
Chapter 115 Miss Zuo

Chapter 115 Miss Zuo

Miss Zuo heard the commotion outside, and Grandpa told her that there were two groups of people claiming to come to pick you up, and it was hard to tell who was real and who was fake.

Miss Zuo stood in the window and looked out. She recognized a man from the team on the left who was the leader of her father's personal army. Naturally, this team was real.She said to Grandpa: "Go and tell the guards outside that the group on the left is real."

When the grandma heard that the young lady recognized her, she was overjoyed and went out in a hurry.Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, he saw Li Laiheng's eyes flashing brightly, and he shivered, his heart beating rapidly.

"Yao Gong, you know us, tell me, which one of us is real?" Li Laiheng suddenly asked Nai Gong sternly.This grandma's surname is not Yao, but when Li Laiheng asked him this question, he was so frightened that he panicked, and when he panicked, he made a mistake. He quickly pointed to the left camp team on the left, "Fake, fake!"

Enough is enough, Li Laiheng yelled: "Pretend to be a soldier of the left battalion, kill him!"

Li Laiheng's soldiers will kill people, how long will it take, with a wave of the sword, there is no chance of struggling for their lives, and they are dead.

Li Laiheng ordered again, "Strengthen your guard! No one is allowed to enter the Zuojiamen courtyard! Mr. Yao, you lead the way!"

Movements and words are done in one go, without giving anyone a chance at all.The soldiers in charge of security were in shock. Although they were surprised, they also saw that the grandma of Zuo's family also pointed out who was real and who was false. Now, that grandpa brought this group of people into the gate of Zuo's house.

The grandma panicked and frightened, which is not unusual. They just saw them killing people, so of course they were scared.

"Who are you?" Miss Zuo asked.

"Here to pick you up!" Li Laiheng said, "Miss Zuo, please get on the sedan chair."

"Who are you? I won't get on the sedan chair!" Miss Zuo said.

Li Laiheng talked and smiled, "I think Miss Zuo is a smart person, otherwise, Shuai Zuo would not regard you as the apple of his eye. Can you not get on the sedan chair if you can't get on the sedan chair?"

"Who are you?" Miss Zuo softened.

"Ha, me, you will know in the future. There is not much time, and if it drags on for a long time, people will die again. Miss, you don't like to see more dead people, do you?"

"I won't get in the sedan chair!" Miss Zuo scolded coquettishly, "I won't get in the sedan chair even if I die!"

Li Laiheng said: "Oh, Miss Zuo, you are young, and you are so beautiful, so you just say dead words, quickly say bah bah bah."

It was the first time for Ms. Zuo to see a handsome young man praising her. Although she was coquettish, she was really happy in her heart and it was very useful.

Li Laiheng restrained his smile and said: "Miss Zuo, now is not the time to play your temper. Get on the sedan chair, no jokes are allowed. I think you will not be happy if my subordinates are roughed up."

"Who are you?" Miss Zuo lowered her voice and asked in an inviolable manner.

"Li Laiheng. Li Zicheng's general!"

"Ah!" Miss Zuo exclaimed.

Miss Zuo thought to herself, she guessed right, since it fell into their hands, she had to go with them except to die, what else could be done?Now, I can only go with them. Father will find a way sooner or later.

"I can go with you, but you must not be unreasonable to me."

"Of course! I guarantee my personality, no one will be disrespectful to you!" After Li Laiheng finished speaking, he said to Miss Zuo's servant: "You guys go with Miss Zuo, don't make a fuss, we treat Miss Zuo as a distinguished guest , you will also be respected. However, if anyone does not obey orders, don’t blame me for not recognizing people with swords.”

Several sedan chairs, several guards, and a group of people hurried out of the courtyard of Li's house. Li Laiheng said to the guards, give us a ride.

The officer in charge of security, Mr. Zongzheng, was hesitant, but was overwhelmed by Li Laiheng's majestic words, and he hurried out of the south gate with 200 people following the sedan chair.

After walking for about five miles, suddenly the sound of hooves behind him was urgent, and a war horse came galloping, "Stop!"

The cavalry chased the general in front and said to him, "They belong to Li Zicheng. The general has an order to stop them."

Immediately, the 200 escorts cheered and pulled away.

Li Laiheng also stopped, turned around, and said to the general manager, if you want to survive, go back, you 200 people are not my meal.After finishing speaking, he pointed to a slope, "Didn't you notice? This group of people has walked two miles around us, and I don't need them to participate if I want to kill you."

Li Laiheng spoke plainly.

The general manager had already seen Li Laiheng's killing methods, and thought, what a trouble, when did the team on the slope appear, why didn't he notice it at all?As soon as they rushed down, the number was one to one. In terms of combat power, he must be far behind.

However, when the general order arrives, if there is no fight, there will be no way to deal with them. Even if his superior can forgive him, Zuo Liangyu will not be able to forgive them.

How to do?
Li Laiheng saw that the general manager was hesitant, and said to the general manager, you have three roads to go, one is Huangquan Road, if you fight with us, you should know the consequences; Food; third, come with us, fight the world with Li Chuangwang, maybe you can have a future in the future.

