
Chapter 136 Eastern Expedition BJ

Chapter 136
Niu Jinxing seemed to have a well-thought-out plan, and told his truth.He said that the Manchu people just wanted to have a place to live in the bitter cold of the Northeast, and they didn't have a particularly big ambition, and they were satisfied with giving them a place to thrive.First of all, secondly, don't look at the strong combat effectiveness of Qingbing soldiers, but their population is limited, and they are powerless to attack the Central Plains on a large scale.Third, the reason why they are rampant now is because of the corruption of the Ming Dynasty. Our Dashun Dynasty is thriving, just like the rising sun. It is too late for them to kneel down and ask for gifts, so how can they take the initiative to challenge?Fourth, Wu Sangui was in charge of Sanguan. It was impossible for him to surrender to the Manchus. As a Han, he could not justify surrendering to the Jurchen clan.Besides, our Dashun is in need of talents, and it is exactly what he longs for that Wu Sangui can submit to my Dashun.

Niu Jinxing's words were full of passion, and everyone said yes again and again.Liu Zongmin was even more disdainful of Li Yan's words. He echoed Niu Jinxing and said that the Manchus, a nation with tens of thousands of soldiers, also regarded him as a serious problem, which was too ridiculous and too flattering.

Li Zicheng had some concerns at first, but now that they said so, his concerns have long since disappeared.

Tian Jianxiu was accidentally conferred the title of General of the General Power this time, and became the first batch of conferred marquises. He did not dare to raise dissenting opinions too much.However, he knew that Li Yan and Li Laiheng were right to worry about the Manchu Qing soldiers, so he suggested that Liu Fangliang raise troops northward to assist Liu Zongmin in attacking Beijing after the situation in Shandong was stabilized as soon as possible.

"I have an army of 30 troops. How many defenders are there in Beijing? Still need Liu Fangliang to go north? He should go south and conquer Nanjing as soon as possible." Like insulting, very unhappy.

The matter of the Eastern Expedition is so hastily discussed, it is really hasty.

Li Laiheng calculated secretly.Liu Zongmin led a total of 30 troops. After Shanxi was conquered, Datong and Taiyuan had to leave no less than [-] troops. Of the [-] troops waving the flag, Liu Zongmin only had more than [-] troops to attack Beijing.

Of course, more than [-] people are attacking Beijing. If a quick attack is adopted, it will be no problem to attack Beijing.Li Laiheng was not worried about whether Beijing could be captured or not. History had already made a conclusion. There was no problem at all in capturing Beijing. The problem was the matter of the three customs after capturing Beijing.He was thinking, can my Li Laiheng Corps fight against the Qing soldiers in Sanguan?


Li Laiheng was confident that his [-] elite soldiers could fight the Manchurian soldiers.

However, Li Laiheng worried that his 3 men could not save Li Zicheng's fate.Because, the one who caused Li Zicheng to make a big deal of trouble was Liu Zongmin, who coveted Chen Yuanyuan, which made Wu Sangui furious and crowned as a confidante.The other person is Niu Jinxing. He is too impatient and too ostentatious.With these two, can Li Zicheng be undefeated?Of course, without them, would Li Zicheng win again in history?
Since ancient times, there are too many facts of "Success and Xiao He defeat Xiao He".

In fact, Li Zicheng's defeat in Beijing was not just a matter of Liu Zongmin and Niu Jinxing, he himself was the key figure.

It stands to reason that the Eastern Expedition should have started ten days ago. However, Li Zicheng was eager to go home to worship his ancestors, and he spent too long in Mizhi County. The feast of thousands of tables is nothing but earth-shattering.Second, Li Zicheng chose a princess in Mizhi County.Since ancient times, there have been beauties in Mizhi, and Diao Chan was from Mizhi County back then. When he returned to Mizhi this time, Li Zicheng naturally had to choose a beauty from his hometown.

