
Chapter 114 Acting

Chapter 114 Acting
The next day, Li Zicheng got up early and took Liu Zongmin, Li Guo, Yuan Zongdi, Tian Jianxiu, Niu Jinxing, Li Yan and others to Luo Rucai's camp.

Li Laiheng led 200 people to stand guard along the way.

At noon, Li Zicheng and others came to Luo Rucai camp.

Luo Rucai and others went out of the stronghold to meet him, but Zhang Xianzhong was not seen.

Liu Zongmin said angrily: "Zhang Xianzhong is so arrogant, he didn't come out of the village?"

"Back to Master Liu, the Eighth King Zhang Xianzhong left last night." Luo Rucai said.

"Ah?" Li Zicheng was startled, heartbroken, "Oh, he just left as he said? Oh, it's all my fault. If you know he insisted on leaving, I shouldn't have left last night. I still have a lot to say You need to talk to him. Alas, he insists on leaving, just tell me, I will send him at least a few thousand cavalry. You are talented, you are wrong, why don’t you stop him? I can still harm him. Well, I should think about it, his concern is right, we have had unpleasant things before, but now, my power is so strong, I harm him Why? Of course I won’t harm him. If I conquer the world, I should at least give him a prince. Sigh!”

Li Zicheng finished what he wanted to say in one breath.Now it was Luo Ru's turn to be embarrassed, he explained with a blushing face, he said that Zhang Xianzhong hadn't planned to leave at first, but considering how destitute he is now, I'm sorry, and I heard that Brother Li is going to greet him grandly, and I feel even more ashamed, Insist on leaving overnight.

Luo Rucai is worthy of the nickname Cao, and this passage is impeccable. He also said frankly: "King Chuang, I know your character. When I heard that Zhang Xianzhong was leaving, you would definitely give him away. Well, I have already sent it away for you." Give him 5000 people, and he wants me to thank you for him, saying that your great kindness will be reported in the future."

Hearing this, Li Zicheng was really shocked.

Luo Rucai had to admit that he gave Zhang Xianzhong 5000 troops, which was something he couldn't hide, so he went along with the flow and said that he had done a favor for Li Zicheng.Li Zicheng naturally knew that Luo Rucai's move was nothing more than to leave a way out for himself.

Everyone knows that keeping Zhang Xianzhong around will restrain Li Zicheng, and they will form a triangle relationship. In this way, the weaker side will have a chance to survive.

At this point, Li Zicheng laughed, exaggerating a bit scary.

There was an imperceptible smile on Li Yan's mouth.

After the play was over, Luo Rucai knew that Li Zicheng would come today, so he prepared a Qin opera, and watching the play and drinking became the theme.

The fake show is over, now the real show begins.Most of them are from Shaanxi, so instead of performing Henan Bangzi, they perform Qin Opera.

At this time, Zhang Xianzhong had already passed Shibapan Township.

They estimated that it was impossible for Li Laiheng's pursuers to catch up with them, so they took a break.Zhang Kewang's [-] elite soldiers were still his own troops, while Luo Rucai's [-] soldiers were led by Zhang Xianzhong himself. He was not used to troops that had not been adjusted by himself.

Zhang Wenxiu only had [-] soldiers, and he gave the rest of the soldiers to his elder brother Zhang Kewang. He said that it was enough for him to have [-] soldiers to protect the general.

Zhang Xianzhong is planning to enter Sichuan this time, and has no plans to leave Sichuan in the near future.Sichuan is the place where he went back and forth a few times. Other people can talk about it, but a stinky old woman is upset, Qin Liangyu.She is a native of Sichuan, and when she broke up, she would go back to her hometown and recruit a group of fellow villagers or nearby farmers. After a while, she would regroup tens of thousands of people and always go against Zhang Xianzhong.This time, Zhang Xianzhong told Zhang Kewang that he must get rid of this stinky woman.

Zhang Kewang thought he would meet Li Laiheng today, but he did not see Li Zicheng's pursuers until night, let alone Li Laiheng.At that time, Zhang Xianzhong sent someone to call him back to the camp, and told him that Li Zicheng was cunning and tricky, so he would not send anyone to hunt him down.

Zhang Xianzhong also guessed Li Zicheng's strategy. In order to stabilize Luo Rucai, he would let him go.In Li Zicheng's eyes, Zhang Xianzhong was no longer a threat.

After watching the play for a long time, Liu Zongmin was so annoyed by the man acting like a woman on the stage, he didn't want to watch any more, so he turned his head and asked Tian Jianxiu, "Chuang Wang is this play?"Tian Jianxiu has always been known for his strategy, but seeing Li Zicheng's trick today, Tian Jianxiu felt ashamed. He knew that he was far behind Li Zicheng in terms of political skills.Today, Li Zicheng did not intend to kill Zhang Xianzhong. Li Zicheng also knew that he would never see Zhang Xianzhong today. He left Luo Rucai's barracks, and Zhang Xianzhong fled to the south. He would not sit here and take risks.However, he had to act in today's scene, and he acted for Luo Ru.

In fact, there is a discerning person who saw through it yesterday.Li Yan.Li Zicheng also found out, and Li Yan had already seen his move.

Of course Li Zicheng was happy, but he had a strange feeling in his heart that it was uncomfortable to be seen through.Of course, he also knew that Li Laiheng seemed to have seen his thoughts, but it was different, Li Laiheng was his grandson, he didn't envy him, on the contrary, he was happy for such a handsome talent.However, Li Yan was different.

