
Chapter 183 The Mystery of Li Zicheng

Chapter 183 The Mystery of Li Zicheng

Now they are going to attack more than [-] people at the entrance of the villa, because they have discovered that this group of people came with bad intentions.

Cheng Jiubai said: "These twenty or so people are all villains. You can tell by looking at their horses. How can ordinary people get such good horses? You can see that the weapons on them are not comparable to ordinary bandits. So , I judge, they must be preparing to rob."

Everyone said yes, these people must have come to rob.

"We killed them!" Cheng Jiubai said.It seems that Chengjiazhuang kills people and kills chickens almost as easily.

Someone went on to say: "Okay, okay, maybe they have a lot of gold and silver treasures on them, even if they don't have anything, their horses are all rare BMWs."

"Okay, let's go!" Cheng Jiubai issued an order.

Li Zicheng never dreamed that a group of people who deal with dirt every day would suddenly attack him, Emperor Dashun.

More than 200 village soldiers, all with regular weapons, and ten of them rode war horses.This is a force that cannot be underestimated.

"Line up! Prepare to fight!" Li Zicheng had no choice but to fight.

Li Zicheng at this time is sad. Once upon a time, he had millions of elite soldiers, and several provinces in the north of the country were under his rule. He also captured the huge city of Beijing. Even facing the Manchu soldiers, he had persisted for several months. It has been a long time, but now, he is so weak that he can only fight to the death in the face of a hundred soldiers from the countryside. What a sad thing that is.

"Your Majesty, Shimen Jiashan Temple!" A soldier shouted at Li Zicheng.

Li Zicheng was taken aback.

Jiugong Mountain.Jiashan Temple.

Isn't this Jiugong Mountain?Li Laiheng said repeatedly, don't come to Jiugong Mountain.Is he a prophet?

"Withdraw!" Li Zicheng shouted.

"You can't retreat, you go first. Jin Jiujin, Wan Fuchun, Liu Yi, you three protect the emperor, and the rest follow me here to block." The soldier who reminded Li Zicheng just now shouted.

Jin Jiujin, Wan Fuchun, and Liu Yi escorted Li Zicheng out of the villa.

The rest of the soldiers lined up one by one, and they waited for the opponent to approach.

After shooting three arrows by one person, the opponent lost four or fifty people. They jumped up and rushed over.

The battle didn't last long, Li Zicheng's personal soldiers were all killed, except for these three around him.However, Cheng Jiubai still had a hundred or so people, and they swarmed after him.Because they found out that the man who escaped was a big shot, and the dozens of people who died in the battle just now were all very skilled, and they lost dozens of brothers.It is a risky thing to catch a big man, they just heard someone shouting "Emperor", could it be that this person is Li Zicheng?

Of course, being able to capture Li Zicheng is a great thing for celebrities, so they chased him desperately.

Now, there is no other way, the four of them are definitely not opponents of more than 100 people.Li Zicheng panicked for the first time, and he and his guards beat their horses desperately.However, they knew that the horse was tired long ago, and it was difficult to run out of the mountains on this country trail with unfamiliar paths.

"There is a boat over there! Your Majesty, get on board, we are here to fight the enemy." Jin Jiujin said to Li Zicheng.

It was too late, the boat was still far away, and the owner of the boat seemed to know that someone was going to take the boat here, and he was trying to row this way.

This boat is very small, and it is definitely not enough to accommodate four or five people. It seems that some people will not be able to get on the boat.

Cheng Jiubai caught up, and the boat just reached the shore.Li Zicheng boarded the boat, but none of his three guards could come up, they were entangled by Cheng Jiubai's men.

Just a stone's throw away, the three guards couldn't hold on any longer, they were hacked to death by Cheng Jiubai's group.

"Boater, row the boat over quickly, or we'll hack you to death." Cheng Jiubai called from the shore.

The boatman ignored him, and he rowed vigorously. He knew that this group of people would not let it go if they didn't row out of Tongzhou quickly.

"Who are you?" Li Zicheng asked.

"I am a fisherman on the banks of the Yangtze River."

"How did you get here?"

This is not the Yangtze River.However, along the Yangtze River, which river does not pass through the Yangtze River?Li Zicheng knew that this person had some origins, so he asked this question.

"Guest officer, don't ask me why I came here. Since we met, it is fate. Where do you want to go?"

Li Zicheng pondered for a moment.


"Okay! Changde is a good place."

Seven days later, Li Zicheng came to Shimen, Changde.

August [-]th is supposed to be a time when the moon is full and the stars are few and far between.However, tonight was very windy and rainy, and the sky was dark.

