
Chapter 184 Overthrowing the Traitor Wu Sangui

Chapter 184 Overthrowing the Traitor Wu Sangui
He then calculated that Henan has 7 troops available for battle, and more than 5 are needed to defend the southern front. Shandong has 12 troops, and 5 are needed to defend the southern front.In other words, out of the [-] troops that can be used for combat, [-] are used for defense on the southern front, and there are only [-] troops that can be used for mobile operations. There is not enough manpower.

Li Laiheng said that the manpower is not enough.However, it is not enough for now. One month later, I will hand over one hundred thousand elite soldiers to you, and you will be responsible for the defense of the south.

Li Yan hurriedly asked, where did the [-] elite soldiers come from?

Li Laiheng said, our great enemy Wu Sangui is now fighting against the Nanming army in Fuyang. I will come to him from the north to make a surprise attack, and it will be no problem to defeat him. The best ending is to behead Wu Sangui and disarm all his troops. In this way, I have 3 troops.For this raid that I was planning, the worst outcome would be to capture 10 to [-] people and bring back some armed forces in some places in Anhui. My current army of [-] is enough, so let’s piece together There is no problem with [-] people. In addition, you, General Li, are rigorous in running the army and have clever methods. Isn't there a hundred thousand elite soldiers?Of course, I haven't counted the troops collected from King Chuang's former troops.

Li Yan smiled.

Li Laiheng hits north first and hits south, and playing Wu Sangui is a wonderful chess game.The person Han people hate the most now is Li Zicheng. They all blame him for destroying Chongzhen, and they themselves failed to hold Beijing, so they blamed Li Zicheng for the Qing soldiers entering the pass.The second person is Wu Sangui. He is a Han. He should not have surrendered to the Manchus. No one would say that he was wrong to surrender to Li Zicheng. To surrender to the Manchus is a traitor. Therefore, he is hated by almost every Chinese.

Beating Wu Sangui is a good way to conquer people's hearts.

However, Wu Sangui is not so easy to fight. He now has 15 elite soldiers fighting in Hubei and Anhui.

Li Laiheng was going to fight Fuyang, and Wu Sangui himself was in Fuyang, so it would be perfect if he could beheaded.

Li Laiheng is going to change history, so that there will be one less King Pingxi in Chinese history.

Li Laiheng did not lead his army southward, he only brought [-] light cavalry, and went straight to Fuyang.

Fuyang was directly under the command of Duduo's Eastern Front. Apart from Duduo's own Qing soldiers, Wu Sangui's troops were among the elite.In the original Ming army, Wu Sangui's troops were top-notch, and it was also because they had fought against the Qing soldiers for a long time that they became elite.

According to the plan, after Wu Sangui captured Hefei, he would march westward to the south of the Yangtze River. Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Sichuan were all planned routes for the march.He is now planning to capture Hefei.

Wu Sangui is now awarded the title of "King of Pingxi". This is because the Manchu Qing government has shown great kindness to him. Therefore, he has to "dedicate himself to the Manchu Qing government and die."However, his title is King Pingxi, but apart from the word Xi when he attacked Shaanxi, he has not set foot on the western land yet.He was fighting on the Eastern Front, and he really wanted to return to the command of Azig. Azig was the main force across the river. His military exploits surpassed that of Duduo. After Dorgon, Azig was the one with the greatest military exploits. , he hopes to return to Azig's command this morning.

Hefei is the key battle. Wu Sangui is preparing to win the first battle, and then marches westward, crosses the Yangtze River, and sweeps Hunan, Guizhou, and Yunnan.

Wu Sangui was in a very happy mood. He held a small singing and dancing party tonight, and his Ai Ji danced for him in person.

Chen Yuanyuan is still so beautiful and graceful, and her dancing posture is even more heart-stirring.Although Wu Sangui fought hard, generally speaking, no matter how tiring he was in bed, he had to let Chen Yuanyuan sway on him tonight.He is very satisfied with Chen Yuanyuan. He has seen many women, but Chen Yuanyuan is the only woman who can be said to be a charming woman.Otherwise, why would he rather be a traitor than lose Chen Yuanyuan?
Chen Yuanyuan escaped when Li Zicheng fled Beijing. She was met by officials of the Ming Dynasty not long after, and she was handed over to Wu Sangui within a few days.

