
Chapter 125 Situation Reversal

Chapter 125 Situation Reversal
The soldiers guarding Nanyang were very nervous.

Li Laiheng's troops have besieged Nanyang for five days.Some of the soldiers guarding Nanyang City had seen how Li Laiheng's troops captured Nanyang.Now, it was my turn to guard Nanyang, and I was terrified.They know that Li Laiheng's 800 elite can attack the city wall in a very short time. If [-] people go to the city, they will kill [-] people. There must be an assumption that Li Laiheng's [-] soldiers are all Very civilized, they are not for siege, just to show their power.

Therefore, the soldiers defending the city were very worried that Li Laiheng's [-] elite would attack the city.

Now new rumors have begun to spread in the city: Luo Pei has been beheaded by Li Laiheng; the top ten masters of Dongchang and the 36 masters of Jinyiwei have all been killed by Li Laiheng alone; there are more than 1 rebels in Deng County People were buried alive, and the remaining people in Deng County were finally Li Zicheng's people; Wang Gui has been pardoned by Li Zicheng, and he will soon be Li Zicheng's deputy military adviser; two days later, if Nanyang does not surrender, Li Laiheng will kiss him Let his elite attack the city, if they resist, all the soldiers will be buried alive

There are a lot of people spreading rumors, and this is the only version, but after a long time, it has changed a bit, making Li Laiheng so magical.

Now, the most worrying thing is the guard Wang Xinfu. He is one of the main figures who planned the coup d'état and Luo Pei's most trusted general.Surrender, Li Laiheng will not spare him, if you don't vote, maybe you will be caught by your own soldiers and dedicated to Li Laiheng.How is the situation in Deng County?He is not quite sure yet.

Just as he was hesitating, the news from Deng County came in the form of an order. It was an instruction issued in the name of Lin Kui and Wang Gui: Ling, Nanyang Wang Xinfu and other generals, open the north gate and welcome Li Laiheng's troops to enter. In the city, the existing troops in the city leave from the south gate and are reorganized outside the city.


This is suicidal.It's okay to give up the idea of ​​seeking refuge with Zuo Liangyu; it's also okay to sincerely cooperate with Li Zicheng.However, adapting out of the city, that won't work, it's obviously for cleaning.

The first to be purged will be senior generals such as Wang Xinfu.

Absolutely cannot accept this kind of adaptation.

Resist to the end!

Wang Xinfu's confidants unanimously decided.

Don River.

Luo Wei also received the same order.

Order them to drive out of Tanghe City and wait for Li Laiheng's department to come to accept the adaptation.

"His grandma, accept the adaptation? Isn't this an annexation?"

Luo Wei no longer suspected that Li Zicheng sent someone to assassinate Luo Rucai, but now he has to suspect it again. This is a typical direct annexation.It seems that this matter was premeditated for a long time.He has also heard that Luo Pei was killed by Li Laiheng, and Deng County has been brought under control.What are Wang Gui and Lin Kui?They actually order me Rowe?
Luo Wei showed Wang Gui and Lin Kui's orders to his generals.

Everyone couldn't help being filled with righteous indignation and determined to defend the city to the death.

"The key is how to exchange news with Nanyang. At this time, we must unite. If the general is dead, you, General Luo, will of course be the leader of Cao Ying. With the cooperation of our three forces, there are more than 3 people, and we have to deal with Li Laiheng. The [-] people who came here are more than enough." A general said so.

Makes sense, that's it.

Send people to send news to Nanyang and Nanzhao.


The guard is Lin Xueliang, the general who rose up with Luo Rucai. Besides Luo Rucai, he has the best qualifications and the highest military exploits in the army.First of all, it was reported that Luo Rucai had been killed, and he had no doubt that Li Zicheng did it. But after seeing the leaflet, he calmly analyzed it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.Li Zicheng was still in a hurry to attack Kaifeng. It is said that it was not going well. How could he have the guts and energy to create such a big incident in Cao Ying?
Therefore, he was going to contact Li Laiheng's department to find out the details.

The day before yesterday, an old man said he was Li Laiheng's lieutenant general. He told him what happened in Deng County. Only then did he understand the whole story.

However, today he received two orders one after another. One was from Wang Gui and Lin Hu, asking them to drive out of Nanzhao City and wait for Li Laiheng's troops to adapt on the spot.This order puzzled them. Logically, Li Laiheng should appease them and should not propose an adaptation at this juncture.The word "adaptation" is very eye-catching. Adaptation is tantamount to disbanding on the spot, and then other troops will take them over. General, it depends on whether he is appointed or not.

This is an impossible order to accept.Especially posted by Wang Gui and Lin Hu.

The second order was not an order. It came from Tanghe Luo Wei. He said that he still suspected that Li Zicheng was annexing them, and suggested that Lin Xueliang, at the critical moment of Cao Ying's life and death, unite as one, and fight against Li Laiheng's attack with Nanyang and other Cao Ying generals.

"Yes, our Cao Ying cannot be annexed by Li Zicheng for no reason like this!"

