
Chapter 189 New Weapons

Chapter 189 New Weapons
It seems to be impossible now, there are still hundreds of miles away from Beijing, and no matter how soon it will arrive in Beijing tomorrow night.With more than a day left, someone must stop Li Laiheng's pursuit.

A man named Haduo has been by Dorgon's side since he was a child. Because he is a slave, although he has a lot of military exploits, he has not been entrusted by Dorgon to lead the army.But this person does have a very strong fighting power, and he has always been regarded by Dorgon as a treasure-level general.

"Haduo, can you stop Li Laiheng?" Dorgon asked while running away.

"Master, I can block them for a while, but it's impossible to defeat them, because they have more than one Li Laiheng." Haduo replied.

It is true that it is impossible to defeat Li Laiheng and the others, because Li Laiheng is not a single person, but a group of geniuses in war.

"If you can block Li Laiheng for two hours, I will let you lead ten Niulu soldiers. From now on, you will no longer be a slave." There are several such warriors around Dorgon, and they are also Dorgon's slaves.This kind of promise is a huge temptation.

Haduo didn't think too much, and readily agreed to Dorgon to block Li Laiheng for two hours.

Haduo led [-] soldiers, all of whom were Dorgon's pro-battalion pacesetters, and they were the best of the best.Even Li Laiheng, he never underestimated them.To say that Li Laiheng's [-] elites could fight against Li Laiheng's [-] elites, followed by Dorgon's [-] elite soldiers.

Hadow never understood why Li Laiheng made people so scary. He had seen Li Laiheng fight in person, but he didn't think that Li Laiheng was really that scary. He thought, if he could kill Li Laiheng today, it would be a great achievement.

Haduo is a tribal youth in the Northeast. He went out with his father and elder brothers when he was very young. They were Nurhachi's enemies and fought with Nurhachi for many years. At first, they were evenly matched. After three years, Haduo gradually became discord. In addition, Nurhachi became more and more powerful. In the end, his father and elder brother were beheaded by Nurhachi in a battle, and he was taken as a slave because he was young.Dorgon made great contributions in that battle, and he got many slaves, among which Hado was one of these slaves.Dorgon was not mean to the slaves, he was good at discovering the talents among them, and Hado was one of the talents he discovered and cultivated.

Although Haduo's father and brother died at the hands of Nurhaci, and Dorgon was one of the murderers, there is an unwritten rule among the northeast tribes that it is only natural for prisoners of war to become slaves.So, Hado never hated Dorgon.Not only did he not hate, but he was grateful to Dorgon for training him.

Haduo led his troops to block Li Laiheng's path.

After Li Laiheng saw that another team was cut off, he thought to himself that it's time for Dorgon to come up with the bottom of the box.Okay, let's see how much money Dorgon has in the box.

There were five generals around Haduo, and Li Laiheng observed them a little, and knew that they were indeed people with real talents and practical learning.You can't take risks. Although Weng Qing has great potential, he hasn't been tempered enough, so he can't be allowed to lead the army alone.

Li Laiheng decided to fight Hado by himself.They assign tasks.

Eight hundred elites charged together.

Weng Qing followed Li Laiheng to kill the enemy general.

"Kill!" There is no need to wait for the enemy to prepare, there is no difference between the gentleman and villain on the battlefield, only the difference between the dead and the living.

Eight hundred to one thousand and five, not counting the disparity in military strength, soon Li Laiheng was facing the enemy general.Li Laiheng pointed his sword at Haduo, while Weng Qing and other personal soldiers dispatched the others, he concentrated on beheading Haduo.

Haduo thought to himself that if he stopped Li Laiheng for two hours, he would definitely not be able to just be beaten passively, and he would have to go head-to-head. He didn't really believe that Li Laiheng was so strong that he had no opponent. In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", don't the generals often fight for dozens of rounds?
However, what he never expected was that Li Laiheng was not an ancient person at all, he didn't know martial arts, he could only kill people.He has always used one move to kill, and one move is to use the nirvana.

Hadow's usual weapon is the mace, which is very domineering.In his hands, it is like a mountain pressing down on the top.

He swung the mace and slammed it hard on Li Laiheng's head.Li Laiheng ignored how the mace came to his head, he only slashed at the two hands holding the mace.

