
Chapter 150

Chapter 150

When Wu Sangui saw the three princes again, he didn't kneel and salute. He was already a courtier of Emperor Zhun Dashun Yongchang, so he couldn't kneel and salute to the former princes and princes.

The three princes were slightly surprised, but quickly returned to reality.Now, in the hands of others, whether they are round or flat can only be decided by others.Not to mention that Wu Sangui didn't salute, even if they kowtowed to him instead, it wouldn't be a big deal.

"The three princes were shocked. Are you still used to it?" Wu Sangui asked.

"Thank you, General Wu. Please, General Wu, decide for our brothers. We don't want to go to Shenyang." Now that the three princes finally figured out who was using them, he pleaded.

"Okay, I will send you back to Beijing."

Wu Sangui's words were very vague, as if he was fooling children; it seemed to mean that I would beat Li Zicheng away for you and let you go back to the Forbidden City; Li Zicheng is there.

They didn't understand the real intention of Wu Sangui's words, and no one thought too much about this sentence, because almost everyone took this sentence as the first meaning.

Of course, Wu Sangui's two staff knew that Wu Sangui was going to hand them over to Li Zicheng.

The prince is 15 years old this year, and he quickly thanked Wu Sangui.But he didn't believe that Wu Sangui was capable of defeating Li Zicheng, so he went on to say, "General Wu, please send us to Nanjing. We can't go to Beijing."

Wu Sangui didn't continue to discuss this boring question with him, he asked directly: "Where did the emperor go? You didn't want to say it last time, but I still want to ask."

The three princes were startled, and quickly replied: "Didn't the father hang himself?"

"You know?" Wu Sangui asked.

"I don't know, I know. When the father broke up with us, he said that he would hang himself to die for the country." Although the prince was alert, he still stuttered.

Wu Sangui smiled, and didn't ask about Chongzhen again.Some things, just be clear in your heart.In fact, Wu Sangui also knew that the three princes didn't know many things, for example, they didn't fully know who the people who "saved" them were.

Wu Sangui didn't talk to the three princes too much, and when he came back, he said to his confidants, the person named Zhang you're thinking of is not an ordinary person.Besides, you secretly searched for the traces of the emperor, the hanged ghost is probably not the emperor.Then, he said to the person in charge of contacting and contacting the Manchu Qing that in the future, the Manchu Qing will come and try to improve the conditions as much as possible, and it is unlikely that we will cooperate with them.

After arranging these things, he went into the house to rest.

Lao Jiu and Li Laiheng respectively met several of Wu Sangui's cronies, some of them knew about the prince, and some of them really didn't.

Those who knew and those who didn't know all said the same thing, General Wu was loyal to Emperor Dashun Yongchang, and he had refused to accept the Man Qing's appeasement many times.

Li Laiheng's purpose is not to consider who Wu Sangui will cooperate with, he needs to pick up the three princes as soon as possible.Especially the third prince, known as the third prince Zhu in history, was still calling on the people to resist the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty during the Kangxi period of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. It can be seen that people of royal blood are very appealing.

However, it is easy to kill a few people, but it is not an easy task to pick up the three living princes.What's more, Wu Sangui is going to send the three princes back to Li Zicheng himself in a few days.Therefore, picking up several princes became a headache.

On the third day after Li Laiheng came to Shanhaiguan, suddenly, obvious abnormalities appeared in the pass, and the entire security was raised to the level of wartime.

What happened?

At this time, Wu Sangui's neck was very thick and red from the anger, and the purple-blue blood vessels were as big as a little finger.

"It's the other way around!" Wu Sangui yelled at his cronies, "Grandma, I don't hesitate even if I leave a bad smell for a thousand years!"

"Please calm down, general. I don't know exactly what's going on. Let's make a decision after our people come back and the situation is clear." An aide persuaded.

"Yes, yes, Li Zicheng should not be such a person, someone must have deliberately sowed dissension." Another staff member said.

At this moment, a house slave of Wu Sangui came.As soon as he entered the door, he knelt down with a thud, and cried: "Master, the old man wants me to report to you. Li Zicheng's general Liu Zongmin has arrested all of our family, including the old lady, wife, aunt, son, young lady, etc. .”

"What does he mean by arresting our family?" Wu Sangui shouted.

"I am afraid that you will not be loyal to Emperor Dashun Yongchang, so you will take the Tailord and others as hostages."

"What about people now?"

"They're all under house arrest at home."

"Oh. Didn't you suffer? What did the old man say?" Wu Sangui felt a little relieved, and placed him under house arrest. This was not considered arrest, nor was it a real kidnapping. It was just a preventive measure for Li Zicheng.

"The old man said that Li Zicheng doesn't seem to be able to make a fortune. I hope you think twice before acting."

"Is that what the master said?" Wu Sangui was taken aback, and then asked, "How is Aunt Chen?" Aunt Chen was referring to Chen Yuanyuan.

"He was taken away by Liu Zongmin."

"Ah" Wu Sangui was angry, "Really?"


silence.The whole hall was silent.

