
Chapter 154 I Replace Luo Hu

Chapter 154 I Replace Luo Hu

Li Zicheng held a meeting in front of the Hall of Martial Arts.

Discuss Luo Hu's death, discuss the crusade against the hidden resistance forces in Beijing, and discuss the killing of Wu Sangui.

Liu Zongmin was very relieved. He killed more than 130 elders of the Ming Dynasty today because they openly scolded Dashun Dynasty for being unpopular.

Niu Jinxing actually praised Liu Zongmin's approach greatly.

"Your Majesty, starting from tomorrow, we will start interrogating Zhu Youjian's relatives and relatives, and publicly pronounce sentences on some heinous criminals. We will not kill a few of them. They don't know the majesty of the Dashun Dynasty."

Liu Zongmin said to Li Zicheng.

Li Laiheng became angry. He stood up and shouted to Liu Zongmin: "That's not how we did it! We conquered the country, we are no longer robbers! We are no longer thieves! We have to defend the country!"

Liu Zongmin also shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about? Those who oppose me will perish! Those officials of the Ming Dynasty have oppressed the people for hundreds of years, why should we be polite to them? They killed me, General Luo Hu, and I have to let them More people will be buried with him!"

Seeing that Liu Zongmin was being unreasonable, Li Laiheng turned around and said to Li Zicheng, "Your Majesty, Fei Zhen'e and Luo Hu have no enmity, Luo Hu is worthy of her from that aspect, and she should be happy to have such a good husband. However, she killed Luo Hu. Why did she kill Luo Hu? How much courage was needed to kill Luo Hu! How much courage was needed for her to commit suicide! Why is she able to kill someone who has won? Because of hatred! What hatred does she have for Luo Hu? No. But she has hatred for Dashun! Why does she have hatred for Dashun? Because she was influenced by the Ming Dynasty More than ten years! In her mind, these civil servants and generals in Dashun, including you, the emperor, are all thieves!"

I thought that the answer to him would be a stop drink.No, no one stopped drinking, but there was silence.Everyone knows that one of Li Laiheng's right and left hands was killed in Tongguan, and the other was killed in Beijing. He was in extreme grief.

Li Laiheng continued: "General Liu, it is wrong for you to torture officials of the Ming Dynasty like this, and it is even more wrong for you to use violence to control violence. If Luo Hu's death does not wake us up, then Luo Hu died in vain. We are now What is needed is appeasement, not violence. Master Liu, the war is imminent, you should go to your Shanhaiguan Pass, and hand over Beijing’s appeasement and guards to General Li Yan. Master Niu, you too, Dashun’s program of governing the country, you take Did you come out? You don’t just remember being majestic in the sedan chair, do you?”

Li Laiheng's words offended the two most powerful people in Dashun.Just when Liu Zongmin was about to attack and Niu Jinxing was embarrassed, Li Laiheng didn't give them a chance. He said to Li Zicheng: "Your Majesty, I will complete the task that Luo Hu failed to complete. Tomorrow, I will lead [-] cavalry to fight with Gu Kecheng. [-] mountain warriors attacked Meng Jiangnv Temple. Maybe, I won’t be able to come back. If I can’t come back, Your Majesty, let me tell you one thing. In Shanhaiguan, you will encounter not only Wu Sangui, but also the elite soldiers of the Qing Dynasty. The outcome is decided, you clear it. Your Majesty, if you feel that there are not enough soldiers and horses, there is one soldier and horse that you can use boldly, and that is Hao Yaoqi. Hao Yaoqi, you have abandoned it for a long time. He is not what you imagined. He is a reckless man, he is content and resourceful, and he is loyal. You can't go wrong with him."

Unknown, Li Laiheng's words heralded a kind of unknown.

Li Zicheng said: "Laiheng, why are you so pessimistic? I was thinking, who will complete this task after Luo Hu dies? You are willing to go. I am very happy. If you go, you will definitely be able to complete the task. However, you haven't lost a battle yet. You have fought against Qinhuangdao and captured the Meng Jiangnv Temple. You will not fail, and you will return safely. You said that we will encounter the Qing soldiers when we attacked Shanhaiguan. For the time being, it will be as you predicted. I hope you will come back from the Mengjiangnv Temple in time. The elite against the Qing soldiers, we were victorious and never defeated. Some of your words were too aggressive just now, and some words were disrespectful to your marquis and the prime minister. After a pause, he continued, "I have decided, I will personally conquer Shanhaiguan, Li Yan will guard the city of Beijing, and all the other generals will follow me!"

When everyone heard it, their spirits lifted.

Li Zicheng issued a military order: Li Laiheng, lead the [-] cavalry in the military camp and [-] mountain warriors, and set off at Yinshi tomorrow to attack Meng Jiangnv Temple.

Li Guo, as a vanguard, led the elite with [-] riders. He set off at Yinshi the day after tomorrow and arrived in Funing three days later.Set up camp in Funing, waiting for the arrival of the army, and at the same time preventing the enemy from attacking west.

Liu Zongmin led [-] main cavalry to follow up, set off the morning after tomorrow, and arrived near Funing within four days.I wait for the main force to act.

Hao Yaoqi, order you to lead [-] infantry and cavalry in the area from Beijing to Shanhaiguan to prevent mobile troops; to the north, to prevent the Manchu Qing soldiers from entering the pass, and to the south, to prevent Zuo Liangyu from going north;The remaining cavalry and infantry of Li Laiheng's army are waiting for orders in Funing West, and you, Hao Yaoqi, are also temporarily in command.

Li Zicheng was so angry when he saw Li Laiheng this time, and because two of his right-hand men had died in the line of duty in the near future, especially, no one was sure whether he would come back from this trip, so he couldn't help saying something about what Li Laiheng said. I obeyed.Hao Yaoqi has not formally led the army for a long time, and now, Li Laiheng said that he has become the most powerful general.He glanced at Li Raiheng gratefully.

After Li Zicheng finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Li Yan: "Li Yan, Beijing is our foundation. I will give you [-] troops. The situation in the city is unstable now. You need to do more patrols, and you will kill those who gather or join forces. In troubled times You should know the truth about using heavy codes.”

Li Yan knelt down and replied, bearing in mind the emperor's instructions, I will definitely guard Beijing and make sure there will be no mistakes.In fact, Li Yan said so, but he had another plan in his heart. He was going to open the granary to help ordinary citizens, so that Beijingers could feel the mighty grace of the emperor.He will not follow Li Zicheng's instruction of "use heavy codes in troubled times".His views are exactly the same as Li Laiheng's, but he dare not be as outspoken as Li Laiheng.

Li Zicheng also arranged a lot of detailed work, most of which were the strategies he discussed with Song Xiance and Liu Zongmin before the meeting.

It's just that before the meeting, they didn't determine who would lead the troops to attack Meng Jiangnu Temple. Now that Li Laiheng volunteered, they had a heart attack.

In the end, Li Zicheng said to Li Laiheng: "Laiheng, in case of setbacks in Qinhuangdao, you can adapt to the situation. Go north or west, you decide for yourself, save your vitality, and don't act recklessly because of Luo Hu's sacrifice."

Li Laiheng thought that if he failed to attack Meng Jiangnu Temple, he would attack Shanhaiguan. At that time, he would probably face the Qing soldiers head-on.

Therefore, in Li Laiheng's mind, there is no plan to go north, only a bloody and grand scene of a 10,000+ soldier-horse battle.

(End of this chapter)

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