
Chapter 163 BJ Besieged

Chapter 163 Beijing Besieged
Outside the city, it was the main force of Dorgon's Zhengbai Banner, and there were more than 1 Mongolian elite soldiers. Seeing that there seemed to be many civil servants on the top of the city, he thought that maybe Li Zicheng was here too. It happened to be here to show his combat power Well, scare them again, and let their morale collapse.Therefore, he ordered his subordinates, if there are people in the city to fight today, everyone must work hard to kill the enemy general, and offer a huge reward, whoever kills a soldier will be awarded a rank of noble, whoever kills a school lieutenant will be promoted to a rank, and whoever kills a captain will be promoted to a rank. Those who kill a general will be promoted to two ranks, and those who kill the enemy's chief general will be promoted to three ranks.

Today's leader is the Mongolian soldier Hada.He is known as the eagle on the Mongolian grassland, and is hailed as the god of the army by the Mongolian soldiers.He led [-] troops and was the strongest of the Mongolian troops.Hada didn't get a chance in the Shanhaiguan battle last time, and his hands were itchy. Today, he wanted to show himself in front of Dorgon and insisted on taking the lead.Dorgon had also heard that Hada was brave and good at fighting, and his fighting power was outstanding among the Eight Banners of Mongolia. Therefore, it was exactly what he wanted to let him kill Li Zicheng's troops.

Dorgon is not worried about any surprises.

He saw Li Zicheng's fighting power in Shanhaiguan. If he hadn't been stopped and delayed by a group of infantry who could dig trenches in Funing, plus the beautiful empress dowager was frightened in Jinzhou, and Shengjing was messed up by Li Laiheng, he would have fought Arrived in Beijing.

Li Zicheng's troops are not many, and now the troops in Beijing are a little more than when they were in Shanhaiguan, probably not more than 15.Morale, in particular, is not what it used to be.A lot of news came from Dorgon's spies, saying that Beijing was in a panic.This kind of soldier is vulnerable.

Of course, Dorgon knew that there was a very powerful army, Li Laiheng.However, when the general situation is over, no matter how powerful a person is, can he change history?

Even if Li Laiheng played in person today, Dorgon didn't care.

"Hada, the enemy's main general today may be Li Laiheng. If you can cut off his head, you will be promoted to king." Dorgon said to Hada, who is in his 30s.

"Li Laiheng? Well, my lord, I just hope to meet him. I will chop off his head and use his skull as a wine glass to drink."

Hada had also heard of Li Laiheng's name, but he was jealous and angry at a man in his twenties who enjoyed such a high reputation. He thought, I will show you the ability of my Mongolian Eagle Bar.

This sentence is not entirely bragging, perhaps, Hada has this ability, and people with Hada's combat power are not common in any army.

In Beijing City, a cavalry marched from west to south along the root of the city wall, and inserted between Dorgon and the city wall of Beijing.

Unexpected deployment method.

This army lined up against the city wall, not many, 1 people.

However, soon, [-] infantrymen came down on the city wall, and the weapons in their hands were shovels again.

Many Manchu soldiers suffered enough from their losses.

This group of infantry with shovels is very unusual for fighting. They may suddenly dig up dirt and fly sand and stones, so that the opponent's eyes cannot be opened.What's more, their shovels are more powerful than knives and guns, and even a shovel can't stop it from falling down.Also, when this group of people encountered cavalry, they would not only blow sand, but also dig holes, sink horses' feet, smash horses' legs, and knock horses' heads. The cavalry had a headache when they encountered them.

Now, this group of soldiers stood in front again.

Dorgon's more than 3 soldiers left the city and formed an array of [-] steps.

They are all cavalry, mighty and majestic, and those who have led soldiers are not afraid. Everyone knows that there are very few chances of victory in battle with this kind of soldiers.

Hada's [-] cavalry came out slowly, and they stopped at a distance of [-] paces.

Dorgon looked towards the main battlefield from the temporary watchtower.

In the city of Beijing, the south gate was wide open, and three hundred cavalry protruded. They did not stop until they were in front of the infantry.

This is Li Laiheng and his three hundred elites.

Hada rode alone and galloped forward for three hundred steps, then suddenly turned and returned to the main formation.He was demonstrating, he was showing off his equestrian skills.

Li Laiheng smiled slightly.He looked left and right, and the two newly selected assistants, Luo Si and Wang Hu, were both newly named. They were only this year. They had been with Li Laiheng for two years. The substitute appears.

"Luo Si, play one hand!"

