
Chapter 167 This is the real Dorgon

Chapter 167 This is the real Dorgon

Li Laiheng's [-] elite wedged between the enemy's two main formations like a wedge.Only this kind of elite is qualified to enter such a formation.

If you wedge into this formation, you will be crushed and crushed to death. According to Nurhachi, with his sharp upper and lower jaw teeth and strong bite force, anything wedged in will be torn to pieces.

Li Laiheng chose to wedge himself into this slit that Dorgon considered dead but not alive.Not only did 300 people go in, but [-] cavalrymen went in.

In this way, his [-] cavalry became enemies on both sides.

It is a taboo for military strategists to be attacked by the enemy.

However, Li Laiheng wanted to commit this military taboo.Because, when he himself suffers from the enemy, he also wants to make the opponent suffer from the enemy.Now, the enemy's two main formations are under attack from the front and back, and those who are good at digging trenches in Guying's Qinglong formation are the most suitable for releasing water to catch fish, and if they don't catch fish, they can catch dragons.Gu Kecheng's gourd soldiers like attacking tigers on the mountain.

Dorgon was not alarmed, he was already prepared for a tough battle today, and he fought Li Laiheng just to use this "meat grinder" to hang him, so, as he expected, as he expected, Li Laiheng wedged between the two main formations.

"Beating the drum! Two attacks!"

Following Dorgon's order, the sound of the drum suddenly became thick and long.This is a kind of order, the north of the Qinglong Formation sticks to it and attacks from the south; the south of the Hundred Tiger Formation sticks to it and attacks from the north.In other words, they attacked Li Laiheng's cavalry on both sides with all their strength, and all the most elite troops were deployed on this side.The reason why Dorgon is confident is that the soldiers he used to strangle Li Laiheng's army today are all his guards, and they are the steel of this army.

However, Dorgon did not see the results he expected.His two main formations were supposed to go north and south, backlogging opponents in a narrow gap, making them struggle and suffocating them.However, the two troops advancing from the north to the south seemed to have encountered a wall, an insurmountable iron wall.However, under the attack of Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng's two armies, their tenacious troops turned into retreat.

Originally, he wanted to squeeze Li Laiheng's cavalry into a crack, and finally squeeze them flat.However, it was his Qinglong and Baihu that became the seams.

Unexpected ending.

This is the first time this phenomenon has occurred since the formation was born.Surprised, Dorgon beat the drum himself, using all his strength to beat hard.However, the situation of his Azure Dragon and Hundred Tigers did not change because of Dorgon's personal drumming. They had already tried their best, but today they met an unprecedented opponent, and it was not that they did not work hard.

"Hold it! You must stand it!" He glanced around at the generals around him, and the meaning was very clear, it's time for you to contribute.

A middle-aged man took a step forward, "Father Regent, let me go."

Dorgon did not reply him immediately.

This person's surname is Li Mingshiyu, the prince of North Korea.When the Manchus conquered North Korea, they not only wanted to defeat the North Korean army, but also the main generals would deliberately recruit a group of enemy generals who were capable of conquering and fighting well under their command.It can be said that the North Korean people have come forth in large numbers, and there are geniuses from generation to generation.This Li Shiyu was a well-known general in North Korea, and he was the chief general in North Korea's battle against the Manchu conquest.Under his command, the Manchurians killed dozens of assistant leaders and over ten participants, especially two banner owners died in his hands.

When Korea was finally conquered by the Manchus, Li Shiyu became a prisoner, and he thought he would die.However, after being imprisoned for half a year, he was called by Dorgon and asked him if he would like to work for him.

A person who is doomed to die is suddenly told that he can not die, what will happen to him?Li Shiyu said that he was willing to serve the prince.He, Li Shiyu, was very arrogant at first, but Dorgon's name was well known to the Koreans. Now, the number one hero of Manchuria personally invited him to play, so he was naturally happy.

However, Li Shiyu has followed Dorgon for many years and has not made an inch of merit for him. Dorgon has never let him go into battle. He has only been a follower of Dorgon.

Today, a young general is a hero, and the elite team he led actually made the Manchu people proud of their fighting methods. He knew that it was time for him to play today.

Dorgon frowned tightly.To reverse this situation, the soul of this team must be removed.

