
Chapter 104

Chapter 104
The meeting concluded with the previous tone.

Li Laiheng knew that attacking Kaifeng would end in failure.According to history books, it seems that Li Zicheng was shot in the eye by an arrow and withdrew his troops.Last time, when Li Laiheng was training for thousands of miles, he captured Kaifeng and killed the officer who shot Li Zicheng blind. Therefore, shooting Li Zicheng in the eye should never happen, right?However, it is true that Kaifeng failed to attack three times.So, be prepared to retreat.

Retreat must not retreat!

Li Laiheng found military adviser Song Xiance and told him his thoughts. He asked Song Xiance to make a retreat plan.

Song Xiance was right when he thought about it. In case of defeat, the defeat would be out of control.Therefore, even if you fail, you must retreat in an orderly manner.

Li Zicheng was upset when he heard this. He said, how could he be defeated without a fight?Just prepare to retreat, bad luck!
The next day, the siege began.

The first wave, tentative attack. The 5000 men stopped within a stone's throw of the city wall.After the preparations are complete, the shieldman rushes forward, the archer follows closely behind, and the ladder follows.

Take the ladder and go to town!
The drums of war are dense and passionate.

However, it was soon frustrated, and only more than 4000 of the [-] soldiers retreated.

This is to be expected.

Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin moved forward again, and they analyzed the gains and losses of the siege just now.In this kind of war, tactics must be adjusted in due course.

"It's more difficult to close the ladder. It would be great if there were guns. The trench at the south gate needs to be filled with some soil." Liu Zongmin said.

"Yes, the trench is as deep as a battle. Also, have you noticed that there is a general near the turret, very horizontal. Choose a good shooter and shoot him to death." Li Zicheng said.

In terms of archery, Li Ziben himself is pretty good.So, after he finished speaking, he immediately added, "Let me do it."

"Brother Li, no, it's too dangerous to get too close." Liu Zongmin objected.Li Shuangxi and Zhang Nai behind him also became nervous.

Li Laiheng said: "King Chuang, let me do it."

Li Zicheng said: "Your arrow skills are good? Well, I haven't seen your arrow skills yet. Can you hit it from 150 steps away?"

Li Laiheng smiled and said, try it, it should work.

it is good.Then give it a try.Everyone wanted to see Li Laiheng's arrow skills.

The second wave of attack begins.

Li Laiheng approached, 150 steps.He gently pulled out an arrow, put it on the bowstring, and drew the string fully, "Boom!" It was crisp and powerful.


It hit the general in the face and shot deep, killing the general on the spot.

The drums of war are pressing, and the second wave of siege is no longer a trial, but a real attack.Fighting intertwined, went up the wall, was cut down again, went up the wall again, and was pushed down again.The war in the cold weapon era is cruel. They have the opportunity to see how they die, and when they die, there is still a long time to suffer slowly.

The golden gong finally struck.

The second attack failed.

This time, I went up to [-] and returned less than [-].In less than half a day, four thousand elite soldiers were lost.

Li Laiheng thought, this is not going to work.

It's a pity that his attacking troops have not yet been fully trained.

Of course, he still has eight hundred elites.However, his 800 elites are not used in this way. For such a large siege, [-] people are not enough.

The third wave of attacks is being prepared.

Li Zicheng is going to go forward to supervise the battle again.He said to Li Laiheng, your arrow technique is so exquisite and accurate, you should shoot a few more enemy generals to death.He himself was ready to kill the enemy himself.If Kaifeng is not captured today, if it is delayed until tomorrow, Zuo Liangyu, He Renlong, and the enemies north of the Yellow River may also launch an attack, so the situation will be very critical.

The city of Kaifeng must be opened today.Can't afford it.

The third wave begins to attack!
Li Zicheng led his soldiers and generals to approach the city wall again. Beyond 150 steps, you can't get any closer. No matter how close you are, the enemy's crossbow can exert great power.

Li Zicheng glanced at Li Shuangxi and Zhang Nai.

If this wave of offensives fails, the two young generals will have to go up.He looked at Li Laiheng again.He didn't dare to use it for the time being, his soldiers were too precious, and he would never use his [-] elite until the last moment.His elite can only be dispatched at the last critical moment.

The third wave of attacks is very tragic, this is the decisive battle.This time, 2 people went up.The first time the crossbow shot against each other, there was a lot of loss, and the siege, the three-foot-high city wall, repeatedly fought.

Song Xiance is not tall, but his horse is quite big. He was muttering something.In fact, it was the first time he saw such a big scene, and he was apprehensive.He thought of Tian Jianxiu's tens of thousands of reserve troops, but to attack the city, it is not enough to have a large number of people.

Liu Zongmin was so anxious that the blood vessels on his neck were as thick as a little finger, and his horse never stopped, circling around incessantly.He wanted to rush up by himself.

Li Laiheng has already fired the arrow for the fifth time. Although he is 150 steps away, the arrow has been fired without fail. The five most hardworking generals have already lost their lives.

