
Chapter 178 Reconciliation

Chapter 178 Reconciliation
How can Dou Meiyi speak directly?Didn't she see anything in the palace during the Chongzhen era?What haven't you heard?

"Your majesty, my concubine did not hear Li Laiheng say anything bad about the emperor, but he said that although the emperor is wise, the habits formed on the battlefield for many years are difficult to change for a while. When things happen, he will not hesitate, be bold and firm. He Said that this kind of personality has its advantages and disadvantages. It is easy to make mistakes when governing the country, and it may even make fatal mistakes. This is what Li Laiheng said. When I heard it, I was also angry. But after thinking about it later, it makes some sense. Your Majesty, you have spent decades on horseback. Where is there no danger? Where is it not dangerous? Quick decision, wise and decisive, that is your wisdom. Of course, governing the country more complex, sometimes overly impatient situations”

Dou Meiyi stopped on purpose when she said this, she was so clear and smart in her heart, she knew where to stop and where to speak.The reason why Dou Meiyi was appreciated by the Queen Mother and Empress in the palace, and later loved by Li Zicheng, is all related to her cleverness.

In fact, whether a woman is beautiful or not, appearance is naturally important. However, appearance is not absolute. There are many beauties in the world, but there are not many outstanding beauties. Why?A real beauty must not only have appearance, but also temperament and connotation. A woman who possesses all three is called a beauty.Therefore, there are very few such people.The reason why Dou Meiyi is so beautiful in Li Zicheng's eyes is not only her appearance, but also his temperament, and of course her performance on the bed.Now, when Dou Meiyi said this, Li Zicheng not only didn't get angry, but calmed down.

Am I really wrong?

Why did I kill Li Yan?Did he really have something against him?Isn't it because Li Yan's advice was correct several times, and he couldn't forgive others for being correct?

No, no, there is nothing wrong with killing Li Yan. This man should be killed. If he is not killed, the prophecy of the Eighteen Sons Master Divine Artifact will be fulfilled on him.

But should he really be killed?

Li Zicheng's inner struggle was very fierce.

"What did Li Laiheng say when you came?" Li Zicheng calmed down for a while, then kissed Dou Meiyi's breasts, and asked.

"Li Laiheng told his concubine that there was a reason why Li Laiheng did not listen to the emperor's order. He said that the reason cannot be said, but when the emperor needed his help, he would try his best. He also repeatedly said to his concubine, Your Majesty, When encountering any difficulties in the future, you must remember that there is a Jiashan Temple in Shimen County, Hunan, and it is very good there."

"Jiashan Temple? What do you mean?"

"I don't know. The concubine also asked him what that meant, and he said, you will know when the time comes." Dou Meiyi said.

Li Zicheng was confused for a while, an eminent monk in the temple?Is there any eminent monk out there?Hey, this kid Li Laiheng was seriously injured and survived. As soon as he woke up, he seemed to become miraculous. Could it be related to the monks in Jiashan Temple?
The monk of Shimen Jiashan Temple.

Li Zicheng thought about these words repeatedly in his mind.

After another burst of cloud and rain, Dou Meiyi and Li Zicheng were exhausted, and finally fell asleep.

"Shimen Jiashan Monk" Li Zicheng still read these words in his sleep.

In Funiu Mountain, Li Laiheng smiled and said to several generals, "Do you believe that Li Zicheng will send a pardon decree?"

Hao Yaoqi, Gu Ying, and Gu Kecheng didn't believe it in their hearts, but they didn't say anything. They smiled and said perfunctorily, believe it.

Li Laiheng suddenly made it clear that he would not listen to Li Zicheng's orders, and these generals were conflicted in their hearts.They have deep feelings for Li Zicheng's big family, and it is difficult to let go. However, Li Laiheng is like a god in their eyes, so the current situation is very entangled and contradictory for them.At this time, if Li Zicheng could give them an imperial edict and a pardon order, then the knot in their hearts would be untied.However, now that they are out of Li Zicheng's jurisdiction, it is logical that this is a big deal. It is a big rebellion. It would be very good if they could not send troops to destroy them. How could they be pardoned by Li Zicheng?
"The decree has arrived!"

Another voice that was neither male nor female came over.

Li Zicheng finally calmed down, and he pardoned Li Laiheng and others.Although Li Laiheng and the others did not kneel down to accept the imperial edict, Li Zicheng said in the imperial edict that in the future, he hopes to become friendly forces with Li Laiheng.

