
Chapter 126 Character No. 2

Chapter 126 Number Two Person
After Li Laiheng's army occupied Xinye and cut off the connection between Henan and Huguang, he had no choice but to take tough measures.

Because, he had a premonition that there was a powerful person in Nanyang City.

The conspiracy between Dongchang and Luo Pei may be a move made by another person. Could this person be Zhang Wenxiu?
Li Laiheng has always cared about Zhang Wenxiu. He disrupted the situation in Nanyang. He used both Dongchang and Luo Pei, which is very powerful.

Is Li Laiheng's guess right?

Lao Jiu spent five days in Nanyang City.These five days, he was very difficult.The Dongchang dispatched extremely high-level people, and the boss of Qianhu Xiong, who was in charge of the sentence, came to Nanyang in person. It can be seen how complicated the situation in Nanyang is.

The eunuch who presided over the East Factory was called "Supervisor" or "Factory Master" by the people in the factory. Under him, he was in charge of one thousand households and one hundred households. Both of them were selected from Jinyiwei.Then there are more than 40 people in charge, foreman, and secretary.The leader of Jinyiwei is called the commander, and is generally held by a general trusted by the emperor.In terms of Dongchang's relationship with Jinyiwei, Dongchang came from behind.Since the owner of Dongchang had a close relationship with the emperor and was in the palace, it was easier to gain the emperor's trust.The relationship between Dongchang and Jinyiwei has gradually changed from equal to superior-subordinate relationship. In the era when eunuchs were in power, the commander of Jinyiwei would even kneel and kowtow when seeing the owner of Dongchang.The power rests with Jin Yiwei.

Now, a thousand households in charge of punishment appeared in Nanyang City, almost the top figures of Dongchang had arrived, so Lao Jiu had to marvel at Li Laiheng's judgment.

Boss Xiong, who was in charge of thousands of households, did not haunt the general's mansion of the defenders in Nanyang. He lived in an inn, a second-rate inn, not very conspicuous, and they were all their people.

Lao Jiu found out that this inn was found on the second day he entered the city, but he had no chance to get close to this inn for several days, and finally took a roundabout strategy, caught a cook and asked some questions before he learned something.But how much does the cook know?Just a few words, and the general situation of the personnel.

One very important clue is that the leader of Dongchang did not contact Luo Rucai's generals, that is to say, Eunuch Hai was the last person to contact Luo Rucai's subordinates.So, what is Boss Bear doing?
Lao Jiu went back to report and research to Li Laiheng.

In the first-class room of Laiyue Inn, a group of ten or so people were discussing matters while drinking tea.

This room is not used for sleeping, it is specially used for discussing and negotiating.This inn is very inconspicuous, and usually there are not many customers. In an ordinary city like Nanyang, it can only be regarded as a second-class inn.

In fact, it is not an ordinary inn. The people of Dongchang usually stay here in Nanyang, so it is actually an institution of Dongchang.Usually, it is used to pick up guests, listen to hearsay by the way, if there is an urgent matter, or a big person comes, the place is "full", and all guests are refused to check in.

"It's a blessing, everyone." Sitting in the main seat, the boss of Qianhu Xiong has absolute authority. He is the second person in the East Factory. There is only one factory owner above him, that is, Cao Huachun.

He said that everyone was lucky, and it was a compliment.

"Grandfather Hai actually missed. I didn't expect it. Your Majesty is wise, you are not mistaken. Li Laiheng is really not an ordinary person. He was able to escape Mr. Hai's overwhelming move, which shows that this man is very skilled. You are no match for him. There is no need to try, I will send another person. Now, your task is to protect that person. If the person is gone or dead, you should bring your heads to see him.”

When Xing Qianhu said this, the murderous look in his eyes was so intense that no one dared to look directly into his eyes.Then he said, "Luo Wei, I want to replace the position of 'General', hehe, I don't know the heights of heaven and earth, let him play for a few days, and see if they can't afford internal strife, just watch the fun, if the weather is calm, you Just kill him, anyway, you are going to make them restless here. I want to see if Li Zicheng still has the heart to attack Kaifeng? Maybe see, how does Li Laiheng clean up the mess here?"

After listening to Boss Qianhu Xiong who was punishing Qianhu, everyone gave a "promise".They are all high-ranking East Factory officials.

Xiaoer has come in twice, with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, looking at nose and heart with eyes.He is also from Dongchang, working as a low-level handyman in the inn.

"Xiao Er, give the cook a few instructions, don't let that person eat something bad, if you accidentally eat arsenic or other poisonous things, all your cooks, handymen, accountants, etc., have to give me Eat." Xiong Qianhu said coldly.

"Little man remembers." Xiao Er said in a low voice.

"I heard that Luo Wei is going to come to Nanyang, everyone, don't be idle, and ask what Wang Xinfu will do." Xiong Qianhu said.

Wang Xinfu received a military order from Luo Wei, asking him to be loyal to Li Zicheng.

He is hesitating.

