
Chapter 157 The Great War

Chapter 157 The Great War
Standing on a high slope, Dorgon watched 4 to [-] people desperately hacking and killing near the Meng Jiangnu Temple. Even a person like him who has experienced countless wars couldn't help being shocked.

To Dorgon's surprise, 4 to [-] people fought fiercely in a small area, and they were able to achieve a level and rhythm.This is the unique performance of the elite against the elite.An army of inferior quality will feel a sense of suffocation in such a small place. Once a certain party feels suffocation, the outcome of the battle will be quickly decided.However, the most elite troops that Dorgon was proud of, and with more hits and fewer hits, did not appear in the situation he thought should appear.

Dorgon had enough estimates of Li Laiheng's eight hundred elite combat power, so he used his last trump card.

However, what was unexpected was that the [-] guards, which he usually only used to prevent an internal coup, were thrown into disarray by the impact of the black flag today.

"Command, those who take a step back, beheaded!"

The drums suddenly changed!

Dorgon's war drum suddenly became thick and long.This kind of drum is very unique, not urgent, not impatient, loud, and seems to echo bursts.There are no mountains, no canyons, drums that strike echoes.

It seemed that thunder was rolling from the sky.

This is Dorgon's strictest order.Hearing the sound of the drum, those who take a step back will be cut off!

Immediately, Li Laiheng's elite seemed to have hit a solid iron wall.

Li Laiheng's elite began to appear dead.Not one, but a batch!
The dexterous maneuvering of the mountain fighters suddenly lost its effect. Their opponents no longer had any stones and ditches in their eyes. They only had enemies in their eyes.

A large number of deaths occurred in the mountain fighters.

Dorgon was horrified.

The opponent was dying, and his own essence was also falling down in pieces.

"It's a pity! It's a pity!" Dorgon is a man who cherishes talents. Perhaps, the most elite troops in the world are concentrated here. It is a pity that they become disabled and dead under the steel knife.

It can't go on like this, the most stingy of him is the [-] Guards that he has operated for many years, and today a large number of them died, he really couldn't bear it.

"Decree, Xuanwu Formation."

Xuanwu is actually the tortoise and snake, the first of the four great beasts in mythology.The tortoise and snake were considered to be very powerful beasts by the ancients, and the red bird was ranked second.In terms of water separation, there are theories of Zuo Qinglong, right Baihu, former Suzaku and later Xuanwu.When ancient people looked at the tortoise, they thought it was a snake wearing armor and was a very powerful beast, so they took the tortoise Xuanwu as the boss of the four great beasts.

The so-called basalt formation is to make the army tightly together to reduce casualties, to be invincible first, and then to attack suddenly to kill the enemy.It's like shrinking into a turtle, attacking like a snake, defending like a mountain, attacking like lightning.

The order of the Xuanwu formation was issued, the sound of the drum changed suddenly, and the dull drumbeats were three times quicker and two slower. The 2 people suddenly formed a tight circular formation, with spears behind the shields, and archers behind the spears.And the 5000 people suddenly retreated, and after the [-] cavalry, they seemed to be waiting for an opportunity to dispatch.

Li Laiheng was surprised again.He couldn't help marveling at the sudden transformation of the enemy into invulnerability.In terms of formation alone, the mountain warriors and attack warfare he trained are not as proficient as Dorgon's elites, even his eight hundred elites are not as skilled in formations.

Don't let the enemy take the initiative.

What remains the same is subject to change.

The enemy formed an formation on the only way for Li Laiheng to fight back.

Then we will not go the necessary way.

"Northern breakout!"

Li Laiheng issued an order to go north. More than 1 Li Laiheng soldiers will suddenly leave the battlefield and gallop northward.

Li Laiheng confessed to Lao Jiu.

"Old Ninth, we can only implement this plan. You and Gu Kecheng lead troops deep into the enemy's rear. Wherever the troops are weak, you go there. It is of course best to harass them on the transportation line of the Qing soldiers. However, remember One point, your task is to come back alive as much as possible. I will fight back when I go one step further, I must go back to support the emperor, the battle of Shanhaiguan is very difficult."

Li Laiheng's counterattack was difficult. To return to Shanhaiguan, he had to break through a large number of enemy lines of defense.He still has more than 700 people. These 700 people face more than 2 enemies. In the past, it may have been [-].

In other words, Li Laiheng's [-] elite will break through the siege and interception of the Hundred Thousand Manchu Eight Banners, the Han Eight Banners, and the Mongolian Eight Banners.

