
Chapter 124

Chapter 124
Luo Pei has long been used to blood and death.But today I feel uncomfortable treating myself like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

After leaving the meeting room, seeing the guards arranged so tightly, I felt much more relaxed.There were even guards beside the toilet, he thought, they thought Li Laiheng was a monster?Luo Pei went into the latrine, and he had a jerk when he urinated.Comfortable.Then even hummed a little tune.

No matter how dedicated the two Dongchang people were to their duties, they would not follow the toilet. They waited outside the toilet.

Luo Pei suddenly felt a chill on his neck, a sharp knife lay across his neck, and a powerful big hand tightly strangled his head.

"Where is Luo Rucai?" the person behind asked.

"He was killed. People from Dongchang killed him." Luo Pei knew that the person who strangled him was Li Laiheng.

"Did you see the body?"

"No no."

Li Laiheng didn't talk to him anymore, he drew a circle with his left hand, and Luo Pei's head was in Li Laiheng's hand.

"Ouch." Li Laiheng snorted deliberately, and two people from the East Factory quickly broke in and asked, "What's the matter?"

The people who came in didn't understand what was going on, and didn't have time to show their superb martial arts moves. Their hearts were pierced across the chest, and bright red blood spurted out along the blood groove of the dagger.Li Laiheng's accompanying killing techniques are already top-notch, a one-shot kill is guaranteed, and no martial arts move can avoid their one-shot.The two of them are Li Laiheng's most proud apprentices, their talents are surprisingly high, judging from the aspect of killing skills alone, sooner or later, they will be better than blue.

Eunuch Hai was still squinting his eyes, seemingly sleeping.Li Laiheng and two relatives entered the meeting hall.

Li Laiheng had just stepped into the entrance hall, and Eunuch Hai opened his eyes and his eyes were bare. He heard the footsteps sound different, and shouted: "Okay, finally here!"

As soon as the voice came, he was already like an eagle, he swooped down in the air, and a claw-like hand grabbed Li Laiheng's face.

No one can dodge Eunuch Hai's pounce. The ancient top martial arts masters are by no means fictitious, nor imaginary, nor are they fictionalized by novelists.They do exist.

In the age of weapons, if you want to survive, you have to constantly study hard, innovate, and research skills. Therefore, martial arts masters do exist, not only do they exist, but their skills are also miraculous.

Li Laiheng couldn't dodge Eunuch Hai's blow either.For the first time, he felt a powerful invisible wave hitting him.This is a mysterious energy, he must resolve this huge energy, he only has one way, let himself float, like a feather.No matter how powerful the energy is, it has no effect on the fluttering feathers.

Li Laiheng's first sword strike failed, he was repelled by Eunuch Hai's palm, and he seemed to have turned into a goose feather and floated backwards.

Li Laiheng's two entourages attacked from the side, the two sides should be the weakness of Eunuch Hai, they struck out a thunderous knife at the same time.

However, Eunuch Hai's miraculousness is far beyond what they expected, he is even more miraculous, not only can he kill Li Laiheng with his palm, but his two followers are also under this palm.

Li Laiheng was floating in the air, and he didn't feel the energy attacking him lessened. He felt a strong sense of suffocation, and his blood seemed to stop flowing.But his mind is still clear, he has a strong sense of foreboding, he wonders, why can't this ability be dispelled?He had a premonition that he would turn into a meat paste, at least all internal organs would be ruptured.

He was afraid for the first time.

Suddenly, that huge energy suddenly disappeared without a trace!
There are two daggers on Eunuch Hai's body, one enters from the left chest and exits from the right. The blood column ejected from the blood groove is a foot long; More than a foot long.Li Laiheng's two assistants languished on the ground, their skulls had been crushed.

Li Laiheng survived.He lost two of his most powerful followers.

Eunuch Hai's eyes were terrified and gloomy, and had lost their light.

Wang Gui will lead [-] elite soldiers to break the siege of Nanyang tomorrow.His assigned task is over, go to bed and rest for a while, tomorrow will be very miserable.

"Military Master, someone wants to see you." In his sleep, his own soldiers called out.

"It's so late, who is it?" Wang Gui asked sleepily.

"He said he was sent by Li Zicheng."

"Who?" Wang Gui's sleepiness disappeared, and he shivered in shock.

"Li Laiheng." Li Laiheng said himself.He had already come in, still holding two heads in his hand.One belongs to Luo Pei and the other belongs to Eunuch Hai.

This surprise, nothing can be solved, he really fainted.After a long time, he woke up, and then fainted again.Li Laiheng pinched the others, and he really woke up.

"Forgive your life, spare your life" People who are military advisers rely on their mouths to eat, so they say "forgive your life" countless times more than others.

