
Chapter 168

Chapter 168
However, not all Beijingers think this way, there is an undercurrent, the strength is not very small, they used to be Hong Chengchou's people, or Hong Chengchou's admirers; They actively prepared to cooperate with the Qing soldiers to attack the city.Now, the personnel in Beijing is very complicated, and there are all kinds of people.Therefore, there are many rumors in Beijing, and assassination activities are also very frequent.

Li Yan already had a headache dealing with the law and order in the city. Now that Duoduo suddenly attacked the city, he had no choice but to concentrate on defending the city wall.

While Li Yan was defending the city wall of Beijing, a group of people secretly discussed the issue inside the gate of Deshengmen.

"At present, there are only 3 people stationed in the city. Tonight, Regent Dorgon will lead the main force to attack from Desheng Gate. We will open the city gate and welcome the regent to enter the city. It will be a miracle." A man who looks like a Dashun army Say.Around him sat a dozen or so people.

"Our number is too small, I'm afraid we won't be able to open the city gate." Another person said worriedly.

"Hey, you, I've been talking to you for a long time. Of course, there are too few of us. I just want you to recruit people you think are reliable."

"That's right, if we find ten of them alone, wouldn't there be hundreds of them? All right, if you follow Li Zicheng, you will die sooner or later."

This is Tang Tong's surrender.

Tang Tong was killed in the battle of Shanhaiguan, his troops were reorganized, and a few people were reorganized in Li Yan's troops.They hooked up with Wu Sangui's men, and they planned to join forces inside and outside and sacrifice the city tonight.

Hao Yaoqi was stuck by Zhenglan Qi.His 2 people were going to reinforce Li Yan, but he didn't expect to insert a team suddenly, blocking their way.The Zhenglan Banner was originally the upper three banners, but now it has been reduced to the lower five banners by Dorgon.Dorgon is commanding the Beijing battle in Beijing, Zhenglanqi is self-evident, he must have a good performance.

Hao Yaoqi faced more than 3 Zhenglan Banners and some Mongolian soldiers led by the Zhenglan Banner banner owner. Although he wanted to reinforce Li Yan as soon as possible, reinforcements were only a wish if this army was not defeated.

Hao Yaoqi looked around at the troops around him, and he knew that this was a fierce battle.If in normal times, he didn't want to fight and consume the enemy, he was no longer the Hao Yaoqi when he followed King Gao Chuang. At that time, Hao Yaoqi was nothing but slashing and killing. Now, Hao Yaoqi, who has gone through so many setbacks, is also Having learned scheming, he knows that to defeat the enemy, there is something more powerful than courage.

But today it's hard to say, Li Yan's situation is precarious, not to mention the instability in the city, Hao Yaoqi knows very well what kind of person Doduo is.This middle-aged Manchu Qing general was born to the same mother as Dorgon and Azig. His reputation, apart from being their younger brother, was no less famous than theirs on the battlefield.Duduo is the No. 15 son of Nurhachi, that is, on his 15th birthday, he led three Niulu troops to face the 2000 cavalry of the King of Korea. It took him less than an hour to kill the King's army More than [-] people, in the end, the enemy had to surrender to Duoduo, who had only a few hundred troops.This battle was Duduo's first battle in his life, and it was also the first time he fought an opponent five times his own strength.Later, it became Duduo's habit to win more with less.

Only by defeating Zhenglanqi's blockade can Hao Yaoqi get close to Duoduo and have a chance to support Li Yan.

However, Hao Yaoqi really didn't have enough reason to be convinced when he defeated Zhenglan Qi's superior force.

The Zhenglan Banner was originally an elite banner led by the eldest son of Huang Taiji, Hao Ge, and was one of the upper three banners.Hauge has a wide range of military exploits, and he has been continuously awarded because of his outstanding exploits.And Hauge has always been at odds with Prince Rui Dorgon.After Huang Taiji died, Dorgon and Hauge competed for the throne because they did not designate an heir.At that time, Hauge was in charge of the Zhenglan Banner, and had the Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner left behind by Huang Taiji, as well as the support of many ministers, which was slightly better than Dorgon, who had the Zhengbai, Xiangbai Banners and Duoduo's support.However, Hauge failed to act decisively at the critical moment. When a minister suggested that Hauge was qualified to succeed and asked him to succeed, he said that he could not do it.In the end, his younger brother, Huang Taiji's nine sons, Aixinjueluo?Fulin succeeded to the throne, and Dorgon became the regent to assist the government.

Therefore, now is the time to carry the blue flag.

In order to have a good performance, Abe, the governor of Zhenglan Banner, gave the order to attack when he saw Hao Yaoqi hesitated a little. More than 3 enemies pressed past like dark clouds, and the humming sound from their mouths was deafening. Fortunately, Hao Yaoqi had practiced the tactics against the Manchus during his training in the past few years. Otherwise, he might have been cleared I was intimidated by the wasp-like charge of the soldiers.

Hao Yaoqi watched calmly for half a minute.Half a minute later, a violent sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

For a long time.Hao Yaoqi has no chance to fight a fierce battle.Today, he is going to fight a tough fight.

His broadsword drew a circle in the air, randomly pinched his legs, and urged the horse forward.Behind him were [-] cavalry, and the others stayed where they were.Hao Yaoqi was going to attack the enemy's [-] cavalry with his [-] elite troops.

This is not Hao Yaoqi's recklessness.One is that he was not prepared to fight the enemy for consumption, so he did not move his main force.The second is that he has long coveted Li Laiheng's 3000 elite troops. He knew that he could not train Li Laiheng's elite troops. However, after years of training, he gradually worked out some training methods. After training, he has an elite army that is brave and good at fighting.

He has this confidence that three thousand elites can make some achievements if they are thrown into the enemy's core position.

Hao Yaoqi's three thousand elites went straight to Abe's core position.

With a distance of one mile, two galloping cavalry are galloping towards each other. The speed of the two is added, and one mile will arrive in an instant.

The Qing soldiers were surprised. 3000 people crashed into the core position, but they had already entered the core of the position before the shieldmen changed their formation, and the archers didn't have time to shoot the first wave of arrows.

Hao Yaoqi didn't love to fight. He didn't just want to kill the enemy. He wanted to kill the enemy quickly. Only by beheading the enemy's leader could a quick victory be possible. Therefore, he pointed his sword directly at Zhenglan Banner's commander Abei.

Abe sneered.Okay, come on, I'm going to find you bad luck!Throwing such a little meat into my mouth is not enough for me to stuff my teeth.

Abe patted his horse forward and rushed forward, and the soldiers and generals around him also happily hooted and rushed along with the general.

The two generals at the front were both big swords, big swords against big swords, and the white light drew an arc, slashing at each other.

There was no sound of metal knocking, only the dull sound of flesh falling to the ground.Hao Yaoqi's horse was empty.On the ground, Abe fell heavily on the ground, Hao Yaoqi sat firmly on his horse, and pointed the tip of his knife at Abe's face.


Hao Yaoqi shouted.

Just as he was shouting, a sharp arrow came straight to Hao Yaoqi's face.

With a sound of "Pfft!", Hao Yaoqi was hit by an arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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