Li Laiheng didn't know whether his decision was correct.On the battlefield, there is often no logic. Decision-making may just be based on feelings.

He felt he should rush back regardless.And logic told him that he was doing something against the laws of nature.

Dorgon was very surprised, Li Laiheng broke through to the north, isn't that courting death?The north is the wolf's den. They avoid the wolves, so why do they go into the wolf's den instead?


Dorgon liked to issue such orders the most.All generals like to issue this order.Because, chasing is chasing and killing, and rout is a big meal and feast for the victor!
Enjoying a feast beautifully is the pursuit of every general.

Li Laiheng's infantry did not stop, they retreated northward among the rocks along the coast like apes.Those who stopped were Li Laiheng's [-] elite cavalry.

A black flag with a blood-red "Li" on it.Now, the black military flag is officially unfolded.

Dorgon felt a chill in his heart.He has seen too much blood, the blood of animals, enemies, alien races, compatriots, he has seen them all.But the scarlet color of the character Li is too dazzling.

These 700 people seem to be ready to block the impact of 5000 people.

Dorgon didn't need to order any more, because his army didn't pay attention to the existence of these 700 people. 700 people against [-] is too small.


With a sound from Li Laiheng, he used 700 people to smash through this thick human wall, and there was only one way, "Kill!"

Li Laiheng once again became the tip of the knife in the formation.Although Dorgon's elite soldiers were like thick rubber, very sticky and tough, Li Laiheng still managed to hack into them.

He knew that no matter how tenacious Dorgon's elite was and how exquisite his formation was, he always had weaknesses.Dorgon made a mistake, he should use his 700 elite to deal with these 2 people, not 5000, or [-].No matter how many troops there are, most of them are idle and redundant to the limited soldiers.

Dorgon has too many idle troops, and this is the mistake Dorgon made.

Li Laiheng rushed towards the thickest part.The thickest part is the weakest part of the enemy, once panic occurs, it is most likely to be confused here.

There is a leader of the Zhenghuang Banner here, who is a very high-ranking general, and there are only five leaders of the Zhenghuang Banner.There is a very luxurious lineup beside this leader, and there are ten generals who have won the three armies bravely as his personal generals.

Li Laiheng's sword pointed directly at this luxurious lineup.

Li Laiheng was born to like luxury goods. Once again, he was still Li Xiangshi. In order to obtain an XM109 sniper rifle from his opponent, he actually lay in ambush behind a small rock in the tropical rain forest for three days and three nights. An XM109 sniper rifle was snatched back by the elite special forces of a certain country.Because he acted without authorization, and because he did something that was not his job in the form of an absolute adventure of one-to-seven, his boss put him in confinement for seven days.But he has no regrets, because this model of sniper rifle is too advanced, and he likes to use it very much. The XM109 sniper rifle has the ability to destroy light armor, and the deadly armor-piercing XM109 sniper rifle has an effective distance of about 2000 meters.Its sighting system can collect data related to target measurement and correction, such as air pressure, temperature and weapon angle, and process and calculate them.Fine-tuning all of these factors improves the chances of accuracy that the first bullet will hit the target successfully.

Li Laiheng is ready to enjoy the luxurious lineup a hundred steps away in front of him.

Seeing Li Laiheng's sword pointing at him, the counselor immediately became excited.

A real warrior likes a real opponent, he shouted: "Okay, here comes the murderer, brothers, follow me!"

This general is one of the contenders for the future owner of the Zhenghuang Banner, and his bravery and superb combat power are also a strong guarantee for him to become the owner of the banner.He is going to make a great contribution today. Dorgon personally leads the army to fight against the enemy's general. It is more honorable to kill one such person than to kill ten thousand enemies.

The general rushed forward, and his soldiers habitually made way for him, and then followed. "Kill!" "Kill!" The thunderous killing sounds were made by ordinary soldiers, but the dedicated killers had forgotten the existence of other people, and they only had their prey in their eyes.

There was a "choke".

This was not the sound of the clash of weapons between Li Laiheng and the leader, but the sound of the leader's sword falling on the rocks.His head and his broadsword fell into the rocks at the same time.

The relatives of the leader were taken aback for a moment, they were very surprised when they saw their master's head fall to the ground for the first time, because from the day they followed him, only the leader cut off other people's heads.Today, the leader's head rolled a few times on the ground, and they were watching.

However, after reading it, there was nothing left, because they also became headless ghosts, and the heads of more than a dozen people on the ground were all chopped off by Li Laiheng and his soldiers and generals.Today, they must slash fiercely and show no mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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