Because he participated in the coup, there is no reason for pardon.Don't be loyal, he has no confidence in resisting Li Laiheng's army.So, he's in a bad position.But he thought about it for a long time, he would die if he surrendered, and he couldn't go this way, so he moved his cronies and his trusted troops around him, just in case.In his mouth, he pretended to be indifferent to Luo Wei, saying that only Luo Wei's order is to obey, and he must be loyal to the "general" and Li Zicheng.Secretly, he was actively preparing, rushing out of the encirclement and heading towards Huguang if necessary.Of course, he still has another plan, which is to find an opportunity to kill Luo Wei. Without Luo Wei, it would be easier to only have Lin Xueliang left. There is only one Lin Xueliang in the army with higher prestige than him, and the others cannot compare with him. In this way, he does not need to go to Xiangyang, and he can have an army independently.

Luo Wei will come to Nanyang tomorrow.

This is an opportunity.

Wang Xinfu gathered his cronies together and assigned tasks for tomorrow.

Wang Xinfu had a murderous look on his face, and he said: "Tomorrow, Luo Wei will come here to build up his prestige, please give me some energy and act with winks. If he is polite, then we are another matter. If there is any wind that moves early, you Follow my hint, if necessary, kill him on the spot!" Then, he announced the assignment for tomorrow.

The four city gates were all guarded by Wang Xinfu's relatives.Once something happened in the city, no one would let out the city gate.

Around the meeting hall, there are two guards. The first guard is the core guards, all of whom are Wang Xinfu's own soldiers; the second guard is brave men carefully selected from his standard battalion. There are five hundred of them. The crowd was personally led by Wang Xinfu's confidant general.

Next to Wang Xinfu, there are three dead guards. These three dead men are death row inmates he has raised for many years. They are so powerful that they can twist a person's neck with one hand. Can also kill Rowe.

This is Wang Xinfu's preparation for Luo Wei to come to Nanyang.

At this time, Li Laiheng was in Nanyang City.

Moreover, he is near the Laiyue Inn.

"Brother, everything is ready."

A man dressed as a young hotel waiter reported to Li Laiheng and Lao Jiu.

Li Laiheng asked about the situation of these people in Dongchang in detail, especially the specific situation of the No. [-] person in Dongchang who was in charge of Qianhu.

The man told him that this man was not easy to mess with, and that he was able to climb to this position was definitely not by luck.The boss of Dongchang is Changgong, who is the eunuch next to the emperor. It is understandable that he has no real skills, but it is impossible to punish thousands of households without real skills. If he does not have real skills, then Dongchang is not Dongchang. .The two most famous secret service agencies in the Ming Dynasty, one is Dongchang and the other is Jinyiwei. They are so famous that people often talk about them hundreds of years later.

The young waiter hadn't seen Li Laiheng for a long time. He left Li Laiheng's army during the Tongguan battle and finally sneaked into the East Factory. Today, he was the one who brought tea and water to Xiong Boss, who was in charge of Qianhu.

Tonight, they are going to kill the people from Dongchang.

At three quarters of the end of Haishi, ten Nanyang guards, led by Shi Chang, came to Laiyue Inn and beat the door loudly.

"Check the night! Check the night! Open the door."

The door opened.A few clerks stood in the room and said, "My lord, all the people who are staying here today are regular customers, and they don't pay attention."

The leader of the team shouted: "Nonsense! Today, every house must be strictly inspected. Go and see if there are any foreigners, especially if there are any people from Shaanxi and Beijing. Don't let anyone without a beard!"

"Ha! This military lord, he doesn't rest in the middle of the night. He is very dedicated. But don't you think this is disturbing the people? We are businessmen. Look, what is not pleasing to our eyes?"

The one who spoke was the one who was punishing Qianhu, and there were seven or eight people behind him.In addition to their eight or nine guests in the entire inn, there are only a few people from the inn itself.Add up, there are only sixteen or seventeen people.

"We were ordered to check the night, what are you talking about? Get out of the way!"

Shi Chang stepped forward, and was lightly pushed by the prisoner Qianhu, who made two somersaults and rolled down the stairs.Several people on the stairs burst into laughter.Several inn staff downstairs also laughed.

"Oh, if you obstruct the execution of official duties, you will be shot to death." After the chief said, "Crack", the sword was unsheathed.

The people on the stairs laughed louder.

"Ha, they're going to kill people."

"Oh, military lord, don't mess around, how can you kill people with knives at will?"

"Haha, Lord Jun, come up and kill us." The people upstairs jokingly said.

The ten soldiers hesitated, and the people upstairs were making fun of it. At this moment, another ten or so people dressed as guests came.They are here to stay.

"Guest officer, this place is full, please go to Xilai Inn on East Street to have a look." The waiter hurried forward and said.


The waiter was slapped hard.

The waiter retreated in aggrieved and reached the stairs.

This time, the soldier seemed to have found a place to vent his anger, and shouted: "Why are you so overbearing? This place is full, didn't you hear me?"

"Why didn't you hear me, what's the matter with you guys?" The guest was very aggressive, even daring to insult someone with a knife.

"Huh? It's reversed!" said the soldier.

"Rebellion? You just rebelled! Aren't you the soldiers of Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai who rebelled against the bandits? We are here to arrest you. Brothers, come on!" The guests outside roared.

(End of this chapter)

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