
Chapter 160

Chapter 160

With a loud shout, the big knife with a gust of wind split the Qian Boss in half.

Two Qian Zongs died in an instant, Wu Sangui's Guan Ning army was a little flustered, Liu Zongmin saw that the time had come, and shouted: "Come on!"

Wu Sangui's Guanning Army began to retreat.

But no rout.After retreating less than five hundred steps, a human wall blocked the way.

Deputy General Wu was holding a long gun, and there were more than [-] relatives around him. He was ordered to kill Liu Zongmin.Vice General Wu is Wu Sangui's nephew, he inherited the orthodox lineage of their Wu family, and he is a well-known general in the Guanning Army. Wu Sangui admired his bravery and perseverance very much.

The task of beheading Liu Zongmin was entrusted to him, and Wu Sangui was 27% sure.Vice General Wu is only 30 or [-] years old, and his promotion to the post of Vice General is based on his military exploits.According to the current development trend, the possibility of being promoted to the general army at the age of [-] is very high, because today is an excellent opportunity.

If Liu Zongmin and Li Zicheng were killed today, then the crown prince of Chongzhen would succeed, Wu Sangui would become the court's number one hero, and vice general Wu and others with outstanding military exploits would naturally become pillars of the country.

"This is Liu Zongmin, Li Bandit's number one general. Kill him!" Deputy General Wu shouted.

Liu Zongmin and his soldiers and generals know that this is their real opponent today.

Liu Zongmin's left arm was injured, but he seemed to have forgotten that the wound was still bleeding. He looked around at the generals and soldiers who had followed him for many years, and he knew that some people would leave him today.Because Liu Zongmin is no stranger to the posture in front of him. He has seen it many times in the past. This is a battle of life and death.


Liu Zongmin didn't think about failure.However, he knew that victory must be bought with life.His own generals and soldiers must do this for him.


A word he squeezed out between his teeth was vicious and dragged on for a long time.

The meaning of the word "kill" can only be understood by his own soldiers and generals. The word "kill" means either life or death.

It's a life-and-death battle, and there's no third option.

Liu Zongmin's steel knife was dragged behind him, and his eyes were fixed on the lieutenant. His eyes were vicious, and he knew at a glance who was the most vicious enemy.Therefore, he aimed at the lieutenant general.

Lieutenant General Wu was also very excited. His prey was hitting the muzzle of his gun, and he had no fear at all.

Deputy General Wu tightened the handle of the gun in his hand, and he was going to stab the tip of the gun into Liu Zongmin's heart before Liu Zongmin's sword fell.

The two horses flashed and crossed.No, dozens of other war horses also met at this moment, and the generals of both sides fought against each other.

After one move, Liu Zongmin looked around and found that his troops were reduced by half.And the opponent, also lost half.

Lieutenant General Wu's body was cut in half, and his horse also died on the ground.

It's not the time to appreciate the results of the battle. The enemy's main general died in battle, just to cover up the kill.




Liu Zongmin's 2 men immediately gained the upper hand, while Wu Sangui's 4 men continued to resist in panic.

Wu Sangui played.

He wants to prevent Liu Zongmin from killing, Guanning Army belongs to Wu Sangui, he can't let his army continue to be defeated.

"Go, kill Li Zicheng's army in Hongwadian." Wu Sangui said lightly to the soldiers around him.

He himself felt qualified to say that, and he firmly believed that he would be able to kill all of Li Zicheng's men in Hongwadian, because last night, he had a comprehensive plan that was about to be implemented.


Wu Sangui's [-] standard battalion rushed out of the gate.In the pass, there are only [-] generals left, and among them is the General Manager Wang Guozhong that Song Xiance mentioned.

Li Laiheng finally got rid of the fifteen hundred guards left by Dorgon.

They lay down on a hillside near Jinzhou, and the Zhenghuang Banner troops chasing the mountain division were heading south.They seem to have given up on the pursuit of the mountain division.

Indeed, a single army going deep will not pose any threat to the Qing Dynasty. Their biggest task now is to enter the pass, followed by defeating Li Zicheng's main force, and then stationed in Beijing, and finally, to occupy the entire pass.

Li Chongzhen's prince as the emperor?

Dorgon smiled.Naive, so naive!Wu Sangui proposed to make the crown prince the new emperor, which is ridiculous.

However, Dorgon vaguely agreed, but in his heart, Fulin, the son of that extremely beautiful woman, is the king of China.He was not in a hurry to speak, and he was not in a hurry to express his position. He had already ordered the remaining ministers to prepare for Emperor Shunzhi to come to Beijing's Forbidden City to be emperor.