Who can get rid of Li Laiheng?Try it with this Lee Se Woo?
For so many years, Dorgon knew Li Shiyu well. The reason why he didn't die was because he hadn't lost a single fight between generals and generals in the hands of the Manchus.

"Okay." Dorgon, who pondered for a long time, finally made up his mind, "Kill Li Laiheng, and I will make you King of Joseon."

King of Joseon?
Li Shiyu was shocked by the three characters of Joseon King.Since North Korea was conquered, there was only a cowardly puppet regime left, and the so-called king was a ten-year-old mentally handicapped boy.Now, Dorgon has agreed to make him King of Joseon, which is not only a blessing for him personally, but also a blessing for the Korean nation.

Li Shiyu is not alone, he also has a group of generals. The original elite soldiers and generals in North Korea did not all leave him, and the hardcore buddies among them continued to follow him.

"Brothers, show the courage of our Korean nation. Have you seen that? That young general, whoever kills him will be my great general!"

Li Shiyu offered a reward. Since he is the future king, he can promise who will be the future general.

"Kill!" The word yelled in Korean was weird, it didn't seem so cruel, and it seemed a little pleasant to the ear.

But this group of people was not pleasing to the eye at all. They opened their eyes ferociously and rushed into the formation brandishing their weapons.

Li Laiheng had noticed it a long time ago, and he could tell at a glance that the middle-aged general was not an ordinary general, but Dorgon's trump card.

Li Laiheng gestured with his eyes, and told his soldiers and generals to pay attention to these dozen or so people, they were not kind.Luo Si and Wang Hu tightened their grip on the knife.

Li Laiheng went up with his own soldiers, fifty steps away, no one planned to use bows and arrows.When a general confronts a general, they will not use arrows easily, unless one side is already timid.

Shooting at each other is not a demonstration, but a show of weakness.A real general, in the period of cold weapons, was never afraid of slashing within three feet.Within ten feet, anyone's head, arm, or any part of the body could be chopped off or impaled in an instant.

Therefore, courage is embodied within ten feet.

The soldiers on both sides understand that this is a duel, so each general will make way for his master general.

Fifty steps.

Thirty steps.

Ten steps.

Too fast, the speed of the two sides added together, fifty steps is just the blink of an eye.

This strangulation did not end in an instant.

Li Laiheng vacated, landed, and turned around.He didn't look at the tip of his sword, which was dripping blood.However, his opponent was still basically intact. There was a line of red blood coming out of Li Shiyu's neck, and this wound only scratched a shallow layer of skin.

Li Laiheng rarely makes such mistakes.One knife must hit, one knife kills, this is the creed that his instructor repeatedly told him.

When killing the enemy, there should be no hesitation, and every time you make a move, you must use all your strength without reservation.That's what Li Laiheng did.However, the sword that was supposed to cut off Li Shiyu's neck organs only completed one percent of the task.

Had to start all over again.

Li Shiyu's heartbeat didn't speed up, he was as cold as a stone, he didn't pay attention to the struggle and groaning of his soldiers and generals on the ground, and he didn't pay attention to the blood still dripping from his neck.He only took a brief look at the two steel knives in his hand, there was no trace of red, which was rare.

He must see blood when he strikes, this is a spell that has never been broken.Today, he used his most powerful move, two swords.Before today, under this move, no one had escaped unscathed.

Li Shiyu looked around slowly, and there were only three generals left around him.The corpses of seven soldiers and generals were lying on the ground, and the other three were not corpses, they were still struggling and moaning.

He looked at Li Laiheng coldly, hum, are you a human or a ghost?Can you escape my second strike?

"Hey!" He shouted to his horse, clamped his feet hard, and came to fight Li Laiheng alone.

Li Laiheng smiled coldly, his war horse did not charge, but walked in small steps, walking very leisurely.Just when Li Shiyu was about to get close, Li Laiheng's white horse suddenly flew into the air, Li Laiheng himself jumped up, and the sword in his hand drew an arc again, across Li Shiyu's head.He landed and sat firmly on the back of the white horse.

This is the second time Li Laiheng used this trick.This time, Li Shiyu didn't die, he returned to Dorgon's side, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, the emperor, the regent, the general will be incompetent."

Blood trickled down the split scalp, along the center of the eyebrows, the bridge of the nose, and the tip of the nose, dripping onto the loess ground.

