
Chapter 162 Infighting

Chapter 162 Infighting
Li Zicheng's internal strife is indeed a good opportunity for Dorgon to attack.

Li Yan has been imprisoned, and he offended Long Yan.

At this time, Li Laiheng returned to Beijing from Juyongguan.

He didn't care about resting, and came to the Hall of Martial Arts to ask Li Zicheng to see him.It was already midnight by this time, and Li Zicheng also had a rest.

These days, the internal opinions are not unified, and the eastern front is tight, and Li Zicheng is too busy to prepare for the enthronement ceremony.Tonight, it was rare for him to spend some time with Dou Meiyi.

Dou Meiyi and Li Zicheng are in their honeymoon period. A super beauty living in the palace, a natural stunner, is caressed by a passionate hero, her passion is like a fire.Tonight, she will unleash all the energy accumulated in the past few days.

From the time the emperor went to bed an hour ago until now, the two of them have been lingering, turbulent, and wanting to die.

Li Zicheng was panting like a cow, and Dou Meiyi was panting delicately.Suddenly, the cloud board was knocked.This is a signal of urgent military affairs.

Li Zicheng was startled and immediately stopped his movements.He lay on Dou Meiyi's belly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"General Li Laiheng asks to see you!" the soldier replied.

When Li Zicheng heard Li Laiheng begging to see him, he got out of bed and almost ran out of the room without his pants on. Thanks to Dou Meiyi's reminder, he hurriedly put on his clothes and went out to meet Li Laiheng.

When Li Laiheng saw Li Zicheng, he saluted and immediately asked, what is Li Yan's crime?

Li Zicheng said, Li Yan is disrespectful, we will talk about his affairs later, let's talk about your situation.

Li Laiheng said, I came to see the emperor in the middle of the night, not to tell you my story in the Northeast, but to know why Li Yan was imprisoned.

Li Zicheng became displeased, thinking, how can young people talk like that?If I hadn't wanted to know about your situation in the Northeast, for Li Yan, I would have hurriedly got off Dou Meiyi's body and listened to you questioning me about Li Yan?Besides, whether Li Yan should be convicted or not is what you Li Laiheng asked?

However, since Li Laiheng asked, Li Zicheng simply explained the process.

In the last three court meetings, Li Yan was more disrespectful to Li Zicheng.For the first time, he discussed whether to abandon Beijing or stick to Beijing. He opposed the suggestion of most people to abandon Beijing. He said that it was a big mistake to rush to the east to attack Beijing last time. Guan, even if it is to fight against the Qing soldiers, Beijing cannot give up.His words offended all civil servants and generals who advocated attacking Beijing.The second court meeting was about Li Zicheng's ascension to the throne. Everyone actively supported Li Zicheng's ascension to the throne as soon as possible. Only Li Yan said that the most urgent task now is not to ascend the throne but to organize Beijing's defense.This time, Li Zicheng had to doubt Li Yan's intentions.Li Zicheng recalled that during Li Zicheng's eastern conquest of Shanhaiguan, Li Yan won the hearts of the people in Beijing. He opened many granaries to help the people, and promised the officials of the Ming Dynasty that they would not pursue their past atrocities. The so-called "stolen money" is no longer pursued, and soldiers are strictly prohibited from breaking into houses. In just over ten days, Beijingers all say "Mr. Li" is good.Li Zicheng wanted to ascend the throne, but he opposed it. Could it be that Li Yan wanted to be that "Eighteen Son"?Therefore, Li Yan greatly offended Li Zicheng in the second court meeting.The third court meeting still discussed the matter of abandoning Beijing.Abandoning Beijing was a foregone conclusion, but Li Yan once again stood up and questioned Liu Zongmin and Niu Jinxing loudly, saying that when you rushed eastward to attack Beijing, did you attack Beijing for Dashun or for the Manchus?Now they are eager to give up Beijing. Is it to save their lives, or is it eager to let the Manchu emperor be the emperor of China, and let the Dashun emperor go back to be a thief?This time, the two No. 100 figures of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs were greatly angered.Li Zicheng endured it, and asked Li Yan, who do you think is the most suitable guard if Beijing is guarded?Li Yan said, Li Guo, or Li Yan himself.Li Zicheng snorted heavily, and he said, Li Yan, you still think you, Li Yan, are the most suitable? "Eighteen sons master the artifact, your Li Yan is also surnamed Li." Li Yan suddenly became dumb when he heard it, and he could only kowtow to apologize.In the end, as a matter of course, Li Yan was sent to prison, and more than [-] officers above the school lieutenant were also arrested.