Li Zicheng already got a beauty named Fei Xu in Xiangyang. After Xi'an was captured, the former minister of rites and now the retired servant Lan, in order to curry favor with Li Zicheng, quickly offered his granddaughter to Li Zicheng.This blue beauty is twenty-eight years old, she is really a girl who has just grown up, this girl who doesn't know much about style, under Li Zicheng's mighty majesty, she didn't know that being a woman is really interesting until the third day.After Li Zicheng dated this beauty for a few days, he suddenly thought, why not find a beauty in his hometown?In the past, when he was still a child, he saw some rich people from other places come to Mizhi County to choose beauties. Become the king of a country, and the fat and water have to flow to his own fields.Therefore, during his family visit, he found a number of beauties, and chose one of them, a tall girl with an excellent figure and a charming face, to be his fourth wife. (In fact, Li Zicheng had no relatives to save, his parents died, and the living people went out with him to fight the world, and the graves of the dead ancestors were excavated by Bian Dashou. Bian Dashou Zhili Renqiu (now Renqiu City, Hebei Province) ) person, Juren, served as the county magistrate of Mizhi in the 11th year of Chongzhen (1638). On the eighth day of the first month of the 15th year of Chongzhen (1642), due to the secret edict, he led people to excavate all the ancestral graves of Li Zicheng, opened the coffin and burned the bones, and scattered wilderness.

After Li Zicheng had these wives, because he had already become the emperor, his original wife, Mrs. Gao, naturally became the queen, and the other three wives became concubines.Among these concubines, Fei Xu knew the rhythm and was very skilled in bed, so he was naturally favored by Li Zicheng, and he slept in her room for two of the three nights.And the blue beauty is the youngest, she didn't know how to be romantic at first, once she tasted what it was like to be a woman, she always lingered on Li Zicheng overnight, plus she was educated and well-educated, so Li Zicheng gradually loved her. Difficult to part.And the girl from Mizhi's hometown, although she is uneducated and not very well-educated, but this girl's devilish figure, the wildness of a country woman, when she was in love with Li Zicheng, she was always proactive and bold. After a few days, she invented tricks one after another, This made Li Zicheng applaud endlessly.These three women, at night, completely conquered this man who conquered the world.

Therefore, Li Zicheng, who was supposed to set off to attack Beijing earlier, was postponed for more than ten days. If it wasn't for Song Xiance's repeated urging, he might still be unable to get up among the women.

Li Zicheng was about to leave at last.

Li Guo led the vanguard with [-] elite cavalry to cross Linfen and go straight to Taiyuan.Liu Zongmin's large troops have also set off, and some have already crossed the Yellow River.Li Zicheng was going to set off early in the morning three days later.

Since Li Laiheng came to Xi'an, he has come to Zhang's house at the south gate of Xi'an n times. Here, a girl once told him that her uncle's house is here, and she should be here too.

However, every time he came, the members of the Zhang family refused to see him.

It seems unreasonable to say that Li Laiheng was blocked from the door.However, it is true that Li Laiheng was rejected every time he came.

Li Laiheng is the only one who is not rude to this family.

He will set off soon, he is the main force of the Eastern Expedition, when will he come back?Can you come back?Li Laiheng didn't have a definite idea in his mind.

So, he came here for the last time today to ask.

"Please inform Ms. Lu that Li Laiheng is going to go on an expedition tomorrow. It is uncertain whether he will be able to come back, so I want to have a few words with Ms. Li." Li Laiheng said to the guard.

The guard had also seen Li Laiheng n times, and he knew that this man was the famous genius general and the leader of Li Laiheng's army.

This doorman is an old employee of Zhang's family. Every time he sees Li Laiheng, he will politely say, sorry, we don't have Ms. Lu in our family.

Today, he didn't say that there is no Miss Lu anymore, he said politely: "General, please wait a moment, I will ask if my lady has seen anyone."

Not long after the guard entered, he came out and said to Li Laiheng: "General Li, my girl said that you have to abide by the rules of your uncle's house when you are in my uncle's house. Let's just say it straight. General Li, please don't worry about it. Our master said that he is out of the world. He doesn't want to get involved in this chaotic world, so he doesn't plan to make friends with people from the imperial court or Dashun Xin Dynasty. So, my lady said, see you at Wanfu Restaurant at the south gate at Xushi tonight."

Without saying a word, Li Laiheng turned around and went to Wanfu Restaurant.He told the boss that he took care of the entire restaurant tonight.

It is not uncommon for a wealthy son to take over Wanfu Restaurant.The store owner thought, there is another good money to be made tonight.So, he ordered Xiao Er to clean it up, and cleaned the entire Wanfu Building.

However, when he finally found out that there were only two guests in the entire Wanfu Building, he was dumbfounded.The guests only asked for three or four small dishes and a pot of tea.

"Who is it?"

The waiter and the boss whispered to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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