Li Zicheng was exhausted.He staggered along the ravine.He didn't know where it was, the road was full of mountains.Now, he was walking in a pitch-black ravine, and the high mountains on both sides seemed to block the road, leaving only a crack.

Well, there is a faint light here.He walked towards the house, and when he got closer, he realized that it was a temple.He was about to knock on the door, but before he could knock, the door opened with a light touch.

Li Zicheng staggered and fell into the temple.

Suddenly, bells and drums rang together.

Li Zicheng's fighting spirit was suddenly high. He stood up, as if he could smell the drums on the battlefield.

Many people hurried over, gathered around Li Zicheng, bowed their hands together, and said, "Amitabha, the poor monk, welcome the abbot."

"Abbot? Am I the abbot?" Li Zicheng asked in surprise.

"Jiashan Temple has waited for 100 years, and finally the abbot has come back." A monk with white eyebrows insisted that Li Zicheng was the abbot.

Li Zicheng looked at the sword on his waist and a sword at his waist.He took it off and handed it to Monk Baimei.

"Amitabha, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Abbot, you have been away from the temple for a hundred years, and you have experienced a lot in the world of mortals, and finally realized your enlightenment. I will welcome you into the temple." The monk with white eyebrows said.

Li Zicheng felt baffled.

He looked at the white-browed monk and thought, what nonsense is this guy talking about, saying that I am the abbot, and that I have been away from the temple for 100 years?Most of them saw that I had a sword on my body, and they were afraid that I would commit murder.At this point, Li Zicheng has no other choice. People insist that I am the abbot, so why don't I follow the trend and become their abbot?Besides, if I become a monk here, can someone else be the abbot?
The monks led Li Zicheng into the main hall, with bright candles and melodious drums.Monk Baimei said: "Master Uncle, I don't know if you still remember that your Dharma name is Monk Fengtianyu."

Haha, wouldn't Li Zicheng know that he was acting?So, he replied: "The poor monk remembers."

After August [-]th, the abbot of Jiashan Temple changed, and the pious pilgrims who came to burn incense and make wishes gradually knew that the "Jade Monk" here was an eminent monk.They also know that he was the abbot here in his previous life, and now he has returned to serve as the abbot.

Later, Monk Yu discovered that there was a labyrinth under Jiashan Temple, and the owner of the labyrinth was Tian Jianxiu, who was born and died with him.

"I didn't expect that all of this was arranged by you. Alas, I wish I had listened to you back then. Jianxiu, I regret one thing in my life. I killed Li Yan by mistake. I'm sorry for him." Li Zicheng said to Tian Jianxiu.

Tian Jianxiu smiled and said, "Abbot, I tell you that Li Yan is not dead."

"Ah?" Li Zicheng exclaimed.

"At that time, Li Laiheng knew that you were going to kill Li Yan, and he did Ma Shiyao's job well. Especially when Ma Shiyao saw that Li Yan was wronged, he showed mercy and secretly transferred Li Yan. He later surrendered and wanted to be loyal to you. This matter was related, and he was entangled in his heart, so these things happened later." Tian Jianxiu said.

Li Zicheng was stunned, and he muttered, "Why, he knows everything?"

The person he was talking about was Li Laiheng.

Li Zicheng thought that the master artifact of the eighteen sons should refer to Li Laiheng.

He was determined to become a monk.Later, although all his generals participated in the Anti-Qing Dynasty, he did not regain his ordinary heart and devoted himself to being his monk.

Of course, he saw a lot of things, and he also heard rumors that he was beaten to death by villagers in Jiugong Mountain, Hubei.

He hid it very well, and no one knew that he lived in seclusion in Jiashan Temple.Except Li Laiheng.Knowing that in the middle of the [-]th century, by chance, an ancient tomb was discovered opposite Jiashan Temple by later generations. People guessed from bits and pieces that Li Zicheng was here.

Li Laiheng got the news of Li Zicheng's disappearance.

Almost all information shows that Li Zicheng disappeared in Jiugong Mountain.

"Is there someone named Cheng Jiubai?" Li Laiheng asked.

"Yes. This man is very famous in Jiugong Mountain. He is called a tiger in Jiugong Mountain. He killed more than 20 Dashun troops more than half a month ago. King Li Chuang's horse was also found. It seems that They did kill King Li Chuang." Lao Jiu said.

"Have you seen King Chuang's corpse?"

"The spies said that the corpses were all buried, but no corpses were found. According to the local people, they killed all the people. This group of people originally wanted to rob the villa, but they were hacked by their village soldiers. .”

Li Laiheng still doesn't believe it very much, but he can't find a reason not to believe it.

"Why did he go to Jiugong Mountain?"