It's easy to spare your life, cooperate well, otherwise, these two heads are role models.

Wang Gui is very smart, his father-in-law is a master of martial arts, his head is still in Li Laiheng's hands, and the only way to oppose him is the corpse.Therefore, he did not hesitate.

"Cooperation and cooperation, General Li's orders, follow everything."

"Give me a list. If anyone in this city doesn't listen to you, I'll kill you for you. Then you come out to expose Dongchang and Luo Pei's plot to kill Luo Rucai, and then bring the troops back to Ruyang. I think, You have been a military adviser for so many years, and now that Luo Ru is gone, you should be able to do this, right?"

Wang Gui is calmer now, at least he can think normally. He pondered for a while, although there are difficulties, but no matter how difficult it is, he has to do it. Besides, he has promised that he will kill those who are disobedient.

He counted one by one, Luo Pei's cronies were only three or five confidantes, and Nanyang's guard was Luo Pei's confidant, but he was not in Deng County, not in the scope Li Laiheng said.Luo Wei of Tanghe and the guards of Nanzhao would not listen to Wang Gui either, and they were not within the range Li Laiheng mentioned. The range he said referred to Deng County.The most troublesome people in Deng County are the remaining seven people of Eunuch Hai.

"Eunuch Hai has seven other people, they are very powerful."

"Those, don't worry about them, I've already sent them to meet Hades."

When Li Laiheng said this, he didn't feel excited, he thought of his two followers, they were unable to withstand Eunuch Hai's palm.Fortunately, they tried their best to kill Eunuch Hai, otherwise, they really couldn't deal with them.The other five people, as soon as Eunuch Hai died, they showed up immediately. Fortunately, they didn't show up at the same time, otherwise, Li Laiheng couldn't bear it.They don't know what broken rules they keep, one dies, and another appears.

Perhaps, if it wasn't for breaking the rules, it must be because of Li Laiheng's luck.

The task of cleaning up Luo Pei's cronies is not difficult. Wang Gui gave him the list, and in the name of holding a military meeting, he took them to the back garden, one knife at a time, five in total, and the headless Luo Pei, Hai The father-in-law died together.

The army in Deng County was handed over to Lin Kui.He is Luo Rucai's commander in the Central Army, and Wang Gui's assistant.Before leaving, Li Laiheng said to Wang Gui, I am leaving, if you have the courage to take away every soldier here, wherever you go, I will chase you there and let you die ten times.Do not believe?you may try it!
How could Wang Gui not believe it?A miraculous person like Eunuch Hai died at his hands, and he had to believe anything he farted.

The handover in Deng County went smoothly. When the soldiers heard that Luo Pei had surrendered to the enemy and killed his father, they all said that this guy was not a human being. They were willing to follow Wang Gui and Lin Kui's command and wait for Cao Ying to elect a new commander.

Li Laiheng returned to Nanyang to listen to the information Lao Jiu got in Tanghe.

Luo Wei is dubious about the current situation.He believed that Luo Pei had thoughts and plans to join the imperial court, but he suspected that Li Zicheng sent someone to kill Luo Rucai, and more importantly, he hoped to control Luo Rucai's 13 army.However, this person is not kind, and he will definitely be a disaster in the future.Handing over the army to him was extremely risky for King Chuang.

Now, this man is watching, and he stands still.Of course, he will know what happened in Deng County in two days, and at that time, he will definitely want to control the entire army even more.

Li Laiheng asked about Nanzhao again.

The leading general of Nanzhao has a very high status, which is equivalent to Liu Zongmin in Li Zicheng's department. He has a high prestige in the army, but he has not reached the ability to command the entire army.

The situation here is still difficult.

"Why is Zhang Wenxiu in Deng County?" Li Laiheng asked suddenly.

Lao Jiu frowned tightly, and said: "As for this person, I haven't figured out the reason why he came here. I figured out that there are several possibilities. One is that he himself came to spy on information. If it is , Then, they want to swallow this team. They have cooperated in the past, and many soldiers and generals of the two armies are familiar with each other. Therefore, there is a basis for their cooperation. The second is, and I am most worried, is he A person from the imperial court? But it doesn’t look like it. Zhang Wenxiu’s identity is too mysterious, who is he?”

"Ah? You've also thought about it, he is a member of the imperial court?" Li Laiheng was shocked.

"I can't be sure. It's just one of several possibilities. The third is, is he really ready to cooperate with the imperial court when he sees that we are powerful enough to fight King Chuang? My analysis shows that Zhang Wenxiu appeared here. Just one of these three reasons." Lao Jiu analyzed.

Either way, it's not good news.

(End of this chapter)

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