
Chapter 179 Retreat

Chapter 179 Retreat
Geng Xiaowu was taken aback for a moment, when a mighty-looking army suddenly appeared, he couldn't help being startled.However, he took a closer look, ah, a small army, I have no place to vent my anger, and now it's time for you to vent my anger.

"Pay attention, kill them, and let you play in Dakang County for three days!" He said to his five hundred soldiers, this kind of encouragement is the most effective, and soldiers are afraid of this kind of temptation. , The three-day holiday is the life of a fairy.

"Kill it, whoa, whoa, kill it, become a god." The soldiers yelled wildly, since they followed the Qing soldiers, they rarely lost battles, so they thought it was really fun on the battlefield.Therefore, they didn't pay attention to the 100 people rushing over at all. They screamed, as if they were not going to fight, but to catch ducks.

The two teams of cavalry rushed towards each other, the speed of the two added together, and they took over in an instant.

Geng Xiaowu was stunned!

Because, the heads of his people rolled down like watermelons.

He encountered a group of murderous demon kings.

"Follow me!" Geng Xiaowu said to his own soldiers, "Where did this soldier come from? Kill!" He shouted loudly, showing the majesty of his Geng family, and rushed forward bravely.

He saw that the other party's winner was going to be a baby, and he couldn't help feeling a little pitiful in his heart, what a wonderful baby.However, Geng Xiaowu is definitely not a benevolent guy. He raised the spear in his hand and stabbed at Weng Qing.

Geng Xiaowu was startled, the shot he stabbed suddenly missed, and he was about to draw back, but a cold light flew towards him.

He saw himself.

My headless self, of course, this is only a momentary matter.

None of Geng Xiaowu's troops remained, they were completely killed.At that time, there was no concept of preferential treatment of prisoners, and Weng Qing was so excited that his subordinates couldn't help but wave their swords.

The lone army went deep, and there was no way to treat the prisoners preferentially, because one alive might be a disaster.

Li Laiheng's elite disguised themselves as Geng Xiaowu's men, and they marched towards Bozhou.Behind them, about three miles away, is the [-] light cavalry led by Luo Si and Wang Hu.

Turha was finally relieved when he heard the report that the sentry sent to the west had returned. He thought, as long as there is no problem over there.

Li Laiheng lived in the city of Bozhou, of course he didn't go to the military camp where he was supposed to go, but went straight to Duoduo's camp.When Turha heard that Geng Xiaowu was coming to camp, he thought he had something important to report, so he got up to greet him.

However, as soon as he got up, he heard noise outside.It turned out that the campers discovered that Geng Xiaowu had brought hundreds of people, knowing that there was a change, they quickly closed the gate of the village.

Turha came to the wall to have a look, where are Geng Xiaowu's men?This team is much more elite.

"The enemy has sneaked into the city, prepare to defend against the enemy!"

Although Turha was nervous, he was not flustered. At most, there were hundreds of people. It was not too difficult for Turha to clear hundreds of people.

Turha is Dudo's favorite general and confidant.This man has real talent and learning, he issued seven orders in a row, and soon, the whole city of Bozhou was in order, and entered the state of battle.

Li Laiheng knew Turha's strength, he was a good general.He changed his decision slightly, and put 600 people here to attack Duoduo's camp, and another 200 people seized the west gate to welcome Luo Si and Wang Hu into the city.

So it was decided.Weng Qing was once again given an important task. He led 200 people to seize the west gate.

It is very easy to attack the city wall from the inside. He led 200 men and quickly captured the west gate wall and the west gate.

At this time, ten thousand light cavalry arrived.They sent out the shouts of mountains and tsunamis, and swarmed into the city.Because Bozhou City was attacked on both sides, part of the main force had to withdraw from the city.

Duoduo's camp turned into an isolated island, with only [-] soldiers and horses guarding the inner city. It is certain that they will be defeated.

Li Laiheng was not in a hurry to attack, he had to wait for Turha to issue all the orders before attacking, because killing a general was definitely not Li Laiheng's purpose, his purpose was to wait for Duoduo to come back for help.Li Zicheng's confidence will definitely be shaken in the face of the two-sided attack of Azig and Duoduo, so Li Laiheng is going to contain the strong enemy from the east for him.

Li Laiheng's move is actually very powerful.In the east, Bozhou and Xuzhou had a large amount of military supplies. Li Laiheng's capture of Bozhou was tantamount to paralyzing half of Dodo's body, and he had to return to help.Therefore, Li Laiheng was going to wait for the news of his invasion of Bozhou to reach Duoduo, and then he would burn Bozhou, and then attack Xuzhou to the east to cut off the Qing army's eastern route.