This is Nan Zhao's resolution.

Lao Jiu said to Li Laiheng in confusion: "What's the matter, all three places are actively preparing for the war suddenly? It seems that they want to fight us to the end."

"What?" Li Laiheng asked in surprise.

"Nanzhao, Tanghe, and Nanyang are suddenly heavily guarded, as if they are facing a big enemy, and the guards are united as one, as if they are going to fight us."

"Huh? That's strange. Isn't it almost stable? There must be something wrong here. We can't worry, we have to figure out the situation."

As Li Laiheng said, he felt very strange in his heart. It stands to reason that Nanzhao and Tanghe are people who know right from wrong. They know that it is a civil strife among themselves, and they should actively cooperate with us to help them clean up their house. Why would they take the initiative to provoke? ?Even in Nanyang, under the pressure of the army, they should try their best to adopt a well-intentioned reconciliation strategy instead of a blatant confrontation policy.There must be a big problem here.

Suddenly, a sergeant reported, "Deng county urgent!"

Li Laiheng opened it and saw that it was broken, and Wang Gui was killed!Lin Kui was killed!All the soldiers in the city were in a commotion, saying that Li Laiheng was coming to Deng County to massacre the city.Now, all the soldiers in the city have run away, some have gone to Xiangyang, some have gone to Tanghe, and more people have gone to the nearby countryside and mountains.

"Are there many people running towards Xiangyang?" Li Laiheng asked.

Soldiers reported: "About [-], led by a deputy general named Wang Jiyuan, who is Luo Pei's subordinate and not very popular."

Li Laiheng let out a "hmm" and thought to himself, just let this group of people go, and it's meaningless to chase them back, let them go if they really want to vote for Zuo Liangyu.

"Legend! The whole army is marching in a hurry, the target is Xinye!" Li Laiheng shouted, then turned his head and said to Lao Jiu, "You entered Nanyang yourself, the problem is all in Nanyang. I guess there is a big man in Nanyang City, you can find out who this person is .And then, why did the three cities decide to fight us at the same time?"

The whole army of Li Laiheng rushed to Xinye County at the fastest speed.

The garrison of Xinye is Zuo Liangyu's army, 600 people, who were already in panic all day long. Luo Rucai's troops occupied Tanghe County and Deng County. force.Now when Li Laiheng's army came rushing, he said "Run", hundreds of symbolic generals had long since disappeared.

Li Laiheng's army quickly formed a line of defense in the Xinye area.

Occupying Xinye closed the gate for Henan to enter Hubei.

Li Laiheng did not act with the legion, he took a squadron to Tanghe, Luo Wei must meet this man.After seeing Luo Wei, he was going to meet Lin Xueliang in Nanzhao City.

Luo Wei's security was very tight. The barracks he lived in was no different from other barracks. It was really hard for people who didn't know to find him.

"Kowtow to General Luo." Unknowingly, Luo Wei's guards became Li Laiheng's men. Li Laiheng went in and gave Luo Wei a bow.

Rowe was startled.

"who are you?"

"Li Laiheng!" Li Laiheng's voice was not loud and soft, but the people who listened were very shocked.

"Come on!" Luo Wei roared, but his voice was trembling and the volume was extremely low.

Li Laiheng smiled faintly, "Don't be nervous. If you are going to kill you, you will be gone. I don't want you to die. You are not Luo Pei. You should know that the patricide, Luo Pei, you should stand up and preside over the overall situation. But , what are you doing now? Do you think Cao Ying is finished like this?"

"Why are you adapting us?" Rowe asked.

"Have it?"

"Why not? Wang Gui ordered us to drive out of the city and let you adapt it. If that's not annexing us, what is it?"

"Fake!" Li Laiheng suddenly realized, "No wonder, you think we will reorganize your troops. Wang Gui's order is fake, or the order that the person who killed him forced him to issue. Well, now I understand, someone secretly Control your Cao Ying, General Luo, who do you think this person is?"

Luo Wei thought for a while, then shook his head, "I can't think of it, I don't know who is making trouble."

"Okay, in the name of King Chuang, I order you to take the position of 'Great General' temporarily and have full control over Cao Ying's 10 troops. I won't interfere, okay?" Li Laiheng made a bold decision.

Luo Wei hesitated for a moment, and quickly made a decision, "Okay! I will try my best to control the remaining 10 horses."

With this sentence on the line.

With the temptation of the "General", Luo Wei will be very happy, and it is worth taking risks for happy things.Li Laiheng was worried that he would not even dare to take this risk, but now he simply agreed to take the risk.That's enough, I'm afraid that after Wang Gui and Lin Kui die, no one will dare to stand up again.

Luo Wei convened a military meeting, and he officially declared his allegiance to Li Zicheng. He took people to Deng County to clean up the mess, and sent several senior followers to Nanyang and Nanzhao. He was exercising the power of "General".

He had plans to hit a wall.

The solution to hitting a wall is to kill.This is the most straightforward way in wartime, and also the most effective way.

Luo Wei's heart is not soft.

(End of this chapter)

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