
Chapter 177 Killing Li Laiheng

Chapter 177 Killing Li Laiheng
The fire in Shengjing burned for three days, and the arson team sent by Li Laiheng was really powerful. Gunpowder was buried everywhere, and several granaries were filled with hundreds of catties of explosives. The detonation happened almost at the same time. ?
Dorgon climbed down from the women's belly in a panic. At first, he really thought that Li Laiheng had entered Shenyang City. When he found out that it was only a spy sent by Li Laiheng, and a team of 200 people burned food, his lungs exploded.

200 people burned his seven major granaries in Shengjing, which was almost a year's worth of reserves for the military and civilians in Shengjing!
"Report to the emperor's father and the regent, Li Laiheng has occupied Dandong." The spy reported to Dorgon.

However, the news was three days late.The fire in Shenyang burned for three days. After the fire was extinguished, he received the information that Li Laiheng occupied Dandong.On the day when Li Laiheng caught fire in Shenyang, he sent the King of Korea back to Pyongyang. He himself led the troops from Yingkou, Jinzhou, and then returned to Pass through Miyun.

Of course, it will take more than ten days to enter the customs from Miyun.After Li Laiheng entered the customs, because the head coach of the Qing army went to Shengjing, when encountering an attack from Li Laiheng's brigade, all the troops wisely adopted a strategy of avoiding the battle.Therefore, when Li Laiheng entered Henan, he had no battle to fight.This cannot but be said to be a miracle.

Dorgon was still in Shengjing, and soon he received a military report saying that Li Laiheng was in Dandong. When he deployed troops to attack Dandong, he suddenly reported that Li Laiheng was in Yingkou, and when he ordered to go south to attack Yingkou, Li Laiheng appeared in Jinzhou again.

"Damn it, it's ten times more maneuverable than Lao Tzu."

Dorgon said angrily.Qing soldiers are best at mobile combat, and their ability to move quickly is amazing.However, Li Laiheng almost moves three or four hundred miles a day, even in running competitions, he is not so fast and easy.

After Li Laiheng disappeared in Henan, Dorgon realized that Li Laiheng's troops harassed the Northeast in order to cover his troops stationed in Henan.

Dorgon was going back to Beijing. Before he left, he had a good night with the widow of Xiaozhuang. They were lingering almost all night, full of love. The next day, Dorgon marched south.

In Desheng Village, Li Laiheng is full of travel and dust, he is going to have a good time today.

Hao Yaoqi, Gu Ying, and Gu Kecheng have already swept away other troops in the Funiu Mountains, and defensive measures have been arranged at each pass, and they have established a base with Funiu Mountain as the center.In fact, their military influence has crossed Zhengzhou and Luoyang. In this area, one person has placed local officials.

He is Li Yan, the number two figure in Li Laiheng's separatist regime.

Li Yan is not dead, and very few people know that Li Yan is not dead, even Hao Yaoqi, Gu Ying, and Gu Kecheng don't know now.The only people who know that Li Yan is not dead are Li Laiheng and Lao Jiu.

That day, Li Zicheng sent Ma Shiyao to kill Li Yan, but Zhao Bing sent by Li Laiheng couldn't arrive. Fortunately, Lao Jiu took remedial measures. He sent a letter to inform the intelligence personnel lurking in Ma Shiyao's army to prepare to rescue Li Yan.Lao Jiu's intelligence network is not only deployed on the enemy, but also in his own troops. The purpose is to know yourself and the enemy so that you can win all battles, and you must put your friends first.Ma Shiyao was very painful when he received Li Zicheng's imperial decree. How could he bear to ask him to kill his own people?He knew that if he killed Li Yan, he would be scolded to death by his own people sooner or later.When he was in pain, someone suddenly did his job and threatened him with his life to save Li Yan.Finally, after hesitating for a while, especially after Li Yan said those words, he swung a knife and chopped off the eunuch sent by Li Zicheng to save Li Yan.Although he saved Li Yan, he felt sorry for Li Zicheng, so his heart was so painful that he was coerced by his subordinates and finally decided to surrender to Duoduo.Although he had no choice but to surrender to Duoduo, the incident of disobeying Li Zicheng's decree cannot but be said to be a shadow.Later, when he realized that surrendering to the enemy was an extremely despicable thing, he turned his back on the water again. However, before Li Zicheng counterattacked Tongguan, the news leaked. Gather up and slaughter them all.

Li Yan hid secretly in Xiong'er Mountain. Under the leadership of Li Laiheng, he secretly trained and assigned management officials to various places.Some of these cadres are in the open and some are in the dark.

Therefore, Li Laiheng actually controlled the whole of Henan, and his core area, Funiu Mountain's defense was impenetrable.

