
Chapter 165 The False Prince

Chapter 165 The False Prince

The third prince Ding Wang Zhu Cijiong was the "Third Prince Zhu" who appeared repeatedly in later generations; the fourth prince Yong Wang Zhu Cihuan, when they were about to be killed, they were suddenly violently raised by a guard and rescued them, while the other who rescued the prince Zhu Cihong The guard was not so lucky. He was stabbed by Dorgon's followers, and finally had to give up saving the prince and escaped by himself.

Dorgon said to the prince angrily, "Who saved your two brothers?"

"do not know."

Firstly, the prince has some backbone, and secondly, he really doesn't know who saved him.

Dorgon couldn't find out who saved Chongzhen's other two princes, he pondered for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Bold, who are you? What do you want to pretend to be the Chongzhen prince?"

"I'm pretending to be the prince?" Zhu Cihong was confused, then surprised.I thought to myself, I have the aura of pretending to be the prince, and it is too late to hide my identity, so I will come out and pretend?Every idiot knows how dangerous the prince of the kingdom is!
Why did Dorgon suddenly ask once?
oh, I see.

Although Zhu Cihong was only 16 years old, he was very smart. He knew Dorgon's purpose, and Dorgon was going to kill the prince publicly.

That's right, Dorgon is indeed preparing to publicly kill the prince.However, he will not kill the crown prince of Emperor Chongzhen, he entered the customs for revenge for Chongzhen, and he cannot kill the crown prince of Chongzhen.However, he will not support the prince to live in the Forbidden City. The person who lives in the Forbidden City must be the clever Fulin, Emperor Shunzhi, the son of the empress dowager Xiaozhuang, the most beautiful woman in Manchuria.Dorgon was very wise, he smiled slyly, and said to Chongzhen's son: "You are a fake, you pretend to be the crown prince, hehe, you know, this is a capital offense."

The prince has seen the country broken, and also met the king of the family. He has put his life and death aside, and said with a sneer: "It is inevitable for you to kill me. But if you want to kill me as a fake prince, it is impossible." Yes. Among your subordinates, many people know me. Hong Chengchou, Wu Sangui, I used to cook wine for them to show how much I respect them.”

Dorgon snorted twice, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and said to his cronies, "Send me a document and ask Pingxi King Wu Sangui, how can he make a fake prince to fool this king?" Then he said to Zhu Cihong, " Wu Sangui will come back soon to plead guilty, and he will tell this king that you are a fake prince. Haha, don’t you believe me?”

Believe it, why don't you believe it?People's mouths are for talking, sometimes they tell the truth, sometimes they tell lies; sometimes they speak human words, and sometimes they speak nonsense.It's all too common.Prince Zhu Cihong was speechless. He knew that Wu Sangui would prove that Zhu Cihong was a fake, and Hong Chengchou would also testify. He would say that Zhu Cihong was not so tall, and such a tall person could not be Zhu Cihong.

Sure enough, within a few days, Wu Sangui sent a memorial to the regent from the front, saying that Zhu Cihong had died in the artillery fire when Beijing fell, and now it is a fake Zhu Cihong.

However, what was unexpected was that Hong Chengchou did not say that Zhu Cihong was a fake. He told Dorgon that the minister was already a member of the Qing Dynasty, and he had forgotten and did not recognize people from the Ming Dynasty. As for this person who called himself Zhu Cihong He has never seen such a person, and he even forgot who was the crown prince when Chongzhen was established.

Zhu Cihong smiled wryly.He knew that the day Dorgon captured Beijing was the day he, the "fake" crown prince, died.

As soon as Lao Jiu entered the door, before he had time to sit down, he hurriedly said to Li Laiheng: "Chongzhen's two sons have been taken away by Zhang Wenxiu. The prince Zhu Cihong was not rescued, and Dorgon was going to kill him in the name of a fake prince. , Wu Sangui has already helped Dorgon testify that he is a fake prince."

"Oh?" Li Laiheng was not very surprised. He had watched the "Kangxi Dynasty" TV series and knew that there was a "Third Prince of Zhu" Zhu Cijiong in it, who had been messing around for decades.He said to Lao Jiu: "Old Jiu, Azig's offensive is very fierce. I am worried that the Yellow River defense line will not last long. Next, Tongguan should also be the focus of Azig's or Duoduo's attack. You take this information Pass it on to the emperor."

"Okay, I will tell the emperor this information as soon as possible. Tongguan will be used as a key defensive area. General Li Guo's defense of the Yellow River is very difficult. The emperor has plans to abandon Shaanxi."

"Abandon Shaanxi?"

"Yes. It's just the emperor's personal thoughts, he only revealed it to Li Shuangxi."

Li Laiheng pondered for a while, and then asked: "Zhang Wenxiu, he should be planning to return to Sichuan, right?"


"Okay, it's decided, that's it. Lao Jiu, if we don't organize a few counterattacks, the Qing soldiers will continue to go south and west. Let Li Yan, Hao Yaoqi, Gu Ying, and Gu Kecheng come over, and let's discuss it together. Fight a few victories here to stop the offensive of the Qing soldiers." Li Laiheng said.

"However, we are already struggling here, can we still take the initiative?" Lao Jiu was puzzled.Seeing the posture of the soldiers, Dorgon was ready to attack the city.

Li Laiheng said: "Sometimes, offense is the best defense." He thought of a football game, defending, often dead.

Attacking now is indeed an adventure.

Dorgon's troops concentrated near Beijing were all Manchurian elites, and most of the troops attacking west and south were Mongolian soldiers and the troops of the four major vassals. Among them, there were a small number of Manchurian soldiers. , it is already invincible.For example, Azig led an army of tens of thousands, of which there were only more than 1 Qing soldiers. Li Guo was so brave and good at fighting, and after a period of time, he felt very strenuous.

Dorgon was eager to move the capital to Beijing, so he used heavy troops around Beijing, preparing to clear the surrounding troops before attacking the city vigorously.

At this time, Li Laiheng couldn't defend a dead city in Beijing. He had to divide his forces and station them in several places, serving as horns for each other, and extending the scope of control as far as possible beyond Beijing to the sea.

An isolated city cannot be defended, and it doesn't make much sense to defend it.For a city to be alive, it must first be open, there must be trade, and there must be supplies.If the gates of the city are closed all day without fighting, the interior will collapse.

Now Li Laiheng's troops are confined in Tongzhou, Juyongguan, Fangshan, Xishan and Beijing.Although there is an army of 3, the most mobile troops are the [-] troops of Li Laiheng's army.

And Dorgon's troop deployment was almost intertwined with Li Laiheng's.The three directions of Tongzhou, Shunyi, and Daxing have deployed troops, and the area from Funing to Shanhaiguan has become their core area.Dorgon's camp is set up in Shunyi, and to the north of here is Huairou Miyun.At this time, Huairou and Miyun were under the control of Qing soldiers.

Therefore, the Great Wall is already fake.Both Li Laiheng and Dorgon controlled a section of the Great Wall.

"Attack Shunyi!"

Li Yan was surprised when he heard Li Laiheng's words.

"Attack Shunyi?"

"Yes. Hit him!"

(End of this chapter)

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