, and his barracks is called Cao Ying. Now he has 13 troops, which is not a small force.Of course, among his 13 troops, there were soldiers from Lao Huihui and others, and they also came to join Li Zicheng.

Why did Li Laiheng go to meet them?According to Li Zicheng, this is a respect for Luo Rucai and the peasant army of the old Thirteenth Battalion.Because when Song Xiance sent people to contact Luo Rucai and others, Luo Rucai asked Li Laiheng many times.

Li Laiheng is one of the most dazzling general stars who have risen in recent years, everyone knows it, so when Li Zicheng couldn't get away, it was a respect for Luo Rucai and others that he came to welcome him.

Originally, Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin were supposed to go to meet Luo Rucai, or at least they had to make great efforts to meet them, but since the attack on Kaifeng was imminent, sending Li Laiheng was considered a very large scale.Of course, there is another reason. Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin believe that Li Laiheng is most suitable for field battles.Kaifeng was mainly a fortified battle, and it had to be fought in a formal way. Therefore, Li Laiheng was basically useless in attacking Kaifeng City.

Li Laiheng led two hundred cavalry to the south.

Since Sun Chuanting had led troops to concentrate in the southeast of Henan, the officers and soldiers in the southwestern part of Henan and northwestern Hubei were empty.Therefore, it is not very dangerous for Li Laiheng to lead 200 people south.They passed through Nanyang quietly, and met Luo Rucai at Danjiangkou.

Although there is no veteran to greet him, but Li Laiheng has a great reputation, Luo Rucai is also very happy, he is not good at calling Li Laiheng, nephew, he is a generation lower than Li Zicheng, calling him grandson is too impolite, so, He said "General Li."

"General Li, why didn't Hao Yaoqi lead the army?" Luo Ru asked this topic not long after they met.This topic is very sensitive, and Li Laiheng is young, which is why Luo Rucai dared to ask.

"Oh, Uncle Hao, he is very good at training soldiers and horses in recruiting recruits in Funiu Mountain, so King Chuang asked him to be in charge of military training." Li Laiheng replied.

He knew that Luo Rucai asked a very real question, and it was also a very sensitive topic.Hao Yaoqi was originally a personal general of King Gao Chuang, not Li Zicheng's direct lineage, and now he is not leading the army, which actually has something to do with him not being a direct lineage.Luo Rucai asked this topic because he wanted to know Li Zicheng's attitude towards non-direct descendants.

Li Laiheng had no choice but to answer like this.

Makes sense.

However, Luo Rucai was not entirely convinced. He asked again: "It is said that Li Yan is both civil and military. In the eyes of King Chuang, who is more important, he or Niu Jinxing?"

Another sensitive topic.

Compared with Niu Jinxing, Li Yan is more likely to be guarded against by Li Zicheng, because during the war, civil servants are secondary, and the importance of generals is more easily reflected.If Li Zicheng is wary of others, then between Niu Jinxing and Li Yan, he must be more wary of Li Yan.Li Yan is not only a civil servant, but also a general.

Li Laiheng smiled.Answering this question is not difficult.

"Master Niu Jinxing and Niu mainly help King Chuang with internal affairs. General Li Yan and Li spend more time in charge of local management, such as setting up officials, preparing money and food, local security, etc., and then helping King Chuang plan strategies. So Well, they are very important figures in the eyes of King Chuang."

"Oh." Luo Ru responded.

Judging from Li Laiheng's introduction, Li Yan and Li Zicheng are very important. Li Yan's role is somewhat similar to Xiao He in the Han Dynasty.If this is the case, then it may not be more difficult to cooperate with Li Zicheng than with Zhang Xianzhong.

When negotiating with Song Xiance, the people sent by Li Zicheng's military adviser Song Xiance said that from now on, the old people of the [-]th Battalion will live with Li Zicheng as peers in the Chuangwang Camp. Marquis have priority.Although Luo Rucai knew that it was impossible to have no distinction between inside and outside, it was possible for Li Zicheng to act fairly.Of course, it's hard to say what will happen in the future, Luo Rucai thought, take a step at a time, anyway, King Chuang has clearly agreed, and Luo Rucai's army will never be reorganized.As long as the army is not reorganized, it will be easy to handle. If there is military power, people have to pay attention to it. If there is something unpleasant, since they can be united today, can't they be divided tomorrow?It's good to get back together, they've been together many times.

After receiving Luo Rucai and others, Li Laiheng went north with the large army the next day.Luo Cai suggested that Nanyang should also be attacked by the way, so as to take the opportunity to get some military rations.Li Laiheng did not object, because in terms of seniority, Luo Ru was the elder, and from now on, he would also be his boss.If he wants to fight Nanyang, let him fight.In the fight against Nanyang, Luo Ru had only 13 troops, an absolute superior force, and it would not be a problem at all to capture a state or county.

It's only two or three days' journey from Danjiangkou to Nanyang.

During the march, Luo Rucai was ready to attack Nanyang, and he said to Li Laiheng, "How about you help me take the lead?"

Li Laiheng thought, you want to meet the legendary Li Laiheng, right?Well, tonight I will lead people into the city and open the city gate.

Li Laiheng told Luo Rucai what he thought.

Luo Ru just thought, is Nanyang City your home?If you want to go in, you can go in.he doubts.Li Laiheng said, give it a try. At five o'clock tonight, you send 1 people to wait quietly outside the south gate. When you see the flames flickering on the city wall, you will enter the city.

Luo Rucai was dubious.But he was still ready.Li Laiheng led fifty people to Nanyang pretending to be hungry people.

Sure enough, the fifth watch arrived, and the soldiers waiting outside the south gate saw a handful of incense sticks drawing a circle on the city wall. They approached the gate quietly, and saw that Li Laiheng and others were leisurely waiting at the gate.

Luo Ru was dumbfounded.

Conquering an important town in Nanyang is actually that simple!
It was once rumored that Li Laiheng captured Luoyang City alone, but Luo Ru didn't believe it. Now, he led 50 people and took down Nanyang without killing a single person. It's not fake at all.

Now is not the time to be surprised. Luo Rucai led the troops into the city and blocked the intersection. Most of the defenders surrendered without a fight.There is also a county king here, and Luo Rucai also wants to make a fuss and kill one for fun.

Zhang Xianzhong killed King Xiang, and Li Zicheng killed two kings. He also wanted to show off. After fighting for so many years, he didn't kill a king of the Ming Dynasty. It's too embarrassing.

It was not enough for Luo Ru to kill a king, he found that the concubine of Nanyang King is so beautiful, how about trying to sleep with one?Sure enough, he chose two young and beautiful concubines to sleep with, and had a great night of fun.The next day, he expressed his feelings: "It's not lazy to be a king. There are young women to sleep with. Moreover, the women in the palace are extraordinary. The skills on the bed are extraordinary. It's really fun to play."

Luo Rucai slept in the palace for three consecutive days. Li Laiheng came to invite him several times, and he got up on the fourth day and continued to go north.However, he smuggled two women with him.

Luo Rucai seized a large amount of military supplies in Nanyang, but he was not going to hand them over to Li Zicheng.

When he arrived near Luoyang, Luo Ru set up camp.At this time, Li Zicheng was still far away in Kaifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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