
Chapter 137 2 women

Chapter 137 Two Women
In Wanfu Restaurant, a pair of young buddies sat facing each other.One handsome, one coquettish.

Facing Lu Qin who was disguised as a man, Li Laiheng said, "Long time no see, how is the girl in Xi'an?"

Lu Qin is almost 20 years old this year, and she was considered a leftover woman at that time.But in Li Laiheng's eyes, she was still a young girl, so he accidentally didn't ask if she was married or if she had been betrothed to someone else.

However, this is not a mystery, and Lu Qin answered it himself.

"General Li, are you going to march tomorrow?"

"Yes. I really want to see you. I have been here many times, and I finally see you today."

"Well. Actually, why do we need to meet each other? The little girl has read the books of sages since she was a child, and she knows what she can and cannot do. Last time, the bloodbath of Lu's village was over, and the fate between us has ended."

"What?" Li Laiheng asked in surprise.

"I can't blame you for the bloodbath of the Lu family village. You are in order to survive, and the Lu family village wants to get promoted and get rich. The Lu family village cannot escape. However, the Lu family will not marry someone surnamed Lu to the enemy who bloodbathed the Lu family village." Yes. Without a clear matchmaker and improper marriage, the little girl will definitely not do things that violate the rules and regulations. So, our fate is over."

"I don't think so!" Li Laiheng said.

"Hmph. General Li, you can do tricks, but I believe you won't. If you are the trickster, then I think I have misread the person. The little girl rejected all the betrothal gifts from famous families because of one person, I Hope you read it right."

Li Laiheng pondered for a moment, and said: "Miss Lu, I will come here again within two years. At that time, I believe you will not refuse."

Lu Qin was slightly startled, and pondered for a while, "Do you have enough confidence?"


Lu Qin pondered for a moment.

"Are you ready to fight against the Qing elite?"


"It's not supposed to! It's necessary. Who can fight against the elite Manchurians?"


"That's right. You are the only one who has this qualification. But, with all due respect, you can't completely make the decision, and Prince Dorgon of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is now the assistant prince, and he may be a regent in the future. If you are in charge of the army and the political power, your chances of winning a decisive battle with him are only [-]%; now that the Qing emperor of Manchu has ascended the throne, and Fulin, who is a few years old, is the emperor, the internal struggle of the Manchu Qing has subsided, and Li Chuang has not yet ascended the throne, and the regime has just started. , and there are signs of civil strife, so if you fight Dorgon, your chances of winning are only [-]%. Third, Li Chuang seems to be contemptuous of the Manchu Qing, so your chances of winning are almost zero. So, General Li, think The only way for Dashun to dominate the world is to find another way."

Li Laiheng was shocked.

Can Lu Qin see the future clearly?She was so right.

"The girl said to find another way, I hope to hear the details." Li Laiheng said.

"Little girl really has no good plan." Lu Qin said softly.

Li Laiheng looked at Lu Qin's pink face and wished he could kiss her, but he didn't express anything, he just said: "I think soon, Dorgon and I will see each other. Thank you for reminding me, since it has been calculated, it is useless." win, then I am going to follow what the girl said, find another way, and come up with a 100% way to win."

"100%? There is no absolute in the world. Sometimes, people are not as good as God. General, take care of yourself."

"Thank you Miss Lu. Please wait for me for two years. As long as I survive, I will pick you up with a grand ceremony within two years."

Lu Qin was silent for a while.

"Actually, I'm prepared to wait for you forever." Her voice was as thin as a moan, but Li Laiheng could hear it clearly.

"I can betray the world, and I will never betray you, Lu Qin. I'm leaving, and I'm going to defeat Dorgon. There are my cronies outside the door to take you back." Li Laiheng suddenly had a kind of heroic spirit, which concealed his arrogance. Children love each other.

Lu Qin left.

Li Laiheng wanted to sit still, but what Lu Qin said was too pertinent, if she were a man, they would be invincible if they were a perfect match.

Lu Qin actually knew everything about the Manchu Qing Dynasty like the back of his hand.That's all for Li Laiheng's military newspaper from Shenyang.

His legion will set off tomorrow, and he still has to make some preparations.Due to the death of Wang Si, all [-] cavalry were led by Luo Hu.His three chief generals, Gu Ying, Gu Kecheng, and Luo Hu are still waiting for him to discuss matters.At this time, Huiying, a female soldier next to Mrs. Gao, came to invite Li Laiheng, saying that Mrs. Gao had something to explain.

Mrs. Gao did not follow Li Zicheng to the east, but the one who followed him was Lan Meiren.She is the youngest, and now she has figured out a set of tricks on the bed, which makes Li Zicheng lingering. Therefore, when Li Zicheng could only take one concubine to the east, he chose this delicate little beauty.Mrs. Gao knew that such a day would come. Although she was jealous, what could be done?At that time, it was too common for a man to have three wives and four concubines, let alone the quasi-emperor Li Zicheng?Therefore, she pretended to be happy and let Li Zicheng happily take Lan Meiren to the expedition.

