
Chapter 187 Great victory in the first battle

Chapter 187

Li Laiheng's [-] elites went first, they scouted the sentry all the way, and they were the vanguard all the way. They didn't pay much attention to thousands of soldiers and horses, so they marched very fast, and they encountered a large group of soldiers and horses in less than two hours .

This team of soldiers and horses is the main force of Dorgon's middle road, with a total of 3, and [-] of them arrived, including infantry and cavalry.Seeing a group of troops suddenly appearing, their chief general was also baffled, thinking, whose army is this?It has been a few hours since I have thousands of forwards. Whose troops have gone the wrong route and sneaked into my central army position?

"Go and ask, who is such a bastard who is going the wrong way. I guess it is the left army Ha Ma, who often goes the wrong way in a daze." Is the general leading the team Chi Lu, the leader of the Banner Banner?

"Cha!" A lieutenant-level officer stepped out and rushed towards Li Laiheng's troops.He stopped when he was thirty steps away from Li Laiheng, "Which unit do you belong to, and how did you go? Don't you know that you made a mistake? It blocked our way forward!"

Li Laiheng ignored the lieutenant general's doubts, he felt that now was the right time, swung his sword, and shouted at his team: "Kill!"

Now, not only are his 1 elites as easy to use as his limbs, but even the [-] cavalry behind him can understand. With such a wave of his arrow, more than [-] soldiers rushed forward like a tide.

The enemy is in trouble, they are not prepared to face the enemy, and they have no formation. They have 3 people, and they are in a mess when facing the [-] elites rushing over.

This battle was another surprise, the enemy was in chaos, and Li Laiheng killed countless enemies.

The enemy retreated, leaving only a few thousand remnants, who could no longer fight.

Li Laiheng retreated ten miles.The blood in front is too heavy, with more than 2 corpses, it is not a place for the living to rest.So he retreated ten miles and chose a place with fertile water and soil to set up camp.

Here he awaits the enemy's attack.In other words, he is here to lure the enemy to go deep and let the enemy fall into his trap.

According to intelligence, Dorgon came south after the three-way army.Li Laiheng defeated his army in the middle in one day, and Dorgon would be furious and would kill the generals regardless of everything.

Dorgon has at least [-] elite soldiers.Li Laiheng planned to wipe out at least half of his vital forces in this chosen place.

You can rest in peace tonight.At least the day after tomorrow Dorgon may arrive here, so Li Laiheng said to his subordinates, before tomorrow night, everyone should kill as many cattle, sheep and pigs as possible to replenish their bodies. enemy.

Dorgon couldn't believe his ears when he got the report of the destruction of the Central Route Army.With 3 troops, [-] people were consumed in one battle. What kind of war is this fighting?

When he learned that his central army was caught off guard by Li Laiheng's troops without deploying due to a misjudgment of the enemy's situation, his mood eased a little.

"March, march at full speed." Dorgon knew that the arrogant soldiers would be defeated.Now that Li Laiheng has won such a big victory, it is impossible not to be arrogant, so he drove [-] elite troops and drove straight in.

Dorgon didn't believe that his [-] elite could not deal with Li Laiheng's [-] cavalry.Therefore, he will spend a day finding Li Laiheng and have a decisive battle with him.

There was no need to look for it, Li Laiheng didn't retreat very far. When Dorgon passed by the battlefield the day before yesterday, he, who had seen too many dead people, couldn't help but feel sick.

After driving ten miles, the troops in front stopped.

"Report to the emperor's father and the regent, there are enemies blocking the way ahead."

Dorgon heard that Li Laiheng's troops had appeared in the Chinese military camp, and he couldn't help but feel excited.Well, it's fine if you don't leave, I will crush you with [-] elites.

Dorgon hadn't had time to set up his position yet, and this kind of encounter was all about who was faster and better organized.Li Laiheng had already been waiting for a long time at leisure, and they already knew the enemy's movements when Dorgon's forward was still tens of miles away.

When Dorgon's forward discovered Li Laiheng's troops, Li Laiheng's troops were already in formation. When Dorgon knew that Li Laiheng was in front, he had no time to issue an order, and the front army was in chaos.