Of course, Wu Sangui's psychology is complicated. Fortunately, he didn't expect Chen Yuanyuan to be so pure, and she was not pure at all. Therefore, after a few days of entanglement, Wu Sangui gradually forgot about Chen Yuanyuan's contamination by Li Zicheng, or Not so much anymore.However, the real reason for Wu Sangui to forget was Chen Yuanyuan herself. Ever since she met Wu Sangui, she had acted like a baby on purpose, making Wu Sangui have to love her and love her.She even described herself as such a chastity, how she resisted, and in the end Li Zicheng didn't even dare to touch her.Of course Wu Sangui doesn't believe it, but Wu Sangui likes to listen to it a lot, and lies are very pleasant, or rather, they have to prefer to find them pleasant.

There is an important reason why Wu Sangui held a small song and dance party today. He heard a piece of news that made him most happy today.

Li Zicheng was killed.

And he was killed by a group of local soldiers.

Wu Sangui felt that the world was so beautiful.Wu Sangui, a man with millions of soldiers who captured Beijing and wiped out a Ming Dynasty with a history of more than 300 years, finally died so miserably. Wu Sangui was so happy.

His enemy is dead.

Therefore, Wu Sangui has reason to be happy.

Wu Sangui's staff also felt that their eyes were bright.After Li Zicheng died, the Qing soldiers could march straight in and capture Nanjing, while he, Wu Sangui, marched westward and established a government in a beautiful city full of spring-like flowers all the year round. At that time, he would be the king of the Southwest.

Today's group of singers is a gift from a big family in Fuyang to Wu Sangui. They are all young and beautiful. Although their singing, dancing and singing voice are not as good as Chen Yuanyuan's, their pink skin, charming demeanor, and graceful figure are very attractive to those attending the party. Everyone is intoxicated by beauty.Wu Sangui said, everyone is not allowed to be a gentleman today, and later everyone has to hug their beautiful women and have fun all night.

So, from the beginning of the song and dance party, everyone began to look for their own women.

Such a party is a joy, but also a torment.Wu Sangui also fell in love with one, that girl only has watery skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, her straight but unassuming, her buttocks are round and strong, especially her beautiful legs, which are evenly thick and long, very impressive. reverie.

He glanced at Chen Yuanyuan, worried that Chen Yuanyuan would be jealous.Chen Yuanyuan seemed to understand Wu Sangui's intentions, and bit his ear and said, "My lord, when they are happy and romantic, you can choose one too. Be happy, I think, that one is very good, and I will definitely like your lord." .”

Wu Sangui was in full bloom, kissed Chen Yuanyuan, and said pretendingly: "I don't, I only like Yuanyuan."

"My lord, radish and cabbage have their own flavors, so you should try them out. It's a pity that this juicy girl is given to others." Chen Yuanyuan knows how to please a man.

The woman Wu Sangui holds in his arms is alluring.It is absolutely impossible for a girl to have such rich tricks and such proficient skills. Wu Sangui couldn't help but marvel, woman, how can I not call it a disaster?
Just as he was marveling and enjoying himself desperately, the guard outside the door reported: "My lord, there is an urgent military report."

Damn it, it's midnight, where's the military newspaper?He really couldn't think of any very powerful enemies now?

There is no way, under the command of the Manchus, it is better to be serious.

He reluctantly got off the woman, got out of bed while putting on his clothes and pants, and took the military report.

"Ah!" Wu Sangui exclaimed.

Li Laiheng's brigade rushed to Fuyang quickly.

Wu Sangui was a little flustered. Some of his troops were in Hubei, and some were heading to the front line in Hefei. There were only more than 1 people near Fuyang.

"Come here!" Wu Sangui yelled, and he walked to the meeting hall, "Call the generals above the deputy generals to discuss the matter, and send someone to quickly call back the troops bound for Hefei. His grandma, Li Laiheng, is planning to make trouble for me?"

Speaking of Li Laiheng, everyone couldn't help trembling in their hearts. Everyone knew Li Laiheng's name, not to mention Wu Sangui, but Duduo, Azige, Dorgon and others. Who wouldn't be in awe of Li Laiheng?Now that this guy is entangled, I'm afraid life will be difficult in the future.

One of the reasons why Wu Sangui was invincible in the past few months, did not meet any opponents, fought more and more soldiers, and became more and more proud of the spring breeze. One of the reasons was that he did not meet Li Laiheng.Dorgon was stupefied by Li Laiheng, and now Li Laiheng suddenly pointed his sword at Wu Sangui, it was impossible for him not to feel nervous.

Wu Sangui knew the reason why Li Laiheng beat him.

Therefore, he must hurry back to the main force bound for Hefei.

At dawn, the atmosphere in Fuyang became tense.

Because Li Laiheng's spies have already entered the city, and slogans that may not have been fashionable in ancient times can be seen everywhere.

"Down with the traitor and traitor Wu Sangui!"

"Drive out the Tartars and give me back China."