After Li Zicheng finished speaking, Li Laiheng thought for a moment.He knew that he had to deal with this matter wisely. It was a historical fact that Li Yan was killed by Li Zicheng, and it was not easy to save him.The reason why Li Zicheng insisted on killing him was very simple. It was because he suspected that Li Yan had an objection, and because his surname was also Li.Therefore, he wanted to kill Li Yan.Li Yan's surname is Li, and I, Li Laiheng, also have my surname Li.

Seeing that Li Laiheng remained silent, Li Zicheng thought that he also supported his point of view, and asked, "Should Li Yan be killed?"

Li Laiheng suddenly pretended to be surprised and asked: "You said you want to kill Li Yan? Your Majesty, there is an important piece of information that the minister is about to tell the Emperor. Do you know what Dorgon is most worried about?"

"What are you worried about?" Li Zicheng asked anxiously.

Li Laiheng said: "Dorgon is most worried that the emperor will use two people to guard Beijing, one is Li Yan, and the other is me, Li Laiheng. He said that if either of these two people guards Beijing, his hopes for Dorgon will be shattered. The emperor, according to As far as I know, Dorgon is another hero of the Manchus after Nurhachi. His ambition is to occupy the whole of China. Back then, his ancestors only occupied half of China. This man has lofty ambitions and extraordinary wisdom. Every day I hope that you will kill Li Yan, so I am anxious to come back tonight to see the emperor, just for this matter."

Li Zicheng pondered.Is Li Laiheng's words true or false?Dorgon, Li Zicheng now understands something, he is really a dragon among men, a powerful figure.Why does he value Li Yan?It is necessary to value Li Laiheng, he has already caused Dorgon a headache, but Li Yan, why does he value it so much?

Li Zicheng asked: "Dorgon also knows about Li Yan?"

"Your Majesty, spies from the Qing soldiers are everywhere, so they naturally know what kind of person Li Yan is. Your Majesty, with all due respect, Li Yan is right when he said that Beijing must be guarded. Qing? If the emperor also abandons Beijing and ignores it, where will the people’s hearts go? Where do they hope? Therefore, the emperor can abandon any place, but Beijing cannot be abandoned. For this reason, the emperor must be more thoughtful than me.”

These few words of Li Laiheng shocked Li Zicheng.

Yes, when the Qing soldiers entered the customs, who did the people place their hopes on?Since I, Li Zicheng, inherited the Son of Heaven according to the will of God, I should be the master of the common people. If Beijing cannot be kept, how can we protect our people?

Beijing must defend!

Who stays in Beijing?

"I am willing to stay in Beijing. However, staying in Beijing asks the emperor to meet the two conditions of the minister. I don't know if the emperor can agree." Li Laiheng said.


"One is to ask the emperor to give me two people, Hao Yaoqi and Li Yan. The other is to give me the right to make the Northern Expedition at the right time." Li Laiheng said.

"You still want to go to the Northern Expedition?" Li Zicheng asked in surprise.

The determination to stick to Beijing has been made.Li Zicheng once again held an imperial meeting.

Li Yan, who was sent to prison, was also released to attend the meeting.Because Li Zicheng was going to let Li Laiheng guard Beijing, he had to agree to some requests.

Although Liu Zongmin and Niu Jinxing disapproved of letting Li Yan out, and were even a little annoyed, Li Zicheng had already made up his mind to let Li Yan be Li Laiheng's deputy, so they didn't have much to say.

Before the meeting, both Li Zicheng and Li Laiheng had full communication with Song Xiance, so the meeting went relatively smoothly.

The meeting decided that Li Zicheng would choose a day to ascend the throne and announce to the world that he is the new master of China and the appointed emperor who upholds the will of heaven.Second, the capital was Chang'an (i.e. Xi'an), the country was named Dashun, and it was the first year of Yongchang.Li Zicheng successfully conquered the east and returned to Chang'an to organize the government affairs.Thirdly, Li Laiheng, General of Zhendong, led his troops to garrison Beijing, and chose the right time for the Northern Expedition to eliminate the Manchu Qing regime.

These three resolutions basically set the future strategic direction.

Li Laiheng was ordered to guard Beijing, and he actually became a frontal force against the Manchu Qing.The troops led by Li Laiheng are based on his legion, as well as Hao Yaoqi's 1 infantry cavalry, plus Li Yan's more than [-] troops.In this way, Li Laiheng's army has almost [-] troops.

10 people may seem like a lot, but once troops are deployed in various places, the number will be pitifully small. Just like Li Zicheng's attack on Shanhaiguan, no matter how he concentrates his superior force, he can only use 6 people, and he cannot have an advantage in numbers.Now, Li Laiheng has 10 people, and he can only deploy [-] guards in the city. Tongzhou, Miyun, and Changping must all deploy troops.Therefore, after Li Zicheng and the others returned to Shaanxi, Li Laiheng was still a lone army.