The general manager pondered for a moment, then turned around and said, "We live just to eat. We don't need to go to death! Those who are willing to fight the world with King Chuang come with me, and those who don't want to do as you like, go back, scatter." Now, let you be free, brothers, I will not embarrass everyone."

This guy is always very smart, and he quickly followed Li Laiheng.

However, good things don't always happen.Not long after, Nanyang's brigade caught up.Two thousand cavalry, almost half of the troops guarding Nanyang.

It is impossible for the deputy general guarding Nanyang to allow a small group of people to easily pick up Miss Zuo's family. He can't afford to take the blame. He has spent half his life earning the fame, and he has to do his best to keep it.So, when he learned that Miss Zuo was kidnapped by Li Zicheng's troops, he rushed forward with all his cavalry.

Li Laiheng knew that the troops who surrendered just now were unreliable, so he let them go north first, and the rest were all his elite troops, 200 people.

They stood on a sloping ground, which was a favorable terrain, and they rushed down like a broken bamboo.It is also very difficult for the enemy to attack upwards.

Of course, Li Laiheng rarely let the enemy attack, he only attacked the opponent.

Miss Zuo was in a complicated mood at this time.She was naturally happy to see the rescuers coming, and she also believed that Vice General Liu had [-] cavalry, so it would be no problem to defeat Li Zicheng's squad.However, she was also worried that she was a hostage now, and the hostage was afraid of being torn apart.

Therefore, she is in a dilemma.

Li Laiheng came to Miss Zuo's sedan chair and said to her: "Miss Zuo, there will be a bloody battle soon. Don't panic, and don't watch the fighting outside. It's bloody, and girls will be frightened. You won't be in danger. Sit down." Just don't move, I will send someone to protect you."

Hmm, protection?I am your hostage, of course you will protect it.Miss Zuo thought, today must be a bad day.However, Li Laiheng's words just now were very gentle, not like a general on the battlefield.

Huh?I have heard my father say that Li Zicheng has a talented young hero under his command. Could it be him?She only knew that his surname was Li, and Li Zicheng had many people with the surname Li.

Li Laiheng left Miss Zuo's sedan chair and told his soldiers to leave a squadron of 50 people to protect Miss Zuo, while the other 150 people were ready to charge.

The team quickly took their positions.

"Kill!" Li Laiheng roared in a low voice, and the thunderous sound of hooves suddenly sounded, which was soul-stirring.

Miss Zuo was also shocked, the sound of the young general was like a lion, and the shock after that was even more thrilling.Miss Zuo gently opened the car curtain to watch.The young general took the lead, like a tiger descending the mountain, and the more than 100 people behind him were all sturdy and brave, and soon broke a bloody path in Vice General Liu's team and went straight to Vice General Liu.

What Ms. Zuo never imagined was that a team of more than 100 people could actually enter the land of no one among 2000 soldiers and horses, rushing left and right, and no one seemed to stop them.

Vice-General Liu was running away, and the other soldiers were in a mess. The team of more than 100 people remained neat and complete.

Not long after, Li Laiheng turned around and came back. He seemed to not want Miss Zuo to see too many killings, so there were more than 2000 people in the team of 500 people, and the deputy general Liu was not dead. He was reorganizing the troops to prepare Attack again.

Li Laiheng also encountered a headache now, he only had 200 people, and a Miss Zuo couldn't ride a horse, so the marching speed couldn't be increased at all.And the enemy will definitely become more and more sticky, and they will never give up until they rescue Miss Zuo.

Threatening to tear up tickets?This is not Li Laiheng's style, even if he is intimidating, he will not do this, and the officers and soldiers don't care whether you tear up the ticket or not, if you don't try your best, it is a crime. The battle had just begun, and Li Laiheng said again: "Kill!" It seems that the problem cannot be solved without killing the enemy.

Another violent charge.This time, the true colors of Li Laiheng's troops were revealed, and the officers and soldiers were quickly defeated after a burst of rushing and killing.

However, Li Laiheng did not chase after him. His mission today was to pick up Miss Zuo. He had to ensure that Miss Zuo arrived at the camp safely. Killing the enemy was not his duty today.

Lieutenant General Liu seemed to be too resilient, and he was organizing the attack again.

Suddenly, there was dust flying in the distance, Li Laiheng was slightly startled, and another large group of people arrived.

Today, the civil servants and military generals guarding the city went crazy. They poured out of the city, and [-] infantry rushed over.No wonder, Vice General Liu will not retreat until he dies.

The Nanyang patrol and the magistrate knew that Miss Zuo was kidnapped, but they were not fainted by fright. They fought hard not to want Nanyang City, but also to rescue Miss Zuo.So, when Deputy General Liu left, they called up the infantry and marched in a hurry, arriving a little later than the cavalry.

Now, Li Laiheng is facing 7000 troops.Even if it is six or seven thousand ducks, it is difficult for Li Laiheng to deal with 200 people for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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