
Chapter 156 Meng Jiangnu Temple

Chapter 156 Meng Jiangnu Temple
Li Laiheng's troops bypassed Qinhuangdao and raided a small pass on the Great Wall. In this way, they reached the north of the Great Wall.

Li Guo's striker's fast follow-up was only one day slower than Li Laiheng's, so Li Guo's movements attracted the enemy's attention.

Li Laiheng came to hide in Xujia Village, and they arrived at night.

Li Laiheng decided to launch an attack suddenly at dawn tomorrow morning. At this time, Lao Jiu came in with a very solemn expression.

"There is information that Dorgon suddenly broke away from the main force and rushed eastward! Now he has lost track." Lao Jiu said.Li Laiheng's heart sank.Could it be that they came to ambush us?

"How many troops?"

"Close to [-]. It is said that they are all elites from the Upper Three Banners. Among them, [-] are Dorgon's guards. The troops that are rarely used seem to be specially targeting us." Lao Jiu said.

Lao Jiu's mission in Shanhaiguan was handed over to his subordinates, because Li Laiheng went to the expedition instead of Luo Hu, so he had to act with Li Laiheng.

"Well, if that's the case, we're going to have great difficulty."

Li Laiheng seldom frowned so tightly. If he had only a few hundred people, he could gallop anywhere.However, more than 1 lives are such a heavy burden.

Now, Li Laiheng's army went deep alone, not only in the enemy's rear, but also in the den of the Qing soldiers.

It is impossible for Li Laiheng to run long distances without revealing a trace, especially when he crossed the Great Wall and attacked a pass, the Nine Gates.After passing the Nine Gates, Li Laiheng came outside the Great Wall.Yesterday, when annihilating the enemy at the gate, although more than 600 defenders were wiped out, it is hard to say that no fish slipped through the net, especially the scouts lurking in Wu Sangui guarding the gate. They will not participate in the defense battle. When Li Laiheng wiped out the defending enemy, he had already gone north.

Li Laiheng faced two dangers, one was the ambush by the Qing soldiers, or the frontal interception, and the other was Wu Sangui cutting off the retreat.He may well be under attack.

However, now that this move has been taken, since there is only one step away from the Meng Jiangnv Temple, or if Dorgon has already used heavy troops here, even retreating is now impossible.

Therefore, even if there is a mountain of knives ahead, you have to go up!
"Old Nine, we are now facing an extremely dangerous situation. We may not be able to return to the pass, or it is very difficult to return all of them to the pass. However, I must go back. The emperor may not be able to win the battle in Shanhaiguan. I must go back to protect the emperor. The 1 people here will be led by you, and you can fight mobile, as long as you can survive, you can go anywhere." Li Laiheng said to Lao Jiu.

Lao Jiu had never really led the army. He spent most of his time researching intelligence work. Now, he was suddenly asked to lead [-] generals, and he felt tremendous pressure.

Gu Kecheng can't do it?

Gu Kecheng was the main force attacking Meng Jiangnv Temple. Firstly, Li Laiheng did not expect Gu Kecheng to survive such a tragic battle. Second, Gu Kecheng was far inferior to Lao Jiu in terms of strategic ability. Will, not the leader of the campaign, let alone the designer of the strategy.

"Old Jiu, I know this task is extremely difficult, but there is one advantage. As long as this group of people is in the mountains, they will have the same vitality as mice. Remember, they are experts in mountain warfare." Li Laiheng said this sentence The words suddenly increased Lao Jiu's confidence.

The night of April [-]th.Shanhaiguan is brightly lit.

"Li Zicheng led a large army to attack Shanhaiguan from the east. The forward Li Guo is only [-] miles away. Li Zicheng personally conscripted an army of more than [-] people. He can arrive in two days. It is estimated that the battle will start in three or four days. The survival of our army depends on it. "

Wu Sangui is holding a military meeting.This is his pre-war mobilization report.He doubled Li Zicheng's military strength.

When all the generals heard it, they all changed color.

Haven't we already been appeased?someone asked.A few days ago, many people knew that Li Zicheng recruited Wu Sangui in the name of the new emperor.

A senior staff member of Wu Sangui said, recruiting?Hmph, don't say that Li Zicheng is a thief, he is at odds with my Ming Dynasty, even if their conciliation was true a few days ago, we can't surrender to you know?They pretended to appease, but secretly arrested the whole family of the general soldier and the general's wife, you said, can we be with these beast-like people?What's more, when Li Zicheng arrived in Beijing, they didn't secure the people or protect the people's livelihood, but they plundered wantonly, ransacked every family, seized property, tortured to death if they didn't pay the money, and took women to the camps and raped them when they saw women.These days, countless people were killed, hanged, wiped their necks, and jumped into wells in Beijing.Such a guy is not as good as a beast.