Li Zicheng is also a good player, his hard bow is very powerful, and he can almost hit a hundred shots.He also shot several arrows and injured several people.Such a distance, it is very difficult to kill with one arrow.He looked at Li Laiheng and had to admit that Li Laiheng's archery skills were also better than his.

A general smashed at least five ladders on the city wall. He was probably a lieutenant general. He faced the enemy in person, brave and brutal.Li Zicheng said to Li Laiheng, "Did you see that? That, yes, kill him!" He pointed to Li Laiheng.

Li Laiheng took a closer look and his heart sank.This general is not only brave and good at fighting, but he also knows several people beside him.They are Zhang Shiqi and his gang.

"King Chuang, pay attention, there are some sharp archers there, retreat a little." After Li Laiheng finished speaking, he drew his bow and shot an arrow, "Boom!" "Pfft!"

The sound of piercing through the air soon disappeared, and the body of the arrow turned into a black shadow, heading straight for the head of the lieutenant general.

The tall figure fell back straight.One arrow kills, the unique posture of quick death, Li Laiheng is already very familiar with this posture.

There was applause around Li Zicheng.


Suddenly, there was a sharp sound of tearing the air approaching quickly, and it was impossible to avoid it.

"Not good!" Li Laiheng finished his sentence, Li Zicheng screamed "Ah" and fell off his horse.Almost at the same time, Li Shuangxi, Zhang Nai and others got off their horses and surrounded Li Zicheng.A unique long arrow, with thin, long, smooth and delicate clusters of arrows, was inserted obliquely in Li Zicheng's eye socket.It enters from the left orbital bone, not very deep.

There is a word "Valley" on the arrow body.Except for Li Laiheng, no one has ever seen such an exquisite arrow.

This is the fourth time the Arrow God has made a move. They have spent two years chasing and killing them for thousands of miles, only to hunt and kill two people, one is Li Zicheng and the other is Li Laiheng.

Today, they succeeded.

Shang Yi gently pulled out the arrow, smelled it, and looked at the cluster of arrows carefully. Finally, he licked it with his tongue, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, there is no poisoning."

The conceited Arrow God insisted on not quenching the poison.Quenching is an insult to them.When they shoot an arrow, the opponent must die.If the opponent is not dead, it means that he does not deserve to die, this is not the time to die.They admire heroes.

"Quickly, quietly transport King Chuang back to Deshengzhai. Here, there are military divisions and Mr. Liu Zongshao commanding. Military division Song, you can carry out the second plan." Li Laiheng commanded.

"The second plan?" Liu Zongmin was puzzled, he hadn't heard of any second plan.

The second plan is the retreat plan.

Liu Zongmin looked at Li Zicheng, then asked Shang Yi: "Is there any serious problem?"

"There is definitely no danger to life, but it's hard to say whether this eye can be saved. I will try my best." Shang Yi said.

Liu Zongmin turned around and asked Song Xiance, what does the second plan mean?
Song Xiance was a little afraid of Liu Zongmin, and he stated the original intention and specific rules of this plan in a nonchalant manner.

"Hi! Unlucky!" Liu Zongmin said angrily.It seems that Li Zicheng's injury was the fault of their retreat plan.However, at this time, he had no choice but to retreat. After listening to Song Xiance's brief explanation, this plan was very useful. He said, "Just follow your plan."

"Order!" Song Xiance began to deploy the retreat plan.

Li Shuangxi led [-] elite cavalry back to Deshengzhai along Zhongmu, Zhengzhou, Mixian, Dengfeng, Yichuan and Yiyang.Zhang Nai led [-] elite soldiers to serve as Queen Chuang's palace.The distance between your two teams is not more than thirty miles.If Zhang Nai encounters a powerful pursuer, Li Shuangxi will not be able to return to help, and I will have a third team to take over.Commander-in-chief Liu Ye, you lead the main force from Zhengzhou to Luoyang, and you will not be willing to fight if you encounter the enemy halfway.The enemy may have a plan to take back Luoyang, and your task is to drive this enemy back.

General Li Guo was ordered to block Zuo Liangyu south of Zhuxian Town for no less than three days.Three days later, retreat along the Chuangwang route.

Yuan Zongdi was ordered to stop the enemy on the south bank of Chenqiao for three days. After three days, he went along the south bank of the Yellow River to Gongyi and returned to Mengjin to garrison.

Liu Fangliang was ordered to launch an offensive against He Renlong's northern position to cover the retreat of King Chuang and the main sentry.

Order Gao Yigong to retreat to the west, lead 2 people to form the first line of defense in the Zhengzhou area, and then retreat after Li Guo and Yuan Zongdi retreat; order Tian Jianxiu to lead 3 people quickly in the Gongyi and Dengfeng areas Form a second line of defense to ensure the safety of Luoyang.

Finally, he ordered Li Laiheng and his mountain division to move to the hilly area of ​​Mixian County to block and chase the enemy; the attacking division returned to Luoyang; the cavalry division was handed over to Li Yan, who served as the general sentry and the rear of Lord Liu.Li Laiheng led eight hundred elite mobile operations to support Li Guo, Liu Fangliang and Yuan Zongdi.

The order is over.

Obviously, this is the end of a losing battle.

(End of this chapter)

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