
Chapter 149 Inside Shanhaiguan

Chapter 149 Inside Shanhaiguan
Tang Tong entered Shanhaiguan with his entourage, and he was welcomed in by Wu Sangui.

Li Laiheng took his 50 elites and ran towards Shanhaiguan. When he was fifty miles away from Shanhaiguan, he hid his troops. He only took [-] people to infiltrate secretly, preparing to enter the pass at night.

Originally, the envoy could enter the customs in a dignified manner, but now that he has the crown prince in his hand, the situation is much more complicated, and it is difficult to judge whether it is a friend or an enemy.Besides, this is not a matter of just meeting each other, Li Laiheng must know Wu Sangui's true thoughts.

Wu Sangui's guard was extremely strict, it seemed that he was prepared.

The situation is not good, he seems to be more on guard inside the pass than outside the pass.Could it be that Wu Sangui hijacked Prince Chongzhen to seek refuge with the Manchus?

If so, their appeal suddenly increases.

It can be basically judged now that the people who rescued Chongzhen's family that night might want to use the power of the Qing soldiers to fight against Li Zicheng.

Li Laiheng's worst fear is likely to become a reality.

Just when Li Laiheng was about to persuade Wu Sangui, an irreversible event happened in Beijing.

Liu Zongmin arrested Wu Sangui's whole family. He used Wu Sangui's family as hostages to force Wu Sangui to surrender.

While cleaning up Wu Sangui's family, a woman suddenly made his eyes shine.

"It's so beautiful! There is such a beauty in the world?" Liu Zongmin asked who this person was in surprise.

This person is the famous Chen Yuanyuan who has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Historical facts: Chen Yuanyuan's original surname was Xing, his mother died early, and his uncle's surname was Chen.He is good at singing and dancing, and when he was the best in color art, he was called one of the "eight beauties in the south of the Yangtze River".During Chongzhen, Zhou Kui, a relative, wanted to find a beautiful woman for the emperor to relieve his worries. Later, Tian Wan dedicated Chen Yuanyuan to Chongzhen.At that time, wars were still frequent, and Chongzhen had no intention of enjoying himself.Chen Yuanyuan returned to Tianfu and was later taken as a concubine by Wu Sangui.

Liu Zongmin thought, Brother Li has already taken a court lady from Dou Meiyi as a concubine, I haven't found any outstanding woman, this concubine of Wu Sangui, I will not be polite, let me sleep for a few nights.Although he was also worried that Wu Sangui would be angry, he also thought, he is an old minister of the Ming Dynasty, and I am the number one hero of the Dashun Dynasty, so Wu Sangui should curry favor with me, and it would not be too much to send me a woman.However, he was still worried, so why don't he give this woman to the emperor?It is impossible for him, Wu Sangui, to be dissatisfied with the emperor.

Liu Zongmin is determined to take this woman away. Is it for himself or for Li Zicheng?He hadn't made up his mind yet.

In Shanhaiguan, after Wu Sangui sent away the fifth batch of special envoys from Dorgon, he received the special envoys sent by Li Zicheng. Among the special envoys were his old acquaintances, Tang Tong, who was also the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, and several other envoys who had surrendered. Will.

Originally, Wu Sangui had been waiting for Li Zicheng's special envoy, because he had hope for Li Zicheng, and if he could be reused by Li Zicheng, he would definitely choose to go to Li Zicheng.Although the Manchu people offered him very generous conditions, promising to make him a vassal king, which means that he can be a country within a country in the future, but the word traitor is too heavy.

These days, Dorgon's special envoys came to him several times in a row to persuade him, but he perfunctorily passed them by, neither refusing nor expressly agreeing.

Li Zicheng's special envoy arrived today, so he was naturally very happy.

In addition to Tang Tong, Li Zicheng's special envoy also had another heavyweight, Wu Ruyi, who had served as Li Zicheng's Central Military Commander. He brought Li Zicheng's letter, also called imperial decree, to see Wu Sangui.

Li Laiheng did not show up, he hid in the pass.

Li Zicheng's promise to Wu Sangui is much smaller, but he is also satisfied: Chief Military Officer, Marquis, inherited from generation to generation.

"Okay! I'll return the congratulatory form right now and profess my vassal to the new emperor." Wu Sangui hardly hesitated.

In order to appease and stabilize Wu Sangui, Wu Ruyi didn't dare to directly ask about Emperor Chongzhen and his son, so he could only ask sideways: "General Wu, you should have heard about Zhu Youjian's suicide and his son's escape?"

Wu Sangui didn't change his face, and said, "I heard about it, and I also heard about it today."

"Do you know where they went?" Wu Ruyi asked.

"I don't know about that. If they come to me, I will send them back in time." Wu Sangui said firmly.

Since Wu Sangui spoke so resolutely, it was tantamount to saying nothing, and Wu Ruyi couldn't say anything more, so he stood up and left, waiting for him to express his surrender.

After sending Wu Ruyi and Tang Tong away, Wu Sangui was in a good mood, and said to his cronies: "The three sons of the emperor must be well protected, and they must not be known by others. You can tell those masters in the palace to take care of you." Don't let them talk nonsense, don't let them walk around, watch the three princes carefully."

