
Chapter 193 Lu Qin, This Girl

Chapter 193 Lu Qin, This Girl
After Li Laiheng learned of the battle situation on Li Yan's side in the suburbs of Beijing, he decided to launch a general attack plan.But at this moment, a guest came to Xi'an, and he had to personally lead his own soldiers fifty miles west to meet the unexpected guest.

Who is here?
Li Laiheng's personal soldiers, including Gu Ying and Gu Kecheng, were puzzled. Who made Li Laiheng attach so much importance to him?
Hao Yaoqi was also puzzled, he had only come from Xi'an for more than half a month, and he didn't know who would be worthy of Li Laiheng's attention in Xi'an?
Could it be an old department of Li Zicheng?
Li Laiheng didn't answer other people's questions, he rushed west with his own soldiers.

Lu Qin came here in a hurry not for anything else, she had to stop when she learned that Li Laiheng was attacking Beijing.

Beijing cannot be played.

Lu Qin came to the conclusion that if they attacked Beijing, they would inevitably repeat Li Zicheng's mistakes.She is a woman with peerless intelligence. She has studied the reasons for the failure of many failed heroes. The reason why they failed was all because they were too smooth, and they had to go to failure in the end.There is one mistake that everyone is prone to make. Everyone will become irrationally confident when the wind is going well.

Lu Qin's conclusion is that looking at the land of China now, there are no less than seven people and forces who influence the overall situation, and whoever stands out is the target of public criticism.The reason why the Qing soldiers came out of the current situation was inseparable from Li Laiheng's attack on them, but the containment from the south cannot be said to be ineffective.If the strength of the Qing soldiers is measured by combat power, they are equal to Li Laiheng, but in terms of overall strength, the advantage is not on Li Laiheng's side. Thousands of horses can defeat them, and they also have a unique, efficient, and solid regime that radiates to the entire Korean and Mongolian grasslands.As for Li Laiheng, only the three provinces of Henan, Shandong, and Shaanxi have a relatively solid foundation.With the strength of the three provinces, the risk of fighting against the powerful Manchu Qing and the broken but still powerful Nanming is very risky.

So, regardless of her daughter's life, Lu Qin hurried outside Beijing to meet Li Laiheng.

At eighty miles, Li Laiheng received Lu Qin.After a hasty farewell in Xi'an, I naturally had mixed feelings after meeting.

"I'm sorry." Li Laiheng said.

Li Laiheng spoke from his heart, he was really sorry for Lu Qin.When Li Zicheng left Xi'an, although Li Laiheng had sent someone to protect Lu Qin and moved Lu Qin to a safe place, he did not come back to live until Hao Yaoqi took down Xi'an, but let a woman be displaced in the flames of war. As a man, he should I'm sorry, and I should apologize.

"The general is bathed in the flames of war, and it is difficult to take care of the personal feelings of his children. In the past, Huo Qubing also said that if the Huns are not destroyed, why do they call themselves home? This is a kind of pride of a man. Why are you sorry?" Lu Qin was generous, although a little shy, but absolutely Don't be coy.

Can not help but awe.

It wasn't the first time that Li Laiheng admired Lu Qin, she was a strange woman, a strange woman he had never seen before.

"Lu Qin, please enlighten me." Li Laiheng must not treat Lu Qin as an ordinary woman, he seemed to be asking the teacher for advice.

"The general is too humble." Lu Qin smiled, very calmly, and said softly, "I am here to sabotage the general's plan. Attacking Beijing is not the best choice."

"Really?" Li Laiheng choked.Attacking Beijing is not the best option?Li Laiheng paused and asked, "What do you think is the best option?"

"Let's not talk about the best, let's talk about the reason why attacking Beijing is not the best." Lu Qin said as he walked.At this time, Li Laiheng and Lu Qin walked side by side, and the others followed from a distance.Lu Qin asked, "Let me ask you, the economic strength of your three provinces is stronger than that of Manchuria, plus Korea and Mongolia, who is more powerful?"

"Manchuria, of course." Li Laiheng replied.

"Where's Bi Nanming?" Lu Qin asked again.

"Nanming owns more than half of China, we can't match it."

"Does your army have an absolute advantage over the Manchurian army?"

"No. My elite soldiers are limited."

"What about Nanming?" Lu Qin asked.

"If the battle line is stretched, my troops will be thinner. Therefore, there is no advantage."

"You have been called upon among the people, do you have an advantage?"

"Except for Henan, Shandong, and Shaanxi, other places have no advantages."

"Well, let me ask you one last question, who will be the emperor after you occupy Beijing?"

When Lu Qin asked, Li Laiheng became dumb.Whoever captures Beijing will have to establish an emperor in the Forbidden City. Who will Li Laiheng establish?

In Nanming, they can set up the descendants of the Zhu family, and they can rectify the name Shun; the Manchus, Fulin is already in power, and they are called Emperor Shunzhi; even if it is Li Zicheng's old tribe, although their former emperor Li Zicheng has disappeared, many of them can replace him, whoever replaced him, The common people are at least somewhat mentally prepared for this copycat version of the emperor.Now, after Li Laiheng captured Beijing, it is impossible to occupy the city and leave the emperor's seat empty.

Therefore, after capturing Beijing, Li Laiheng must support an emperor.He will not establish the descendants of the Zhu family as emperors, nor can he establish himself as the king as Li Zicheng's successor, because he has separated from Li Zicheng, so he cannot succeed this copycat version of the emperor.

The only possibility is to become king on your own.

Once he becomes king, he will inevitably become the target of public criticism.At that time, Li Laiheng was not just fighting the Qing soldiers.

Lu Qin smiled and said to Li Laiheng: "The feeling of being roasted on the fire is not good, right?"

Li Laiheng also smiled wryly, and said, "What's your opinion, Miss?"

Lu Qin said: "This is a major decision-making issue. It is inappropriate for me to talk too much as a woman. You should discuss it with Li Yan and others. Of course, you might as well talk about the little girl's suggestion. In my opinion, the first The first step, the general should subdue the Ming army, disintegrate the interior of Nanming, and establish an anti-Qing alliance. The second step, the target of your attack is not Beijing, but outside the pass. The third step, that is your own business. If you live up to the expectations, The position should belong to you."

Li Laiheng fell into deep thought.

Lu Qin's concerns were absolutely reasonable. Although he had thought about it himself, it was really difficult to decide to give up attacking Beijing.Beijing is a symbol, a symbol of the throne and the destiny. It is really hard to accept it from the heart for the Manchus to live there.But Lu Qin's words are very insightful from a strategic point of view. These words are no strangers. He and Li Yan once said it to Li Zicheng, and now it's the turn of others to talk about him.

(End of this chapter)

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