Everyone has heard some rumors these days, and everyone is worried about the situation of their own family members. Now when they hear it, they are even more angry.

When Wu Sangui saw the situation, he knew that the time was ripe. He said: "The thieves will destroy my Ming Dynasty. I will be incompatible with the thieves. Fortunately, the sky will not destroy my Ming Dynasty. Although the emperor died for his country, the three princes of the emperor have come to our country." In the big camp. After repelling Li Zicheng, we supported the crown prince as the throne. However, Li Zicheng's army is powerful, and there are more than [-] troops who came to attack Shanhaiguan. I hope the generals will forgive me for the assistance of the Qing soldiers. After the incident is completed, we will use the Great Wall as the boundary, and the era will be repaired, and there will be no war."

When some generals heard this, they hurriedly said yes, as long as the great Ming Dynasty is preserved, it is right to pay a little price.There are also some people who have doubts and feel that cession of land and seeking peace is against the teachings of their ancestors.Some people worry that if the Qing soldiers enter the customs, they will definitely not go back, fulfilling the dream of their ancestors hundreds of years ago.

However, the matter has come to this point, it is a fait accompli to invite Qing soldiers, and it is imminent to fight against Li Zicheng, so soon everyone will unite as one.

Wu Sangui arranged military deployment.What has been repeatedly explained is that the entry of Qing soldiers can only be communicated to the rank of lieutenant general, which is their top secret.

Li Laiheng was going to attack Meng Jiangnv Temple. He personally led 400 people to sneak around and hide near Wanfo Temple on the east side of Meng Jiangnv Temple.

The other four hundred elites were reserved for Lao Jiu, he couldn't let Lao Jiu enter the wolf pack empty-handed.Another [-] mountain warriors, led by Lao Jiu and Gu Kecheng, advanced in concealment among the coastal rocks to the west of Meng Jiangnv Temple.

Li Laiheng could see the shadow of the Meng Jiangnv Temple, and it was so quiet there, it was surprisingly quiet.Suddenly, four white rabbits rushed towards the sea from the west.

Li Laiheng's heart tightened.

Too bad, the elite with almost the same quality as our own troops is lurking not far to the east.No matter how stupid a rabbit is, it will not run to the seaside unless there is only one way for them to go.

Li Laiheng thought that this army might be 500 meters away.With such a close distance and no movement, such a troop has unimaginable combat power.

how many people?

It is impossible to have 5000 people, a super elite of 5000 people, it is impossible to create such a team.Li Laiheng has not exceeded 800 people so far, and Zhang Wenxiu, another genius, has only a team of 300 people.It is impossible for Dorgon to have such an elite of 5000 people. His guards have extremely strong combat power, but there will be no more elites with super combat power than Li Laiheng.

Li Laiheng estimated that not far from him, there is a super powerful army.Of course, no matter how many people there are in this army, behind them is the [-] elite troops led by Dorgon himself.

He motioned for his guards to scout westward.

Lao Jiu and Gu Kecheng have also approached several large warehouses for storing military rations, and the boats on the seaside are heaving and falling in the waves.

The soldiers of the mountain division will turn a blind eye to the rocks by the sea. These rocks are not only a stumbling block to hinder their progress, but a springboard for them to jump, and even a weapon for them to fight against the enemy.If you start a war with the enemy in this kind of place, it is simply a kind of unfairness to the enemy, and it is a kind of real bullying by the strong.

In this kind of chaotic rock, they are one against ten, which is not an exaggeration at all.

They took this route to get close to Meng Jiangnu Temple.

On the night of April [-]th, Li Zicheng arrived in Funing County, and it only took half a day from here to Shanhaiguan.

It is expected that the battle will begin the day after tomorrow.Tomorrow, the army is approaching Shanhaiguan, and tomorrow is also the day when Li Laiheng launches an attack. These two times must be consistent.Otherwise, Li Laiheng will be under tremendous pressure.

Li Zicheng didn't care about taking a break. After all the soldiers and civilians arrived, he held a pre-battle military meeting in the camp.This is the result of repeated research and discussions by himself, Liu Zongmin, and Song Xiance along the way.

