
Chapter 166 The Silence Before the Decisive Battle

Chapter 166 The Silence Before the Decisive Battle
Dorgon is also distressed.Beijing was not captured, and he suffered such a big loss last time, and he was anxious to occupy Beijing.

Occupying Beijing has three purposes.One is the need for internal struggle.Inside the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he eliminated the forces of the Haoge faction with thunderbolts before leaving the customs. On the surface, he became the de facto supreme ruler of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.However, the interior of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was very complicated. From the line of Nurhachi's son alone, there were many factions.Nurhachi had sixteen sons, eight of whom were founding fathers of the Qing Dynasty. They were the eldest son Chu Ying, the second son Dai Shan, the fifth son Mang Gurtai, the seventh son Abatai, the eighth son Huang Taiji, the twelve son Azige, and the fourteenth son Doer Dagon and fifteen sons Duoduo.The rest of Nurhaci's sons, such as the third son Abai, the fourth son Tanggu, the sixth son Tabai, the ninth son Babutai, the tenth son Dege Lei, the eleventh son Babuhai, and the thirteenth son Lai Mubu also made military exploits.Therefore, Dorgon's brothers are a bunch of messes that are difficult to sort out.As for Huang Taiji's eldest son, Hauge's family, although it seems that there is no possibility of doing much, the world is unpredictable, and his sympathizers and secret supporters are always paying attention to Dorgon's victory or defeat.Even his own mother's brother and Prince Shuoying Azig's military achievements have gradually accumulated. In the future, he may be Dorgon's powerful opponent.Therefore, the situation of internal struggle also forced Dorgon to occupy Beijing as soon as possible, so that no one could shake his achievements and status.For the Ming Dynasty, or rather, for the Dashun Dynasty, Dorgon must also occupy Beijing as soon as possible.Beijing is a symbol, a symbol of imperial power and the existence of a generation of regimes.Dashun proclaimed himself emperor in Xi'an; Zhang Xianzhong proclaimed himself emperor in Chengdu; the elders of the Ming Dynasty were all waiting for the crown prince to ascend to the throne, and some couldn't wait any longer. Many descendants of the Zhu family had already been proclaimed emperor. Zhu Yousong established the Hongguang regime in Nanjing. At the same time, the Shaowu regime and the Yongli regime emerged.All of a sudden, many emperors appeared all over the country.Therefore, Dorgon must quickly occupy Beijing and stabilize the north before he can go all out to eliminate the regimes in various places.The third reason is that Dorgon's heroic beauty is closed.He longed for the No. [-] beauty of the Manchus to live in the grand complex of the Forbidden City, and in this palace that displayed imperial power, Dorgon, as the emperor's father and regent, could freely enter and leave the inner palace, and he could see her whenever he wanted. See you anytime.

During Dorgon's military career, after a day's work, every time he rested, the extremely beautiful Xiaozhuang figure would appear in front of his eyes. At this time, he had an unbearable desire to make his blood combustion.

He often spent long nights under this torment.

He has made a final decision, within half a month, he must win the city of Beijing.

Dorgon summoned his other half-brother, Duoduo, who was also a famous general of a generation, to enter the account.Duoduo and Azige are both brothers of Dorgon's same father and mother. He is the No. 15 son of Nurhachi, the prince, the general of Dingguo, and the owner of the white banner.

"Duoduo, do you have the confidence to capture Beijing within ten days?"


Answer without hesitation.

"Okay. You lead the inlaid white flag and [-] Mongolian and Han soldiers as the main force to attack Beijing. I will send another [-] troops to help you attack the city. You have ten days to capture the city of Beijing." Dorgon's tone was very serious. majesty.

Almost at the same time, the coaches of the two armies made a decision to attack.

Li Laiheng started the first army-wide operation of the entire army.He swarmed out from Changping City.

In Dorgon's view, Li Laiheng's dispatch of troops from Changping must be to reinforce Beijing.Therefore, he sent heavy troops to intercept in the direction of Dongsheng.

However, Li Laiheng's troops did not appear in the direction of Dongsheng at all.When Dorgon was puzzled, the ten Niulu positions of the Xianghuang Banner near Qianjiafen were suddenly attacked by Li Laiheng.This time, the actions of Li Laiheng's entire army, he could turn a blind eye to the ten Niulu, and he really turned a blind eye.He has no distinction between the front army, the rear army, the left army and the right army. He opened the way with his [-] elites, and [-] cavalry, [-] attacking divisions, and [-] mountain divisions swept past in the form of wild geese.

Ten bull records are not usually a force that can be ignored.However, today's three thousand Qing soldiers with yellow flags are very pitiful. After this locust-like sweep, all they left behind were corpses and stumps.

What surprised Dorgon even more was that this army seemed to turn a blind eye to the [-] Qing soldiers stationed near Matouzhuang, and they went straight to Dorgon's main village in Shunyi.

Dorgon seemed to have been insulted, and someone even ran for dozens of miles just to attack his father, the regent, the supreme military commander of the Qing Empire.In this world, is there anyone who dares to despise the emperor's father and regent Dorgon like this?

"Okay, then come on. Doduo continues to attack Beijing, and I will personally lead the troops to deal with you." Dorgon also made a strong response. He did not let Duduo's troops return to help, and he was going to use his own Thirty thousand elites against Li Laiheng's thirty thousand elites.

Of course, if it is a different era, or another opponent, Dorgon will fight with 13 soldiers with the same number of troops as the opponent, which is very worthy of the opponent.He once fought against Hong Chengchou's 13 Ming army with [-] troops. If his brother Huang Taiji hadn't ordered him not to attack, he was confident that his [-] troops would be more than enough to defeat Hong Chengchou's [-] Ming army.

However, today his opponent is Li Laiheng.

