
Chapter 103 Objections

Chapter 103 Objections
Li Zicheng was attacking Kaifeng, but Luo Rucai hadn't seen Li Zicheng yet.In Li Zicheng's old camp, only Hao Yaoqi was left at home, and then Li Laiheng.

Luo Rucai came to vote for Li Zicheng, but he was still not at ease. He was worried about two issues. One was whether Li Zicheng would treat him as one of his own. He was most worried that Li Zicheng would use his troops as cannon fodder. An ordinary general with only a name for nothing; second, he was worried that Li Zicheng would simply kill Luo Rucai one day, and then completely annex his troops.

horrible.Both situations are dire.Especially the last one, it somehow ended up at Yama's house someday.

The last situation is not impossible, the probability of occurrence is as high as [-]%.Those who do great things are generally ruthless.Li Zicheng should be the kind of person who does great things.

Wouldn't it be okay not to defect?

Can not be done.In order to conquer the country in the future, except for the armed forces of the Celestial Dynasty, all other armed forces are illegal and must be eliminated. Therefore, it is imperative to invest in shares.

Meet Hao and go to shake the flag.According to Luo Rucai's observation, Hao Yaoqi is a downcast and a marginal person, he should have a deep understanding of Li Zicheng's personality.

Luo Rucai came to the Hao Yaoqi Barracks and said he was here to meet an old friend. After the polite and friendly words, he started to talk about the questions he wanted to ask, "You wave the flag, you are a fierce general, why are you sitting at home and guarding your wife?" What about fighting?"

When Hao Yaoqi heard about his pain, he hummed in pain, but he was not stupid, and he knew the purpose of his trip as soon as he heard Luo Rucai's words.He groaned, sighed and said, "Oh, you don't know something. Now, King Chuang's subordinates are like clouds. Don't believe me? Have you seen Li Laiheng? How old is he? 20 years old. Is he capable? He Every battle must kill the enemy's generals. Up to now, there has been no defeat. But, there are not enough soldiers, what should I do? You have to recruit soldiers. King Chuang has a rule, absolutely no mob, if you want, you must have elite soldiers. Therefore, he He specially sent me to train elite soldiers. Alas, the task is heavy, he plans to develop to 200 million elite soldiers, do you think, can I be busy?"

When Hao Yaoqi said this, he was startled, 200 million elite soldiers?The imperial court now has a million soldiers and horses, and Li Zicheng wants to develop 200 million?Ambitious.As the chief trainer of the army, the burden is not light, but it is important. Hao Yaoqi is not a marginal person, but a person who is highly valued. Otherwise, he would not entrust him with the task of recruiting and training soldiers.In this way, Luo Rucai's mood is much better.He knew that Hao Yaoqi was the most honest, and he didn't tell lies. He said that King Chuang wanted him to train soldiers, which meant he valued him.

How did Luo Rucai know?Even the most honest people will learn to behave after a few setbacks.Hao Yaoqi was indeed lying, he guessed Luo Rucai's purpose.

On this day, when Li Laiheng came to see Luo Rucai training the troops, suddenly a fast horse came galloping, and the soldiers on the horse got off their horses and presented an emergency military report to Li Laiheng.

Li Laiheng hurriedly opened it and saw that it was Liu Zongmin's urgent order: "Let Li Laiheng rush to help in the starry night and attack Kaifeng."

Why, it's not Li Zicheng's warrant, but Liu Zongmin's warrant?
Li Laiheng got on his horse, spoke to Luo Rucai on the horse's back, whipped the horse's back with a whip, and galloped towards his camp.

Luo Rucai looked at Li Laiheng who was running away in surprise, and thought to himself, could it be that the war in Kaifeng is not good?Impossible.Kaifeng has gathered 30 or [-] troops from Li Zicheng, but they still can't conquer Kaifeng?With so many troops, even Beijing was captured.

Li Laiheng led his 200 horsemen to gallop eastward in the starry night.

He had a premonition that something was wrong. Liu Zongmin's warrant was a bit strange. Why wasn't Li Zicheng issued the warrant, and why did he rush to help?

Li Laiheng ran thousands of miles and arrived outside Kaifeng at dusk on the fifth day.

Sure enough, the situation of attacking Kaifeng was very bad. It turned out that in the days when Li Zicheng was clamoring for the attack on Kaifeng, the imperial court had already made full preparations, and they mobilized troops from several provinces.Something unexpected happened to Li Zicheng. Here, now it has become the battlefield of Li Zicheng's decisive battle with the imperial court.

This decisive battle came too soon!
Li Zicheng was not ready at all.The ideological and material preparations were not done well.It is definitely not a good thing if the decisive battle is too sudden. Even if you win the battle, you will not be able to bear the pressure of victory.

King Chuang's base camp is at Yunxian Temple, north of Zhuxian Town.