Sure enough, after Duoduo learned that Li Laiheng led his troops to capture Bozhou, he was really panicked.If the eastern front was cut off by Li Laiheng, then the entire offensive plan of the Qing soldiers would be broken, and that would be a serious crime of beheading.

"Return to aid! Hurry up and get ready to return to aid." Duoduo said to the general.He himself is going to ask Azig for instructions. The main general here is Azig, and he must get Azig's consent.

Azig is wise. He knows the importance of the Eastern Front. Although he knows that without Duoduo's support, it is much more difficult to attack Li Zicheng, but their goal is definitely not Li Zicheng, but the entire Daming. , he said to Duduo: "Hurry up and come back to help, beat Li Laiheng to the ground."

However, it was such a coincidence that when Duoduo was about to withdraw his troops, there was chaos in Xiangyang City.

This is how the tragedy of history plays out.Just when Li Laiheng relieved Li Zicheng of the pressure on the east, he inexplicably adopted a strategy of large retreat.

It's not that Li Zicheng didn't know that Li Laiheng had already taken action in the east, and it was also because he knew that Li Laiheng was attacking Doduo's lair. At this time, someone offered him a plan.This person is Niu Jinxing.

Niu Jinxing said, why don't we move quickly while Duoduo is retreating?Duoduo came back to help Bozhou, but Azig was alone and weak, so he never dared to chase us.Now is such a golden opportunity, Your Majesty, let's withdraw quickly!

When Li Zicheng heard this, at first he felt that he was too sorry for Li Laiheng. Once he withdrew here, Duoduo could concentrate on dealing with Li Laiheng.However, Niu Jinxing persevered in persuading him repeatedly, reasoning one by one, saying that we were going to the south of the Yangtze River, and the Qing soldiers would never be able to cross the river with the natural danger of the Yangtze River as a barrier.He also said that in the north of the Yangtze River, we have to deal with both the Qing army and the Nanming army. Even if we deal with Zuo Liangyu, we have no chance of winning. Therefore, the only way out now is to cross the Yangtze River. In Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places were founded.

"What about Li Laiheng?"

By this time, Li Zicheng still had feelings for Li Laiheng, and he was worried that Li Laiheng would be unable to support him alone.

"Li Laiheng? Hmph, Your Majesty, he doesn't regard you as His Majesty anymore, so you still take him into consideration? Well, even if you take him into consideration, now, we are still like a bodhisattva crossing the river and we can't protect ourselves. How can we take care of so much? Besides, Li Laiheng Self-righteous, he thinks he can achieve great things, so let him do great things." Niu Jinxing said.

"Military division, what do you think?" Li Zicheng asked Song Xiance.

At this time, Song Xiance did not have a perfect strategy. He only felt that it was a taboo for military strategists to retreat at this time, but there was really no good strategy for long-term plans.Therefore, he has no more reason to refute Niu Jinxing.

Li Zicheng asked Liu Zongmin again.

Liu Zongmin said: "Your Majesty, you are the master. I will listen to your Majesty. You can do whatever your Majesty tells you to do. I have no choice but to break my body and bones to defend our Dashun country."

Li Zicheng pondered for a long time, he hesitated several times, because there is one person here who has his own opinion, and that is Tian Jianxiu.However, Li Zicheng was still angry with him. He opposed Li Zicheng's opinions many times, and when he retreated in Chang'an, he refused to burn the grain. Li Zicheng could not forgive him for this.

In the end, Li Zicheng still said to Tian Jianxiu, "Xiufeng, what do you think?"

Tian Jianxiu paused, he thought, maybe this is the last time to offer advice for Li Zicheng, so he mustered up his courage, "Your Majesty, we must not retreat at this time, if we do, it will be tantamount to announcing the end of the Dashun Dynasty up"

"Tian Jianxiu! You are so bold!" Li Zicheng yelled, his face flushed with anger, as if he wanted to bite Tian Jianxiu.

Niu Jinxing added fuel to the fire and said, "How can you curse Dashun Dynasty like this? As Marquis Ze, you are also a general with high power, I don't know what dissatisfaction you have? If you are not satisfied , I can give you my seat, I just hope you don't hate Da Shunchao so much."