It doesn't matter if the former army is in chaos, he is none other than Dorgon.Dorgon is a genius in war, and he has gone through hundreds of battles. This is by no means the first time he has seen this situation. Therefore, his pawns quickly stabilized, and the chaotic forwards drifted to the sides, allowing his own The second front is exposed.

This front line has time to deploy, and the shield players, archers, and even the firearms battalion are arranged in an orderly manner. Behind this line of defense is the enemy's main cavalry.

Li Laiheng did not slow down the second wave of attacks because the enemy's second line of defense was already in place, but put his eight hundred elites into it.Soon, it turned into a melee.

Melee is the strength of Li Laiheng's troops. When they are training, melee is the basic topic of their training.Li Laiheng's basic formation is a three-three system, with juniors changing to juniors, juniors changing to senior threes, and finally a super junior.Therefore, they seemed to have no formation during the melee, but in fact they always maintained a solid formation.Not to mention Li Laiheng's own eight hundred elites, they are always in the shape of sharp knives and circular saws.When it is in the shape of a sharp knife, it is the posture of taking the head of the general. It is the most common and used the most times.The circular saw formation is often used in difficult battles, or it is specially used to consume the enemy's troops.

The battle took more than an hour.The side with more soldiers has no chance to deploy, and they have no chance to gain the advantage they deserve.On the contrary, Li Laiheng's more than 1 cavalry carried out a killing happily.When Li Laiheng Mingjin withdrew his troops, the enemy suffered heavy losses. It is estimated that the number of casualties was no less than [-], while Li Laiheng's troops lost very little.

Li Laiheng decided to retreat.

His retreat also disappeared without a trace as quickly as the wind.

Dorgon listened to the loss report sadly and angrily.

"Keep going!"

In his consciousness, what Li Laiheng relied on was his elite troops, and it was impossible for him to have too many elite troops.The outcome of a war is by no means determined by the outcome of one or two battles. All wars are ultimately still about fighting for strength.

Dorgon said to himself: Dorgon, Dorgon, if you can't crush Li Laiheng with an army of [-], don't dream of conquering China anymore.

Dorgon scolded himself in his heart.In the past, Dorgon had almost no defeats, but since he met Li Laiheng, he had never won against Li Laiheng.

He must beat Li Laiheng, and he has no reason not to beat Li Laiheng.

At this time, he suddenly remembered another matter, which forced him to move forward.

Before leaving for the expedition, Dorgon only met his beloved Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang in the Forbidden City in Beijing.Their mother and son have been living in the Beijing Imperial Palace for more than two months. Dorgon lived in a mansion outside the Forbidden City. This was the place where Emperor Chongzhen lived before he entered the palace. Now Dorgon has taken over.It is very convenient for him to enter and leave the palace.

Dorgon likes to go to the palace to report important things after dusk every day, so that he can see the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang after evening makeup.

"Why do you ask me to see you after get off work every time?"

Dorgon also said shamelessly: "This king is a hard worker who has to work overtime every day."

"Are you here to work overtime?" Xiao Zhuang's face was already red.

"Yes, this king is here to work overtime for the empress dowager."

The two laughed and soon rolled together.

Of course, they can't roll all night, and Dorgon has to avoid his eyes and ears now. He is worried that Emperor Shunzhi is getting older. Not luck.

Before this expedition, Dorgon spent the night with Xiao Zhuang in the palace. He came not only to bid farewell, but also to ask Xiao Zhuang.He said that this time, he would be able to return within a month or two, but it is hard to say what happened on the battlefield. If he had difficulty returning for a while, he would have to send someone to ask for instructions on any major matters in the court. Xiaozhuang, please don't make decisions easily.He was worried that Xiao Zhuang would feel uncomfortable, so he told the reason again.

In fact, the struggle within the Manchus has never ceased, and Dorgon has often discussed this matter with Xiaozhuang, but tonight it was just repeated.Back then, Nurhachi had many sons, and most of the dozen or so sons were very talented people, and the competition between them never stopped.Later, the brothers had sons again, and the struggle of the previous generation would inevitably extend to the next generation, especially the Huang Taiji lineage. The eldest son Haoge declined, and many people were dissatisfied. great difficulty.