Their idea is that around noon tomorrow, Li Guo's forward will approach Dashihe to camp and stabilize their position, and then Gao Yigong will approach Tianjiacun.Tianjia Village is close to the sea, and the route along the southeast coast is blocked.Zhang Nai camped north of Li Guo.Liu Zongmin's army is behind their three camps and is the main force of the central army.

When attacking Shanhaiguan, we cannot prepare for a protracted battle, nor can we destroy the enemy in the form of tackling key problems. We must seize the opportunity of one or two field battles and strive to destroy the enemy.

This kind of battle is difficult to fight, and it is more difficult than ordinary quick battles, because most of the initiative is in the hands of the enemy.If Wu Sangui can't retreat, the battle will definitely fall into a protracted war.Therefore, only Li Zicheng brought two people this time, one is Qin Wang and the other is Jin Wang. He wants to use Qin Wang and Jin Wang as bait to let Wu Sangui attack and fight in the field.The king of Qin was captured in Xi'an, and the king of Jin was captured in Taiyuan. Li Zicheng did not kill them.

Of course, if Wu Sangui didn't play yet, he would use another person as bait, Wu Xiang, Wu Sangui's father.

However, several divinations by Song Xiance indicated that Wu Sangui would take the initiative to attack.Li Zicheng was relieved, he firmly believed in Song Xiance's theory of hexagrams and images.

Liu Zongmin also made preparations in case Wu Sangui did not attack. Zhang Nai brought more than [-] cannons. If Wu Sangui did not attack, he bombarded them with cannons.The Shanhaiguan pass wall is tall on the side facing the outside of the Great Wall, and very low on the side facing the inside of the Great Wall, making it easy to climb.

What Liu Zongmin meant was that even if you paid a certain price for attacking Shanhaiguan, even if it took some time, you must attack Shanhaiguan.

He and Song Xiance had some disagreements.Now, Li Zicheng believes in Song Xiance more. He is a military adviser, and his theory is clear and logical.

Li Laiheng's personal soldiers are back.

He came back with a shocking news.To the west where they are, there are people lying all over the mountains and plains on the ground, and their war horses are also very sophisticated, and they will lie prone on the ground quietly when they are hiding.There were about five thousand people there.

Li Laiheng understood that Dorgon's men were now on both sides of the southwest side of the Meng Jiangnv Temple, and [-] to [-] elite soldiers were ambushing in this small place. He had to admire Dorgon's ability to lead the army.

Dangerous situation, no retreat.Take action and get started!If you wait any longer, there will be no good turning point.

The sun in the east has just risen.

Gu Kecheng started, and his men swarmed like macaques, some rushed towards Wu Sangui's granary, and some rushed towards the sea ship.

The soldiers who rushed to the ship among the rocks quickly boarded the ship.There were not many guards on the ship. When these soldiers saw so many fierce enemies coming, they had nowhere to escape, and they jumped into the sea one by one. Soon, there was no Ming army left.

There are quite a lot of sea ships left here by the Ming Dynasty, more than 200 ships.But more than 200 ships were quickly set ablaze.

The thousands of soldiers who rushed to the granary did not go so smoothly. They encountered Wu Sangui's guards. There were thousands of Guan Ning troops here, and their combat effectiveness was relatively strong. Just when they were about to take over the battle, countless soldiers suddenly appeared from the west. All Qing soldiers' clothing.

Wu Sangui's soldiers also panicked. They were at a loss for the sudden appearance of the Qing soldiers. All along, the Han soldiers had a sense of fear of the Qing soldiers. Without any mental preparation, their only choice was to run away.

Escape without organization will become scattered.

Thanks to this brief opportunity, Lao Jiu and Gu Kecheng quickly organized people to burn the grain and grass, and all nineteen large warehouses burst into fireworks.

The four hundred elites led by Lao Jiu didn't stop to appreciate the soaring flames, but rushed into the main lineup of the Qing soldiers.

400 people rushed into 2 people and were quickly diluted.However, Li Laiheng's troops are different. They are always in a group, tough and sharp.

Gu Kecheng can organize an attack now, and his 1 people suddenly charged westward.

However, Gu Kecheng's 1 men rushed westward, unable to move, and the battles were intertwined.

This is not a good sign, once intertwined, it will be troublesome, the lone army goes deep, and the only way to survive is to fight quickly.Li Laiheng couldn't care about the other 5000 people in ambush by Dorgon, he shouted loudly: "Kill!"

Four hundred elite cavalry suddenly rose up!

Once Li Laiheng's troops attacked, they would attack extremely fiercely. They basically did not hesitate or block the enemy, and they would soon enter the core area of ​​the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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