So far, Dorgon has not tried to get cheap in front of Li Laiheng. The last time he was in Beijing, under the eyes of everyone, Dorgon had his real first defeat in his life.

Today, he wants to seek justice. How can a commander of a military group with the world's top combat power be defeated by Li Zicheng, a leader of the front army?
"Open the gate of the camp, and set up a battle of green dragons and hundred tigers!"

Duo ErGun issued a battle order.

At that time, Nurhachi started his career with thirteen deputy soldiers. After only a few dozen years of fighting, the entire Northeast and most of Mongolia were under his iron hooves. A promising Ming Empire and a tenacious and tenacious Korean Kingdom were trampled by them. .All of this is not enough to rely on bravery and tenacity, but more to their genius command and innovative strategies and tactics.

Among them, the Azure Dragon and Hundred Tiger Formation is a tactic they have continuously summarized and innovated based on actual combat. It is concise, practical, and has never been defeated.

At that time, Nurhachi's grandfather and father were killed by mistake while leading the way for the Ming Dynasty. Nurha questioned the officials of the Ming Dynasty.The word "dragon and tiger" is deeply engraved in his mind.Therefore, later Nurhachi created his own tactics in battle. When he named the tactics he created, he remembered the word "dragon and tiger". Therefore, he called the most commonly used tactics "Qinglongbai". Tiger formation".The so-called Azure Dragon and Hundred Tiger Formation is composed of two main formations, one is the Azure Dragon and the other is the Hundred Tigers. The two formations are not only independent large formations, but also a large formation that circulates from left to right with the horns of each other.The most practical thing about this formation is that it is neither complicated, but powerful.His green dragon and white tiger are like the left and right hands of a human being, the two horns of a cow and a sheep, and more like the teeth of a tiger's upper and lower jaws.To put it bluntly, it is a formation in which "Blue Dragon" and "Hundred Tiger" support each other and cover each other.Nurhachi created a new world of his full Qing by virtue of his proficiency in mastering and using this Azure Dragon and Hundred Tiger Formation.

Dorgon, as the son of Nurhachi, can be said to have grown up in this formation.Although they later invented more inventions and creations, the most practical and handy formation is still the Azure Dragon and Hundred Tiger Formation.

Today, it is the third time he has confronted the strongest opponent he has encountered in this life. Dorgon has lost twice. This time, he will not lose, and he cannot afford to lose. He is going to use this strongest opponent The two big horns hit Li Laiheng to death, and bit Li Laiheng to death with the most powerful sharp teeth of the upper and lower jaws.

Dorgon's left and right main formations were squarely placed at the west gate of Shunyi City.The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty became very excited at the sound of the passionate "woo woo" horn. They had enjoyed the pleasure of killing in this kind of horn for many years. Lifted overhead, glistening in the sun.

Li Laiheng's men and horses are arranged in the shape of "Pin", or in other words, they are arranged like a wild goose.They looked coldly at the shining white light in front of them.

These are the only people in Li Laiheng?Near the Dorgon camp, within [-] miles, there are tens of thousands of horses.Does Li Laiheng have reinforcements?If so, where do they come from?Dorgon asked himself.

"I'll just go all the way." Dorgon remembered what Nurhachi said when he fought the Ming Dynasty for the first time.

In the 46th year of Wanli, Nurhachi angrily promulgated the "Seven Great Hatreds" and raised troops against the Ming Dynasty.In the following year, he had only 3 people, and he faced the three-way army of the Ming Dynasty with a total of 14 people who were about to gather and wipe him out. Facing a strong enemy, Nurhachi said to his subordinates, "If they come a few ways, I will fight against you." Only one way, hit the past!Based on this sentence, Nurhachi wiped out more than 6 Ming troops at one time. Since then, Nurhachi has laid the foundation in Liaodong.

Dorgon didn't know how many troops Li Laiheng still had today, but today he was determined to defeat Li Laiheng's main force in one fell swoop and relieve the depression in his heart.

It is best to be able to solve problems in the field.Dorgon thought so.Li Laiheng also thought so.They all have strong reasons for breaking the current situation.

Li Zicheng has already given up on Beijing, and now he is about to give up on Xi'an. There are fewer and fewer places he can give up.

If Dorgon is unable to attack for a long time, his plans to advance southward and westward will be blocked. His bold words in front of the elders of Shenyang clans are tantamount to farting, and the little emperor he single-handedly supports may not be able to sit firmly on the throne.

Now, two people are waiting for him to occupy Beijing.Once Beijing is officially captured and Shunzhi is firmly established in the Forbidden City, Azig in the west can attack Li Zicheng's main force in an all-round way; Duoduo, he can go south and gallop on the Jiangnan land that his ancestors never reached.


Dorgon issued the first order in accordance with the routine of the Qinglong Baihu formation.

"Swish, swish, swish" the shocking sound of neat footsteps, stepping on the rhythm of drums, moving forward.

The 3 men of Li Laiheng's army stood in place coldly.

"Two drums!"

The drums changed drastically, and the rhythm was so dense that it was suffocating.The vanguards all turned into shields. After them, strong archers and machine crossbowmen appeared.

Li Laiheng's army remained unmoved, they still stood in place coldly.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" There was a dense tearing sound in the air. After the first batch of arrows were shot, Li Laiheng's army didn't seem to have suffered any losses. They were not ordinary soldiers, so they would not be lost by ordinary tactics.

Next, Dorgon's tactics are not ordinary.

"Three-way drum!"

The thunderous drumbeat seemed to make the resonance of the air reach its limit, and a kind of embarrassing pressure pervaded the battlefield.


Li Laiheng yelled his first cry on the battlefield today.

He has discovered the enemy's weakness.Two horns, let them separate!This is the enemy's weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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