Li Zicheng's ascension to the throne was in a hurry.Then, Li Zicheng prepared to retreat.This army is afraid of hearing one word, "withdraw". When you hear withdraw, it is equivalent to hearing another word, "flee."

Li Zicheng's retreat was a little flustered, which was also related to Dorgon's close follow-up.Hao Yaoqi and Gu Ying's troops retreated from Funing, and they stepped up step by step and chased them all the way to the vicinity of Tongzhou.

The Dashun Army's morale was completely demolished in the battle at Shanhaiguan, so when they heard that the Qing soldiers were approaching the city, they panicked.

"It's not going to work like this, it's going to be a crushing defeat." Seeing this situation, Li Yan said to Li Laiheng anxiously.

"Well, then let's let the Qing soldiers enter Beijing Chaowai and win a battle. How about boosting morale?" Li Laiheng suddenly showed a murderous look in his eyes.

When Dorgon learned that all of Li Zicheng's troops in Tongzhou had suddenly entered the city, they could say that they could enter the city of Beijing unimpeded, he couldn't help being surprised.

The enemy retreated in such a panic?

Dorgon thought, can the sword point directly at the gate of Beijing?This will make them flee in a hurry.

The order was issued that Zhengbai Banner, Bordered Yellow Banner, Zhenglan Banner, and the Three Banners advanced at full speed. The Mongolian Two Banners and the Wu Sangui Department followed up and went straight to the city of Beijing.

Some of the Dashun army who were about to retreat had not had time to withdraw. The next morning, they suddenly found that all the gates except the west gate were besieged by the Qing soldiers, and they were all shocked.

Li Zicheng was also frightened, and blamed Li Laiheng in his heart, how could the enemy advance quickly?What did the defenders in Tongzhou do?How did he know that Li Laiheng had intentionally let in the Qing soldiers, and he was going to show some prestige outside the city of Beijing to cheer up the low morale.

"Li Laiheng is preparing to meet the enemy at the south gate." Li Zicheng's personal soldiers came Li Laiheng's report, "General Zhendong said, please the emperor and all ministers to watch the battle at the south gate."

what the hell?Li Zicheng asked himself why, and soon understood that it was to boost morale.

"Okay! Tell the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs to watch the battle at the south of the city." Li Zicheng gave the order.

Where is the mind to watch the battle now?

Coming from Shaanxi, everyone was empty-handed and left as soon as they said, and they could leave at any time in the middle of the night.Now I want to go back, not to mention the silver and jewels on my body, there are still many people who have been rewarded by the emperor as women. They used to be alone, but now they are a family. They have to walk, and there is a lot of preparation work.

However, now the emperor has decreed that everyone should go to the south of the city to watch the battle. If they win, it's fine. If they lose, they will have no chance to escape.

All the courtiers were in a very complicated mood, and they had no choice but to follow the order and watch the war. Before leaving, they asked the servants to step up and make preparations, they might run for their lives at any time.

Liu Zongmin's injury was much better, and it was inexplicable to hear Li Zicheng ask him to watch the battle.Now that the Qing soldiers are besieging the city, half of the troops who were going to leave the city have not had time to leave the city, and only one-third of the troops transporting silver have gone on the road. It's a pity, there are too many things to do, how can I have the leisure to watch the battle now?Besides, who is watching the war?Is this interesting?However, he knew that Song Xiance liked to play tricks and play tricks, and it was hard to say that something unexpected might happen.

Niu Jinxing was even more trembling. He had just started working as a prime minister, and he didn't expect to run thousands of miles away. He was lamenting that his fate was wrong, and suddenly received an imperial order to go to the war. He was afraid and angry.Niu Jinxing's current property is not on an ordinary scale. Apart from the luggage of his prime minister's residence, he also has many personal things.Naturally, there are a lot of silver and jewelry, those ancient porcelain vases, antique calligraphy and paintings, rare and exotic objects, how could he be willing to throw them away?In particular, there are several large furniture carefully carved from precious wood, among which is the big mahogany bed of Queen Zhou's father, and he is also reluctant to lose it.These things, the luggage has been prepared for a few days, but it is not yet ready, he is remembering it.Also, you can go with your belongings and luggage on mules and horses, but it is very troublesome to have a few big living things.In addition to the two women in the palace rewarded by the emperor, he also found a woman in the city of Beijing a few days ago, and was about to marry the matchmaker to be his wife.Other generals are easy to say, but if they don't agree, they send a few soldiers, and they have to go if they don't, but Niu Jinxing thought, he is a man of culture, he came from a family background, so he can't be rude, so he was so anxious that he didn't know what to do with that family.Well now, things here are very busy, the emperor has come to watch the battle.

Gradually, civil servants and generals gathered on the head of the southern city of Beijing. Li Zicheng sat on the dragon chair with a canopy on his head.

(End of this chapter)

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