Luo Si's war horse is Luo Hu's war horse, a purebred Western war horse, tall and mighty. "Hey!" He clamped his legs, and the red horse galloped forward.He didn't stop, and rushed to the fifty steps away from Hada's troops in an instant. He suddenly stopped suddenly, raised his hand, and shot ten throwing knives at the ten front cavalry.

After ten people fell off their horses, Luo Si had already turned around and ran a stone's throw away.

A Mongolian lieutenant was furious and chased after him.Wang Hu charged forward.The good horses met and did not change positions again. Wang Hu turned around with a cold smile on his lips. He was holding a steel knife, the tip of which was still dripping with blood.On the neck of the Mongolian lieutenant general, several streams of bright red blood spurted like irregular fountains. He persisted for a while, and then fell off his horse.

Hada was furious and ready to fight, a general beside him rushed out and went straight to Wang Hu.Wang Hu is preparing to fight again.

"Brother, leave this to me!"

Luo Si patted his horse out.

The Mongolian general had two scimitars, shiny white, and he knew they were so-called treasured swords at the first sight.Luo Si did not compete with him in saber skills, he saw the place where the saber was to be cut, and as soon as the horse crossed, he slashed the saber according to his own will. Dodging abruptly, the two scimitars missed.

The Mongolian general was puzzled that someone could ignore his scimitar.In the past, all opponents would try their best to catch his two scimitars, but the young general in front of him didn't catch the sabers at all, but swept his sabers across.

There was a momentary sharp pain in the skin on his neck, but it soon stopped, his mind was empty, a kind of floating pleasure, and then he understood what was going on, the blood vessels, nerves, The muscles were all swept away and broke into two sections.

When a person knows that he is almost dead, the only thing he can do is to collapse.

Hada, who killed two generals in a row, was furious.He shouted, "Take your life!"

"Wang Hu, Luo Si, get out of the way!"

Li Laiheng came out slowly.

His war horse ran in short steps, as if he was strolling.Hada rushed over suddenly, and at the moment Hada rushed in front of him, Li Laiheng's white horse suddenly flew into the air, and Li Laiheng jumped off the horse again, floating high in the air, and he instinctively avoided Hada's slash.Li Laiheng's sword slashed and stabbed, and drew a circle in a beautiful arc.

He fell down and sat firmly on the white horse.

Hada's head was split in two from the middle.

Li Laiheng did not attack, he returned to the formation.Between the two formations, the three corpses were all killed with one blow.

Dorgon was horrified.

This ancient confrontation method decided the winner in an instant.Three to zero, only three moves each.

There was no sound on the city wall, and everyone held their breath until the three corpses lay motionless on the ground.

Liu Zongmin glanced at Li Guo and thought, even if it was the two of us, it would be impossible to kill these generals so cleanly, especially the last Mongolian general, Liu Zongmin thought he had little chance of winning.

Song Xiance seemed to be thinking about something, he looked scheming, as if he was guessing what Li Laiheng should do next.

As for Li Zicheng, he really wanted to beat the drums to let Li Laiheng charge over him in one go, but Dorgon in the distance seemed to have nothing to fear.Does he have any other tricks?

Just now, the Mongols chose the ancient method of warfare and will fight.Now, the team fight is about to begin.

Dorgon knew that it was a foolish way of fighting alone to fight an opponent, and fighting in a corps was the mainstream of modern warfare.Therefore, the leaders of the army all pay attention to the combat ability of the team, but they no longer pay so much attention to individual moves, sword skills and knife skills.

Legion combat.


Thirty thousand elite soldiers came to oppress them.

Li Laiheng also started to beat the drums.His [-] assault infantry divisions rushed forward, and the other [-] cavalry did not move half a step, they were still under the city wall.This team was once an elite army led by Wang Si and Luo Hu. Now, under the command of Hao Yaoqi, they stood quietly in place.

The two armies shot at each other, and they stopped within a stone's throw away.

The two armies facing each other know each other, so they don't rush to attack.

"Drumming! Striking!"

Suddenly, Li Laiheng shouted.

There was a rapid drumbeat.

As soon as the [-] assault infantry division heard the drumbeat, the front rows quickly waved their shovels, and the dust and gravel covered the sky. Then, the rear rows quickly stepped forward, and the shovels flew forward, looking straight at the horse's head and smashing them down. Then, they waved their shovels again. , shoveling up the dust, overwhelming it.After such a few rounds of actions, Dorgon's Zhengbai Banner, no matter how elite they were, couldn't stand it any longer. They began to trample on each other, and the formation finally became chaotic.