Li Yan is better than Niu Jinxing.In the future, should Niu Jinxing be the prime minister or Li Yan?
Li Zicheng is still weighing.

When the play was almost over, King Chuang got up and was about to go to the toilet. He gestured to Li Laiheng, and Li Laiheng followed him out.

"Take your troops to Nanyang and find a way to sneak into the city. Zuo Liangyu has an adopted daughter who lives in the courtyard of Li's family in Xiangyang Hutong. You take them back to Deshengzhai." Li Zicheng ordered Li Laiheng.

Li Laiheng was at a loss, he would kill and set fire, he dared to go anywhere, but now he was asked to pick up a woman, it was inexplicable.Seeing that he was at a loss, Li Zicheng smiled and said, "Miss Zuo is Zuo Liangyu's adopted daughter, the jewel in her palm. If you capture her, it means you have captured half of Zuo Liangyu."

Zuo Liangyu was one of the most capable and powerful generals among the general soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. Li Zicheng had a three-point awe of Zuo Liangyu deep in his heart, so when he learned that Zuo Liangyu's adopted daughter was in Nanyang, he started Thought of kidnapping hostages.

Of course, kidnapping a woman is not Li Zicheng's style.However, Ms. Zuo is very beautiful, and this year, it is reasonable to reach the age of marriage, but the Zuo family has not found a well-matched family, so she is still in the boudoir.There are several young generals around Li Zicheng, Li Shuangxi, Zhang Nai, Li Laiheng, etc., who will be the founding fathers of the country from now on.

Nanyang, Li Laiheng helped Luo Rucai to capture it last time, but he did not send troops to take charge, and was reoccupied by officers and soldiers.This time, Li Zicheng had an idea. On the one hand, he would attack Kaifeng again, and on the other hand, let Luo Rucai attack Nanyang. Before setting up the whole battle situation, he first picked up Miss Zuo.

Li Zicheng had an order, of course Li Laiheng didn't say a word, he took his troops and headed towards Nanyang after a while.

The military deployment to attack Kaifeng and Nanyang again was announced on the third day.

Li Laiheng had already sneaked into Nanyang City with 20 people at this time.The other men and horses stayed outside the city and waited.

The Li Family Yard in Xiangyang Hutong is an old mansion, which was the residence of Li Li, Minister of Rites during the Wanli period. Later, after Zhang Juzheng’s death, the factional struggles in the imperial court were implicated, and his family’s fortunes fell. Recently, this house has become the courtyard of the Zuo family.Zuo Liangyu's home is in Xiangfan, and the real estate in Nanyang can only be regarded as his family property that he snatched by stealthily. Miss Zuo, her nanny and others live here temporarily, and after half a month, someone will come to pick her up and go to Xiangfan.

Miss Zuo's surname is Yang, and her biological father was an early friend of Zuo Liangyu. Zuo Liangyu should have been beheaded for violating military regulations. Raise this girl as her own.It just so happened that Zuo Liangyu didn't have a daughter, so he loved her very much.

Yesterday, some soldiers came to Xiangfan, they said they were sent by Mr. Zuo.They told the young lady's nanny that Nanyang was about to go to war, General Zuo sent them to pick up Miss Zuo, and asked Miss Zuo to prepare the baby overnight and take her out of the city the next day.

At this time, the Nanyang defender had received a military report saying that Li Zicheng was going to send Luo Rucai's [-] troops to attack Nanyang, and the entire city was heavily guarded.

Miss Zuo is the daughter of Zuo Liangyu, so the Nanyang defenders naturally knew, so they sent two hundred soldiers to stand guard near Li's courtyard.

The next day, Li Laiheng came to pick up Miss Zuo.Unexpectedly, an accident happened.

The real soldiers of the Zuo battalion also arrived. Among them, Miss Zuo, the deputy leader of the army, knew that she was the leader of Zuo Liangyu's personal army.And this leader of the personal army had also seen Li Laiheng on the battlefield, but they didn't recognize him in time when they met this time.

The two teams argued.

The soldiers in charge of guarding in the city couldn't tell who was real and who was fake for a while. They kept vigilant and monitored the two teams of troops.

There were not many people from the two teams to pick up Miss Zuo, Li Laiheng had about 26 people, and Zuoying had only [-] or [-] people. Compared with the officers and soldiers in charge of security, there was a big difference.

Both sides drew their swords, ready to meet each other.

The troops in charge of security must stabilize first, and the leader is a general. He shouted: "I don't care who you are who is real and who is not, and I will tell you when I can distinguish clearly. If anyone dares to make a rash move, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

There are many other people, and the guards in the city are all their people, so his tone of speech is very strong.

Li Laiheng thought that it would be irrational to tell the truth from them. The truth cannot be true, the false cannot be true, and he knows whether he is false.However, it is not a big problem to get out with force now, the problem is that Miss Zuo can't get out, and she didn't complete the task.Special forces have a certain tenacity, and it is difficult to give up easily if they fail to achieve their goals.

Li Laiheng quickly designed several sets of plans.

Almost every task of special forces is completed under almost impossible circumstances.Therefore, Li Laiheng is going to pick up Miss Zuo from the enemy's nest.

(End of this chapter)

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