"Hit the traitor! Kill the traitor!"

The white slogan on the wall is particularly eye-catching. When Wu Sangui and others saw it, they were all terrified. They had never seen such a posture before.

The slogan "Down with Wu Sangui" is not only everywhere in the street, but also on both sides of the road from Fuyang to Hefei, as long as there are places where slogans can be written, the slogan "Down with the traitor Wu Sangui" is written in many places.This was a severe blow to Wu Sangui.

A blow to the heart is often more severe than a blow to the body.Wu Sangui's spirit almost collapsed.

On the third day, Li Laiheng's army arrived. Although it was not a hundred thousand troops as the legend said, his military capacity and morale were extremely high.Wu Sangui was pounding in his heart. Is this Li Laiheng really as powerful as the legend says?
When the enemy comes, you have to fight it.Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with earth, Wu Sangui absolutely does not need others to teach him this reason.He lined up his troops to test Li Laiheng's combat power first.

Lieutenant General Liu Man, you take 2000 troops to charge him for a while to see what they are really like.

Lieutenant General Liu Man is a reckless man, and he is a good fighter in the battle. He was seriously injured in three places and refused to leave the battlefield.Wu Sangui likes him very much, he often needs to use this kind of person to fight fierce battles.

It's not that Lieutenant General Liu Man has never heard of Li Laiheng, but he doesn't take it seriously. He thinks, isn't war just about being more ruthless than anyone else?The reason why you, Li Laiheng, became famous is because you never met a really ruthless person?
Therefore, after Lieutenant General Liu Man received the general order, he went into battle with full confidence. He came out of the city gate, set up his position a little, and launched his first charge.

Li Laiheng smiled contemptuously and said, reckless man.Weng Qing, bring someone to kill him for me.

Weng Qing replied crisply: "Okay!"

With a wave of his hand, the 400 people behind him flew onto their horses. Before they could sit still, the horses had already charged two feet into the air.

Lieutenant General Liu Man snorted coldly, looking for death, you just want to fight me, I will let you know what it means to be arrogant.He shouted, kill!

However, this "kill" may be the most heroic sentence he yelled in his life, because his long-drawn-out voice stopped abruptly after the cold light of Weng Qing's sharp knife, and his head rolled down on the horse's hoof under.

400 people faced 2000 people, like a wind blowing leaves, and soon, these 2000 people became scattered, and in the end they either died or were injured. The 2000 people were cleaned up in less than one meal.Wu Sangui did not send reinforcements, he watched his soldiers die quietly on the city wall.

Wu Sangui was dumbfounded. He had heard that Li Laiheng's army was powerful, but he had never seen such a powerful army. It would definitely be a nightmare to fight against this kind of army.

"Seal the gates of the city!" He gave the order to stick to it, and wait for the main force from Hefei to return before leaving the city to fight.

Li Laiheng was not in a hurry to attack the city, he just set up camp nearby and sent some troops to kill those who left the city at the gate of the city.

At night, Li Laiheng's [-] elite troops quietly circled the city and galloped south, and Luo Si's [-] elite soldiers also marched south half an hour after Li Laiheng left.Outside Fuyang City, there are only Wang Hu's [-] elite soldiers, and the other camps set up false banners.

The troops returning to aid from Hefei are traveling day and night, but the generals have a kind of worry.One is that they knew that their opponent was Li Laiheng, who had changed his color when talking about tigers. They would rather turn against the water and start a war with the Qing soldiers than fight against Li Laiheng's army; It resonated with many people, especially the soldiers at the bottom. They thought, who are we fighting for?Who are we hitting?
Eating food to serve as a soldier is originally a way for people to survive, but eating food can't kill one's own people to earn a stutter.

So, the soldiers were talking secretly.

"Brother, where are you from?" A small group of soldiers said to another group of soldiers, they seemed to be left behind by the front troops.

"Our hometown is Hebei. Are you from the front army? Where are you from?"

"We are from Shandong. Dude, what's your last name?"

"If your surname is Shi, please call me Shitou. My family is poor, and no one in my ancestors has studied. If my surname is Shi, please call me Shitou."

"Ah, Brother Shitou, we are thinking, what are we doing? Isn't this rushing to kill you?"

Shitou said, "Brother, you are right. Who are we going to beat?"

"Helping the Qing soldiers beat us Han people, alas, aren't we confused?"

"Hush! Take it easy, the official heard that he was about to beheaded." Shitou said.

"I'm afraid of his ball, so I'll die if I go there. He has the ability to kill us. Let me tell you, brother Shitou, the troops in front of us have dispersed a lot, and everyone is not willing to fight Li Laiheng."

(End of this chapter)

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