Mrs. Gao was most worried that Li Zicheng would choose Miss Zuo as his concubine. Fortunately, he met three beauties and did not consider Miss Zuo anymore.

Li Laiheng came to Mrs. Gao, and Mrs. Gao said: "Laiheng, although the victory of this Eastern Expedition is expected, your majesty is used to visiting Shishi in person. You must protect the emperor well. Besides, there is someone , see you."

Miss Zuo.

"Hello, General Li." Before Li Laiheng could react, Miss Zuo had already come out. After greeting Li Laiheng, her face blushed, and she continued, "The general will have to work hard for a long time this time. I hope General Li will take care of himself."

This exhortation contains infinite affection, no matter how cold-blooded people are, they have to be shocked.

Li Laiheng's face was burning hot, he took a peek at Miss Zuo, and she was looking at him affectionately with her big beautiful eyes.

"General Li, during this Eastern Expedition, I may meet my father. You know, the king's order is hard to disobey. Never marry for life!'”

Li Laiheng was startled, fuck you, the two women are so hot-tempered, women in ancient times really don't understand, why are they so hot-tempered?Grandma, I’m in my twenties, and I haven’t met a woman yet. I met two lovely ones, and the conditions I gave were so harsh. Well, I’ll satisfy you. I won’t kill you, I’ll let you There is a father's order.

However, it is not easy to get Zuo Liangyu's "father's order", this guy is also a fierce man.

Li Laiheng glanced at Miss Zuo and thought, you and Lu Qin should not even try to run away alone. I have finally traveled to ancient times, and three wives and four concubines are not considered morally corrupt. I have to hold you with my left arm and Lu Qin with my right. How do you look jealous.

Li Laiheng thought.Miss Zuo thought he was hesitating, and asked, "General Li is in trouble, right?"

"No, no. I must tell him, General Zuo, don't try your best. Half of your old life belongs to Miss Zuo. Your life is exhausted. Miss Zuo said that without your father's life, he would not Married. I think, once he hears this, he probably won't work hard." After Li Laiheng finished speaking, he saw Miss Zuo actually giggled.

Is it funny?Li Laiheng couldn't figure out a joke that wasn't funny at all, but she could laugh it out.Oh, by the way, women in ancient times were in the deep pavilion every day, how could they ever hear a man's witty words?Thinking of this, he simply told a joke to amuse the beauty.

Li Laiheng said: "I have a question to ask Ms. Zuo, is the so-called matchmaker's words, parents' orders, really must be obeyed?"

"Of course!"


"Why are you making such a fuss?" Seeing Li Laiheng's exaggerated surprise, Miss Zuo asked.

Li Laiheng said: "Oh, I see. No wonder some people get married very old. It turns out that there is such a stinky rule. I remembered an incident. There was an old couple who got married. The groom doubted the bride's age. In the bridal chamber, the groom asked the bride, we are all married, now it doesn’t matter what your actual age is, how old are you? The bride said, Husband, to be honest, my family is fifty-three this year. The groom still doesn’t believe it, Let me tell you how old you are, my wife? The bride couldn’t hide it, and said, well, actually, I’m 80 this year. The groom still doesn’t believe it, so it’s not easy to ask again. He came up with an idea and was suddenly surprised. Said, oops, I got up and forgot to close the lid of the salt jar tightly, and it would be troublesome for the mice to steal the salt later. When the bride heard it, she laughed and said, I am almost [-] years old, and I didn’t listen I told you about the rats stealing the salt."

Miss Zuo giggled and covered her stomach.

"Miss Zuo, you haven't heard of rats stealing salt?" Li Laiheng said.

"Don't be funny, General Li is really funny." Miss Zuo blushed, "You are still married at the age of 80?"

"You can't get married at the age of 80, can you only get married?" Li Laiheng's mouth became oily.

Miss Zuo's heart trembled, she glanced at Li Laiheng, and blushed again.

Li Laiheng saw it.I thought to myself, women are women, and women in ancient times, like women in the future, all like men. There is a saying in the 21st century that women like bad men. It turns out that women in ancient times also liked bad men. The more oily you are, the more she likes them.Li Laiheng was happy, and told another story. He said: "Father and son carried a jar of wine, and it was broken because of the slippery road. His father was furious. His son fell to the ground and drank heavily. He raised his head and said to his father: Don't you still have to wait for the food?" ?"

Miss Zuo giggled again.

The beauty's laughter made Li Laiheng smile happily.

He's leaving, he can't joke anymore, Mrs. Gao won't allow him to moles a girl from a good family.

Ms. Zuo watched Li Laiheng leave affectionately, she thought, even if I had to wait forever, I will still wait for you to marry me.

(End of this chapter)

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