
Chapter 188 Another Victory

Chapter 188 Another Victory

The attack on both sides went very smoothly, the first wave of impact had already gone very deep, the slashing and killing by both sides was not very intense, most of the time the enemy was passive and tried to avoid the battle.

Li Laiheng looked around the battlefield and thought, it's time.


His kill is always so exciting, every time the eight hundred elites hear the word "kill!", they are very excited.

Although there were only 800 people, Dorgon still focused on this direction, and he arranged his elite on this side.Therefore, as soon as he took over the battle, Li Laiheng still felt that this exhausted army was still capable of fighting.But he is not worried, his follow-up measures are well prepared.

Li Laiheng changed his attack strategy, he did not aim at beheading the general.

Change into a zigzag formation and strangle the enemy.The more elite the more worthy of beheading, this is the essence of Dorgon, so let's behead his essence.

Li Laiheng said to Weng Qing, let's divide our troops, you face east, I face west, penetrate the enemy's formation, and we will merge when the enemy retreats.

Since Li Laiheng's tactics were beyond Dorgon's expectations from the very beginning, his cannons had no chance to display their power at all.Although my own numbers now have an absolute advantage, I can't use the outflanking forces for a while, because the enemy has already infiltrated my own formation, and the defeat is doomed.

Still suffered the loss of bad soldiers.Li Laiheng fought with all his strength, but he himself, exhausted three times, exhausted many times, there is no way to fight this kind of battle.Dorgon felt ashamed of his mistakes.

"Withdraw!" Since you can't win, let's admit defeat and start over.Therefore, he ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

Dorgon's troops are well-trained, and his retreat will not be a rout. He retreats for the camp step by step.

Li Laiheng chased and killed him for a while, and then withdrew his troops.

In this battle, Dorgon was completely humiliated. He left more than 2 corpses and retreated twenty miles.

Set up camp.

Although the logistics team prepared a hearty beef, and pork stew vermicelli, they were prepared for victory.Now, eating this big meal after failure, the taste in your mouth has changed a lot.

"This vermicelli has become muddy, how can I eat it?"

"Yes, yes, it's dead salty, this salt doesn't cost money, right?"

Anyway, those who used to say that the vermicelli was not bad enough think it is overcooked today; those who used to say that there was too little salt think it is too salty today.The Huotou army is not a combat force, they can only be marginalized people, so there is no way to be scolded by others, they have always been a punching bag.

Li Laiheng returned to the station, he must prepare for Dorgon's desperate battle tomorrow.

Tomorrow's tactics have been arranged. Li Laiheng hopes that Dorgon will be able to fight here. He is not worried about Dorgon's reinforcements, nor is he worried about the fierce attack of Dorgon's frontal troops. He has prepared two or three plans. .

What he worried about was that Dorgon would suddenly withdraw his troops.

According to the usual logical reasoning, as a famous general in ancient and modern China and abroad, Dorgon has now lost three battles in a row, and more than 4 soldiers have died. It is a disastrous defeat.

Will Dorgon come?

Li Laiheng is worried about this problem.

Indeed, at night, Dorgon calmed down, and he had to think about this problem.In or out?

Back, a rational choice.If you have a bad start, you have to find out the reason for the disadvantage, and if you find the reason, you have to find a solution, and you have a good chance of winning before attacking.However, if you can't retreat, some people will use it as an excuse to attack, not to mention others, even your own brother Azig will rise up against him.

Azige now thinks he is great. He thinks that his military achievements have surpassed Dorgon, even Huang Taiji, only a little worse than his father Nurhachi.

Dorgon will deal with this person sooner or later.

Therefore, Dorgon is in a dilemma, but he must not be able to retreat.The only way now is to defeat Li Laiheng, even if it is a mediocre victory.

Finally, Dorgon made up his mind to fight!Not only do we have to fight, we have to fight hard, not only do we have to fight hard, but we also need to win big battles.

"Go on!"

That night, Dorgon marched.

Everyone asked in surprise, is it really going to march tonight?

Newly defeated, just retreated after fighting a defeated battle, and marched immediately without resting all night?No one else could think of such a thing, only Dorgon could think of it.

Perhaps, this is Dorgon's style.

Before dawn, Li Laiheng received an emergency military report that Dorgon was coming quickly.