Sure enough, the people who rescued the Emperor Chongzhen and the prince were experts in the inner circle, and they sent the prince to Wu Sangui.Among them, one is a very young and handsome boy, his eyes are like lightning, but in terms of etiquette, he is not like an Ouchi guard.It is inconvenient for Wu Sangui to ask their names, let alone their identities. However, Wu Sangui will not rush to hand over the prince to Li Zicheng. This is his resource and must be used well. He will deal with it when everything is done. Not too late.

Due to the arrival of Li Zicheng's special envoy, Wu Sangui's attitude has changed a lot, and he is more inclined to cooperate with Li Zicheng.Of course, at this time, Wu Sangui had not received the news that his family members in Beijing had been kidnapped.

After Li Laiheng learned that Wu Sangui had decided to surrender, he was not particularly happy, because he had also detected that the princes had been secretly taken in by him.This shows that Wu Sangui is now on two boats.

As for why Chongzhen did not come, it is a mystery.Is the person who committed suicide the Chongzhen Emperor?Concubine Yuan was the only person who could point to Emperor Chongzhen. She had seen the birthmark on Emperor Chongzhen, and she was dragged to see the corpse, saying that this was Emperor Chongzhen.Therefore, it was finally concluded that Emperor Chongzhen did commit suicide. (Note, according to Qing history records, Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself on Meishan, accompanied by an eunuch named Wang Chengen.)
Was the person who exposed Chongzhen's face to create a mystery, or to cover up some facts?Li Laiheng has his doubts.

As for what group of people manipulated this matter, this is the biggest question.The actions of the former ministers of Emperor Chongzhen are of course the most reasonable explanation.However, there are two types of people in Li Laiheng's mind, one is Dorgon's people, and the other is Zhang Xianzhong's people.

Zhang Wenjing.

A lingering shadow in Li Laiheng's mind.Li Laiheng saw a figure from the back, which looked very much like Zhang Wenjing, who was going in and out of Wu Sangui's residence.

"Old Jiu, I always feel that this matter has little to do with Chongzhen's former ministers. If his former ministers rescued him, Chongzhen himself should have come to Shanhaiguan, and then he could go to Nanjing by sea boat. He didn't come to Shanhaiguan, which is very obvious. problem. I suspect it is a trick of the Manchus." Li Laiheng said.

"I also think that's the case. If the one who died was Chongzhen, then it's more certain that this is the case. Chongzhen has a lot of backbone, and he will never cooperate with the Manchus." The old man replied. .

"What happened to Zhang Wenjing?"

"Are you sure it's Zhang Wenjing?"

Li Laiheng pondered for a moment, "It feels like it is."

"Then what is his relationship with Man Qing?"

Lao Jiu didn't ask Li Laiheng, but himself. This is a mystery, and maybe it can be solved in the near future.As long as Wu Sangui officially surrendered to Li Zicheng, the princes must hand it over, and the details will be known soon.

"Wu Sangui won't surrender." Li Laiheng said suddenly.

Lao Jiu was taken aback, "Why?" He couldn't think of a reason for Wu Sangui not to surrender. With his [-] troops and three princes, would he have the ability to fight both the Qing Dynasty and Li Zicheng?It stands to reason that there are no three options now, Wu Sangui can only choose one between Man Qing and Li Zicheng, and the crown prince cannot be an option.

Wu Sangui is in Shanhaiguan, surrounded by the enemy on three sides and the sea on the other. He is not south of the Huai River, nor even south of the Han River. Therefore, he has no room for strategic maneuvering and no retreat. In this way, he can only choose Li Zicheng or Dole Dagon.

Why did Li Laiheng say that Wu Sangui would not surrender to Li Zicheng?Because, Li Laiheng thought, until now, the trajectory of history has not deviated: Li Zicheng became king in Xiangyang, Xi'an became emperor, conquered Beijing, and Chongzhen hanged himself. These are all historical facts.

Therefore, Wu Sangui will definitely choose to cooperate with Dorgon.However, Li Laiheng was unable to explain to the old nine, the foresight, the prediction that could not be given reasons, senior agents did not allow such an attitude.

Li Laiheng did not answer Lao Jiu's "why", he said: "Let's find out who made the princes as soon as possible, these princes are too important to us, we must arrest them as soon as possible, we must not let them hide in the world. "

"Okay, I have contacted their core members." Lao Jiu said.

Li Laiheng looked at Lao Jiu who was getting old, and felt guilty in his heart. His position was only a school lieutenant, and Liu Zongmin had never agreed to his promotion because he had no military achievements.

Wu Sangui is in a good mood. Yesterday Wu Ruyi officially brought Li Zicheng's "imperial decree", and his prosperity can still continue.He is very fortunate that he has maintained such a large number of troops after so many years of battlefield career.

He was going to meet the three princes.

Although he felt sorry for them, there was no way he could let them escape from Li Zicheng's clutches.He had to hand them over to Li Zicheng, who would definitely kill them.Wu Sangui can't let them become traitors and traitors.Dorgon held the three princes for a very clear purpose, they just wanted to use the princes to enter the Central Plains.

Before Li Zicheng officially ascended the throne, Wu Sangui was going to hand them over to Li Zicheng.Although the people who "saved" the prince would not agree, but in Shanhaiguan, Wu Sangui can make the decision.

"Go and meet the three princes." Wu Sangui said to the two staff members.

(End of this chapter)

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