In the second year of Dashun, the situation took a turn for the worse. Although Li Laiheng's development in Henan was very smooth, Dorgon adopted the strategy of fighting two battles at the same time. Withdrew to him.In addition, he sent Azig to pursue Li Zicheng from Shaanxi to Hubei, and compressed Li Zicheng in the narrow area from Xiangyang to Hankou.The other route, led by Duoduo, went south from Shandong and Anhui. While attacking Shi Kefa's anti-Qing troops, he sent heavy troops to the west to support Azig's attack on Xiangyang.

Therefore, the situation in Xiangyang is very critical now.

Now, Li Zicheng has four ways to go.First, Li Laiheng went south from the north to attack Azig and Duoduo; second, he joined forces with Zuo Liangyu, who was stationed in Hankou, to fight against the Qing Dynasty;

Song Xiance and Niu Jinxing jumped up and down, and sent people to contact Li Laiheng and Zuo Liangyu several times.Zuo Liangyu has been made a marquis by the Ming government in Nanjing. He has hundreds of thousands of soldiers guarding the throat of Hankou, and he is lukewarm about Li Zicheng's joint proposal. He said, Li Zicheng, surrender to the Nanming government, and the past grievances can be written off. But it's impossible for me, Zuo Liangyu, to surrender to you, Li Zicheng, or to form a friendly army.Later, in order to show his favor, he gave Miss Zuo to Zuo Liangyu.Zuo Liangyu returned Li Zicheng's 1 taels of silver and rejected his joint request.

The people who contacted Li Laiheng came and went many times, but Dorgon was very powerful, and it was estimated that Li Laiheng would have plans to assist Li Zicheng when he arrived, so he attacked Funiu Mountain very violently.It was difficult for Li Laiheng to escape for a while.

However, Li Zicheng asked Li Laiheng to give up the Funiu Mountain base and move closer to Li Zicheng's troops.On this point, Li Laiheng disagreed.Because, in this case, it has returned to the right track of history, and the final result is still on the road to destruction.

However, Li Laiheng will not sit idly by Li Zicheng's crisis, he has prepared a set of attack plan, although there are some risks, but there is hope of breaking the siege of Xiangyang.Therefore, Li Laiheng told Li Zicheng to keep Xiangyang City.Li Laiheng knew that Xiangyang was Li Zicheng's last piece of land. Historically, after he left Xiangyang, he basically embarked on the road of no return, and finally disappeared in Jiugong Mountain.

Li Zicheng did not receive reinforcements, and his mood became very restless. He was furious at Li Guo, saying that his father and son were disloyal and filial.Li Guo could only swallow his anger in front of his uncle.

Song Xiance couldn't see it, and persuaded Li Zicheng many times that in the face of a big enemy, only calmness can make rational decisions.Of course, Li Zicheng was not the only one who was irritable. Both Liu Zongmin and Niu Jinxing cursed Li Laiheng many times for being ungrateful and disloyal.

Gao Yigong knew that now was not the time to criticize others, let alone internal strife, not to mention that Li Guo was the absolute main force of Li Zicheng, and if he angered Li Guo at this time, it would be tantamount to destroying his own future.Therefore, he and Tian Jianxiu mediated in the middle, and managed to stabilize the situation.

Now that the crisis is serious, Azig has cut off the communication between Li Laiheng and Li Zicheng, and he puts strong pressure on Xiangyang from the north.And the other main force, Duoduo, can appear near the east gate of Xiangyang in only three days.

Therefore, Li Zicheng's headquarters seemed a little flustered.

Withdrawal or defense, there are two schools of thought.

"Didn't Li Laiheng repeatedly ask us to stick to Xiangyang? I think he must have deep meaning." Tian Jianxiu said this.

"Li Laiheng? Are you still talking about Li Laiheng? Hmph, does what he said make sense?" Liu Zongmin snorted, dismissing Tian Jianxiu's suggestion.

Li Laiheng has already attacked.

Dorgon's offensive on Funiu Mountain was very fierce, but Li Laiheng still pulled out [-] light cavalry and sneaked out of Funiu Mountain from a small path.He took his [-] elite soldiers and [-] elite soldiers led by Wang Hu and Luo Si each to Bozhou, Anhui.

They secretly entered Luyi County from Luohe and Zhoukou, which is only fifty miles away from Bozhou.

Bozhou is the base camp of Duoduo.

Bozhou is located at the junction of the four provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan and Anhui, at the southern end of the Huanghuai Plain, bordering Henan Province in the northwest, Fuyang City in the southwest, Huaibei City and Bengbu City in the east, and Huainan City in the southeast.Bozhou has a long history since it was established as the capital of the Shangcheng King. Laozi, Zhuangzi, Zhang Liang, Cao, Hua Tuo and other famous people are all from Bozhou.Because this is an important strategic hub in Sulu, Henan and Anhui, Duoduo established his base camp here.

