
Chapter 121 Luo Rucai Was Killed

Chapter 121 Luo Rucai Was Killed
Early the next morning, Master Chief Hou and Governor Liu went up to the city tower early, and they personally commanded the defense of the city.

At the end of the hour, that is, around nine o'clock in the morning, they saw countless soldiers and horses coming from the south and west of the city.They shouted nervously and prepared to fight the enemy's siege.However, at the end of the Si Dynasty, Li Zicheng's soldiers and horses were still in formation one mile away, and did not go any further.

The defenders of the city were tense for several hours, feeling more and more strange.It stands to reason that the siege should start early, unless it is specially waiting for the night battle.

It is not uncommon to use night battles to siege a city, but it is rare.When people throw torches under the city, the attackers will be in the light, and the defenders will be in the dark, which is of course not good for the siege.

But why didn't Li Zicheng and others start attacking?

Now the end of the day has passed, and after a while, it will be time to call it a day. Li Zicheng's troops are still waiting a mile away.

What the hell are they doing?

Chief Soldier Hou Jianxin touched his head many times, Governor Liu was also baffled, and no one around him could figure it out.

After You hour, the sky became dark, and Li Zicheng's team actually raised their torches.The flames shone, turning half of the sky red.

This power is soul-stirring.

The news reached the governor again, and he couldn't help but went up to the city wall to watch. He was terrified when he saw it, how many people did Li Zicheng have!
What are they doing there?
The third watch is louder.

Suddenly there was noise and noise in the direction of the governor's yamen, followed by another fire.The governor wanted to go back and check in person, his family members were still in the yamen, but he didn't dare.The commander-in-chief Hou Jianxin did not dare to leave the city wall, fearing that Li Zicheng would launch a night attack, so he sent two generals to lead the troops to the Yamen.

Soon it was reported that more than a dozen people were killed in the governor, the governor's seal was missing, the bank was on fire, and a lot of silver was robbed by the rebels.

The governor was frightened, his feet were weak, his mouth was trembling, and he didn't express any clear meaning for a long time.It just so happened that the person who reported the letter was not very smart, so he couldn't figure out what the officer meant.

What the governor was eager to ask was, who died in his family?

No one in his family died.Li Laiheng would never kill the old, the weak, women and children. The people he killed were all senior staff members of the governor.

However, he couldn't speak, and no one told him.

"Look! Li Zicheng's army is moving!"

At this time, Li Zicheng was sleeping in Daying and snoring loudly.The other generals also slept soundly in their camps.

Except for 1 people, the rest of the besieging army is resting. They have never been out of the camp today. They are eating and drinking in the camp and nourishing their spirits.

Outside the city of Kaifeng, there are indeed tens of thousands of horses, and they are acting as suspicious soldiers.They are Li Laiheng's troops. Although there are only 1 people, they look tens of thousands from a distance.They sat, chatted, ate and drank tea, and at the end of the day, they were relaxed.At night, the torches are lit, and a few people are left to guard the torches.

In this way, the Kaifeng defenders were nervous and miserable for a whole day.The city was once again disturbed by Li Laiheng, but the matter was not over yet, and here it was suddenly discovered that Li Zicheng's troops were mobilizing, and a large number of torches were moving north.Long dragons drove towards the north of the city, endlessly.

From the inside of the city, tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands have moved northward, and it is still endless.

They are Gu Kecheng's mountain fighters. This time, they have no major missions. Today they have been suspicious soldiers for a day, and now they are making circles in the northwest direction.Running is their specialty, so, from a distance, they look like cavalry.It's like infantry again, more like the overall mobilization of infantry and cavalry.They ran north, then west, south, east, north, in circles.That's their job tonight.

The army is on the move.Li Zicheng made a big move.Governor Wang convened a discussion with civil servants and military generals, but no one guessed Li Zicheng's intentions. The only reason that could be explained was that Li Zicheng planned to change the direction of attack to the north gate.

Do not!Li Zicheng was about to flood Kaifeng.

Kaifeng is located on the south bank of the Yellow River, and has been flooded several times in history. Could it be that Li Zicheng used this poisonous plan?Now the Yellow River is in the flood season. Looking at the sky, there will be heavy rain recently. Once they dig the river and flood Kaifeng, won't it be a catastrophe?
Quickly prepare flood fighting supplies in the city.According to records, Kaifeng city walls and gates are capable of resisting floods.As long as the six city gates are blocked, and the second city gate after the Wengcheng is blocked again, it will be difficult for the flood to enter the city.

However, this does not mean that Kaifeng is not afraid of flooding.Flooding Kaifeng is equivalent to besieging Kaifeng for a long time. Once a city with a population of one million is besieged for too long, how will food and materials be supplied?If you are not killed in battle, you will be drowned, and if you are not drowned, you will also be starved to death.Therefore, Li Zicheng's move was sinister and vicious.

Discussions came and went, civil servants and military generals discussed in the middle of the night, but they had no choice but to make two-handed preparations, not only to prepare to fight Li Zicheng's siege, but also to prepare to fight the flood.

The officials and people in Kaifeng are in dire straits.