Sun Chuanting led troops from seven provinces to gather near Kaifeng.In the south, Zuo Liangyu's 10 horsemen have arrived in Shuipo Township, which is close to Zhuxian Town.This is a very combative force.In the southwest, 8 troops from He Renlong arrived at Huangdian Town, not far from Zhuxian Town; to the north, 20 troops from Shanxi and Hebei arrived at Chenqiao Town.Chengqiao was the place where Zhao Kuangyin mutinied back then, and it was just across the river from Fengfeng. As long as they successfully crossed the Yellow River, the siege of Kaifeng would be lifted.In addition, there are officers and soldiers coming from the direction of Xuzhou in the east.

Li Laiheng just caught up with the military meeting tonight.

Chuang Wang readjusted his deployment: Li Guo led [-] troops to block Zuo Liangyu.Li Guo's expression was dignified and excited. He knew that this time, he was the main force, and Zuo Liangyu was the strongest among all the officers and soldiers this time. Therefore, Li Guo had a heavy burden on his shoulders. If the soldiers fight against Zuo Liangyu's [-] elite soldiers, the battle will be tragic.

Yuan Zongdi led [-] troops to block the troops north of the Yellow River.

Gao Yigong led [-] troops to fight against the enemy in the east.

Liu Fangliang led [-] troops to block He Renlong's troops.Also hit more with less.

Tian Jianxiu led [-] elite soldiers in mobile combat.

Now, there are only tens of thousands of siege troops left.Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin personally led the attack.

Li Zicheng asked, who else has a different opinion?
Seeing Li Yan frowned in pain, Li Laiheng knew that he had a different opinion.However, Li Yan didn't speak.Obviously, this plan has been discussed several times, and today is just the final conclusion.He has been unable to prevent the implementation of this plan.

Li Laiheng spoke.

"King Chuang, I don't agree with this plan." When Li Laiheng said this, everyone was shocked.

"Why?" Liu Zongmin asked.

Li Laiheng said, isn't this posture a decisive battle?

He asked Li Zicheng, do we have the capital for a decisive battle?Are we ready for Armageddon?Are we absolutely certain of victory?Obviously, none of these.Therefore, the decisive battle now is not good for us, and we should give up this decisive battle.

When he said this, Li Zicheng's face was very serious.Liu Zongmin was angry.Song Xiance was a little embarrassed.Li Yan seems to have found a bosom friend.

Li Zicheng didn't scold him, but said, what do you think should be done?
Li Laiheng said: "King Chuang, it is not wrong for us to attack Kaifeng. However, we have committed the most basic and lowest military mistakes in declaring such a big claim to attack Kaifeng. Now, the situation has changed dramatically, and the plan to attack Kaifeng must be abandoned. , we not only have to give up, but we also have to leave the battlefield quickly. Of course, we are not running away. We use rapid changes in strategy to contain the enemy and let them adjust their strategies and tactics in a hurry. If they move fast, the enemy will inevitably pursue them. In this way, we We can defeat the officers and soldiers one by one during the movement, only in this way can we destroy the enemy's vital strength, otherwise, we will be defeated without a doubt."

"Presumptuous!" Liu Zongmin scolded, "What do you know? You are a baby. The enemy is going to fight decisively. It just so happens that it is difficult for us to find such an opportunity. Now, our military strength is no less than theirs, and our soldiers have more fighting spirit. This decisive battle will wipe out the officers and soldiers in one fell swoop. How do you say such a thing? This is not your style, Li Laiheng. Could it be that after winning several battles and becoming famous, you are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Li Laiheng was also angry, and said: "President Liu, according to the law of war, if the husband has not fought and the temple is considered a winner, it must be counted as more; if the temple has not fought and the temple is considered invincible, it must be counted as less. More counts as victory, and less counts as invincible. What's more, it doesn't matter! Excuse me, what are our chances of winning?"

Liu Zongmin was at a loss for words, and he said randomly, "We have studied many times, but you just came, and you didn't know the situation, so you ruined the plan. This is to shake the morale of the army. So, needless to say, your task is to help Chuang The king attacked the city."

Li Zicheng was about to make his final decision. Li Yan said: "King Chuang, please carefully consider General Li's opinion. The general thinks that General Li Laiheng is right. We should use mobile warfare instead of a decisive battle here."

Liu Zongmin glanced at Li Yan angrily, and said, "It's the same old tune. You've said it a few times, so there's no need to say it again."

"No, it's because I think the matter is important, so I stick to my point of view. If there is a decisive battle here, then Luo Rucai's [-] troops should also be transferred, so that there is a slight chance of victory." Li Yan said.

"Luo Rucai's troops? Hehe." Liu Zongmin said sarcastically, "It will be troublesome if they come. King Chuang, don't hesitate. On the battlefield, you just can't hesitate. Stop right away, give the order."

(End of this chapter)

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