Tian Jianxiu looked at Niu Jinxing, he never thought that Niu Jinxing was so vicious.He realized for the first time that literati are more cruel than generals.He tried his best to suppress his anger, and said to Li Zicheng: "Your Majesty, I am loyal to Dashun, and I have never complained about the emperor. However, I think that loyal words are harmful to the ears and good deeds. My Dashun army is retreating at this time. People agree? In fact, we don’t need to retreat now. Li Laiheng launched an attack in the east to support us in fighting against the Qing soldiers. Now, we have only one Azig in front of us. If we work hard, we may defeat him. So I risk my life to speak out what is in my heart." He originally wanted to say something wrong with Niu Jinxing, but the situation is critical now, and there must be no civil strife, so he held back.

However, Niu Jinxing didn't think so. He thought Tian Jianxiu was afraid of him, so he took the topic away, "Zehou, do you know that if we fight against the Qing soldiers with this little force, isn't that going to die? I really don't understand, Such a good opportunity, if we don’t leave, will Duoduo force us to cross the river after he returns? At that time, it will be too late to regret it! Zehou, I’m not talking about you, I really doubt your intentions. I suspect you were sent by Li Laiheng."

Niu Jinxing didn't go on, the word "spies" is not easy to say.

Tian Jianxiu was angry.

However, without saying a word, he knelt down in front of Li Zicheng with a plop.

"Chentian Jianxiu, please forgive me, please allow me to become a monk."

Fear of sin!

The same sentence appeared in everyone's mind, "fear of crime".

"Are you a monk? Are you afraid of sin and want to become a monk?" Li Zicheng was also angry.

"Please grant the emperor's permission."

"No!" Li Zicheng yelled.

Tian Jianxiu didn't speak anymore, just kowtowed, with blood streaming from his forehead.

"Take him down and take care of him." Li Zicheng was really angry.

The rumor that they might be retreating only got out a little bit, but when they heard the news, the whole city of Xiangyang was in chaos.

The morale of the army is chaotic.

Li Zicheng led the army for more than ten years. Seeing the current situation, he knew that there was no way to stop it.

"Get out!"

Li Zicheng issued an order to prepare to retreat.However, retreating cannot be done hastily, it must be retreated in an orderly manner, which is definitely not possible in the current situation, so Li Zicheng said to Li Shuangxi: "Shuangxi, notify all the main ministers to discuss matters."

An hour later, bad news came that Niu Jinxing had disappeared.

"What, the prime minister is missing? Hurry up and find me." Li Zicheng shouted.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Niu's family has disappeared together!" Li Shuangxi replied.

What's going on, who doesn't know?Niu Jinxing escaped.However, no one said this clearly, and looked at Li Zicheng blankly.

"Li Shuangxi, even if you turn Xiangyang upside down, you must find Master Niu for me." Li Zicheng said.

The whole city of Xiangyang was searched and arrested, but it was not mentioned who was being searched.But everyone knew secretly that the target of the arrest was Niu Jinxing, the famous Prime Minister of Dashun.

When such a situation arises, can Xiangyang City remain in chaos?

Although the order to retreat has not been officially issued, the fact of retreat is taking shape. Everyone is packing their bags, and no one knows where they will settle down in the future.

Azig and Duoduo were very excited.

Duoduo is not going to aid the East anymore. The advantage of defeating Li Zicheng is to take advantage of it. Isn't it the same to attack from Hubei?What a rare good thing it is to lose an eastern front and get a chance to go straight to the south of the Yangtze River.

Xiangyang City is noisy.Li Shuangxi is organizing people to look for Niu Jinxing, and the fact that he has absconded has been confirmed.However, at this time, as the prime minister of Dashun, he was not allowed to abscond, so when Li Zicheng retreated, he had to find Niu Jinxing.

Dig three feet to find Niu Jinxing.

But, didn't he leave the city?
After Tian Jianxiu was imprisoned and made the decision to retreat, there was only one day, where would he go?

There is news.

At five o'clock last night, there was a team of cavalry with Liu Zongmin's general order. There were about 50 people. It was said that they had urgent military affairs to leave the city. The general guarding the city gate carefully checked the general order. Some of them were familiar, so they opened the door as usual to let them out of the city up.

It must be Niu Jinxing and his party.

When Liu Zongmin got the news, his neck was so angry that he yelled loudly, don't cut this ox alive, I, Liu Zongmin, died by the sword.

Li Shuangxi was again assigned to track down Niu Jinxing.

Preparations for the retreat of Li Zicheng's army are in progress. According to the plan, Gao Yigong's department will be withdrawn first, then Liu Fangliang's department will withdraw, and then Li Zicheng's army will be withdrawn.

The official retreat starts tomorrow night, and there is still more than a day to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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