Li Laiheng was surprised at first, then happy.Surprised, I didn't expect Dorgon to go on the counterattack immediately after the defeat. This is not something ordinary generals can do.The reason why the Manchus were able to achieve such brilliant achievements is inseparable from their heroes, among which Dorgon is a typical representative.Happy, Li Laiheng was worried that he would retreat, but now that he has come, of course Li Laiheng is happy.

"All soldiers are ready to meet the enemy, and we must defeat Dorgon in this battle." Li Laiheng issued a decisive battle order to the three armies.The army that had been ambushing for two days was finally ready to use.

Gu Kecheng was on the right, and the mountain warriors used the large rocks on the river beach to hinder the normal performance of the cavalry. Even ordinary infantry, fighting in such a place, would suffer a great loss of combat power.

Gu Ying is on the left, where there is a large area of ​​yellow land, where there is soil, they have an advantage, and they can fight by blowing sand and digging holes.

Luo Si and Wang Hu were in the front. They fought the first battle first, and then retreated a mile to let Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng take over. At this time, the real battle began.

At this time, there is also a secret army, they will make Dorgon lose his mind.

This plan has already been laid out, and it will be officially implemented today.

Dorgon is moving towards this plan step by step, and he plays the role of the Blue Army.

In the first wave, Dorgon sent [-] cavalry to attack Luo Si and Wang Hu in an outflanking manner.Soon, the battle was very intense.

Whether it was the Qing soldiers, Dorgon's troops, or the elite of the Shang San Banner, they surrounded Luo Si and Wang Hu tightly, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

Li Laiheng calculated the energy consumption of each person and the energy consumption of the horses.After a long time, he shouted: "Kill!"

Once Li Laiheng's [-] riders enter the battle, the situation of the battle will definitely change.He led eight hundred elite soldiers straight into the enemy's formation like sharp knives. Soon, the enemy's encirclement was broken, and Luo Si and Wang Hu joined forces.

Seeing that 2 people failed to surround Li Laiheng's cavalry, Dorgon unfurled his banner and another [-] troops went into battle.

Li Laiheng Jianfeng, two generals fell off the horse, he issued an order to the trumpeter next to him, "Back!"

When the trumpet sounded, Luo Si and Wang Huzheng rose up, and when they heard the order to retreat, they hurriedly commanded the army to retreat.

When Dorgon saw Li Laiheng retreating, he immediately became excited. This was the first time he had seen Li Laiheng retreating.


he shouted to the herald beside him.

The banners and war drums issued an order for the whole army to advance quickly.

Hundreds of thousands of infantry and cavalry rushed to Li Laiheng's preset position.

On the left, a troop of Dorgon's cavalry happily charged towards Gu Kecheng's infantry.It is a very pleasant thing for cavalry to rush into the infantry position. Riding on a horse and condescending, the infantry is naturally the one who suffers.But when this team of cavalry rushed over, they knew that something was wrong. The ground was full of rocks, and the horses picked their own way, so how could they charge forward according to human intentions? The 2 people suddenly became chaotic.At this time, the mountain warriors, who had never been vegetarians, went on a killing spree, killing people all over the mountains and plains in just one meal.

On the right side, it was as flat as a blanket, and it was still loess. As soon as the horseshoe galloped, the yellow dust filled the sky, so Dorgon's cavalry was very excited. They thought that the enemies in front were all lambs, and they could slaughter them as much as they wanted.

However, they were also wrong.One is that the horses' hoofs don't know what to do, and many of them stumbled. Not to mention that there are enemies everywhere on the ground, it's good that they didn't break their necks when they got off the horse.Where did these pits come from?The fortified division who was born as a mine soldier dug the soil temporarily, flew to the enemy and the enemy's horse eye, and there was a good by-product on the ground, the pit.Therefore, those who fight with this group of infantry have to deal with the overwhelming dust on the one hand, and guard against the horse pits on the ground on the other. How can they fight?

In the cavalry battle in the middle, Li Laiheng's elite troops, his cavalry is absolutely first-class, although Dorgon's troops are powerful, but against Li Laiheng's cavalry, the disadvantage is too obvious.

Not long after the battle, Dorgon saw that the situation was one-sided, and knew that something was wrong. If the fight continued like this, the hundreds of thousands of people would have to be reimbursed at one time, so he quickly withdrawn his troops and entered the camp set up by the rear army.

Li Laiheng did not chase.All people have a problem with the limit of physical strength, and killing people is very hard.Decapitating more than 3 enemies' heads in one meal is by no means an easy task.

Today's battle ends here.

The good show is tomorrow.