The Forbidden City in Beijing can be regarded as the real imperial palace, and imperial power can only be manifested in such a majestic palace.

Dorgon issued an order to go south to Zheng Huangqi, who was chasing Li Laiheng's troops, and Shengjing's troops had more than enough to clean up Li Laiheng's remnants.

Li Laiheng was thinking about the battle at Shanhaiguan.

Today is the first and last day of the Shanhaiguan War. After a while, Li Zicheng will defeat Shanhaiguan.

It's too late to go back to protect the car now, so let's just make a mess behind the Manchus.Li Laiheng calculated more than a dozen possibilities.

Is it possible to collect all Li Laiheng's corps and drive them into the rear of the Manchus?

Find Lao Jiu as soon as possible, now he is weak, he only has a poor 300 people.

Just when Li Laiheng was about to search for the old Ninth Ministry, a powerful force suddenly marched into Jinzhou City.

What kind of army is this?
Is it the imperial guards of the Qing Dynasty?
Is the Manchu emperor ready to enter the customs?
Li Laiheng had to figure out this problem.If the Manchu emperors entered the pass, all history would repeat the textbooks.Li Laiheng lamented that if he hadn't replaced Luo Hu in attacking Meng Jiangnv Temple and let his legion fight against the Manchu troops, the Battle of Shanhaiguan might not have failed, and the direction of history would have shifted. However, at this critical moment, he left Li Zicheng.

In the dark, it seems to be God's will.

Now, there is an opportunity to change history.Raid and kill the Emperor of Manchuria.

Li Laiheng no longer paid attention to the Shanhaiguan battle.He was going to sneak into Jinzhou City.


Wu Sangui went out, and he went out in person.He knew that when the sun was westward, Li Zicheng would end in a fiasco.

Now, he went out in person to show the might and toughness of his Guan Ning army, and also to clean up the short-term chaos.

Eighty thousand against sixty thousand should not fail.

His face, Liu Zongmin.On the hillside behind Liu Zongmin is Li Zicheng.His Guan Ning army fought all the way to the past. He could win, but he would lose both sides.He had to wait for the sun to go to the west. At that time, Li Zicheng's troops would be defeated, and after chasing and killing them, there would not be too many casualties.

Just after Wu Sangui left the customs, suddenly there was an uproar in Shanhaiguan.

Wang Guozhong's troops raised the lowered flag, and they occupied a part of the city wall of Shanhaiguan.

Wu Sangui was startled.

I thought to myself, there was a problem with the Hongyi cannon, and I almost died, and now there is a mutiny in the army, is it really God's death?
"Stick. Fight back."

Wu Sangui issued two orders in succession.He ordered the army attacking Hongwadian to stand still and wait for the time when the sun was westward.Order his standard battalion to fight back against the rebels in the pass.

Seeing that the time had come, Song Xiance quickly waved the military flag, issued a semaphore, and attacked across the board.

Li Guo's troops have already started to cross Shihe.The enemy on the opposite side of him has been shaken.Gao Yigong also joined the battle, and he quickly seized the junction of Li Guo and Liu Zongmin's troops.Liu Zongmin bandaged the wound, and he directed the troops to attack with all their strength.

The enemy wavered across the board.

In the pass, a fierce battle began.Wang Guozhong resisted with all his strength, but it was very difficult.

"Li Shuangxi, lead five thousand elite soldiers to support you!" Li Zicheng ordered.

"But, Your Majesty, in this case, you will only have three thousand Imperial Forest Army by your side." Li Shuangxi had originally led eight thousand Imperial Forest Army to protect Li Zicheng, and he could not use this army unless it was absolutely necessary.Now, it is not a last resort, and it has the upper hand, why use this force?

"Listen!" Li Zicheng shouted.

Although Li Zicheng saw that his troops had the upper hand, in front of the advantage, adding more strength could turn the advantage into victory.He knew that ending the war as soon as possible was a major event related to the fate of Dashun.He had a vague feeling that something big was about to happen.Therefore, he used most of the guards around him on the frontal battlefield, just to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

It has been a whole morning, the enemy has lost more than half, and I have nearly half of the casualties, so I must put in the new force.

Li Shuangxi didn't say anything more. In front of the awe-inspiring Li Zicheng, he mostly carried out orders.

His five thousand cavalry rushed towards the enemy like the wind.

The enemy faltered again.

The situation of the battle is changing towards the victory.

Li Zicheng smiled.He estimated that in half an hour, Wu Sangui would definitely surrender.

Li Zicheng looked at Song Xiance with admiration from the bottom of his heart.The entire military arrangement, if the attack is deployed according to the regular pattern, without those few episodes, it is still difficult to predict the outcome.