Dorgon didn't look at Li Shiyu any more, just hummed, and after a while, added, "You've tried your best."

After finishing speaking, Dorgon's stern eyes slowly found Li Laiheng.The fight was still going on, and he would occasionally join in for a brief moment before retreating back to the core.Every time he joins for a short time, he must have discovered that the enemy has people above Zuoling appearing. As the number of times he joins increases, the number of dead generals above Zuoling also increases.

"Hmph. It's time to make a move!"

Dorgon didn't have too many generals to consume, so he said to his relatives, "Let's do it!"

These words shocked not only his own generals, but even Dorgon himself was a little startled.

Dorgon only used this move once, and it was when he fought hand-to-hand with his strongest political enemy Hauge, and he used it ruthlessly once.

Duo ErGun wants to kill the core position without distinction between the enemy and the enemy.

In order to kill Li Laiheng, he would rather let his elite be buried with him.

The danger is approaching gradually.Li Laiheng knew Dorgon's ability and his ambition, but he never thought that he would sacrifice the body and life of his confidant in exchange for a chance to kill Li Laiheng.

Dorgon is going to bombard the core position with Hongyi cannons.It is where the elite of both sides are located.

Dorgon turned and left, he didn't want to get too close to the scene of the massacre on this occasion.A squatting cannon in red clothes quietly lifted its camouflage, and the shells were already loaded. This time, no one tampered with it. Once the cannon was shot out, the explosion site must be a piece of blood, with casualties everywhere.

The battle was still fierce.The two formations of Qinglong and Baihu gradually failed. For the first time, they were crushed into a flat shape by others. They flanked others, but were flanked by others.

In another one and a half incense sticks, Dorgon's troops will be exhausted.At this time, Li Laiheng caught a glimpse of Dorgon leaving.

It is impossible for Dorgon to leave the battlefield because of fear.

Li Laiheng had a premonition of what was going to happen, or what was about to happen.With Lao Jiu not by his side, Li Laiheng looked around vigilantly. His cavalry had been divided into two lines. One line was heading south, while the other line was attacking north. Dorgon's rare defeat would be repeated in front of Li Laiheng again.Li Laiheng couldn't figure out why Dorgon suddenly left his army.

not good.An image suddenly popped up in Li Laiheng's mind, an ancient cannon that can often be seen in tourist attractions in the 21st century.

"Red Barbarian Cannon!"

Li Laiheng thought of these four words, and quickly thought about a question in his mind, how to get out of the battlefield?

For a while, there is no way to leave the battlefield. The two troops are intertwined, and victory is in sight. Now that the sudden withdrawal of troops, not only cannot escape, but even if escape will lead to defeat, so the only way is to defeat the opponent as soon as possible!
Li Laiheng shouted:
Li Laiheng's voice hadn't had time to come out, no, it did, but it was covered by a loud noise.


Li Laiheng and others were shrouded in smoke and flames.

beijing city.Doduo tens of thousands of people stormed Dongzhimen.He was going to break through one of the city gates with a superior force.

Dorgon not only gave Doduo enough troops, but also gave him almost all the artillery. The city walls of Beijing were being attacked by more than half of the artillery fire from the Manchus.

Li Yan had long foreseen the current situation. As long as Beijing stood firm, the Qing soldiers would not be able to boldly go south and west. Therefore, his reasons for not abandoning Beijing were sufficient.If Li Zicheng acted as soon as possible in Xi'an at this time, called on the whole country to fight against the Qing soldiers, and united Zuo Liangyu, Shi Kefa and others as much as possible, the whole country would unite as one, drive out the Qing soldiers, and have a great chance of unifying the world.

Of course, he also knows that Beijing's persistence will be very difficult.

It was the sixth concentrated attack by Duoduo's artillery fire. A section of the city wall to the east collapsed several times. Every time, Li Yan led the troops to fill the gap with sacks of soil and fill the gap before the Qing soldiers attacked.

Li Yan's face was scratched by bricks, and he personally commanded the fight against the enemy on the city wall.The common people in the city helped Li Yan's army carry supplies. They said that Mr. Li Yan was a good person. He led the army to fight against the Qing soldiers. We Beijingers didn't say anything, we must help.

(End of this chapter)

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