25-year-old Li Laiheng is now the real master of his own destiny. He took a sharp knife and cut off a piece of mutton, put it in his mouth, and said to Hao Yaoqi: "Uncle Hao, when will you send someone to send Madam Dou to the emperor?" ?”

After Li Zicheng defeated Shanhaiguan, he did not take Dou Meiyi away, but stayed in the Forbidden City.Now Li Laiheng must take her with him when he retreats, lest she fall into the hands of the Manchus.

It was not difficult to get from Funiu Mountain to Xiangyang, and there was only Nanyang Mansion in the middle. There were no Manchu Qing soldiers in this area, only some local armed forces, which were actually still within Li Zicheng's sphere of influence.

Hao Yaoqi said: "It's not a problem to send off Madam Dou, but the question is, will the emperor urge us to move closer to Xiangyang? When you were in Liaodong, he sent people here."

"Well, it is inevitable that he wants us to go to Xiangyang, but I will not listen to him. Going to Xiangyang is a dead end, and there is no chance of turning over. We will stick to the policy discussed in the past, take the Funiu Mountain area as the core, and wait for the opportunity to occupy Shaanxi Wait for the place, and then counterattack the Qing soldiers." Li Laiheng said to several others, "From now on, we will ignore other people's orders, even if the emperor comes in person, we will not listen to orders."

Just as he was talking, Li Zicheng's envoy arrived.

"The imperial decree is here!" The visitor shouted in a serious manner, waiting for Li Laiheng and others to go out and kneel to receive him.

Li Laiheng came out.But he didn't kneel down.

"The imperial decree has arrived! Li Laiheng waits for the decree!" The envoy said loudly again.

Li Laiheng still did not kneel.

"Li Laiheng knelt down to receive the order!" Although the voice of the envoy was loud, he obviously lacked confidence.He murmured in his heart, "Damn it, isn't this the opposite? Why don't you kneel down?"

Li Laiheng didn't kneel, and said: "Elder-in-law, if you have anything to say, just say it, what is the imperial decree? Li Yan was killed for no reason, and the soldiers were renounced, so don't bluff."

Seeing Li Laiheng resisting the decree, everyone was secretly shocked. How could he publicly accuse the emperor?Why do you refuse to accept the order?This is beyond everyone's expectations.

Li Laiheng said to the envoy: "From now on, what your Emperor Dashun said has nothing to do with us, don't mention things like receiving orders, let alone dispatching. But when you need our help, just say, We will do our best to help if we can. You go back and tell your Emperor Dashun that he killed my lieutenant Li Yan for no reason, and he has to give me an explanation for this matter."

Li Laiheng's words were too sharp and spicy.

Everyone was bewildered.

Li Laiheng didn't act on his own will, he hid a big living creature, this matter will be revealed sooner or later, it is a serious crime of beheading.Therefore, he felt that this face would be torn sooner or later, and it would be better to tear it up sooner than later.Therefore, he took this opportunity to express his intention to split with Li Zicheng.This matter was not easy or pleasant for Li Laiheng, and he had nothing to do.

Li Zicheng's trajectory did not change at all because of Li Laiheng's crossing, so Li Laiheng tried to change Li Zicheng's trajectory again, he knew it would be futile, so he had to find a new route.Li Laiheng also knew that Hao Yaoqi and others would find it difficult to accept that they would still miss the time of following Li Zicheng in the past, but Li Laiheng knew that this period of time was very short, and Li Zicheng would follow his own development track, and he only existed for a few months due.Of course, Li Laiheng was very concerned about what kind of ending he would develop. Was he beaten to death by the soldiers in Jiugong Mountain, or became a monk in Shimen County?
He hoped that Li Zicheng would not die. At least, he was a living person, and it would be a good choice to become a monk.

Li Zicheng's envoy was frightened by Li Laiheng's move. He had come to convey Li Zicheng's order to him to move closer to Xiangyang because Azig was about to attack Xiangyang.Now, not only did he not mobilize Li Laiheng's army, he also made it clear that he is now officially out of Li Zicheng's jurisdiction.

"Isn't this the opposite?" Laishi said to himself.

"Yes, I rebelled! But I will not attack your emperor's army. We only fight against the Qing soldiers, and we take it as our mission." Li Laiheng made it very clear.

Li Zicheng's envoy was very clever. He didn't say a word to criticize Li Laiheng, and he took his troops back to Xiangyang overnight.

Li Zicheng suddenly heard that Li Laiheng had left his jurisdiction, he was stunned for a moment, and was furious.

"His grandma, call Li over here!" Li Zicheng was furious.