The things that bothered Dorgon the most were not limited to these, even there were signs of discord between their brothers. Azig came to the special envoy several times to ask for a promotion.Dorgon thought, you still want to be promoted to the sky?You are already married to Prince Shuo, so can you still be the regent?
Indeed, Azig also wanted to be the regent. He had already thought of his name, but he didn't mention it. The official he wanted to be was "the emperor's uncle and regent".The Manchu people are in a mess, Dorgon is Azige's younger brother, and Dorgon is the "father and regent", but his elder brother wants to be the "uncle and regent", isn't it up and down?

Duo ErGun was very angry about this.

In fact, this is also true for Azig, one mountain cannot have two tigers, he should understand this truth.He didn't even think about it, why are you meddling with such a powerful younger brother who is controlling the government?On that day, the two brothers will fight, Azig, will you be Dorgon's opponent?Dorgon has practical experience!He has beaten so many political opponents, even defeated such a powerful figure as Hauge, and his rich experience is overflowing. It is really unwise for Azig to want to get a share of the power.

Now that the situation within the Manchus is unstable, Dorgon had to ask the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang to have more thoughts.

The two of them were forever close comrades in the same trenches.

Dorgon was unlucky in the first battle. As an outstanding strategist, he intuitively told him that Li Laiheng was his nemesis.Therefore, he must deal with Li Laiheng firmly and without mercy.

"Keep the formation and move forward. Target, Iron City." Dorgon gave the order.He must first retake Tiecheng and block the gates to Hebei.

Dorgon's march was fast, and he caught up with Li Laiheng's troops the next day.

Li Laiheng's troops stopped at a place called Xianrendu. They had stayed here for several hours, had enough food and drink, and they were waiting for the next killing.

Dorgon just came to die at the exact time Li Laiheng calculated.

This time, Dorgon didn't catch Li Laiheng by surprise. He took every step and stopped five miles away from Li Laiheng.

He set up the formation.He waited for Li Laiheng to attack.

Li Laiheng didn't come, he still stayed where he was, there was a small river between them, and the seat where Li Laiheng was standing was called Xianrendu.

Dorgon waited for an hour, but Li Laiheng did not come to attack.


Another hour.

Are you waiting?Dorgon's subordinate asked.


Dorgon set up the formation, and he hoped that Li Laiheng would come to the formation.The defensive side will often lose less.He had better be as cautious as possible in front of Li Laiheng, he didn't want to give Li Laiheng an opportunity.

Li Laiheng was not in a hurry at all, his people were all sitting on the ground playing games.I don't know how they play. Each of them plays with a few stones on the chessboard drawn on the ground.

Except for a few small teams who took turns to send out the whistle, the others were so leisurely.

Look at the sky, the sun is westward.

Li Laiheng thought, Dorgon is really patient, he has lined up for four hours, this is not his style.All the generals with brains know the story of Cao GUI's debate, and it is impossible for Dorgon not to know.

Of course he knew, but Dorgon suffered a loss once, he didn't dare to act rashly, he set up the formation and finally let the enemy attack.Also, a powerful weapon, the cannon, was ambushed in his formation!Although this kind of cannon is not a red cannon, hot weapons are definitely stronger than cold weapons.

Therefore, Dorgon waited for Li Laiheng to attack.

Li Laiheng will definitely come to attack, but he will wait for the enemy to be exhausted before attacking, and let them remember, don't be so foolish and wait for others to attack from now on.

The sun was already setting over the top of the mountain.Now is the time.

"Forward!" Li Laiheng ordered.

Luo Si's [-] elite soldiers marched to the right, Wang Hu's [-] elite soldiers marched to the left, and Li Laiheng's own [-] elite soldiers advanced from the front.

Li Laiheng stopped at a place where he could see the enemy's appearance clearly. He didn't continue to advance. He waited for the left and right sides to attack first.

Soon, there was a roar of killing on both sides.The enemy was a little surprised and a little flustered.The enemy who had been waiting for a day must have given up their plan to fight. They thought in their hearts that there would be no war today. Now that the enemy suddenly appeared, they seemed very passive mentally.

(End of this chapter)

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