
Chapter 122 Hunting and Killing Li Laiheng

Chapter 122 Hunting and Killing Li Laiheng

This is the first dispatch of Li Laiheng's army.The [-]-strong army marched towards Nanyang mightily.

From Kaifeng to Nanyang, there is a distance of nearly [-] miles along the line of Xuchang and Pingdingshan, and Xuchang has a large number of officers and soldiers stationed.

Li Zicheng thought that Li Laiheng should not have a big war in the past, so he suggested that Li Laiheng go to Zhengzhou and Luoyang, and then go south to Nanyang.In this way, the distance has been increased by nearly one-third, and the two thousand miles are ten.But it will be much quieter along the way.

However, Li Laiheng insisted on going straight to Xuchang.He was going to pass through the ten-mile gap between Xuchang and Changge. He believed that the enemies of Xuchang and Changge would not dare to attack.

He played Li Laiheng's banner all the way.

He believed that Li Laiheng's three characters could be worth [-] elite soldiers to the enemy's leading general.

The legend that the general must be killed in every battle is very popular among officers and soldiers.

Li Laiheng's army really went straight to Xuchang.

The officers and soldiers in charge of the security ranger found this powerful army and flew back to report the military situation.Li Laiheng did not send hunting troops, he asked them to go back to report, and let them observe closely to let them know whose troops he was.

Li Laiheng's troops advanced very fast, and soon approached Xuchang.The city gates of Xuchang were closed tightly, and the city walls were heavily guarded.The same is true on Changge's side, the city gate is closed tightly, and the guards are very nervous.

After Li Laiheng passed, he didn't even deploy a guard, and the entire army was arranged in a formation marching behind his own.The striker is Li Laiheng's [-] elite.They are about ten miles away from the main force.On the third day, the troops passed through Yexian County in Pingdingshan, and further forward, it was the original garrison of Luo Rucai.

On the fourth day, when the troops entered Fangcheng, they had to go straight to Nanyang. It was only a hundred miles away, and it didn't take half a day.

Li Laiheng did not move forward.He is here to check the information again.

Lao Jiu left the army shortly after he set off. He had been active in Nanyang for two days, and at three o'clock, he came to Li Laiheng's garrison.

"It's a bit strange. There are 3 soldiers stationed in Nanyang, which is very quiet. Dengzhou has 3 elite soldiers, led by Luo Pei himself, Tanghe also has 3 soldiers, and another [-] are in Nanzhao. This layout is very special. It is understood that Luo Rucai There are three factions in the country. Dengzhou and Nanyang are staunch supporters of Luo Pei. They can enter Huguang at any time and join forces with Zuo Liangyu in Xiangyang. The [-] troops in Tanghe are led by Luo Wei, another adopted son of Luo Rucai. , he refused to submit to Luo Pei's command, and now he is only going to the north to avenge his father. The [-] troops recruited in the south neither want to surrender the officers and soldiers nor submit to the command of the two adopted sons. They are led by a general named Zhao Yi, who is ready to attack and win stronghold."

The three forces, where to start first?
Li Laiheng was in a bit of trouble.

The person who defected to the enemy was obviously Luo Pei. To capture the thief, the king should be captured first, so this person should be captured first.However, in Nanyang and Deng County, attack by force?Now is not the time to exterminate them.A strong attack obviously won't work.Once Luo Pei is not settled, the entire Cao Ying will be full of porridge and cannot be cleaned up.

Let's start with Nanzhao first. The 4 people are the easiest to persuade. However, the two Luos will inevitably come to help. On the battlefield, it is difficult to explain the misunderstanding clearly, and a scuffle is definitely inevitable.

"Let's start with Luo Wei first. He doesn't have a strong desire to join the enemy, but mainly wants revenge." Lao Jiu said, "I have already done some work on his deputy, and it seems that I have some doubts about Luo Pei's conspiracy."

What Lao Jiu said is very valuable.

Li Laiheng was still in deep thought.

After a long while, Li Laiheng said: "Besiege Nanyang, stop the reinforcements from Nanzhao, Dengxian, and Tanghe. I will go to Dengxian by myself. To capture the thief, you must first capture the king."

"Dangerous. They are just waiting there. They are waiting for you to go. Otherwise, they would have gone to Huguang and surrendered to Zuo Liangyu." Lao Jiu said.

Li Laiheng thought of this level.He also knew what they were trying to do.He also knew that if he didn't deal with Luo Pei first, then the 3 people in Nanyang and the 3 people in Deng County would immediately retreat to the south. Therefore, he would first encircle Nanyang, and then go deep into the enemy in Deng County. lair.The other two parts of the troops do not have a strong sense of surrender to the enemy, so they can be put aside for the time being.

This decision-making efficiency should be ideal.Of course, it is also the most dangerous.

On the night of the seventh day, Nanyang City was suddenly surrounded.

