
Chapter 153 The Death of Luo Hu

Chapter 153 The Death of Luo Hu
Luo Hu was drunk.He was so drunk for the first time.The day after tomorrow, he will lead his [-] elite soldiers to raid the Meng Jiangnu Temple. He will burn all the grain and grass there, and burn or scuttle the ships there.

He may not be able to come back, but once he completes this task, he will have made a great contribution to Dashun, a great contribution that can be recorded in the annals of history.

Today, he vaguely saw his bride.Beautiful, ten thousand times more beautiful than he imagined.He liked it very much, and having this woman as his wife, Luo Hu thought, death was worth it.

After tonight, tomorrow will be busy deploying military affairs.He stumbled into the bridal chamber, and his cronies could only be sent here.The bride's maid helped the groom in.

The bride sat silently on the bed, Luo Hu wanted to see her.

Fei Zhen'e let Luo Hu look meekly.

So beautiful, so dazzlingly beautiful, so dizzy.Luo Hu was about to kiss Fei Zhen'e, but Fei Zhen'e avoided it shyly.She said, Mr. Xiang, take a shower and get on the road clean.Luo Hu said, on the road, where are we going?Fei Zhen'e said, let's go to a very happy place together.Luo Hu seemed to understand, he knew that men and women would be happy there.

After taking a shower, Luo Hu undressed Fei Zhen'e, and her body was gradually exposed in front of Luo Hu.

Luo Hu chuckled, looked at the bride and said, "You are so pretty." After speaking, he felt dizzy for a while.

He was drunk, very drunk.

the next day.A shocking news quickly spread throughout the city of Beijing.

"Luo Hu is dead."

Li Zicheng was crazy.

"Who? Who killed my beloved general?" He roared loudly.

"The bride. Fei Zhen'e."


Last night, after Luo Hu got drunk and entered the bridal chamber, Fei Zhen'e sent the maid out to rest. She helped Luo Hu undress and put him on the bed. Then, she took out half of the sharp scissors from under her skirt.Said to Luo Hu: "The country of Daming is good, it is you bandits who ruined many families. Originally, I could have become the emperor's concubine long ago, but the emperor worries about state affairs day and night, how can he think about women? Originally, I was I was going to assassinate Li Zicheng, but unexpectedly, you became his scapegoat. Unfortunately, I cannot kill Li Zicheng, and I have no chance to kill Li Laiheng, so I will send you to see the King of Hades right now."

After Fei Zhen'e finished speaking, she stabbed the scissors deeply on Luo Hu's neck with great force. Just in time, the scissors completely severed Luo Hu's carotid artery.

A column of blood rushed to the top of the mosquito net.

Before Luo Hu had time to struggle, he went into shock and then lost blood to death.

A generation of heroes passed away like this.

After Fei Zhen'e finished all this, she smiled happily.

"Your Majesty, I'm here. There are not many concubines coming to accompany you, so I, Fei Zhen'e, am here to accompany you." After speaking, Fei Zhen'e wrapped her neck in the white silk, kicked her feet, and twitched for a while , she also left the world.

Li Laiheng stood there in a daze.

He looked at Luo Hu's pale face, which had lost its brilliance.Fei Zhen'e also hanged herself, but she still had a smile on her face. It seemed that she was satisfied, that she had avenged her revenge, and could see the Emperor Chongzhen whom she admired.

No one dared to disturb Li Laiheng, so they let him stand still, staring at the air in front of him stupidly.

Suddenly, two lines of tears flowed down the cheeks.

After some time, Song Xiance came in person and said, "General Li, please attend the military meeting."

"No! First, please punish Liu Zongmin who caused trouble!"

Li Laiheng still looked at the air, he seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be giving an ultimatum.

Song Xiance suddenly felt terrified.

Li Laiheng looked at Song Xiance angrily.Said: "You are a military adviser, and a military adviser is not just commanding and fighting! If this continues, we will be finished!"

A weak woman can kill a brave general on the battlefield. For the first time, Li Laiheng felt that besides strength, there is something more powerful.

Song Xiance was helpless. It wasn't that he hadn't noticed the existing problems, nor was he unaware that the Dashun Dynasty was the one who was ultimately injured by such a governance method.

"I know that too, but what can I do?" Song Xiance is not a fool, he is well-informed, he has traveled the world for so many years, how many capable people and strangers have he met!He has studied history and the rise and fall of various historical dynasties.He knew that if Li Zicheng's troops forced officials to donate their silver and family wealth; if they treated the people so roughly;

This is the capital of Ming Dynasty, at the foot of the former emperor, for hundreds of years, they have more or less been bathed in the glory of the emperor, and they have also received some grace from Daming.In their subconscious mind, they still think that Mrs. Zhu is their emperor, their master, and Li Zicheng is a thief.

Deep in their hearts, they haven't had time to remove Li Zicheng's "thief" character, let alone recognize him as the new emperor.

Indeed, the Han nationality has not accepted Li Zicheng from the heart.Because Li Zicheng has no reason for them to accept it.In addition to the early vulgar slogans such as "eat his mother, wear his mother and open the city gate to break into the king", Li Zicheng's political program is not clear, especially after entering Beijing, their strategy is not appeasement but violence.

However, the victors often overestimate their own capabilities and energy. They ignore the many inexplicable things accumulated by the original rulers for hundreds of years. At the very least, they ignore the counterattack capabilities of the vested interests.

Hundreds of thousands of Beijingers with vested interests have already started to fight back, and their counterattack is explosive.

At first, they were able to open the city gates under artillery fire and welcome Li Zicheng into Beijing, because they had a glimmer of hope. This hope was that they imagined that Li Zicheng might become the master of the new century, and they themselves could also be the leaders of the new order. One of the builders, but hope is dashed, and now, their only option is to rebel.

Luo Hu's death indicated that Li Zicheng would fail politically as well as militarily.

The civil and military ministers were all mourning Luo Hu's death, but the result of their mourning was to rub salt on Dashun's new wound.

Luo Hu's death should have woken up the civil servants and generals of Dashun, but at this juncture, the civil servants and generals of Dashun were angry, and the way they repaid was more violent killing.

Liu Zongmin ordered to exercise stricter control over the elders of the Ming Dynasty, and to control those who had connections with the Ming Dynasty government, even if they were servants.

In just over two hours after the order was issued, more than 3 people were controlled in Beijing, hundreds of women were raped, thousands of women were raped, and some men hanged themselves.In the east, south, and west of the city, a large number of mansions caught fire.

The city gates of Beijing are closed again!
(End of this chapter)

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