It was already dawn when Li Laiheng returned to Li Zicheng's old camp. He reported to Li Zicheng that the current defenders in the city were shaken.

Li Laiheng suggested that, first, continue to flood Kaifeng, disturb the hearts of the people in the city, and make the guards and soldiers uncertain when making decisions; second, continue to prepare for the attack, and it is also a real attack.The siege mainly focuses on attacking the west gate and north gate, while focusing on attacking the south gate.His attacking division can dig at least [-] tunnels to the foot of the city within ten days, and at that time can transport more than [-] troops at a time.Sending tens of thousands of people close to the city wall at a time, this kind of tactics has a great chance of winning.Third, he continued to send people into Kaifeng to disturb the morale of the army, waiting for an opportunity to destroy the twenty cannons.

Li Zicheng agreed with Li Laiheng's idea very much.

Song Xiance also stroked his beard and smiled.The strategy he used today is very wise, especially after hearing Li Laiheng say that the city is very worried about flooding Kaifeng, he came up with this idea, and the play was performed very well, I am very happy.

After listening to Li Laiheng's suggestion, he said: "General Laiheng, as long as you can destroy the enemy's cannon and take Kaifeng, I don't think it will be a problem."

Liu Zongmin also agreed with Li Laiheng's idea. He said: "Laiheng, those twenty cannons are a great threat and must be destroyed. If you endure hardships, kill those twenty cannons."

It is not easy to kill twenty cannons, they are too heavy to be smashed, and there are many guards.However, it's not that there is no way. Bombing is a way, but it is more difficult to implement.

While talking about siege, a fast horse galloped from the south.

Everyone's heart tightened, what's the matter?
When Li Zicheng opened the secret security, his face changed drastically, and he was so shocked that he almost dropped the paper in his hand.

"Luo Rucai was assassinated!"

"What?" the crowd exclaimed.

"Yes. The entire Cao camp is discussing that Luo Rucai was killed. The problem is more than that. They put the crime of killing Luo Rucai on us, saying that I sent someone to kill Luo Rucai and annex his army. Now they are discussing , prepare to surrender the officers and soldiers, and become our enemy." Li Zicheng's face was extremely ugly.

"His grandma's, it must be their own internal strife and blaming others. Brother Li, give me [-] elite soldiers, and explain to them what they mean. If they insist on joining the officers and soldiers, then let me kill them all." Liu Zongmin said angrily.

No, Liu Zongmin can't go. The attack on Kaifeng City cannot be done without him. With nearly 30 troops, the real organizer is Liu Zongmin. Without him, it will definitely not work.

Besides, for Luo Rucai's 13 soldiers, [-] soldiers, the enemy is strong and we are weak, is obviously another huge military adventure.

This is a very serious incident. If it is allowed to continue, these 13 people will definitely vote for Zuo Liangyu, and it will have a very bad influence on the peasant army. It is said that Li Zicheng killed Luo Rucai and annexed the army. Who supports him?

How to do?Tricky question.Events must be stopped.However, it is impossible for the 30 troops here to suddenly turn around and rush to Nanyang. In that case, it will only be a huge fight, and both sides will suffer.

The second batch of secret reports has arrived.

According to the report, it is said that Luo Rucai is dead, and the whole camp is discussing that Li Zicheng sent someone to assassinate Luo Rucai.After secret investigation, it was confirmed that Luo Rucai's life and death were unknown, and the person making the fuss was Luo Rucai's second-in-command, Luo Pei, Luo Rucai's adopted son. It is said that Li Zicheng sent someone to assassinate him, and that the assassin was Li Laiheng.

When Luo Rucai's people heard that it was Li Laiheng who came to assassinate him, who could not believe it?His name was already known in Cao Ying.

"Chuang Wang, let me settle this matter!" Li Laiheng said.

"You?" Li Zicheng pondered.

Lao Jiu said: "This trip is full of dangers. I recently got information that apart from Jin Yiwei, Dongchang has been ordered by Chongzhen to assassinate you. I guess they are here for you. It's just an unknown, and it's not a very important thing."

Li Laiheng was silent for a while, he was reasoning and analyzing the danger in his mind, and he was still formulating corresponding plans.After a while, he raised his head and said to Li Zicheng: "This risk must be taken, and I can only go. It would be best to get them all back. If it doesn't go well, it would be good to return some of them. No matter how bad it is, at least I will let them know that it is not us." Assassinated Luo Rucai. As for the Dongchang people, they will face it sooner or later."

Li Zicheng did not speak.He is hesitating.He then considered Li Laiheng's chances of winning, he was considering Li Laiheng's safety.

After all, he couldn't make up his mind. After a long while, he asked, "Chief whistle, what do you think?"

Liu Zongmin glanced at Li Laiheng, "In my opinion, this is the only way. No one can complete this task except Laiheng. Laiheng, you have to be careful, you can't be too perfect in everything, play by ear, what can you do?" For your sake, just do your best. Your safety is more important than anything else."

Li Laiheng was a little moved.

"Thank you, chief whistle."

At such a critical time, Liu Zongmin still loves the younger generation.

(End of this chapter)

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