There are as many as 3 people in Nanyang City, all elite soldiers, so they are not afraid.When they learned that it was Li Laiheng's troops, they felt a little worried and worried.They are very afraid of Li Laiheng's strength.

"Send someone to break out of the siege and move out to rescue the soldiers!" Luo Pei's trusted general Liu Gang said.

"General, we can't get out. The enemy surrounded all four city gates. Besides, Li Laiheng's fighting power is too strong. Let's defend the city and wait for help." His confidant said to Liu Gang.

It can only be like this, this is not a question of whether you are afraid of death or not, it is really impossible to break through, this cannot be changed.However, they had seen Li Laiheng's siege methods, it was terrifying.The only way now is to send more people to guard.

There are 3 people, and [-] people are arranged to go to the city, and the walls are densely packed.

Nanyang City received a lot of arrows without clusters of arrows, with leaflets on them, and what was written, you know it without saying it, telling the soldiers in the city the truth.

"Looking at the leaflets is forbidden. Those who peek at the leaflets will be killed! Those who spread the message will be killed!" Soon, an order was issued in the city.

The more forbidden something is, the faster it will spread, and the more it is said to be false, the more people will think it is absolutely true.

In addition to Nanyang, there is also a saying in the barracks of Nanzhao that Luo Pei is a wolf, murders his adoptive father, surrenders to the enemy, and framed King Chuang.Nanzhao still doesn't know about Nanyang being besieged.

The situation in Tanghe was similar. It was rumored that Luo Pei and Dongchang collaborated to kill Luo Rucai, and the news quickly reached Luo Wei's ears.He began to doubt the original news, he thought, Li Zicheng is now attacking Kaifeng, how can he spare his hands to deal with Luo Rucai's 13 horses?

But in Deng County, there were no rumors.

Li Laiheng's purpose in sneaking into Deng County was very small, he only brought two cronies with him.

The security in Deng County was unexpectedly tight.Fixed whistle, wandering whistle, and a large number of hidden whistle.Obviously, this is not to deal with the enemy's siege, but to deal with secret operations.

A net was opened, waiting for Li Laiheng to break through.

It just so happened that Li Laiheng just broke in.However, it is impossible for Li Laiheng to be discovered by ordinary secret sentries. A person with his natural ability is one in a hundred thousand, and this one in a hundred thousand has to go through strict training.Therefore, apart from not knowing whether Dongchang has such talents in Deng County, it is certain that there is no one who can rival Li Laiheng.

Dongchang is a figure hand-picked by Emperor Chongzhen, and they haven't made a move yet.

Li Laiheng found Zhang Wenxiu's trace.It was the most unimaginable thing he could have imagined.

Is it the alliance between Xiying (Zhang Xianzhong's department) and Caoying (Luo Rucai's department), or the combination of Caoying and Dongchang?

Or, is it the cooperation of the three forces?
The appearance of Zhang Wenxiu made things even more confusing.

In Li Laiheng's eyes, Zhang Wenxiu was the number one enemy so far. His coming to Deng County made the solution of the problem very difficult.

As for Luo Pei's behavior, Wang Gui said sadly, the fish is about to take the bait, is your Dongchang able to catch the net?

A white-faced and thin old man's eyes flashed, and he said that Mr. Wang needn't worry too much, someone in my sea doesn't like to boast, unless it's someone in my sea's bad luck, otherwise, the fish that wants to slip away from me will only Afraid of waiting for the afterlife.

Luo Pei glanced at the hand of the white-faced old man, the hand was like an eagle's claw, and he didn't want to know that this kind of person was a legendary martial arts master.

The white-faced old man was more than one person, he brought seven people with him, including himself, there were eight people.These eight people often act together, and they will be dispatched together when Dongchang has any major tasks.

"Does Nanyang want reinforcements?" Luo Pei asked Wang Gui.

"No. Li Laiheng will not be in Nanyang, he should have already arrived in Deng County. Nanyang can't be broken, unless they don't plan to take 13 of us." Wang Gui said.

Li Zicheng still counts on the 13 people here?Luo Pei's relatives couldn't figure it out.he asked.

The thin, white-faced old man smiled sinisterly, and said, "Whether the 13 horses or not is the next priority, but he has to remove the blame on Li Zicheng. So, Li Laiheng had to go to Deng County in person. Luo General Pei, from now on, you must be on guard against Luo, it is said that unless Li Laiheng does not draw his sword, someone's head will fall to the ground."

Luo Pei shuddered, he knew Li Laiheng's name a long time ago.On the battlefield, Luo Pei was also a strong general, and he couldn't remember the victories he had won and the generals he had killed.However, he has always been afraid of two people, one is Zhang Kewang and the other is Li Laiheng. On the battlefield, these two people are the last people he wants to face.

The thin white-faced old man is called Eunuch Hai. When he said this, Luo Pei suddenly felt an inexplicable terror.Although he knew that Li Laiheng would not be able to kill him with the protection of Dongchang's people, but he still felt the cool wind blowing on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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