Li Laiheng was waiting for this moment to come.

"Kill!" he shouted.

Then, there was a loud killing sound.

Li Laiheng's three hundred elites broke into Dorgon's core.Gu Ying's attacking division rushed to the past.The [-] elite cavalry led by Hao Yaoqi charged forward.

The enemy was defeated, but did not collapse. Dorgon commanded the troops to stabilize their position.

Li Laiheng expected it, he knew Dorgon's strength, so he was not in a hurry, his three hundred elites could enjoy a feast again.He, Wang Hu, and Luo Si each led 100 men, and they stirred up the enemy like three sharp knives.

Just cut off the heads of two assistant leaders, and another one was brought up.Zhengbai Banner has 87 semi-collars, which is only five less than Zhenghuang Banner.Li Laiheng had cut off six assistant leaders, and Wang Hu and Luo Si had both gained, but they were not very interested in the assistant leaders. What they were interested in was participating in the leadership, preferably Dorgon himself.

However, these assistant leaders seemed to think it was fun to be beheaded. This time, it turned out that the three of them went up together.

Li Laiheng sneered, and let the Manchurians see and see, three, good.

Li Laiheng tightened the sword in his hand. He knew the weight of the sword. It was all made of fine steel, and the craftsmanship was absolutely no less than the level of the 21st century. It should be no problem to chop off three heads with one sword.

The white horse seemed to understand its owner's thoughts, it rushed forward smoothly, and the three leaders rushed over in an outflanking posture. They were about to raise their knives, but it was too late, only a fraction of a second late, and they were surprised to find that several heads Fly in the air.

Three assistant leaders were beheaded at the same time.

Dorgon saw it.

He stretched out his hand, and the soldiers immediately handed over a delicate long arrow, and when the bow was set, the string was full, and there was a crisp sound of "Boom!"

Fifty paces away, to Li Laiheng, there was no threat, he flicked his hand and caught the arrow in his hand.He also put on the bow and returned an arrow.

Dorgon smiled, he stretched out his hand to catch the arrow, and caught it, but, it was so hot, he knew that his palm was bloodstained.

What a powerful force.For someone else, there is no way to catch this arrow.

They didn't intend to succeed with this arrow, they just handed in a move from a distance.

When Dorgon and Li Laiheng shot arrows at each other, one of his ginseng leaders was cut off by Wang Hu, and Luo Si also picked up another ginseng leader before he recovered.Two ginseng leaders died in a row, and the loss was heavy.All five of the Zhengbai Banner participated in the command, and two died, the victory and defeat have been divided.

Withdraw, if you don't withdraw, you will be defeated!
The horn sounded "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

This is not the first time that Dorgon has withdrawn his troops. He will not be chaotic, and his troops will retreat in an orderly manner. This is one of his achievements in governing the army.

However, today's retreat was not orderly. They encountered the group of infantry wielding shovels, and a burst of dust made them unable to look directly at people.


The real hunt begins.The [-] elite soldiers led by Hao Yaoqi began to take revenge, and soon, Dorgon, who was the best at leading the army, suffered a major defeat for the first time.His Zhengbai Banner was almost wiped out.

The soldiers in Tongcheng will start to attack.Under the leadership of Li Yan, they intercepted the retreating Qing soldiers, and their overwhelming pursuit became the most spectacular scene today.

The siege of Beijing was lifted.

The Qing soldiers retreated to the front line of Funing.

Li Zicheng knew that for some time to come, the war would be in a state of confrontation.

"Your Majesty, please return to Chang'an quickly. The enemy will recover after ten days and half a month of rest. Today, Dorgon suffered a little because he underestimated the enemy. With today's battle, in the future, we can only Head-to-head." Li Laiheng clearly understands the difficulties ahead.

Because Li Laiheng hurt Dorgon this time, he had no choice but to go back to Funing City to reflect on himself.In this way, not only was the city of Beijing much more stable, but the morale of the soldiers also increased abruptly.The myth that the Qing soldiers were invincible has been broken. Many people who were scared when they saw the Qing soldiers will not run away when they see the Qing soldiers in the future.

Li Yan began to take over Liu Zongmin's management of Beijing's law and order. While increasing his troops to patrol, he properly arranged for the orderly retreat of Li Zicheng's army.

Now, Li Zicheng's retreat is much more orderly.While he was depressed, Li Zicheng couldn't help feeling somewhat relieved. With a general like Li Laiheng, he was finally out of danger. completely wiped out.

Dou Meiyi's going or staying has become a headache for Li Zicheng.

(End of this chapter)

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