Li Laiheng arranged his secret weapon overnight, and the other soldiers ate and slept well tonight. Tomorrow will definitely be harder than today.

Dorgon was terrified.

Not to mention that there hasn't been a single victory since leaving the army, and all of them have been one-sided. What kind of war is this?He hadn't seen anything like this since he was 15 years old.

They are all strange tactics, and Li Laiheng doesn't follow the rules at all.It was the first time he had seen a soldier fighting with a shovel.

Tomorrow we can only attack with heavy troops.Dorgon thought.Li Laiheng doesn't seem to have heavy troops. He doesn't seem to like to equip the army with heavy troops. This has something to do with his fast-moving combat. Both heavy infantry and heavy cavalry are difficult to use in mobile warfare.

That's the decision, we can still fight tomorrow, and the advantage is still on our side.That night, he held an emergency military meeting, and almost all the generals agreed with Dorgon.They are also unwilling to withdraw their troops like this. Everyone knows what it means to withdraw their troops like this, and they will all have to bear the responsibility for this failure as victims.

The next day, Dorgon led his troops to the south. This time, he put the heavy infantry in front. Except for the cavalry in the middle, there were infantry on the left and right. It's a swordsman.

This formation has a somewhat earth-shattering feeling, overwhelming mountains, or moving walls of iron and steel.

Li Laiheng's Third Route Army remained motionless, they stood there, not intimidated by Dorgon's momentum.

Dorgon's army stepped on the drums and moved forward firmly.

Just as they were approaching Li Laiheng's troops, they suddenly found many pine trees neatly arranged in front of the formation.

When they were still wondering what the tree was for, suddenly a fire flashed at one end of the tree, and then hundreds of trees blazed. Dorgon's heavy cavalry and heavy infantry fell down; the archers behind fell down; The spearman behind also fell.Only the axemen were at a distance, still intact after the first pine bombardment.

Since Dorgon's drummers did not receive orders, they were still beating the drums to advance, so the army was still advancing.

The second wave of pine cannons had a chance to fire.

After Dorgon was bombed in the second wave, thousands of people were killed or injured.At this point, the lineup was in disarray.

"Kill!" Seeing that the time had come, Li Laiheng pointed his sword and rushed forward.

The pine cannons wounded a lot of people, and the number of people who were actually killed was limited after all, but this kind of power was too frightening. A large number of people fell to the ground as soon as the cannon came over. No matter how strong you are, it's useless.Dorgon, who had few defeats, was completely defeated this time. Even if he wanted to hold his ground, it was impossible for him.

Li Laiheng's [-]-strong army rushed over like a flood, while Dorgon's men were like a flock of ducks, powerless to resist.

Since Dorgon is not a ninth-five lord, at least he is an eighth-five lord, so he can't take risks, so a group of people surrounded him and left the battlefield.

The Qing soldiers without a general, no matter how good the individual soldiers are, it is impossible to form a threatening resistance. Li Laiheng's [-] troops drove Dorgon's [-] to [-] soldiers and horses, which is really ridiculous.After chasing for about ten miles, the Qing soldiers no longer had formations, and they scattered.But Gu Kecheng's mountain warriors had incomparable foot strength on foot, and they were good at running. Therefore, there were very few of their soldiers who hadn't killed a single person, and they killed two or three on average.Not to mention Luo Si and Wang Hu, they were originally cavalry, so it was so easy to sit on horseback.Of course, they are not heroes for killing infantry, their goal is to kill the enemy's cavalry.

The current formation is no longer what it looks like, Li Laiheng's [-] cavalry have chased for nearly a hundred miles, Wang Hu and Luo Si are also fifty miles away, and the infantry of Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng are still chasing and killing the enemy within a dozen miles.

Of course Li Laiheng wanted to hunt down Dorgon.His original [-] elites are no longer in formation, and it is estimated that two or three thousand are still with him. Li Laiheng thought, if he does not take advantage of this time to kill Dorgon, when will he wait, so he is not afraid to lead his [-] elites. The lone army went deep and kept chasing forward.

Dorgon never got rid of Li Laiheng's pursuit. He dropped his soldiers several times to stop Li Laiheng's pursuit. However, this group of people seemed to suddenly become powerless, and they were wiped out by Li Laiheng's troops within a few rounds.

Of course, there are many powerful generals around Dorgon. Many of them are so-called undeserved bravery, and there are quite a few people who can take the head of a general in a rebellious army.Dorgon has never been willing to use them to stop Li Laiheng.

(End of this chapter)

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