"Military division, look, who is better to guard Shanhaiguan?" Li Zicheng asked.He was thinking about the next question, and a few people's names came to mind, but he couldn't make up his mind.

"Shanhai Pass is different from other passes. Here is the task of 'guarding' and 'strike', so it must be a general. I think Zhang Nai can guard this place." Song Xiance said.

"Well, Zhang Nai is good. Hey, why hasn't there been any news from Li Laiheng? There won't be any surprises, right? I'm really worried."

"There is no news from Laiheng, which is expected. I am relieved that there is no news from him. If there is news, it means that they have encountered a strong enemy. For Laiheng, a strong enemy means encountering Qing soldiers. Besides, I was originally worried that Wu Sangui would not be able to retreat, but now he is almost on the move, maybe he has got some news from Meng Jiangnu Temple." Song Xiance stroked his beard and said with a smile, looking confident.

Li Zicheng was relieved.Wu Sangui went out today, including himself, most likely because he learned that there was a big problem at Meng Jiangnu Temple, so he fought desperately.

Li Zicheng smiled.

He looked at the sky, where the sun was starting to set in the west.

"Should Wu Sangui surrender?" Li Zicheng said to himself.

At this time, the victory or defeat was already clear, and the pass had not calmed down. Wang Guozhong still had half of his troops, using obstacles to resist desperately.Outside the pass, Li Guo had completely crossed the Shihe River, and the enemy lost most of it.On the contrary, Liu Zongmin's team has more hits and fewer hits.Li Shuangxi's [-] elite were like wind and clouds.

The enemy is in chaos.

Suddenly, on the east side of Shanhaiguan Pass, a mass of people appeared.

"Qing soldiers! Qing soldiers from the brigade!" Li Zicheng exclaimed.

Li Zicheng's troops were in confusion.

They have no mental preparation at all.When the victory was about to be won, a large group of Qing soldiers suddenly appeared, and Li Zicheng's troops panicked.

The Qing soldiers who appeared in the east could tell by looking at the banners that the Eight Banners had reached the Five Banners. In addition, there were troops from the Eight Banners of Mongolia.

Enemy of absolute superiority.


This is the only decision that can be made.

There was no other option than to retreat.In a decisive battle with the enemy here, there is only one ending: the whole army will be destroyed.

Liu Zongmin rushed over and shouted to Li Zicheng: "Brother Li, you go first, after I break up with Li Guo."

Liu Zongmin fought back.

He rushed into the Qing soldiers.Li Guo also rushed into the Qing army formation.

Li Shuangxi and others surrounded Li Zicheng and retreated.Retreat to Funing County.

"Quick! Quick!"

The urging was everywhere.

It was getting dark.Li Zicheng's thousands of Yulin troops had been galloping westward for several hours. They had to enter Funing to hold their ground and wait for dawn before fleeing towards Beijing.

It's a pity that Funing didn't leave a strong army, otherwise, this place could form a line of defense.

Li Guo and Liu Zongmin are still blocking the enemy, even if they can escape, they will suffer a disastrous defeat.They cannot be expected to organize another line of defense here.

Funing could already see the city wall from a distance.

At this time, a horse came from behind and reported: "You Hou Liu Zongmin is seriously injured! General Li Guo is defeated! General Gao Yigong is missing! General Zhang Nai is injured!"

Then another fast horse.

"More than a hundred thousand Qing soldiers chased after them at night! It's only ten miles away from here!"

Extremely critical.

More than ten miles away, a fast horse can arrive in an instant.

Li Zicheng had no soldiers to use.He will directly confront the more than [-] Qing soldiers with [-] Yulin troops.

Li Zicheng raised his head and sighed, "God's will!"

"Your Majesty, a team of troops is coming from the north! It's only three miles away from here." Another military report.

A large group of troops came from the north, and Li Zicheng became terrified. At this time, he was desperate. If another group of troops came, what would he have to fight against?

Li Zicheng did not expect such an ending.For more than a year, Li Zicheng, who has millions of soldiers, has ever thought about failure?He is invincible, and soon he will dominate the world, and he will be the king of the world.But when he took the last step on the highest peak, he didn't expect that this step would be missed.

Standing in a low place, it doesn't matter if you step on the air, if you fall, the injury is not serious, and you can get up again.In the past, he often fell down, and every time he got up, he didn't feel very painful.However, this time is different, this time the fall will hurt very seriously, because he has already climbed to the top, and if he falls from the highest point, his body may be smashed to pieces.

In Li Zicheng's panic, he panicked.

"Quickly enter Funing City." Song Xiance said.Now even if they are the turtle in the urn, they have no choice but to do it, they swarmed towards Funing.

(End of this chapter)

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