The mace fell to the ground, and Haddo lost both of his hands.

Li Laiheng said coldly, go back, you have no hands, you can't be a general anymore, I won't kill you.

Haddo looked at his hands in amazement.

Is this hand gone?He really couldn't figure it out.After fighting so many battles and killing so many people, I have seen ferocious people, cruel people, and tough people, but I have never seen this gentle-looking person in front of me. He who cuts off the arms of others.

Now he knows the reason why everyone talks about Li Laiheng with terror. This person is not a human, but a ghost.

Hado, who has no hands, can no longer be a general, and he can no longer stand for Dorgon for two hours.

The plan that was expected to last for two hours went bankrupt, but Li Laiheng broke through Haduo's defense line with only one attack, that is, just drinking saliva, and Dorgon became anxious when he heard this.He looked around at the soldiers around him, and there were less than 2000 left.

Who can help him resist for a while?He thought of a man, Oboi, known as the number one warrior in Manchuria.

Dorgon's original plan was that after successfully attacking Li Laiheng, he asked Aobai to lead his army south to support Azig and conquer Nanming and the remnants of Li Zicheng.But now that the plan has failed, and he is still being pursued by Li Laiheng, and Obai's plan to aid the South is no longer implemented, why not let him resist Li Laiheng for a while?
Li Laiheng can be said to be the number one general of the Han people, and Oboi is the number one warrior of the Manchus.

Yes, let Obai resist for a while.

At this time, Dorgon thought of another reason for Oboi. The Oboi family has outstanding military achievements and is his important political enemy.The Aobai family was the first to defect to Nurhachi during the Wanli period. At that time, Nurhachi began to unify the Jurchen ministries and gradually moved towards the road of resisting the Ming Dynasty and establishing the country.Not long after, Nurhaci established Houjin with the reign title of Destiny, and then, with the "seven great hatreds", he sent troops to attack Fushun in the Ming Dynasty, which opened the curtain of the decades-long Ming and Qing (Later Jin) wars.By February of the eighth year of Tiancong (1634), Obai had become the "Minister of Guarding the Army". In 1636, when Huang Taiji conquered Korea, he called Obai "Neizhijia Lazhangjing".In the early years of Chongde, during Huang Taiji's second war against Korea, Oboi showed his bravery and fearlessness, and since then won the title of "Batulu" (warrior).Just after capturing the capital of North Korea, Huang Taiji sent Shuotuo, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Shang Kexi and others to attack Phi Island.However, Shuo Tuo and others were unable to attack, so Huang Taiji sent Azig to reinforce him.Before crossing the sea, Oboi said to Azig: "If we don't get this island, we will not come to see the king!" The follow-up troops captured Phi Island.Huang Taiji was very happy with Oboi's performance, promoted him to the third class Merezhangjing, bestowed the title "Batulu", added hereditary six times, and was allowed to attack him twelve more times.

Afterwards, Obai repeatedly made military exploits in the Battle of Songjin and the war to unify the country after entering the customs.In June of the seventh year of Chongde (1642), Oboi was promoted to the commander of the guard army, that is, Baya Latuzhangjing, which is actually equivalent to the post of Dutong, that is, Gushan Ezhen, and became a high-ranking general among the generals of the Eight Banners. figure.In August of the eighth year of Chongde (1643), Huang Taiji died suddenly. Who would inherit the throne became the top priority for the Manchu nobles.However, Huang Taiji did not make any arrangements for heirs during his lifetime, so his death caused "brothers of the kings to fight for chaos and spy on the artifact".At that time, there were three people with the greatest power, the highest status, and the most qualified successors: one was Hauge, the eldest son of Huang Taiji, who belonged to the Two Yellow Banners system; Systematically, Huang Taiji's elder brother Li Prince Daishan, among which the competition between the former two is the most intense.Prince Su Hauge was one of the strong contenders for the throne, and Obai and others were his staunch supporters.

Now, Dorgon was at the critical moment of life and death. He had no choice but to make a big wish for this scourge in his heart that he wanted to get rid of long ago. He said to Obai: "You lead the troops to stop Li Laiheng's pursuit. You will be rewarded for your achievements. Now I will designate you as the General Zhengxi, and lead the Zhengxi army to march to Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. After you fight against Li Laiheng, there will be another big reward."