Li Guo was called over. On the way, he already knew the reason for Li Zicheng's tantrum, and he was very panicked. As soon as he entered the door, he knelt down on the bluestone slab with a "plop", and everyone else felt numb when they heard it. , no one would believe that Li Guo's kneecap was not broken.

"My minister Li Guo kowtowed to the emperor. The emperor appeases his anger. The minister is not strict in discipline. The minister deserves to die." Li Guo spoke incoherently and pleaded guilty upon meeting.

"You, lead [-] elite soldiers, and cut off Li Laiheng's head!" Li Zicheng said angrily.

My god, do you want me, Li Guo, to kill my own son?Your uncle is too wicked!I just killed one Li Yan, and everyone is talking about it, many of them are complaining about Li Yan, now it's good, let me cut off Li Laiheng's head.Don't say that I, Li Guo, can't beat Li Laiheng, even if I can beat him, can I cut off my son's head?Even if you have the guts to cut off his head, everyone will not only scold you, Li Zicheng, but also say that I, Li Guo, are too vicious.As the saying goes, the poison of a tiger does not eat its son, if I kill my son, then what is my Li Guo?

Just as he was thinking, Li Zicheng saw that Li Guo hadn't spoken, so he yelled again, "Li Guo! Did you hear that? I ordered you to lead [-] soldiers and take Li Laiheng's head to meet him!"

"Yes. I obey!" Li Guo said tremblingly.

Just when Li Zicheng asked Li Guo to lead the army to conquer Li Laiheng, Song Xiance suddenly came out to stop him. He said, "Your Majesty, it is not suitable for Li Guo to lead the army to conquer Li Laiheng."

Li Zicheng asked: "Why is it not suitable? I want him to kill his own son. Does he dare to rebel?"

"No, I don't mean that." Song Xiance said.He said so in his mouth, but he thought in his heart, why didn't he mean it?His son, if others want to kill him, can a father not risk his life to protect him?You said he didn't dare to rebel, how can he not rebel if his son is rebellious?But Song Xiance couldn't say that, he said: "Your Majesty, Azig is only three hundred miles away from here, so it can be regarded as a soldier approaching the city. Li Guo is the general of Xiangyang, so when he leaves Xiangyang at this time, Azige must hear the news. Come. Therefore, Li Guo cannot leave Xiangyang."

"Then tell me, who is suitable for this important task?" Li Zicheng asked.

Song Xiance seemed to be thinking about it, and for a moment, he said: "Forgive me for the death penalty, Your Majesty, I have three questions I want to ask, I wonder if I can?"

"Please say."

"Your Majesty, I am in the Shun Dynasty, who is more capable of leading troops than Li Laiheng?" Song Xiance asked.

"No one can surpass Li Laiheng."

"Your Majesty, is there anyone in my Dashun Dynasty who is more brave and skilled than Li Laiheng?"


"Thirdly, Your Majesty, Dashun has elite soldiers, but is there anyone who can match Li Laiheng's elite soldiers?"


"Your Majesty, since these three points are not beneficial to the emperor, why should we recover Li Laiheng?" Song Xiance asked.

Li Zicheng was at a loss for words, and after a while, he asked, "Is it okay to let him betray us like this?"

Song Xiance said: "It is true that Li Laiheng said he would not obey Dashun's orders, but why did Li Laiheng not obey orders? This matter is worth thinking about."

Li Zicheng said that this matter is very simple, because I killed his lieutenant Li Yan, so he will not listen to our orders.

When it came to killing Li Yan, Song Xiance stopped talking.Li Zicheng asked Song Xiance: "Did we kill Li Yan wrong?"

Song Xiance said: "Your Majesty is wise, it is definitely right to be wrong, but it is difficult for everyone to understand."

That's all Song Xiance can say, and it's in place, Li Zicheng, you can weigh it yourself.

In the end, the matter of sending Li Guo to kill Li Laiheng was over.

Within a few days, Li Zicheng received a gift, and his concubine Dou Meiyi was sent over.Li Zicheng was very happy.Although Li Zicheng's concubines are all attractive, but compared to the past, this beauty is more charming.

After the lingering night, Li Zicheng involuntarily asked about Li Laiheng's situation.

Dou Meiyi kissed Li Zicheng's hairy chest, and said: "Your Majesty, when I was in Beijing and Funiu Mountain, Li Laiheng took good care of me, and I am naturally grateful to him. However, I also know that he has not listened to me." His Majesty's order has been fulfilled, and my concubine hates him because of it."

"Do you know why he didn't obey my orders?"

"Please forgive me the capital crime of my concubine."

"Let's talk. How can there be a death penalty? Li Laiheng is also a member of the family, young and ignorant. Tell me, if you have any nasty things, just say it."

(End of this chapter)

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