"Inverted!" Suddenly, Wu Sangui shouted.Previously, it was Wu Sangui's servant who came to report, but now it is Wu Sangui's father's confidant who came to report. Is there something wrong with what he said?
The house slave said: "My lord, the old man's meaning is the same. If you think you should rebel, you should rebel. Anyway, following Li Zicheng will not lead to good results. Why don't you use the soldiers in your hands to do something for Daming? You can count it as being loyal to Daming." .”

When Wu Sangui heard that Chen Yuanyuan was taken captive by Liu Zongmin, he was furious. He decided to borrow troops from Dorgon to eliminate Li Zicheng.

This is the history of the so-called "rage crowned beauty".Alas, history is often rewritten because of an accidental event.

Wu Sangui's military meeting went on for a long time.The final decision was to welcome Dorgon's elite soldiers to secretly enter the pass as soon as possible, and to continue to perfunctory Li Zicheng in Beijing, pretending to be loyal and supportive, and then attack Li Zicheng westward after the Qing soldiers entered the pass.The third is to strictly keep secrets in Shanhaiguan and strengthen security, so that no one below the lieutenant general can know about the Qing soldiers entering the customs.

Therefore, Li Laiheng felt that the security in the pass had suddenly increased, which was unexpected. He thought that Wu Sangui's attitude must have changed.

We must quickly find out the situation.

Lao Jiu went to the Jiaoshan Great Wall to see the terrain.There is the easternmost section of the Great Wall, which is part of Shanhaiguan Pass. "Since ancient times, the road to Guancheng has been dangerous, and the natural barriers and passes are on Jiaoshan. The Great Wall hangs upside down on the peak, overlooking Guancheng." It refers to this paragraph.

Lao Jiu went to see the terrain to draw a map of Shanhaiguan. Li Laiheng repeatedly emphasized that there is likely to be a decisive battle here.

Lao Jiu certainly didn't know the future. He didn't know that Li Zicheng was defeated here in history, and finally escaped from Beijing in a panic, and fled to Jiugong Mountain in Hubei, where he was finally beaten to death by rural soldiers.Of course, there is another theory that he crossed the Yangtze River from the Jiugong Mountain area, entered the territory of Changde, Hunan, and finally chose Jiashan Temple in Shimen County to become a monk.

In the evening, Lao Jiu came back, and while handing the map to Li Laiheng, he said, "It's over, the three princes suddenly disappeared."

"What? They disappeared suddenly?" Li Laiheng asked in surprise.

"Yes, obviously someone hid them in a more hidden place." Lao Jiu said.

"Something went wrong, Wu Sangui changed his mind, he must join forces with Dorgon." Li Laiheng said anxiously.

Li Laiheng said with such certainty, Lao Jiu didn't doubt it at all.

Hurry up and send this information back.

Li Laiheng said to the old nine, "I'll go back, you continue to lurk here, for the three princes, it's best to catch them alive, and leave them with their lives, if not, they will die, don't let them flow into the people. You pay attention As soon as there is news about the situation in Shenyang, it will spread to Beijing, and I will go back to persuade the emperor to raise troops as soon as possible to capture Shanhaiguan."

Li Laiheng returned to Beijing, and there were more than [-] people he stayed in Shanhaiguan. Their task was to capture Chongzhen's three sons.

Shanhaiguan, also known as "Yuguan", is located [-] miles northeast of Qinhuangdao. It gathers the essence of the ancient Great Wall of China. It is one of the northeast passes of the Ming Great Wall and is considered to be the starting point of the eastern end of the Ming Great Wall.Shanhaiguan City, with a circumference of about eight miles, is connected to the Great Wall, with the city as the gate. The city is more than four feet high and two feet thick. There are four main gates and various defensive buildings. The first hurdle".

For this grand pass, Dorgon appeared countless times in his dreams.He remembered that more than ten years ago, he pretended to be a border dweller and stayed there for more than half a month. At that time, he thought, if one day, their Manchurian army marched southwest from here, it would only take four or five days At that time, the capital of Ming Dynasty was under their sword's edge.

Now, his dream is about to come true. As early as half a month ago, his vanguard troops were dispatched in batches in the form of outposts. They hid near the Great Wall. The total number added up, and they dispatched 5000 troops without knowing it. People, they only need two days to enter Shanhaiguan.

Dorgon's way of dispatching troops was clever, let alone ordinary people, even Da Ming, including Li Laiheng's agents, could not calculate how many troops they dispatched, nor did they know their specific directions and destinations.The Wuniulu Qing soldiers that Li Laiheng intercepted last time were one of the teams.

Dorgon received Wu Sangui's special envoy, and the long-awaited good news finally arrived.

"I, the Qing Empire, obey the will of the heavens and follow the wishes of our ancestors to march into the Central Plains. Except for the Shengjing Department left behind, the other ministries of the Eight Manchu Banners march towards Shanhaiguan at full speed. The Eight Mongolian Banners and the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty all attack with the Manchu Eight Banners."

Dorgon issued the order to attack China on behalf of Emperor Shunzhi.

This is their workhorse.

The vanguard of the Qing soldiers had quietly approached Shanhaiguan.

(End of this chapter)

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