Although it is a cake, it is sometimes exciting.

Ao Bai knew that he was the strongest supporter of Hauge, and under Dorgon's rule, he would definitely find a chance to get rid of him.Now, if Dorgon's life is saved at a critical moment, maybe his fate will change in the future.

Obai accepted the order readily, saying that he would not repel Li Laiheng, and vowed not to see the regent.

He was right, if he didn't repel Li Laiheng, his life would be gone, how could he see Dorgon?However, when he said this, he had another plan. He thought, if I can't win, will I really try my best to protect the lord?Why do I work so hard for him, don't I know how to run?

Dorgon is very confident that Dorgon has the ability to stop Li Laiheng's pursuit, at least, he believes that Ao Bai can buy him a certain amount of time.

Oboi also thought that Dorgon had already started to use him more. At the critical moment, protecting Dorgon was also protecting his rights to Oboi. One of the leaders of the Imperial Guard, can it not climb up this vine?For such a profitable thing, who would really remember the past master?

Dorgon had only one thousand soldiers left, and he handed over the other thousand soldiers to Obai.Aobai chose an open field as his battlefield, and there was no danger in this plain.

Obai had never been afraid of anyone on the battlefield.He is also not afraid of Li Laiheng.The title of first warrior is not for nothing.

Li Laiheng learned from Lao Jiu that the tall and mighty general in front was the well-known Manchu Ao Bai.

He smiled.I thought to myself, there are indeed some goods in the bottom of your Dorgon box, then I will use up all your goods, and there will be nothing in your box by then, let alone I will kill you, your own people will clean you up of.

Lao Jiu reminded Li Laiheng, saying: "This man is good at using a big knife. It is difficult for anyone to get close within two feet. The enemies he killed are countless."

What he meant was to remind Li Laiheng not to underestimate the enemy.

Special forces do not underestimate the enemy and are not afraid of the enemy. This is the basic quality of special forces.He told Weng Qing, for the sake of safety, the two of us worked together to kill this person.

This is Li Laiheng's safest course of action.There are no victorious generals on the battlefield, but it is possible to remain undefeated as much as possible.

This kind of battle requires all efforts.

Li Laiheng switched to the white horse again this time.He hasn't played with a white horse for a long time.To deal with Oboi, Li Laiheng thought, it would be better to charge with a white horse.

Obai was not in a hurry to attack.He was weighing, what level of hitting is more suitable?Ever since he saw Li Laiheng's formation, he felt a little anxious.The opponent's soldiers, loose and loose, are all standing under the horse. Only the precise and meticulous troops will cherish every calorie of the horse's energy. Such troops are truly terrifying troops.

Obai made up his mind, he thought, insist on fighting for more than fifty rounds here, if he loses, he will leave the battlefield.He thought that although there might only be about half of the soldiers around him by that time, he might take this group of people as his own, and when Dorgon was unlucky, he could go straight to Hauge.

Now Hauge is used as a partial division, fighting in the Shanxi area, mainly to wipe out the stragglers left by the Ming Dynasty and Li Zicheng's troops in the mountains.

Thinking of this, Obai launched an attack.

Li Laiheng saw that Oboi was approaching ferociously, he shouted, "Kill!" His [-] cavalry rushed out like arrows.

Obai had already discovered Li Laiheng.Li Laiheng also aimed at Obai.None of them attempted to use archery or other long-distance shooting methods to eliminate opponents. They all knew that the only way to kill such opponents was to fight with their own hands. Either you die or I live.

Oboi's broadsword did dance like a drop of water, but Li Laiheng's white horse didn't stop, he rushed into the range of Oboi's sword light like an arrow.

The white horse came out from behind Oboi, Li Laiheng's sword was still dripping with blood, his brows were furrowed, as if it was in pain.

Obai stood still, the plan of fighting for fifty rounds was unrealistic, no one would fight him for fifty rounds, because Li Laiheng had to kill, he cut a long gash on Obai's shoulder, the hand holding the knife It is already unable to support the weight of the heavy sword.Aobai didn't expect that Li Laiheng could get into the range of his broadsword, he didn't have time to turn the blade, when Li Laiheng's sword that slashed at his neck deviated from his shoulder, he just slashed Li Laiheng with the back of the knife.

(End of this chapter)

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