
Chapter 159 The Battle of Shanhaiguan

Chapter 159 The Battle of Shanhaiguan

On April 21, the shelling began.

All the soldiers of the Dashun Army had a full meal before dawn and fed their horses.

The drums in Hongwadian were beating together.The soldiers and horses stationed in the distance quickly assembled towards the southwest bank of Shihe River, and some of them moved closer to Hongwadian.

In Xiluo City, Wu Sangui's soldiers and horses were mixed with the sound of horns, voices, neighing of horses and drums.

Soon, on both sides of the Shihe River, armies and horses from both sides attacked.On the northeast coast, Wu Sangui's [-] Guanning Army marched southwest.To the southwest, Li Guo's [-] infantry cavalry attacked northeast.At first, the two armies marched to the beat of drums, taking no time to rush.After the first round of shooting, the two sides ordered almost at the same time: "Charge!"

The [-] army was soon intertwined.

The exchange of bows and arrows and artillery fire stopped, and now there are only the sound of weapons colliding, and the screams of people before they are hacked to death.

The Guan Ning army is very cruel. They always like to slash to the death when they slash and wound the enemy.Li Guo's troops are even more unrelenting. Li Guo has always been known as a tiger general, so his soldiers are also like tigers. They follow Li Guo to kill the enemy, and often use their heads to record their merits. Therefore, they like to cut off the enemy's head when they are in battle. Over time, many of them practiced the unique skill of beheading people with one knife.

This is really a good match for a match, Li Zicheng and Wu Sangui both used their trump cards, so when the battle started, it immediately entered the most tragic state.

If the fight continues like this, the main force will be wiped out in less than a day.

Wu Sangui's total force is only [-], which he can't afford.Even if he surrendered to the Manchurians, he still needs to have his own strength, so he is not going to fight off his Guan Ning army.

"The Hongyi Cannon is ready!"

Wu Sangui had already detected Li Zicheng's command center, and he had already prepared that when the battle was at its most intense, two red barbarian cannons would bombard Li Zicheng's command post at the same time.

"Target, the northwest corner of Hongwadian, Earth Temple." The artillerymen began to aim and fill with explosives.

Wu Sangui was excitedly watching the artillerymen's work.

Perhaps, with just two shots, the giant bandits who have been rampant for more than ten years will be blown to pieces.Wu Sangui was very happy, he had arranged a trick to eliminate Li Zicheng last night.

"How much area can two salvos kill?" Wu Sangui was worried that the shots would miss, and Li Zicheng was frightened away.

"General, at least one of the two cannons can blow up that earth temple into the air." The artillery general was confident that he could hit such an obvious target with a single shot.

"Okay, as long as you kill Li Zicheng with one shot, you will be promoted to a higher level." Wu Sangui has been promised by Dorgon to be the vassal king, so he has the right to be an official.Not only can he be appointed as a military officer, but in the future, he can also be appointed as a magistrate.

"General, please stand far away and watch."

The artillery general was worried about hurting Wu Sangui, so he pointed to a slightly higher place and asked Wu Sangui to move to that place.

At this time, on the left side of the Earth Temple in Hongwadian, Li Zicheng and Song Xiance were watching the situation on the battlefield.

Liu Zongmin led his troops in Hongwadian to prepare for the second wave of attack.

"Your Majesty." Song Xiance pointed to a city wall and said, "There are two Hongyi cannons there, which were moved from the front of Shanhaiguan two days ago. I guess their muzzles are facing our direction."

Li Zicheng was startled when he heard this, and thought, what's the matter?The power of the red-clothed cannon has long been heard, and once it hits, more than half of the thousands of people here will be killed or injured.So, he hurriedly asked Song Xiance: "Then isn't this place very dangerous?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, how dare I let His Majesty take risks? I invite you to come out, just to invite His Majesty to watch a good show. Maybe, Wu Sangui is watching the red cannon there. He might live longer if he doesn't watch it. Maybe he is going to see the King of Hades." Song Xiance was born in the Jianghu, he always likes to surprise people, this is his true nature.

Li Zicheng was naturally pleasantly surprised when he heard it, so he hurriedly said, please ask the military adviser to explain in more detail.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, there will be a good show." Song Xiance said with a smile.

Sure enough, at this moment, there was a flash of fire over there, and a puff of green smoke shrouded it. After waiting for a while, there were two loud sounds.

As for Li Zicheng, he was safe and sound.

The Hongyi cannon exploded.

what happened?

Song Xiance explained the original position.Lao Jiu arranged for the soldiers who captured the Chongzhen prince to ambush in the pass. They discovered Wu Sangui's attempt to use the red cannon to bombard Li Zicheng's headquarters. They have tampered with the red cannon these days. People around were wounded and killed.

Wu Sangui was neither dead nor injured.However, he couldn't hear others talking for a long time, and his ears were temporarily deafened.He wanted to see Li Zicheng killed, but unexpectedly, these two artillery pieces killed more than 200 of his soldiers. , the body was in pieces, mixed with the internal organs of the surrounding soldiers, it was hard to tell who belonged to whom.

Wu Sangui glanced angrily at the Earth Temple in the northwest of Hongwadian, and shouted, "Vice General Wu, lead the attack and chop off Liu Zongmin's head!"

Wu Sangui no longer keeps more people in the pass, only 5000 people guard the pass, and all others attack.

This deputy general Wu led [-] troops and rushed out from the pass.

Their opponent Liu Zongmin has only 2 horses at most, and he is going to take the lead.

Liu Zongmin saw a large number of people coming out of the pass, and said with a sneer, "Okay! Finally come out!" He looked around his troops, with a strong murderous look in his eyes.

"Remember, this is the last stone standing in front of our Dashun Empire, remove it!" Liu Zongmin shouted.Especially the last three words are particularly shocking.

"Move it!"

"Move it!"

"Move it!"

Liu Zongmin slowly raised the sword, and it shone brightly under the sun.


Liu Zongmin's shout was shocking.




Around him, there was a sound of killing.

Another spectacular scene, here is also 6 people, intertwined.

Two battlefields of 6 people were killed in darkness.

A chief executive found out that Liu Zongmin was fighting fiercely with another chief executive, so he secretly took out his bow and arrow, loaded the bow, aimed, and shot.

"Boom! Whoosh!"

On Liu Zongmin's side, arrow clusters stuck in his shoulder.

"Damn it!" Liu Zongmin pulled out a piece of skin from the arrow cluster, why did he care about the pain?With a slash back, he chopped off the previous Mr. Qian, and then charged forward.

"Don't go!" Liu Zongmin shouted.

Where has Mr. Qian seen such a ferocious person?Feeling timid, he immediately turned his head and tried to escape.

"Where to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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