Li Laiheng asked himself talking to himself.He didn't let Lao Jiu send people to Jiashan Temple in Shimen to inquire about this matter, and he will go to see it in person when he has a chance in the future.

After talking about Li Zicheng, Li Laiheng returned to the current strategy.

Li Yan, Hao Yaoqi, Gu Ying, and Gu Kecheng all came to Jinan.Now that Henan and Shandong have been controlled by the Li Laiheng Group, the next step is that they plan to cut off the return route of the Qing soldiers and occupy Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Hubei.

Li Laiheng first informed them of the general situation of Li Zicheng's old army: Li Guo, who fought in a mountainous area 2 kilometers south of Xiangyang, had 3 remnants.Liu Fangliang has more than [-] soldiers in the mountainous area of ​​northwest Jiangsu. He is currently negotiating with the Nanming army to cooperate with the Qing Dynasty. It is possible that he will accept the Nanming conferment; Yuan Zongdi has already passed the Yangtze River, and he has [-] soldiers. After going to Jiangxi, it is possible to move to the west of Jiangxi and the south of Jiangxi; Gao Yigong wandered around Jiugong Mountain, probably looking for King Li Chuang, um, that is, Emperor Luo.Gao Yigong has about [-] horses.Mrs. Gao was heading to Hunan in eastern Sichuan. She had [-] guards in eastern Sichuan. She might not know that King Chuang had died in battle.

Chuang Wang died in battle

Only Hao Yaoqi didn't know about it, so when he heard the bad news, he was shocked and froze there for a long time.

"Waving the flag, not only King Chuang died in battle, but Liu Zongmin, Li Shuangxi, Zhang Nai, Song Xiance and others also died in battle. They all died terribly." Li Laiheng said.

"It is said that Song Xiance is not dead. The Qing soldiers brought him back to life and wanted him to contribute to the Qing soldiers. He is now locked in a prison in Xiangyang." Lao Jiu corrected Li Laiheng's words.

"He is still alive?" Li Laiheng asked in surprise.According to the spies, he was stabbed in the abdomen with a spear by the enemy general. Because of his short stature, the enemy held him on the tip of the spear, making him groan and cry out in pain.

After talking about the basic situation of Li Zicheng's department, everyone was silent for a while.

The heart is heavy.

Hao Yaoqi was very angry, he was so angry that he almost exploded.He asked to lead troops to Jiugong Mountain to kill all the people surnamed Cheng. He asked to lead troops to find Niu Jinxing. All the mistakes of Dashun were caused by Niu Jinxing.

Li Yan stopped him.

Li Yan's status in Hao Yaoqi's mind is getting higher and higher.

Hao Yaoqi fell silent.

"The reason why Dashun failed was not the fault of that one person, it was the fault of our collective. Now, it has become history, and it is meaningless to talk about it. Now the key is what should we do next? Dashun is not completely finished, We are still there, and the other generals of Dashun are still there. Let the generals decide." Li Yan said.The general he was referring to was Li Laiheng.

Li Laiheng said that you are invited to make strategic decisions in the future. Now is the critical time. Both Azig and Duoduo have freed up their hands. We are under a lot of pressure.I have thought about a basic plan for everyone to discuss.

"Okay." The crowd replied.

Li Laiheng explained his basic idea again.

The general idea is: one is to occupy Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, and Hebei, cut the Qing army into two sections, and let Azig and Duoduo stay in the south, and the troops of Nanming and King Chuang will gradually wipe them out.The second is to contact Chuangwang's old troops, especially the troops in Hubei, Hunan, and Sichuan.And those troops who went to Jiangxi and Jiangsu, if they unite with Nanming, we will not object. Now, regardless of the opinion of the sect, as long as they are against the Qing Dynasty, then we welcome them.The third is to contact the original Ming army, adapt them, fight with them, or be friendly, at least try not to become an opponent.The fourth is the specific route for the next step. General Li Yan is responsible for coordinating the defense of the southern line, as well as the allocation and management of the recovered land officials.This is a very huge job, and Li Yan has something to do.Hao Yaoqi, as the commander-in-chief of the West Route Army, is responsible for the recovery of Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces.Li Laiheng himself led the East Route Army, responsible for recovering Hebei, capturing Beijing, and returning to aid Li Yan when necessary.

"Okay, okay." Hao Yaoqi said a few good words.Of course he was happy. After holding back for too long, he was finally able to be a commander in one aspect. Siege of cities and territories was his specialty. Now, he could fully display his talents.He was the first to approve, the first to cheer.

Li Yan was not as happy as Hao Yaoqi. He was worried. He told Li Laiheng that the battle line was too long and he was worried that there would be insufficient troops, especially the lack of leading generals.

(End of this chapter)

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