Li Laiheng prepares to attack Bozhou.

Duoduo has led [-] troops to the west to support Azig and attack Xiangyang. The one who stayed behind in Bozhou was Turha, a famous general under Duoduo.Duduo always brought Turha with him every time he went to battle. He had experienced more than a hundred battles, and he had killed no less than a thousand heads.This time, Duoduo did not take him to attack Xiangyang, mainly because he was worried that Bozhou would lose.

Although there was no large resistance force in Bozhou area, Shi Kefa of Nanming was tenacious and tenacious, and Hefei was only six or seven hundred miles away from Bozhou.Therefore, Duoduo had to leave his love general to garrison in Bozhou.

Turha is also worthy of being Doduo's favorite general. Since Duoduo led his troops west the day before yesterday, he has not relaxed at all. In addition to tightening up the city defense, he also sent a large number of rangers for more than a hundred miles.

On this day, the outpost he sent to the northwest was very strange, and almost no one came back to report the military situation.Originally, the northwest was not the focus of his precautions. The enemies there were far away, and there was almost no possibility of a surprise attack.However, since the anti-Qing armed forces in various places were difficult to completely eliminate for a while, even in North China, their rear area, there were also many anti-Qing armed activities, so he did not relax his vigilance in the northwest.

However, since yesterday, the tour sentry in the northwest has not been seen back, this is not a normal phenomenon.

"Geng Xiaowu, take [-] cavalry all the way to Dakang County and enter the interior. Our sentry has not returned, and it is very likely that we have encountered enemy troops." Turha ordered.

Geng Xiaowu is the son of Jingnan King Geng Jimao, and Geng Jingzhong is a brother of the same country. He is the eldest, and he is expected to inherit Jingnan King.Now he is following Duduo on the southern expedition, from official to lieutenant general, and he feels a bit inferior when he hears Turha ordering him to send out the sentry. As a lieutenant, he leads 500 people to send out to the northwest. Isn't that underestimating people?Besides, what enemies are there in the Northwest?Even if there is, it must be an anti-Qing team spontaneously organized by some villagers. How can he be a lieutenant general?
However, Turha is Doduo's confidant general, and he has a high position and authority, so he can't do it if he doesn't listen, so Geng Xiaowu led 500 people lazily to the northwest.

How did he know that with this departure, a vassal king would be gone, and his younger brother Geng Jingzhong would be the one to inherit the throne of King Jingnan. Later, he, Wu Sangui and others became one of the three famous vassal kings in the early Qing Dynasty .

Geng Xiaowu held his breath in his stomach, and thought to himself, using Lao Tzu as a whistle, your mother's Turha is showing off his prestige?

He led these five hundred soldiers and horses to rob all the way, what can't be done?Therefore, it was already evening when we arrived in Dakang County.

"Go to Dakang County and be happy!" He said to the soldiers.


The sound of "Okay" was simply a loud applause, which shook the sky.

Who doesn't know, when you go to the county town to stay overnight, and the chief speaks like this, isn't that "Chinese New Year"?Eat, drink, prostitute, gamble, rob, let them do what they do, how happy it is.

Li Laiheng saw this group of people approaching swaggeringly, he turned his head and said to one of his own soldiers, how about you lead 100 people to kill them?
Lee Raehyung likes to train his discovered genius this way.He just said it to a young man surnamed Weng. Li Laiheng discovered that this young man is very talented, and he may become a famous general in the future.

The young man surnamed Weng was very happy to have the opportunity to show himself, and he quickly said: "No problem, I promise to wipe them out cleanly."

"What I want is zero loss!" Li Laiheng said.

The guy surnamed Weng hesitated for a moment, then hurriedly said, "Okay, zero loss."

Weng Qing waved to the two squadron leaders, and they quickly brought people over.

"See, those 500 people are flying the flag with the word 'Geng'. They should be soldiers and horses of the traitor Geng Jimao. I don't know if it is Geng Xiaowu or Geng Jingzhong's troops. It's the same anyway. They are all people who should be killed. We slaughtered them. "Weng Qing said.

"it is good!"

Li Laiheng's soldiers have always been full of energy, and this "good" is full of murderous intent.

"Come on!" Weng Qing swung his sword, and a hundred light cavalrymen shot at Geng Xiaowu's team like arrows.

(End of this chapter)

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